Placental Physiology AnS 536 Spring 2015

Placental Physiology
AnS 536
Spring 2015
Primate Placental Development
Fertilization at ampullar-isthmic junction
It takes four days to reach uterus
During this time, cell divisions have
produced compact clump of cells—morula
Morula is surrounded by zona pellucida
Formation of cavity within cell clump
results in blastocyst
Zona pellucida degenerates (protease,
Primate Placental Development
Blastocyst becomes implanted into
Blastocyst consists of:
Trophoblast layer—single cell layer that makes up
the wall of the blastocyst; forms the placenta
Inner cell mass—aggregation of cells bulging into
cavity; forms the embryo
Primate Placental Development
Inner cell mass differentiates into hypoblast
and epiblast layers
These form the bilaminar germ disc
Gastrulation occurs during third week—
establishes three germ layers
Ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
Primate Placental Development
Mesoderm grows to form lining of the
trophoblast by day 15
Chorion—trophoblast with mesoderm lining
Mesoderm extends into villi, forming secondary
stem villi
Fetal blood vessels develop in mesoderm cores
of villi
Vessels connect to fetal circulation, become
tertiary stem villi
Outer membrane
Gradually fuses with allantois during
differentiation (allantochorion)
Inner aspect bounded by outer layer of
Outer aspect associated with trophoblastic
Composed of connective tissue membrane,
carries fetal vessels
Completely occupies chorionic sac by 12
Contains amniontic fluid—protects against
Amnion is avascular; in humans, not fused to
Yolk Sac
Produces primordial germ cells
Hematopoietic organ
Contributes blood vessels to the placenta
Becomes the umbilical circulation
Forms a pocket for waste products
Umbilical Cord
Surface lined by amniotic epithelium
Parenchyma composed of Wharton’s jelly
Human umbilical cord has 2 arteries, 1 vein,
cattle have 2 arteries and 2 veins
Vessels divide within the chorionic plate;
establish circulation to terminal villi
Terminal Villi
Functional units of the human placenta
First trimester
Villi large, covered by 2 layers of trophoblast
Inner layer is the cytotrophoblast
Outer layer is the syncytiotrophoblast
Vessels small, centrally located
Terminal Villi
Second trimester
Villi 1/3-1/2 diameter as in first trimester
Cytotrophoblast not continuous, difficult to locate
Capillaries are larger, more numerous
Terminal Villi
Final trimester
Villi 1.5 times as big as in second trimester
Intervillous space develops into blood sinus
Spaces bound by chorionic plate and deciduas
Filled with maternal blood, fibrin deposits
Decidua—endometrial portion shed after
Decidua basalis—decidua between fetal
chorionic sac and basal layer of endometrium
Chorion frondosum—the most highly
vascularized portion of the chorion
Becomes maternal part of placenta
Also called the embryonic pole
Becomes associated with deciduas basalis
Basal plate—deciduas basalis and basal layer
of endometrium
Decidua parietalis—lines entire pregnant
uterus, except where placenta forms
Decidua capsularis—portion of the
endometrium superficial to embryo
Becomes thin, atrophic as embryo develops
Chorion laeve—portion of fetal chorial
associated with abembryonic pole
Smooth and vascular
Circulatory Patterns
Four potential arrangements:
Pulsatility is also a factor
Maternal and fetal heart rates out of phase
Implications for efficiency of transfer, tissue function,
Circulatory Patterns
In primates
Maternal tissues eroded above the decidual plate
Geometery resembles crosscurrent flow
~150 mL maternal blood in intervillous spaces
Replenished 3-4 times per minute
Circulatory Patterns
In other placental types
Fetal and maternal villi interdigitate
Most evidence supports a disordered
arrangement of vessels
Placental Function
Endocrine organ
Mediates exchange of metabolic and
gaseous products
Nutrient and electrolyte exchange
Primates—maternal antibodies to fetus
Converts maternal cholesterol to
Important for progesterone synthesis after fourth
month (following luteolysis)
Placental Function
Estriol synthesis
Estriol—primary estrogen in maternal
circulation during pregnancy
Contributes to uterine growth, mammary
16α-OH-DHEA sulfate
(Fetal Liver)
(Fetal Adrenal)
Placentae Differentiation
Grossly separated into
Based upon number of
placental layers that
separate maternal blood
from fetal blood
Differentiated based upon
the distribution of chorionic
villi (functional unit of
microscopically into types
Histological Classification
Based on presence/absence of maternal
Epitheliochorial—all layers present
Syndesmochorial—maternal surface
epithelium absent
Endotheliochorial—only endometrial vessel
walls present
Hemochorial—vessel walls absent; chorionic
villi bathed in maternal blood
Hemoendothelial—chorionic trophoderm and
maternal tissues absent; fetal capillary
endothelium separates maternal and fetal
Senger, PL. Pathways to Pregnancy
and Parturition. 2nd Ed. 2003
Placentae Differentiation
Mare and Sow
Uniform distribution of chorionic villi that cover the
surface of the chorion
Least intimate of placental types
Endometrial epithelium is directly apposed to the
epithelium of the chorion
Placentae Differentiation
Dogs and Cats
Have band-like zone of chorionic villi
Displays endometiral epithelium that has
completely eroded and maternal capillaries are
almost directly exposed to the chorionic
Placentae Differentiation
Rodents and Primates
Display regionalized disc of chorionic villi
Most intimate of all placental types
Chorionic epithelium is directly apposed to pools
of maternal blood
Placentae Differentiation
Numerous, discrete button-like structures (cotyledons)
