College of Technology 2014-­‐2015 Academic Year We are here to answer your ques/ons and lead you through orienta/on and your graduate career. Catrina Ballard Dr. Danielle Brady Tiffany Roosa Campus resources College overview Advising Acceptance and condi@ons • Degree plan • Thesis and project • Scheduling classes • • • • • Important policies • Making graduate school work • Financial assistance • Gradua@on • Ques@ons Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog ■ Catalog contains important policies governing graduate study. ■ Catalog contains complete course lis@ngs, descrip@ons, and pre-­‐requisites. ■ You are responsible for knowing and following the policies and procedures as stated in the graduate catalog ■ hPp:// Informa@on Technology • Access your CougarNet accounts for email and internet access. • Ask ques@ons at the IT Help Desk. • IT offers a variety of services. Check out the website: hPp:// Cougar Card • Cougar Card serves as your UH ID card. • Used to gain access to library, health center, and athle@c/recrea@on facili@es. • You must be registered and make a tui@on payment to receive your card. • You can get your card at the Welcome Center or online. • hPp:// Email • E-­‐mail is considered a formal mode of communica@on. • UH will send you email to your “” account. • You must set up an alias to redirect e-­‐mail. • You are responsible for informa@on sent to you. University Libraries • Contains over 2 million books and 16,000 journals • Study carrels available to graduate students. • Workshops to help students use library resources to conduct research. • Electronic resources accessible from off-­‐ campus. University Libraries College of Technology Librarians Library Building, Room 117 R Lore8a Wallace • (713) 743-­‐9775 • • Managing HRD, FSC, GR, TPM, ISS, SCLT programs Nancy Linden • (713) 743-­‐9760 • • Managing ET (BTEC, MET, NECO), CM programs Dean Dr. William Fitzgibbon Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies Dr. Rupa Iyer Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Fred Lewallen Assistant Dean for Student Affairs Dr. Carmen Carter Students A-L Catrina Ballard Students Dr. Danielle Brady Students M-Z Tiffany Roosa Graduate Academic Advisors Catrina Ballard Dr. Danielle Brady Tiffany Roosa • Students A-­‐L • • • Students M-­‐Z • " Provides general advising to all graduate students " Manages degree plans " Appointments can be made by contac@ng Academic Services Center at 713-­‐743-­‐4100. Faculty Advisor • Iden@fied on your lePer of acceptance • Advises in major/area of emphasis • Signs official paperwork (Graduate Pe@@ons, degree plan, RCL and CPT forms, etc) Project /Thesis Advisor • You choose your project or thesis advisor • Provides mentorship • Advises in major/area of emphasis • Provides guidance on selec@on of elec@ve coursework • Provides guidance about thesis, non-­‐thesis and projects • Contact project/thesis advisor regularly Acceptance LePer • Acceptance lePer contains important informa@on – Any condi@ons affec@ng your admission – Required prerequisites – Faculty advisor’s name and contact informa@on Condi@onal Admission • Students who are condi@onally admiPed to Master’s programs must: -­‐First fulfill any specific s@pula@ons of the college or department during your first semester/year. -­‐Maintain at least a 3.0 GPA over the first 12 hours of work aPempted as a graduate student Condi@onal Admission • It is your responsibility to make sure that all of your condi@ons are met. • Condi@onal status will be removed aker all condi@ons have been met. • Failure to meet all condi@ons may result in proba@on or suspension. Prerequisite Courses • Prerequisite requirements are iden@fied in your acceptance lePer and should be taken in your first semester. • Prerequisite courses are required to ensure that you have the necessary background knowledge to successfully complete course work. Prerequisite Courses • Prerequisites are determined on a case-­‐by-­‐case basis depending on your academic background. • It is highly unlikely a prerequisite course will be changed even with a Graduate Pe@@on. Official Degree Plan • Your degree plan is enclosed in your packet. • Please sign one copy and submit to a graduate advisor. • Please keep one copy. • Transfer credit will be applied to your degree plan aker it has been approved. Official Degree Core Courses • Required core courses should be completed before elec@ves. • Subs@tu@ons are rarely allowed for core courses; permission required. Elec@ve Credit • Number of elec@ve hours varies depending on major and choice of thesis or non-­‐thesis op@on. • Elec@ve content will vary depending on your interests and career goals. Elec@ve Credit (con’t) • Choice of elec@ves must be approved by your faculty advisor prior to enrollment. • A copy of pre-­‐approved elec@ves are available from the