S T .S U LO L T . RSSTU EL PA H ECN AETLHEO M LE INCT ASRCY HSO CO HO “ W h e r e W i s d o m B e g i n s I n F a i t h a n d W o n d e r ” i t eh l lL eo rv se , RCo oamd p, a L s s6i Xo n 5, CH1 o, n B e sr t ay m &p tRo ens p e c t ” 1 1“ W D w 1h 7t t p C :o /l /o w n w e lw .Bde pr ct dr sa bm. o Rr g d / . ,s cLh 6o Zo l 4s N / u8 r, s B / r a m p t o n R. Pazzelli Principal M. Vecchiarino Superintendent Fr. A. Maderak Pastor, St. Leonard Parish 840-3921 890-1221 846–5385 L. Zanella M. Psaila Trustee Head Secretary School FAX 840-2707 840-3921 840-6454 February / March, 2013 HOZA— ‘Stop’ ‘Start’ ‘Change’! To begin our ‘Diversity’ Month theme, students participated in a high energy performance by ‘HOZA’! This educational programme supports the Ontario curriculum through creative mediations with a focus on empowering learners to put a STOP to negative thinking and behaviours (such as bullying) and enabling them to START living the CHANGEs that they envision for themselves and the world! The students benefited from this truly magical group experience! Participants had a chance to play their own ‘Diembe Drum’ on which they were able to explore an ancient world wide art of sound and rhythm—an African favourite! What a wonderful way to enjoy a diverse cultural experience, through music, drumming, singing and dancing. The message of respecting each other and not using bullying tactics, and making positive changes was given in a powerful and engaging way! Students are still talking about this performance! R. Pazzelli, Principal Prayer for Diversity Dear God, You have done such a marvelous job of creating us and the world around us. You have placed this creation, including all the people we meet, in our care. We come to you now asking for the grace and strength to be accepting of others. We admit that we can never fully know your plan for the people around us. Grant us the strength to admit that our role is to invite others to participate in your saving plan and then to accept the choices that they make in their own lives! We ask this in the name of Jesus, our brother, who lived to show us your way! AMEN NATIONAL FLAG OF CANADA DAY! MARCH BREAK: The Staff and students of St. Stephen School, will acknowledge the ‘National Flag of Canada’ day on Friday, February 15, 2013. February 15 was declared ‘National Flag of Canada’ day in 1965 when our red and white maple leaf flag was first raised over Parliament Hill in Ottawa, and indeed, hundreds of communities across Canada. Red and white were designated as Canada’s official colours in 1921 by His Majesty King George V! This is a perfect opportunity to celebrate our flag and what it stands for: a Dominion that is the envy of the world! Although we are not designating this day as a ‘Spirit’ day, you may wish to consider having your child wear red and white or something that symbolizes Canada! March Break this year is from Monday, March 11 to Friday, March 15. There is no school for students. Classes will resume for all students on Monday, March 18! LENTEN MASS & FOOD DRIVE: St. Stephen Lenten Mass will take place on Wednesday, March 20 at 9:15am in the gym. You are invited to attend. Please support our food drive with nonperishable food items! REPORT CARDS: The first term Report Cards have now been completed! The second term Report Cards will go home on June 26. Parent /Teacher / Student Conferences will take place only by request, either by teachers or parents. Not all parents will be asked to attend. Teachers may request an interview if they perceive that your son or daughter has had a particularly difficult second term. However, if you would still want an interview, you may also request one with your child’s teacher before the end of the school year. FUN IN THE SUN DAY! The Staff and students of St. Stephen School, will be celebrating ‘Fun in the Sun’ Spirit day on Friday, March 8! Have your child bring the most COMICAL summer hat, the CRAZIEST summer shirt and the COOLEST summer shades! Please refer to the attached flyer! Please send a toonie for Share Life! FAMILY DAY!: Just a reminder that Monday, February 18, 2013, is Family Day! All schools will be closed! We wish you an enjoyable day with your family. PEDICULOSIS – HEAD LICE: Pediculosis is not considered a health problem because it is not a communicable disease. Incidents of pediculosis occur in any school. We are asking