Cooking and smoke application usually are part of the same process because they are cooperative and occur under similar conditions --controlled heat and humidity Objectives of cooking 1. pasteurization/sterilization – “beware the load” – more contamination will require higher temperature and/or longer time --- because inactivation rate is constant log no. of organisms Time at x degrees 2. develop/retain quality flavor, juiciness, texture, aroma, appearance, etc. 3. may include fermentation/incubation before final Some specific requirements for controlling Listeria monocytogenes… – If, after cooking, ready-to-eat (RTE) products are “exposed to the environment” after the lethality (kill) treatment (i.e., not cooked in the package, etc.), then processors must (9 CFR Part 430) meet one of three alternatives: – Alternative 1- A post-lethality treatment -i.e., treatment (after packaging, etc.) that is validated to reduce or eliminate L. monocytogenes (reheating, HPP, etc.) AND a antimicrobial agent to limit growth of survivors – Alternative 2 – A post-lethality treatment OR a antimicrobial agent AND verified sanitation and testing program that shows control of L. monocytogenes – Alternative 3 – A verified sanitation and testing program “Stabilization” of Cooked Meat and Poultry (Appendix B) – For control of spores (Clostridium perfringens) in heated, RTE products -maximum internal temperature must not remain between 130°F and 80°F for no more than 90 minutes, and between 80°F and 40°F for no more than 5 hours. -for products with 100 ppm or more ingoing nitrite, the 130°F- 80°F window is 5 hours and 80°F - 45°F window is 10 hours Objectives of smoke application 1. flavor 2. color 3. preservation – antimicrobial – antioxidant 4. surface protein coagulation – “skin” for skinless products without casings – control of “snap” on first bite Cooking (thermal processing) considerations 1. heating medium – hot air – electrically heated – gas heated – steam – hot water – cooking tanks – microwave – limited to few applications such as precooked bacon 2. heat and mass transfer – heat is transferred to product surface (convection) hot air then ---- into the product (conduction) at the same time, moisture is migrating to the surface and evaporating from the surface H20 This is mass transfer (weight loss) –is very important because the evaporation cools the product Therefore, the air-product temperature differential is important to drive heat transfer but the relative humidity is also critical because it affects cooling of the product surface To control the cooking process: 1. must know and control dry bulb temperature – thermocouple suspended in air 2. measure and control wet bulb temperature – thermocouple covered with a water-saturated fabric sack – cooling rate indicates air humidity Tables for conversion: Examples: dry bulb 160oF 160oF 160oF wet bulb 156oF 152oF 147oF R.H. 90% 80% 70% 160oF 142oF 60% This is also critical to smoke application color development, emulsion/batter stability and casing peelability 3. air velocity – air flow increases heat energy contact but also increases evaporation 4. time control – for holding temperature/humidity combinations in stepwise sequence Example: 460 frankfurters 15 minutes 30 minutes 10 minutes --- D.B. 129 158 176 176 W.B. 104 140 (smoke) 165 176 to 160oF internal –cooking steps are most often controlled by time but may also be controlled by temperature – T processing is the concept of keeping the internal product temperature and the heating air temperature at a constant differential Example: T = 30oF Temp. 30oF air 30oF T processing is believed to allow the best protein gelation if the “ideal T” for each product can be determined Time “Stepdown” cooking processes – start at high temperature and decrease dry bulb as product internal temperature increases – often used for products like roast beef --- to retain internal rare/medium rare appearance air Temp. Time Effects of cooking on product 1. at the beginning: – warm air, cold product = surface condensation – surface temperature is essentially wet bulb temperature – cooking rate determined by wet bulb temperature – excessive condensation is a potential problem for emulsion/batter products because fat heats faster than water --- a quick temperature increase of a “wet” product may overheat the fat and break the emulsion membranes resulting in fat separation and pooling – first cook step is usually with relatively low heat and drying to remove excess surface condensation and begin raising surface temperature – second step is usually smoke application - with increased heat and humidity – because smoke deposition is much better on a moist (but no condensation) surface Processing Hint: For more smoke deposition, start smoking sooner rather than trying to smoke longer 2. finishing – after the surface dries, surface temperature will exceed wet bulb – product internal heating rate increases and dry bulb temperature becomes more important as the driving force – dry surface accelerates cooking but excessive drying will result in a hard surface Smoke application – natural smoke is not a “flavoring agent” for labeling natural wood smoke composition: – particulates – 90% of volume ash, tar, mostly