TRACKING THE 20132014 STORY Collecting and assessing division and departmental action steps 2012-2018 DSAES Strategic Initiatives 1. Create new opportunities for student success through learning, engagement and discovery. 2. Actualize and leverage the fiscal, human, technological, and facility resources that enhance the student experience. 3. Foster the creation of a global learning community that actualizes and embraces inclusion while preparing students to become active citizens. 4. Develop a culture of innovation and accountability in the redesign of Division policies, processes and procedures. 5. Cultivate a collective identity that demonstrates a united vision. 6. Create and engage in strategic partnerships. 1 Create new opportunities for student success through learning, engagement and discovery. a. Develop a comprehensive First and Second-Year-Experience program inclusive of sequential, intentional, and structured co-curricular involvement opportunities and support programs and services. b. Establish supportive and advocacy services for commuter, transfer and graduate students. c. Develop a multi-year co-curricular leadership experience for students utilizing the concepts of leadership theory and self-discovery in partnership with Academic Affairs. d. Create a greater variety of student involvement initiatives that focus on the development of a vibrant campus life, including expanded evening and weekend programming. e. Develop learning and theme communities intentionally connected to academic and student affairs programs to enhance student success in support of the growing residential campus. f. Develop new service learning initiatives that create opportunities for self-discovery and application of academic disciplines for students 2013-14 COMPLETED ACTION STEPS Create new opportunities for student success through learning, engagement and discovery. a. Develop a comprehensive First and Second-Year-Experience program inclusive of sequential, intentional, and structured co-curricular involvement opportunities and support programs and services. • Maintain/improve effectiveness of New Student Conferences by assessing participating students meeting established outcomes; increased the percentage who attend an NSO/ART and enroll courses including percentage enrolled through 12th class day • Launched MAP-Works, early alert, for all first year residential students • Launched the SYRE Program in the residential halls b. Establish supportive and advocacy services for commuter, transfer and graduate students. Commuter Students • Piloted MAP-Works, early alert, for 1st year commuter students • Began first phase for a Commuter Assistant Program Graduate Students and Non-traditional Students • CLC utilized $98,569.00 of CCAMPIS funding for student parent CLC child care tuition assistance in 2013-2014. CLC utilized $76,381.00 of SFAC funding for student parent child care tuition assistance. • Campus Recreation developed and implemented a transgender policy for their facility • LGBTRC brought ""Out for Work"" to campus in Spring 2014, initiated a Polyamorous workshop series, and began bisexuality awareness through tabling efforts in Fall 2013" • Veteran: improved the military and veterans orientation program for new and transfer student veterans. c. Develop a multi-year co-curricular leadership experience for students utilizing the concepts of leadership theory and self-discovery in partnership with Academic Affairs. • CSI: Ignite program held for the largest leadership class to date. Hosted an expanded day of service honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Day. • CSI: Registered student organizations implemented two new programs: Student Organization Leadership Conference and Collaboration Kick-Off. • CFSL created both the Fraternity/Sorority Executive Leaders Circle and the Fraternity/Sorority Presidents Leadership Summit. 2013-14 COMPLETED ACTION STEPS Create new opportunities for student success through learning, engagement and discovery. d. Create a greater variety of student involvement initiatives that focus on the development of a vibrant campus life, including expanded evening and weekend programming. • During the spring 2014 semester, CSI provided Friday night programming whenever there were no weekend events scheduled on campus. This resulted in a total of 11 events (as shown in Appendix B), and 100% of weekends with on-campus events. CSI collaborated with the Council of Ethnic Organizations, the Student Program Board, and Commuter Services on a variety of film screenings throughout the semester. CSI also offered several showings at 4PM, 7PM and 10PM to provide opportunities for both commuter and residential students to enjoy the films. The programming efforts resulted in a total attendance of 2,934 students. • Coordinate with the Campus Ministries Association to develop a variety of InterFaith Dialogue programs that will provide students different learning options, to include speakers, cohort groups and reading options. • Develop and implement a Sport Club Officer Training • Create supplemental materials for OA rental participants to ensure development of lifetime leisure skills • Created committee in conjunction with Student Housing to expand programming targeted to residential students. Zumba at the Park (40 students attended and 15 signed up for Group Fitness Passes), Insanity in the Quad (13 students attended with 4 signing up for passes) • Recreation o Offered Advanced Freestyle Technique Class for triathlon training, swim clinics, demo classes for stand up paddleboard yoga, and a variety of aqua fitness classes e. Develop learning and theme communities intentionally connected to academic and student affairs programs to enhance student success in support of the growing residential campus. • Launched a pilot international theme housing program in Bayou Oaks • Develop new service learning initiatives that create opportunities for self-discovery and application of academic disciplines for students. • CSM began establishing training and quality enhancement programs with student learning outcomes assessment for all student media groups, implemented through the new coordinator positions. f. Actualize and leverage the fiscal, human, technological, and facility resources that enhance the student experience. 