XFC is born

A new year,
A new beginning.
XFC is born!
A name created for the students by the students. Last December 20, 2012, St Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School
has formally created a friendship club for newcomer students who have decided to make the great north, Canada as
their new home. Mrs. Dworakowska in collaboration with the School Settlement Worker, Mr. Jesse Aguas, initiated the
project through the active involvement and creativeness of the ELL students that gave birth to XFC (Xavier Friendship
Club). Friendship Club will be made up of ELL students currently enrolled in an ESL course (shown in the picture below)
as well as ELL students receiving Resource Room support. XFC will bring identity, opportunities and support to various
ELL projects and activities that would help in the settlement and integration of newcomer students and their families
within the school and community.
By: Jesse Aguas (Settlement Worker)
Some of St. Francis Xavier ELL students….The XFC creators!
Xavier Friendship Club logo and motto.