Do you think this is a fiction book? (students share)

Launching Lesson 6
Launching Lesson 6
Library Mouse (cover of the book)
Sticky Paws show and stop after reading…pass the
maple syrup?”)
Do you think this is a fiction book?
(students share)
Who are the characters in this story? Are
they fantasy or realistic?
Does it seem like realistic fiction or
(students share)
Does it seem like realistic fiction or
Launching Lesson 6
Launching Lesson 6
Sticky Paws (read and stop after “somebody needs a
Sticky Paws (finish the story)
Fiction stories and books take place in a
specific setting. What is the setting of “Mr.
Sticky Paws”?
Based on the title, Mr. Sticky Paws and the
action that just took place when the syrup
spilled, what do you think is the problem that
the characters have to resolve?
What do Tex and Indi’s family do to solve
the problem of “Mr. Sticky Paws”?