PEDs It’s a privilege…… NORMS

(Personal Electronic Devices)
It’s a privilege……
Students are expected to…
1. Only bring registered devices to school
2. Know and follow the Wi-Fi network agreement
3. Use their device for educational use only and as directed
by the teacher (off at all other times)
4. Only use PEDs if parents have signed consent form (GF337)
5. Leave their device in the classroom during recess and
school related events
6. Respect the property of others. PEDs will not be shared
7. Not take photos, audio, video or images of an individual or
group without parental consent
8. Check to see that their device is connected to school Wifi
9. School is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged PEDs
10. All Home/School communication will continue through
the office telephone only
Inappropriate use of board technology and/or PEDs may result
in the removal of the PED, discipline, suspension, loss of
privileges, and/or police involvement.