Normally 80-120, but can be thousands in microcotyledonary structures
Cotyledons attach at caruncles scattered throughout medial
sides of horns of uterus
Similar to the epitheliochorial type
Endometrial epithelium constantly erodes and regrows
Maternal capillaries exposed to the chorionic epithelium for
periods of time
O2 Transport Across the Placenta
Occurs through simple diffusion and
facilitated diffusion (enhanced by cytochrome
Difference in partial pressure between maternal
and fetal blood produces simple diffusion
However, kinetics of O2 transport faster than can
be accounted for by simple diffusion
Cytochrome P450 enhances rate of diffusion
CO2 Transport Across the Placenta
CO2 only crosses placenta by simple diffusion
CO2 is more soluble in lipids, diffuses even faster
than oxygen with a minimum gradient
PCO2 is higher in the fetus than in
maternal blood
Expired in the maternal lungs
Nutrient Transport Across the Placenta
Simple sugars (glucose)
Transported by facilitated diffusion using specific
carrier molecules (GLUT1) across a concentration
GLUT1 can transport glucose across the placental
barrier 10,000 times faster compared to diffusion
Glucose is major source of energy for the fetus
Rate of glucose transportation is dependent upon the
amount of glucose in maternal circulation
Fructose is not selectively permeable to placenta
Glucose Transport Across the Placenta
Maternal levels greater than fetal levels
Newborn concentrations increase rapidly to
adult levels
Extremely low levels are peculiarity of those
species with high fetal fructose
Low blood glucose concentrations prior to birth
are partly a hypoglycemic effect of fructose
Fructose Transport Across the Placenta
Site of synthesis is placenta
Placenta is permeable to
Protein Transport Across the Placenta
Proteins (amino acids)
Some transported by facilitated diffusion using
specific carrier molecules
Transport of AA occur on both the fetal and
maternal membranes
Essential amino acids (EAA)
Some EAA (histidine) are higher in fetal plasma
Active transport across the placenta facilitates this
nutrient transport
Protein Transport Across the Placenta
Amino acid active transport
Regulated through transporter protein systems on
both membranes of the trophoblast
Three steps
Uptake from maternal circulation across the microvillous
Transport through the trophoblast cytoplasm
Transport out of trophoblast across the basal membrane
into umbilical circulation
Protein Transport Across the Placenta
Intact maternal proteins
Do not cross the placental barrier
Fetus synthesizes its own proteins from AA that
were transported to the fetus
Transported from the dam to fetus through
pinocytosis in a hemochorial or and
endotheliochorial placenta types
Transported very slowly
Fetus cannot synthesize large quantities
Fatty Acid Transport Across the Placenta
Are transported across the placenta in the form of free fatty
acids (FFAs)
Very low levels of cholesterol and high density lipoproteins
relative to maternal levels
Do not transport across the placenta
Fetus generates its own from maternal FAs
FFAs and glycerol
Cross the placental barrier at much reduced rates as
compared to glucose and AAs
Maternal Versus Fetal Levels of Main
Metabolic Substrates
Vitamin Transport Across the Placenta
Cross the placenta at different rates
Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, and E)
Do not cross the placenta easily
Vitamin A
Transports across the placenta in the form of retinol bound
to a specific carrier protein
Vitamin D
Uses a binding protein for transport across the placenta
Vitamin Transport Across the Placenta
Water soluble vitamins (B vitamins and vitamin C)
Cross with relative ease
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
Transported by active transport across a gradient
Vitamin B12
Receptor-mediated transport as transcobalamin II
Mineral Transport Across the Placenta
Transported at different rates
Usually through active transport
Calcium (Ca+)
Depending upon fetal development
Used to support the fetal skeleton
Is needed in large quantities throughout gestation
Magnesium (Mg)
Fetal levels are higher than maternal
Mineral Transport Across the Placenta
Needed in large quantities during the last trimester of
Iron (Fe+)
Increased uptake nearing term
Transferred across a concentration gradient
Some species use carrier transferrin
Placental Energy Sources
Placenta has high energy demands
Utilizes glucose as principle source of energy
Maternal glucose and oxygen transported to the uterus
Placenta consumes ½ of all glucose delivered
Glucose is converted to lactate and some is oxidized to yield CO2
Lactate is released to fetal and maternal circulation and is used
directly (in the fetus) or indirectly (maternal circulation transports
it back to the liver to be converted to glucose) as an energy
Placenta consumes 2/3 of all oxygen delivered
Post-parturition Placental Release
Placental release from uterine endometrium occurs
at different rates in different species
Immediate release or up to hours post-parturition
Order of events:
Contractions begin
Blood flow to fetal and maternal placentomes decrease
Small blood vessels in placentomes shrink
Capillary pressure decreases and separation of the
membranes occur
Post-parturition Placental Release
Factors leading to retained membranes:
Any process that causes continual pressure on the attachment
sites of the placenta causing trauma or infection
Failure of the uterus to contract
Rapid closure of the cervix
Non-pregnant uterine horn can trap membranes
Nutritional deficiency (especially selenium, vitamins E and A)
Shortened or prolonged gestation periods
Cesarian deliveries