that parents inspect their children’s hair, especially if persistent itching and scratching of the scalp is noticed. Please inform the school if you discover an infestation. It is important that all nits be removed before returning your child to school! Your pharmacist can give you treatment information if required. Remind your child that it is not appropriate to share other children’s combs or headgear (hats, helmets etc.). Your cooperation is an important part of completely controlling the incidents of pediculosis in our school. PUNCTUALITY AND LATE ARRIVAL: School begins at 8:45 am and 12:45 pm each day. Students are expected to be at school on time and entering the building, supervised by Staff, with their classmates at those times. The initial minutes of these periods are used for prayers, announcements, lesson preparation and attendance. We would appreciate your support in teaching your child(ren) the importance of regular and on-time attendance to instill the life skill of punctuality. LOST AND FOUND: The Lost and Found box is filled with articles of clothing! Please ensure that your child searches for lost items in this box, which is located on the main floor at the back of the school. Labeling boots, shoes, clothing etc., would help students retrieve lost items and will prevent articles from finding their way to the Lost and Found. WINTER WEATHER: If your child is prone to getting wet during recess or lunch hour, please send in a change of clothes, especially socks and sweat pants. With the arrival of cold weather, we continually remind students that they are expected to remove their winter boots once they are in the building. Please ensure that your child has indoor footwear to be worn in school. Floors and hallways are all too often wet and slippery! Except under unusual circumstances, students go outside during recess and lunch hour. Proper attire is necessary to ensure that your child will be warm during the time outdoors. Children who are too ill to go outside, should be resting at home and should not be in school! CITY OF BRAMPTON SNOW REMOVAL INFORMATION: City of Brampton work crews are ready to respond to snow storms and will have residential streets plowed within 24 hours after the end of a major snowfall. Heavy snowfall, continuous snowfall or freezing rain may extend the response time to 48 hours or more. Residents can help with snow removal in the following ways: keep cars off the streets during or immediately following a snowstorm because this delays snow removal give work crews sufficient time to carry out snow removal operations keep sidewalks clear of snow don’t shovel snow back onto the street place your garbage container and blue box on a cleared area and away from snow piles use Brampton Transit as a safe, alternative to driving For more information contact Works and Transportation at 905 874-2500 or visit the City’s web site at: www.city.brampton.on.ca and click on ‘Road Works’ button. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY CULTURE AND CARING ‘SAFE SCHOOL ACTION TEAM’: Our Safe School Action Team continues to focus on awareness of Anti-Bullying strategies. This Term, they are sponsoring a Poster Contest so that all students / classes can take part. Selected Posters will determine particular students who will receive Argo tickets! The student members of this Team are involved in the ‘Huddle-Up’ programme and are working collaboratively with two of the Toronto Argonauts players to develop a school-wide assembly! The assembly will take place in the morning of April 29! More information will be forthcoming! INCLEMENT WEATHER / BUS CANCELLATIONS: During the winter months, inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 am and will be announced on these radio stations: CKFM 99.9 CHUM 1050 CFTR 680 CFNY 102.1 CFTO CBC CJCL 590 CHFI 98.1 CFRB 1010 Z 1-3.5 CJEZ EZ ROCK CITYPULSE CJBC (FR) 860 AM CJMR / CHWO 1250 CHIN 100.7 FM / 1540 AM FOXY 88.5 FM CJEZ THE WEATHER NETWORK THE NEW CHAY 93.1 FM If buses are cancelled for Dufferin only, it means that busses for Brampton are still running, therefore there are NO cancellations of busses for St. Stephen! STAYING IN FOR RECESS: In the colder weather, we receive requests to allow students to remain indoors when they have a cold, flu etc. Please note that we cannot accommodate these requests. There is no Staff available to supervise