2 a. Establish protocols, guidelines and incentives in consultation with Human Resources to recruit, train and retain talented and skilled staff to best meet the needs of the students and to effectively implement Division programs and services. b. Execute an effective operating plan of existing fiscal, human, technological and facility resources in support of student success. c. Assess student employment and internship opportunities and explore, in partnership with Academic Affairs and Human Resources, options for increasing, enhancing and improving such opportunities. d. Create and implement a division-wide advancement and fundraising program in partnership with the Division of Advancement. e. Provide the highest quality customer service experience utilizing technology, training and resources to improve user satisfaction. 2013-14 COMPLETED ACTION STEPS a. Establish protocols, guidelines and incentives in consultation with Human Resources to recruit, train and retain talented and skilled staff to best meet the needs of the students and to effectively implement Division programs and services. • CLC conducted ongoing annual staff develop training and assessed the CLC Student Employee Development Program. CLC is in the process of interviewing for the three remaining vacant positions of Program Manager 2, Lead Teacher and Associate Teacher. • CAPS staff received specialized training to conduct QPR suicide prevention education/training and implemented “Diversity Dialogues” for conversations about multicultural issues. • DOS: Increased staff to include a Case Manager. • UC: organizational structure was expanded full time and student staff positions for the newly renovated and expanded University Center. Three (3) existing full time staff positions are currently under review for reclassification. b. Execute an effective operating plan of existing fiscal, human, technological and facility resources in support of student success. • Recreation: Benchmarked rental rates and changed rental practices, Revised cost center billing and processes, Increased revenue generation by 10%, Created inventory tracking at equipment checkout, and Implement EMS for room reservations" • CLC implemented a new organizational structure reflective of the planned transition from two sites to one site. • CFSL developed strategic and regular partnership opportunities with SHRL to address townhouse issues. • The Cougar was transitioned from daily print based on the task force review of the Center’s business model and made recommendations for print strategy, advertising policies and procedures. • The IT Resource Management Plan was created and approved in July 2014 by University IT and is available on the DSAES website. • New systems were launched or tested for Career Services, Health Center, and CAPS. SAITS staff were a big part of implementing these new system upgrades. • SHRL Increase guest housing as an alternative revenue stream • Completed Phase 1 of the UC Transformation Project, through renovation and expansion of the existing University Center South and the construction of University Center North. 2013-14 COMPLETED ACTION STEPS c. Assess student employment and internship opportunities and explore, in partnership with Academic Affairs and Human Resources, options for increasing, enhancing and improving such opportunities. • CLC expanded UH student internship opportunities to include two graduate students from the COE Curriculum and Instruction department. Additionally, CLC formed a new academic collaboration with the UH Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreting Program. • AD Bruce developed a partnership with the Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management that will further support student learning and engagement through 2 internships and employment. • Recreation: Student staff are utilized to screen applicants and conduct the initial interview at the Campus Recreation Job Fair and current student employees in leadership positions are involved in the hiring and training of new staff. • Recreation: Expanded the Leadership Development Workshop Series and require student employees to attend a minimum of 2 per year - 216 students participated, Develop and implement departmental criteria and general expectations for all G.A. positions; A Departmental G.A. handbook, evaluation tool, and general departmental orientation were created and implemented. d. Create and implement a division-wide advancement and fundraising program in partnership with the Division of Advancement. • Recreation: Sponsors were solicited for the Tex Fit Workshop and Collegiate Climbing Competition in February 2014. e. Provide the highest quality customer service experience utilizing technology, training and resources to improve user satisfaction. • • • Recreation: Safety Committee developed a comprehensive InService schedule, monthly quizzes, and presentations to be used monthly for student staff. Hosted instructor certifications and increased students Group Fitness Instructors. Health Center: implemented more functionality of the new Pharmacy QS/1 Software. SAITS created protocols related to day-to-day customer service needs. Foster the creation of a global learning community that actualizes and embraces inclusion while preparing students to become active citizens. 3 a. Establish a division-wide standing committee focused on the assessment and creation of programs and services from a multicultural (intercultural) competency based lens. b. Establish co-curricular, globally focused initiatives that provide students with opportunities for engagement on campus, in our surrounding environments and beyond. c. Explore and enhance multicultural-based collaborative programs with departments outside of the Division and in partnership with agencies in our surrounding environments. d. Establish and implement a campus climate survey in collaboration with Institutional Research to identify opportunities to actualize an inclusive and global learning community. e. Explore the feasibility of creating and implementing a Multicultural Student Affairs department to assess and increase the Division’s contribution to and support of a diverse student body and fostering a global learning community on campus. 