Creating a Survey for the Mentees – Due May 14

Creating a Survey for the Mentees – Due May 14th, 2013
Part 1: You may form a group of 2 or 3 and create a survey that will be given to your mentees. This is very important to create one that
provides insightful and valid answers to continue this program and assist more youngsters within our elementary schools.
A. The survey may be presented as either an electronic form (Monkey Survey) or paper form.
It must be confidential (no name required)
C. Create questions that students of all ages can easily understand and are able to answer with multiple choices (strongly agree,
agree, disagree, strongly disagree or with a rating scale – 1-10).
D. Your group should develop questions that provide Big Brothers and Sisters with helpful information about the program. I.e. Structure,
games played, communication skills, self-esteem, relationships with their peers, positive attitude, goals etc.
E. Minimum of 10 questions and include two questions for comments/suggestions for the mentee.
F. You may wish to research the types of questions devoted to this type of survey and speak to Big Brothers and Big Sisters contact for
more information and suggestions.
Part 2: Write a personal reflection on your experiences with this program and describe what you had learned, skills developed
(communication, team work, organization etc). This must be 2 or more pages in length, typed and doubled-spaced. Be sure to
include Part 1 component (electronic include a USB or site) and rubric when your group submits it.
Adapted from Horizons 2000