Ashley Poore

Ashley Poore
• The World Society for the Protection of Animals
(WSPA) is an international animal welfare organization.
• For more than 25 years, WSPA has assisted animals in need
throughout the world and has built a solid reputation as
one of the world’s leading animal welfare organizations
• It is also the world’s largest alliance of animal welfare
groups, connecting over 900 independent animal welfare
organizations (known as “Member Societies”) in more than
150 countries to raise the standards of animal welfare
around the world
• Their work is concentrated in regions of the world where
few measures exist to protect animals.
• WSPA’s vision is of a world where animal
welfare matters and animal cruelty ends.
• Their mission is to build a global animal
welfare movement.
Their focus is on four priority animal welfare areas which
include, companion animals, commercial exploitation
of wildlife, farm animals, and disaster management.
Companion animals – responsible pet ownership, humane
stray management and cruelty prevention.
Commercial exploitation of wildlife – intensive farming
and the cruel management and killing of wild animals for
food or by-products.
Farm animals – intensive farming, long distance transport
and slaughter of animals for food.
Disaster management – providing care to animals suffering
as a result of man-made or natural disasters, and thereby
protecting people’s livelihoods.
• In the United States, more than 70 organizations
have become WSPA Member Societies.
• Member Societies are known as an independent animal
welfare organization that is a part of WSPA’s global
• Together the organizations work on issues raging from
humane treatment of farm animals to promoting the
Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare at the United
Nations which will lead to global recognition of animal
welfare and improved protection of animals internationally.
• It helps provide a unique network of support to each other
to help achieve the common vision of a world where animal
welfare matters and animal cruelty ends.
• WSPA’s present society structure was created in
1981 through the merger of the World Federation
for the Protection of Animals (WFPA) founded in
1953 and the International Society for the
Protection of Animals (ISPA) founded in 1959.
• Building on the experience of ISPA, WSPA staff
have brought emergency aid to animals during
floods, earthquakes, explosions, famines, oil
spills, and wars around the world and has built up
their own reputation as a world leader in this
• WFPA and ISPA were the first organizations to
campaign internationally on animal welfare
issues, highlighting problems such as Canadian
seal hunt, devastation of the world’s whale
population, and international transportation
of horses
• Help has been provided for animals in a wide range of situations
including the Gulf war, the Kosovo conflict, earthquakes in Gujarat, India
in 2000 and in El Salvador in 2001, and floods in Honduras and
Mozambique during 2000
• A key area of WSPA’s work has been the introduction of animal welfare
principles into regions where they were previously under developed or
• WSPA has introduced procedures to ensure the humane slaughter of
livestock in many developing counties and has run projects
to improve the conditions of stray animal populations.
Pet Respect Campaign
• One of the most active projects WSPA is involved in is the Pet Respect
• To alleviate the plight of millions of unwanted companion animals that are
often indiscriminately destroyed through cruel methods
• 75% of puppies in developing countries die from disease like rabies and
• These dogs are seen as a nuisance and health hazard
• With the lack of knowledge and resources, communities in developing
countries resort to killing the strays by poisoning, electrocuting, or
shooting them.
• They have worked with the World Health Organization and produced a set
of guidelines on stray animal control aimed at reducing dog populations
through neutering and eliminating rabies by vaccination.
• WSPA’s animal welfare education programs are aimed
at primary and secondary schools.
• Staff tell children animals can experience pleasure,
pain, and suffering. These messages are to develop
compassion and a sense of justice and respect for
animals and people.
• WSPA’s animal welfare education programs run in
Central and South America, Africa, and Asia and focus
on three areas.
International Animal Welfare
• This program is for animals, people, and the environment and aims to
integrate animal welfare education into school curricula by working with
governments, organizing teacher-training workshops, and providing
• Through this program children can become more compassionate and
develop a responsible attitude as future citizens.
Concepts in Animal Welfare and
vocational training.
• This program is designed to facilitate teaching
animal welfare at veterinary facilities
• Veterinarians can play a major role in
improving animal welfare through
their own actions and by
influencing others.
Community Outreach and Continuous
Professional Development
• WSPA’s education staff assists with other
WSPA program and support education
initiatives of member societies by providing
advice, feedback, educational expertise, and
funding grants.
• Located in London, England
• Know as WSPA International
• Annual meeting of the society in May or June
• President: Mr. Dominique Bellemare
• The General Director is Mike Baker
• To become a member you can Join WSPA Rescue Team
by becoming a monthly donor
• Donation will go toward the animals
• 75% to animal protection and humane education
• 21% to funding
• 4% to management and general service
• WSPA is a non-profit 501 organization that receives no government
funding, and the work is entirely made possible through donations from
the public
Organization Membership
• WSPA seeks to collaborate with and support animal welfare groups
in all aspects of their work. Member societies range from large
organizations, covering a range of welfare issues, to small groups
working on specific problems.
• WSPA offer member societies a number of benefits such as
partnership which implements effective and sustainable animal
welfare projects around the world by working with groups who have
local skills and knowledge, advice, information, training, and funding.
• Funding for WSPA is dependent on grants. Once a year,
WSPA’s Regional Directors gather in London and discuss
how to award the annual WSPA member Society Grants.
• The grants program was started in 2000 as a way to
empower smaller animal welfare organizations that have
great potential, but limited funding.
• It funds animal welfare projects and campaigns,
equipment, education work, conference
sponsorship, and other useful work.
• In 1970 WSPA had 30,000 members and an annual budget of about $
• By 1994, the annual revenue had grown to $22 million.
• In 2003, it jumped to $123 million, including $3 million in investment
• It pays over $11.8 million in annual salaries, and $3 million in employee
benefits and pension contributions
Animals Matter to Me
• Celebrities such as Actor Kellan Lutz (Twilight), actresses Brooke
Shields, Kristin Davis, Christina Applegate, Tiffani Thiessen and
supermodel Joanna Krupa (Dancing with the Stars) are teaming up
with WSPA to raise awareness about animal welfare issues.
• To show their support the stars have signed the “Animals Matter to
Me” petition endorsing a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare,
which urges the United Nations to adopt an international agreement
on welfare of animals.
• The most recent celebrity to join this cause is
Simon Cowell from American Idol.
• WSPA is best known for tackling tough issues and working in places
where other groups cannot or will not go.
• Veterinarians are performing spay and neuter programs for dogs,
campaigners are working to end captive exploitation of bears
throughout Asia, and experts in all fields are making a difference for
equines, farm animals, orangutans, whales, and many more animals.
• Right now WSPA has disaster relief teams helping animal victims of the
earthquakes in Haiti and Chile.
• WSPA is the worlds leading animal welfare advocates and without them
the world would be uneducated and an unhappy place to live both for
animals and people