2013-14 COMPLETED ACTION STEPS a. Establish a division-wide standing committee focused on the assessment and creation of programs and services from a multicultural (intercultural) competency based lens. b. Establish co-curricular, globally focused initiatives that provide students with opportunities for engagement on campus, in our surrounding environments and beyond. • New programming by CEO and MVP • CLC new Spanish Immersion Program classrooms • LBGT Speakers bureau c. Explore and enhance multicultural-based collaborative programs with departments outside of the Division and in partnership with agencies in our surrounding environments. • Maintain the diversity of the incoming freshman class by recruiting and enrolling diverse populations that meet UH’s profile. Increase outreach initiatives promoting UH and college readiness to decrease the number of potential roadblocks that lead to enrollment. d. Establish and implement a campus climate survey in collaboration with Institutional Research to identify opportunities to actualize an inclusive and global learning community. e. Explore the feasibility of creating and implementing a Multicultural Student Affairs department to assess and increase the Division’s contribution to and support of a diverse student body and fostering a global learning community on campus. • Final steps in the creation of the Center for Diversity and Inclusion were completed including the hiring of the first Director for the center. Develop a culture of innovation and accountability in the redesign of Division policies, processes and procedures. 4 a. Develop a comprehensive assessment plan that identifies learning and program outcomes and demonstrates a process for improvement based on measurable results. b. Determine how/when to optimize human interaction between Division staff, students and University partners while employing technology to enable the timely retrieval and use of accurate information to address routine inquiries. c. Establish and implement a series of reporting procedures for the purpose of demonstrating measurable outcomes and data to demonstrate a collective contribution to student success. d. Establish and implement a recognition process to highlight innovative initiatives by individual staff members or departments that contribute to the ultimate goal utilization of human, financial, technological and physical resources. 2013-14 COMPLETED ACTION STEPS a. Develop a comprehensive assessment plan that identifies learning and program outcomes and demonstrates a process for improvement based on measurable results. • CLC conducted a self-assessment for SACS/AdvancED reaccreditation process and underwent an external review in April 2014. CLC also submitted the NAEYC accreditation annual report and the Department of Education CCAMPIS grant annual report • Improvements continued in the division-wide assessment planning and all twenty-seven departments began plans for FY15. • Division-wide assessment committee implemented a consultant team structure and cycle for evaluation and assistance in departmental assessment planning. b. Determine how/when to optimize human interaction between Division staff, students and University partners while employing technology to enable the timely retrieval and use of accurate information to address routine inquiries. • Increase the accuracy and efficiency of Admission processing by reducing the time from application to admission, using technology to decrease the number of paper documents that are processed, and incorporating auditing as a standard part of the business process • Recreation created and installed new policy signage throughout CRWC c. Establish and implement a series of reporting procedures for the purpose of demonstrating measurable outcomes and data to demonstrate a collective contribution to student success. • First cycle of strategic plan mapping and reporting occurred that incorporated the actions of all the departments toward goal achievement. d. Establish and implement a recognition process to highlight innovative initiatives by individual staff members or departments that contribute to the ultimate goal utilization of human, financial, technological and physical resources. • CLC hosted the annual awards program in August and awarded Student Employee Award of Excellence, CLC Spirit Award, Outstanding Support Staff Award, and the Early Childhood Professional Award of Excellence. Cultivate a collective identity that demonstrates a united vision. 5 a. Collaborate with the Division of University Advancement and UH Marketing & Communication to develop and implement a division-wide integrated branding and marketing plan. b. Assess the current web presence and use of social media throughout the Division and implement Division expectations of website design and effective use of social media. c. Develop a comprehensive and integrated communications plan to increase awareness and understanding among the Division, the campus community and the surrounding environments about who we are, what we do and who we serve. d. Expand the opportunities for staff involvement in division-wide initiatives, programs and services. 2013-14 COMPLETED ACTION STEPS a. Collaborate with the Division of University Advancement and UH Marketing & Communication to develop and implement a division-wide integrated branding and marketing plan. • Recreation incorporated the new branding into all marketing • UC: installed four Digital screens in University South and one in University Center North. The University Center also erected an outdoor marquee to advertise events and programs. b. Assess the current web presence and use of social media throughout the Division and implement Division expectations of website design and effective use of social media. • AD Bruce: Improvements include updating of forms, clarification of policies and updates on maps, and CMA ministries. • CSM: 2 of three groups have transitioned web services c. Develop a comprehensive and integrated communications plan to increase awareness and understanding among the Division, the campus community and the surrounding environments about who we are, what we do and who we serve. • CLC utilized web-based parent and staff perception feedback surveys. CLC reviewed/updated center website/electronic