indoors during breaks. On extremely cold days, particularly when the wind chill factor drops temperatures significantly, we limit the amount of time that students spend outdoors. Otherwise, students will be expected to go outdoors during recess and lunch. PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES (PEDs) ON SCHOOL PROPERTY: It is the policy of the Dufferin-Peel CDSB that PEDs are to be kept out-ofsight, turned off and not used within school premises or during school sanctioned events. To prevent the loss or damage of PEDs, the school encourages students to leave their PEDs at home! LUNCHTIME PERMISSION TO LEAVE: At lunchtime, all students who stay for lunch normally must remain at the school! A student who stays for lunch requires a written letter of permission to leave the school grounds during the lunch period! The note must be dated and signed by the parent / guardian. This note will be presented to the teacher and then at the Office! Only Grades 7 & 8 students may leave the school on their own, after having presented a note and signing the log book! All other students must be accompanied by an adult! Please make sure you come to the Office to sign your child(ren) out in the Log Book. The student will then be called down to leave with you! CYBER-BULLYING: Personal electronic devices are increasingly used to intimidate, antagonize, and hurt others. This is known as ‘cyber-bullying’. Cyber bullies rely on new technologies such as cell phones, text messaging, instant messaging and website or blogs to repeatedly torment a target. We need to work together and take action to prevent cyber bullying. Your children should learn to keep their contact numbers and email addresses confidential. An adult should be told immediately if your child feels he/she is being harassed online or using a cell phone. Such numbers should be blocked and saved to be forwarded to the relevant authorities such as teacher, school administrator and police. Encourage your child to come to you with any messages or emails that make him/her feel uncomfortable or upset. Talk to your children about responsible computer use and watch for signs that your child is being bullied online or cell phone. Together, we can take a stand against all forms of bullying, including cyberbullying! IMPORTANT IMMUNIZATION MESSAGE FROM PEEL PUBLIC HEALTH: Peel Public Health will be once again be reviewing immunization records of all students at our school. Peel Public Health must have proof that your child has been fully vaccinated (immunized) according to the Ontario Immunization schedule. During the record review, you will receive a letter from Peel Public Health if your child’s record is incomplete. It will tell you what vaccinations your child needs to meet the requirements for Ontario. Immunization records are considered incomplete if: Peel Public Health has not received your child’s vaccination record or Your child’s record does not show that he/she has had all the required doses of vaccine (eg. Infant and booster doses) or You do not have a valid exemption from immunization for your child If you receive a letter, please be sure your child received the required vaccination(s), then give the date(s) to Peel Public Health immediately to update your child’s record to avoid processing delays. Failure to do so will result in a suspension from school! For more information please call Peel Public Health at 905 799-7700 or visit www.immunizepeel.ca Translation services are available. NEXT SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING: The next School Council meeting will take place on Monday, February 11, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the school library! All are welcome to attend! ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. February Calendar of Events March Calendar of Events FUN in the SUN Day! (bring a toonie!) Parent Tip Sheet on ‘Internet Safety’ Math @ Home Parent Information Tips CCCSC Mid Winter Event, invitation SCHOOL COUNCIL FUNDRAISER: The School Council members are grateful for the amount of support given to our fundraisers. Currently, the Nelson Chocolate Fundraiser is still ongoing and is proving to be a successful campaign. We encourage you to take part before it’s over! We still hope to continue this fundraiser for another week. Please call the school if you wish more information regarding how you can assist. INTERMEDIATE BOYS & GIRLS BASKETBALL: Both of the SHARKS Boys and Girls Basketball Teams participated in the BNE Basketball tournament in February! Both Teams are to be congratulated for their determination and sportsmanship during the tournament! The Girls’ SHARKS Basketball Team members consisted of: Ashley Gaibor, Alyssa Bartello, Sara Fitch, Somer Perfect, Avalon BoatemaahOsei, Natalia Gurgacz, Sara Atherley, Desneiges Boucher, Naomi Perez and Madison Evans. The Boys’ SHARKS Basketball Team members consisted of: Tyler Auger, Andrew Beals, Ryan Blechner, Daniel Christopher, Lucas Fernandes, Owen Sarfo, Erik Sendek, Zachary Sunderland, Dante Tramontozzi, and Antonio Webb. Thank you to our Coaches Mr. Florio and Mrs. Florio and Mme Sochnacka. February 2013 Valentine Tokens of Affection Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 * ‘My Culture / Diversity’ Spirit Day *JK / SK Registration week ends 3* Fourth 4* AWARDS 5 6* Mr. Peter & 7 8 Sunday in Ordinary Time Ceremonies for Primary / Junior *Gr. 8s with Scientist *HOZA Performance * TERM 1 reports sent home * Int. Basketball tournament * Skating Gr.1/2 Ms Paglialunga to Silvercreek *Dancing Session *Phys. Activity after school * First Reconciliation for Gr. 2s * Kiddsentials * Interview Evening * PA Day for Reporting 10 11 12 13 14 15 * Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time *Chocolate Fundraiser ends * SCHOOL COUNCIL Mtg at 7:00 pm *SHROVE TUESDAY! * PIZZA Day! * MAD Science * Skating Gr.1/2 * ASH WEDNESDAY! * Dancing Session * Phys. Activity * VALENTINE Day! * Kiddsentials * MAD Science * SKI Trip for Gr. 7 & 8s * MAD Science 17 18 19 20 21 22 * First Sunday of LENT * FAMILY Day! (Schools closed) * Skating Gr.1/2 * Kiddsentials * SKI Trip for Gr. 7 & 8s * Scientist in the school 25 26 27 28 * PIZZA Day! * Skating Gr.1/2 * Dancing Session * Phys. Activity * Kiddsentials * Mid Winter Event for Parents, at Miss. Conv. 24 ‘From the Heart’ * Second Sunday of LENT * Scientist in the school Sat 2 * ‘Groundhog Day 9 16 23 March 2013 Spring’s Influence! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 * Gr.7&8 SKI trip In Like a Lion! 3 4 5* PIZZA Day! 6* Dancing for 7 8* ‘FUN IN * Third Sunday of Lent * WALK FOR WELLNESS day! * SKATING for Gr. 1/2 * SCHOOL COUNCIL Mtg Gr.7&8, 12:00pm * Third day of PRIME training (half day) *KIDDSENTIALS THE SUN’ Spirit Day 10 11 12 13 14 15 * Fourth Sunday of Lent * SPRING BREAK (no school) * SPRING BREAK (no school) * SPRING BREAK (no school) * SPRING BREAK (no school) * SPRING BREAK (no school) 17 18 19 20 21 22*Gr. 8 & *KIDDSENTIALS SK GRAD Photos! * Fifth Sunday of Lent 24 * CCCC Safe School Action Team to meet 25 * PALM Sunday * HOLY WEEK begins! ‘Spring awakens a need for change.’ 31 * EASTER SUNDAY! Out like a Lamb! 9 16 23 *LENTEN Mass, 9:15am 26 27 28 29 * Parent presentations (Cyberbullying & HUDDLE-UP) *AUSSIE X begins! (Pep Rally) * *’STATIONS of the CROSS’ Liturgy, 9:00 am *KIDDSENTIALS * GOOD FRIDAY! (schools closed) 30 * HOLY SATURDAY! St. Stephen School will host ‘Fun in the Sun’ Spirit Day! on Friday, March 8, 2013 Wear: your brightest summer apparel! your coolest sunglasses! Bring: tropical summer CD to play over the PA for our announcements! Donate: a tooney (or more) and win one of four prizes! Proceeds: to Share Life! SEE YOU THERE! Parent Tip Sheet February 2009 Safer Internet Day - February 10 I nternet Safety Tips for Parents Tips Get involved! Learn and follow what your children are doing online. Use a filtering software to protect your child from potentially harmful sites and programs. Have computers in common rooms where they can be easily supervised. Ensure the games your child is playing are appropriate for their age group. Assist your child with creating usernames and passwords that aren’t easily identifiable. Limit the amount of time your child spends online. Your child should NOT be communicating in online chat rooms. A supervised and regulated MSN Messenger account is acceptable. Explain to your child that pictures should not be taken and/or received online. Encourage and enjoy family-fun websites like pbskids.org, ytv.com, tvokids.com, and disney.go.com which contain useful information and fun games. Inform your children about the negative effects an online profile (like a Facebook profile) can have on their life. Check out nsteens.org for a cool and informative