Elmira College complies with the United States Copyright Act of... Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, and Technology, Education, and Copyright... Copyright Policy

Copyright Policy
Elmira College complies with the United States Copyright Act of 1976 as amended, the Digital
Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, and Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization
Act of 2002. These laws recognize that all intellectual works in all media (books, articles, programs,
data, pictures, music, video and the like) are automatically covered by copyright unless it is
explicitly noted to the contrary, as in the case of licensing agreements or written permissions from
copyright holders. Fair Use is a legal principle that provides certain limitations on the exclusive
right of copyright holders, allowing reproduction of copyrighted works under certain conditions
for educational purposes, such as criticism, comment, news reports, teaching, scholarship, and
research. Unauthorized use of intellectual works is a federal crime and subject to civil damages and
criminal penalties, which may include fines and imprisonment.
Elmira College administrators, faculty, staff, and students who make, acquire, or use unauthorized
copies of intellectual works shall be disciplined as appropriate under the circumstances. Such
discipline may include termination or dismissal. Elmira College faculty, administrators, staff, and
students learning of any misuses of intellectual works within the College should notify College
officials. Administrators, faculty, and staff should notify the Dean of the Gannett-Tripp Library,
the Director of Academic Technology and User Services, or the Director of the Bookstore and
Special Projects.
Additional information on United States Copyright laws and Fair Use is available at the GannettTripp Library, the Nathenson Computer Center or the McGraw Bookstore.
emwb: 9/30/15