communications to meet the needs of operation and users. Additionally, CLC formed a new partnership with UH PBS which included a media lab kit. CLC replaced dated computers in the preschool classrooms and added digital cameras to each classroom to enhance learning documentation. • • d. Campus Recreation created a full campaign (in print, media, and online) to address residential and commuter students, targeted faculty and staff through multiple methods. The Get Involved Platform features direct connections to 517 student organizations and campus departments. There are 19,972 active accounts owned by students and staff members. Expand the opportunities for staff involvement in division-wide initiatives, programs and services. • The Marketing committee expanding impact and reach of the committee and hosted a division-wide day of marketing for all staff. • The Professional Development Committee expanded opportunities for staff to get on-campus development and intentional networking. • The Assessment Committee changed its recruitment to solicit participation of newer staff members and included more departments. Create and engage in strategic partnerships. 6 a. Collaborate with the Division of Academic Affairs to develop proactive initiatives and research that positively impact student retention and graduation rates. b. Involve the Faculty Senate, Staff Council, Student Government Association and other shared governance groups in the Division’s assessment and planning initiatives. c. Partner with the Division of University Advancement and the Alumni Association to nurture an alumni base to support the Division’s initiatives. d. Engage the Division of Administration and Finance in effective facilities management and the prioritization of capital investments. e. Work with University Information Technology to operationalize best practices and to leverage resources to optimize the seamless delivery of programs and services. f. Join forces with UH Athletics to explore opportunities that are mutually beneficial for student success. 2013-14 COMPLETED ACTION STEPS a. Collaborate with the Division of Academic Affairs to develop proactive initiatives and research that positively impact student retention and graduation rates. • Not sure on this one? Increase the SAT profile of the incoming freshman class by recruiting a stronger application pool, focusing on targeted high schools, exploring new recruiting markets and managing the number of admits from the individual Admissions Review • UH Wellness initiated Health Coogs 2020. • VS planned and implemented the bi-annual Military and Graduation Cording Ceremony for military service members and veterans, including coordination with administrative and academic departments, communication with graduating student-veterans, planning of the program, and follow-up/evaluation. b. Involve the Faculty Senate, Staff Council, Student Government Association and other shared governance groups in the Division’s assessment and planning initiatives. • CLC collaborated with the CLC Advisory Board during the AdvancED self-assessment and external review process which included goal setting for the future. In addition, CLC collaborated with CLC stakeholders and UH Facilities Planning & Construction during the drafting of the hazard mitigation plan. The UH Commission on Women has been kept abreast of future building plans for CLC and the drafting of the hazard mitigation plan. • Recreation - Revitilized the Advisory Board • The Student Media Advisory Committee held four full meetings in addition to three interview subcommittees, marking the first class of leaders to be selected by the committee (and the first time that Student Video Network and Coog Radio were put through a standing committee to select their top leaders) c. Partner with the Division of University Advancement and the Alumni Association to nurture an alumni base to support the Division’s initiatives. • CLC compiled contact information of former and current CLC parents and student employees into a spreadsheet • AD Bruce: collaborated in the development and planning of the Annual UH Memorial Service • Recreation - An Alumni Open House was held in January and a Family Day was held in May • LGBTRC hosted own Alumni network reception 2013-14 COMPLETED ACTION STEPS d. Engage the Division of Administration and Finance in effective facilities management and the prioritization of capital investments. • CLC developed and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between CLC and off-site facilities for evacuation purposes. CLC is in the final phase of completing the Texas Department of Emergency Management Hazard Mitigation Plan for submittal. • CLC worked with UH Facilities Planning & Construction to compile draft drawings and possible locations on the UH campus for a future new CLC building combining both sites. • AD Bruce collaborated with Facilities Management with the quarterly review of facility Service Level Agreements to ensure Religion Center needs are met and cost savings are achieved where applicable. • Recreation: Cullen Field work was completed, water filling stations installed in facility, window tinting completed, and equipment maintenance contract completed • Memorandums of Understanding were drafted and reviewed for our food service and bookstore contract partners. The MOU for food service was fully completed and executed for 2013-2014. The MOU for the bookstore is near complete with revisions to be incorporated related to square footage finalizations and adjustments as well as revisions related to facility access and key control. e. Work with University Information Technology to operationalize best practices and to leverage resources to optimize the seamless delivery of programs and services. • All but one department server was transitioned to the University IT Virtual environment or phased out as part of new platform implementations • We have replaced most critical computers throughout the Division. The Student Affairs IRM plan was approved by University IT and will be updated to reflect any changes related department and divisional IT needs f. Join forces with UH Athletics to explore opportunities that are mutually beneficial for student success. • CLC made intentional outreach for opportunities with athletics.