video regarding profile penalty. For more information regarding Internet Safety, visit these websites: www.kidsintheknow.ca www.cybertip.ca www.mediaawareness.ca www.nsteens.org www.peelpolice.on.ca www.opp.ca Stay Connected. Receive information about events, activities and issues across the board. Visit us online Visit usand online sign and up for signour up eCommunity for our eCommunity at: at: Stay Connected www.dpcdsb.org www.dpcdsb.org ee Dufferin-Peel Dufferin-Peel Catholic District Catholic District School Board School Board Stay Connected Stay Connected Join the Dufferin-Peel Join theCommunity Dufferin-Peel Community Volume 6 February 2013 Web Resources: Primary: Math and Logic Puzzles www.mathisfun.com Junior: Number Sense and Numbers www.mathfrog.ca Intermediate: Integers Remember the Ontario Educational Resource Bank? Trywww.wiredmath.ca ELO1411070, ELO Operations: Understanding Numbers Numbers are used to describe quantities, to count, and to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. Understanding numbers and knowing how to combine them to solve problems helps us in all areas of math. Family Math Activities K-2 Ask your child to help you solve everyday number problems. "We need six tomatoes to make our sauce for dinner, and we have only two. How many more do we need to buy?" "You have two pillows in your room and your sister has two pillows in her room. How many pillowcases do I need to wash?" "Two guests are coming to eat dinner with us. How many plates will we need?" Practice "skip counting". Together, count by 2's and 5's. Ask your child how far he or she can count by 10's. Roll two dice, one to determine a starting number and the other to determine the counting interval (e.g., counting by 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, etc…). Ask your child to try counting backwards from 10, 20, or even 100. Make up games using dice and playing cards. Try rolling dice and adding the numbers that come up. Add up the totals until you reach a target number, like 50. Play the game backwards to practice subtraction. Nelson Math has an at home connect for Grades 3-8! http://www.mathk8.nelson.com/companion.html Just click on the grade level required, then on the Student Centre icon to find practice activities, web activities, games and web quests with real world connections. Need extra help in Grade 7 or 8 math? Remember the Ontario Educational Resource Bank (OERB)? Try ELO 1411070, ELO 1414560 and ELO 1414550! Contact your school for Password information Visit the Homework Help website for free help from Ontario certified teachers. On this site, students have access to live chat rooms between the hours of 5:30-9:30 from Sunday to Thursday and 24/7 resources such as videotaped lessons and interactive tutorials. Homework Help is ideal for understanding homework, reviewing lessons, studying for tests, and searching math topics. Register today at https://homeworkhelp.ilc.org/. All you need to register is your student OEN number which is found on the report card. If you have additional questions, please contact your classroom teachers or Liliana Gomez-Franco at Liliana.Gomez-Franco@dpcdsb.org Elementary Mathematics Program Team 2012 The Central Committee for Catholic School Councils Invites YOU to our Mid Winter Event Kathy Lynn: Who’s in Charge Anyway? © Kathy Lynn is Canada’s Leading Parenting Speaker “Kathy brings invaluable wisdom, experience and down to earth tips to all her parenting workshops, keynotes and books. All parents will benefit from Kathy’s help and support.” Says the esteemed Barbara Coloroso, International Parenting Speaker and Author www.Parentingtoday.ca Join Us… Date: Thursday, February 28th, 2013 Place: Mississauga Convention Centre 75 Derry Road West Presentation: 7:00 pm Kathy Lynn will address the issue of maintaining a balance between hearing children and having them listen. It will help parents understand their role concerning family rules, routines, expectations and limits. Book signing to follow presentation Free Admission...............Donations of non–perishable food items are welcome! A special thanks to our sponsors RETURN TO YOUR SCHOOL PRINCIPAL – ASAP Reservation Request form for Kathy Lynn Keynote Name: _________________________________________________________ School: _________________________________________________________ Number of Attendees: ____________