OBJECTIVES PROFESSIONAL SYMPOSIUM PROFESSIONAL ECONOMICS UPDATE James Goodwin Lena Lamel To understand the major reimbursement systems and how payment rates are established To understand the CPT® CPT® coding system and the need for proper documentation in the clinic To identify authoritative sources of reimbursement and coding information To learn about AAPM PEC activities and how they benefit the membership Reimbursement Mechanisms Physics Reimbursement An Overview James Goodwin, M.S. Fletcher Allen Health Care Burlington VT 05401 CPT® CPT® Codes PEC Activities Radiation Oncology/Medical Physics Where does the money come from? Reimbursement Mechanisms Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Medicare: Part A: Part B: Part C: Part D: Government Programs: Medicare, Medicaid, other state programs Private Insurers HMO, PPO organizations Patients Charity Major Payment Systems Medicare Part A: Hospitals Hospital Services Physician Services, Free Standing Centers Managed Care Prescription Drugs Hospital Outpatient Payment System (HOPPS) (HOPPS) Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Medicare Part B: Physicians, Free Standing Centers Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASC) Medicare is administered through local carriers Medicare Fiscal Intermediaries (FI) → Medicare Administrator Contractors (MAC) Carriers directed by: Carrier Medical Director (CMD) Carrier Advisory Committee (CAC) Payment policies = Local Coverage Determinations (LCD) (LCD) Two Components of Reimbursement “Professional” Professional” = Physician “Technical” Technical” = everything else Equipment, supplies NonNon-physician labor (physicists) “Global” Global” includes both components CMS gives local carriers guidance CMS can issue National Coverage Determinations (NCD) Carriers will not always be consistent. Payment is local! How are reimbursement levels determined? Hospital (Hopps) ≠ Physician (MPFS) Both: Charged Based → Cost Based Hospital (Medicare Part A) Inpatient: Diagnostic Related Groups (DRG) APC values based are on hospital costs Based on primary diagnosis Cost = charge x (cost to charge ratio) Outpatient (HOPPS): Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APC) Groupings of CPT® CPT® codes based on financial and resource homogeneity costs are modified by: economic indexes, professional society input Problems: 2 year lag hospital billing accuracy limited data Physician and Free Standing (Medicare Part B) Relative value system is based on actual practice expenses PC: RVUTOT = RVUPW + RVUPE + RVUMI TC: RVUTOT = PW = Physician work RVUPE + RVUMI PE = Practice Expense MI = Malpractice Insurance Practice Expense = Direct (physics) and Indirect Payment = RVUTOT x CONVERSION FACTOR CF includes: Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) Budget Neutrality Can be modified by Congress RVU Valuation Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) assisted by: RUC Advisory Committee Health Care Professional Advisory Committee (HCPAC) Practice Expense Advisory Committee Reimbursement Threats Reimbursement levels Code bundling/packaging Trend towards Inpatient (DRG) type system CMS Coding Systems Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Coding Level I: CPT® CPT® Codes (AMA) Level II: Products, supplies (brachy (brachy sources), other services Internal Classification of Diseases (ICD(ICD-9) CPT® Codes Category I: Category II: Category III: procedures and services tracking codes new, emerging technology Codes are maintained by CPT Editorial Board and CPT Advisory Committee. Are updated yearly. Process for change: SLOW!!!!! Rad Onc CPT® Codes 77XXX codes: Treatment planning (simulation) Medical Physics/Dosimetry/Device/Special Services 77336 Continuing Medical Physics Consultation … 77370 Special Medical Physics Consultation Stereotactic Treatment Delivery Neutron, Proton Treatment Management Hyperthermia Brachytherapy Unlisted Procedures 77X99 Coding Complications Other CPT® CPT® Codes: Surgical procedure codes Radiology imaging codes Modifiers Explain extenuating curcumstances Category III CPT® CPT® Codes: compensator based IMRT electronic brachytherapy Other HCPCS Codes stereotactic brachytherapy sources National Current Coding Initiative (NCCI) (NCCI) Stipulate codes that can’ can’t be charged together Medically Unlikely Edits (MUE) (MUE) Limits on # of units Sources of Coding Information ASTRO/ACR Guide CPT® CPT® Manual and CPT® CPT® Assistant CMS website Medicare info: manuals, transmittals NCCI edits HCPCS codes ACR Coding Source ACR, ASTRO coding advisory services ASTROgrams AAPM PEC Private coding consultants AAPM Professional Economics Committee Chair: Jim Goodwin Vice chair: Lena Lamel Consultant: Wendy Smith Fuss Responsibilities: Analysis and response to CMS PRM’ PRM’s Support of ASTRO and ACR with RUC and CMS Review of regulatory and legislative actions Member assistance PEC Activities