undesirable – gaseous (vapors) – responsible for desirable properties of smoke – very complex – ~ 400 chemical compounds Gaseous/vapor composition of wood smoke 1. alcohols ~ 15 – methanol = “wood alcohol” – antimicrobial compounds 2. organic acids ~ 12 – formic, acetic, propionic – antimicrobial – very important to surface “skin” on products 3. phenols ~ 25 – – – – may be the singly most important group of compounds antimicrobial flavor and aroma strong antioxidants – some color contribution – sometimes used as a measure of smoke deposition by (phenol content chemical analysis) 4. carbonyls ~ 50 – color development by reaction of carbonyls with protein – facilitated by a dry surface – better browning at 6 - 10% surface moisture – also may contribute some flavor 5. polycyclic hydrocarbons ~ 30 – problem in natural smoke – carcinogenic/mutagenic – most common are benzopyrene dibenzanthracene – some countries regulate amount on products – Germany - 1 ppb in smoked meats Composition of wood smoke can be controlled by generation (burning/smoldering) temperature – general range --- 300oF - 750oF acids are favored at 400oF - 500oF phenols 600oF polycyclic hydrocarbons 750oF+ glowing sawdust indicates temperatures of 800 - 900oF – most recommendations are ~ 600 - 650oF for best composition Smoke “quality” depends on 1. generation temperature 2. oxidation reactions --- amount of air introduced by fans during smoke formation 3. wood source – hickory commonly preferred but there are many options --- apple, mesquite, alder – most often sawdust is a hickory and hardwoods mixture 4. air temperature --- increase vapor phase Maximizing smoke deposition 1. smoke density – dependent on generator – temperature, moisture content of sawdust 2. air flow velocity – circulating air forces smoke/product contact but also decreases smoke density – compromise 3. air temperature – increased temperature increases vaporous phase of smoke but is limited by product surface --- probably drying at high temperature 4. product surface moisture – may be single most important factor – certainly very frequent source of problems – greater moistness increases deposition but condensation gives streaks and/or blotches 80% R.H. condensation on surface – also increase color intensity with moisture and can become too dark –steam smoking = black colors 5. surface permeability – casings 6. multiple stage applications – 5 minutes on, 5 minutes off, 5 minutes on may give better deposition than 10 minutes on – may allow better penetration if the surface becomes saturated each time 7. electrostatic smoking – smoke particles carry electrical charge so placing a charge on the product will increase attraction Typical cook/smoke sequence for meat products 1. conditioning/equilibration – 15 minutes at 110oF/100oF – allow surfaces to reach uniform temperature 2. drying – 10 minutes at 150oF/100oF – remove excess condensation 3. smoke application – 30 minutes at 160oF/100oF --- or less – wet bulb needs to be equal to or less than the previous step to prevent condensation – surface must be moist 4. color development – 15 minutes at 180oF/120oF – raise internal to 130-140oF for cured color – maximize external color reaction of carbonyls from smoke with meat proteins 5. cook – at 180oF/160oF or 180oF/180oF to reach 160oF internal – increase humidity to minimize weight loss (mass transfer) 6. finish/chill – 10 minutes shower with cold water – accelerate chilling – may brine chill, blast chill to minimize weight loss during cooling – meet Appendix B requirements Liquid smoke (now called “Condensed smoke”) – available as water-based or oil-based preparations – collected from natural smoke therefore includes essential components (phenols, carbonyls, acids) for important smoke properties but without polycyclic hydrocarbons Advantages of liquid smoke 1. uniformity/consistency 2. simple, sanitary, cleaner – smokehouse cleaning from traditional smoke is a dirty, dangerous, expensive operation 3. decreased air emissions 4. removal of carcinogens 5. cost estimates ~ 50% of natural (if cleaning costs are included) However - cannot be labeled “naturally smoked” Liquid smoke application 1. atomization/regeneration – atomization - use of air pressure to vaporize liquid smoke – regeneration-heating liquid smoke to regenerate vapors – applied similar to natural smoke in batch-type chambers – product drying/surface moisture requirements are similar to that for natural smoke 2. drenching – showering product surfaces with liquid smoke – most popular application method for frankfurters in U.S. (70-80%) – fast process, saves time in overall cook/smoke sequence – runoff is reused, little waste 3. direct addition – addition to mixer/chopper or injected with brine – provides uniform, consistent flavor but lacks surface color – be careful of acidity - special formulations of smoke are available for direct addition – label as “smoke flavoring added” 4. smoked casings/nets – pre-smoked casings or nets allow absorption from casing after stuffing – achieves surface color move similar to natural smoke (may not be exactly the same) – must consider humidity during the early cooking stages to develop and set the color --- again similar to natural smoke application