Graduate Advisor and online; all other elec@ve op@ons must be approved with a Graduate Pe@@on. Transfer Credit from an External Ins@tu@on • Up to 9 credits of graduate work from a regionally accredited university may be transferred toward your graduate degree. • To ini@ate the process, you must complete a Graduate Pe@@on for each class you wish to transfer. Dual Degrees Dual degree refers to more than one program/ plan per student. To earn both degrees, students must: • Be admiPed to both programs. • Meet degree requirements for both programs. • Graduate from both programs in the same semester for courses to double count. Discon@nuing Dual Degrees • A Graduate Pe@@on may be submiPed to discon@nue a program/plan, however the pe@@on can only be processed prior to the start of the semester. • The extra program/plan is discon@nued at the end of the effec@ve term. • Choice of thesis, non-­‐thesis, or project op@on depends on your interests and goals. • It is not necessary to choose thesis/non-­‐thesis op@on during the first semester of enrollment, but you do want to consider it. • Non-­‐thesis degree requirements vary by department. Fall Timeline Spring Timeline Recommended Task Completion Overview Prior to the start of the term Prior to the start of the term 1. Select a topic. Planning 2. Select a thesis advisor. 3. Register for a thesis section. August January 1. Select a committee. September February 1. Schedule the thesis proposal defense. 2. Submit a one page proposal to the thesis committee at least one week prior to the thesis defense. October March 1. Submit introduction to the thesis advisor. November April 1. Submit chapters to the thesis advisor; student should be making significant progress toward writing his/her thesis. February September 1. Submit conclusion and bibliography to the thesis advisor; student should have completed his/her thesis writing. March October 1. Schedule thesis defense. 2. Revise and resubmit the thesis two weeks prior to defense. April November 1. Submit your thesis to the Dean’s office for review. 2. After approved by the Dean’s office, submit your thesis electronically. Prior to the end of term Prior to the end of term 1. Submit copies of your signed approval form. Research & Writing Submission & Examination Class Schedule • Class schedules are published on-­‐line. • Updated course lis@ngs are available at: hPp:// • Use the waitlist feature to request permission to enroll in a full course. Fee Payment • Keep up to date on your financial records by checking your status on-­‐line hPp:// mypeoplesok/. • If you are dropped for non-­‐payment, it is unlikely you will be reinstated. Add/Drop Deadlines • Be aware of the add/drop dates as iden@fied in the Academic Calendar: hPp:// academics/catalog/academic-­‐calendar/ index.php • You will not be able to make adjustments to your schedule aker the published dates. Dropping a Course • You are not dropped un@l you see the course has been dropped from PeopleSok. • Aker the add/drop period you need to submit a signed form to RAR in the Welcome Center to drop a course. • Forms will not be accepted aker the last day to drop. Four “C” Rule A graduate student who receives a grade of C+ or lower in 12 semester hours of graduate credit is ineligible for any advanced degree at this ins@tu@on and will not be permiPed to re-­‐ enroll for graduate study. Minimum GPA • A minimum grade point average of 3.0 for all graduate courses aPempted is required for a graduate degree. • Failure to maintain a cumula@ve GPA of 3.0 may result in a warning, proba@on, or suspension. Degree Comple@on Deadline • Your Master’s degree must be completed within five years. • All graduate work coun@ng towards the Master’s degree including transfer and Pre-­‐Graduate course work must be completed within five years as well. Finals Week is Mandatory • You are responsible for all materials, assignments and tests through the close of the semester. • If you plan to leave Houston at the end of the semester, wait un@l aGer the semester closes. • hPp://­‐ enrollment/final-­‐exam-­‐schedules/ Incomplete Grades Grades of “I” (incomplete) must be changed within 12 months of the date awarded or it will automa@cally convert to an “F”. Expect the pe@@on review process to take at least four weeks. This form is used to pe@@on a variety of requests, including: • Change of admission status • Change of classifica@on • Course overload • Degree requirement excep@on • Change of major • Special problem course request • Course equivalency evalua@on of transfer credit hPp://­‐school/faculty-­‐staff-­‐informa@on/forms/General_Pe@@on.PDF Graduate Tui@on Fellowship (GTF) • Teaching based employment posi/on – Instruc@onal Assistant (IA) – Teaching Assistant (TA) • Research based employment posi/on – Research Assistant (RA) • General employment posi/on – Graduate Assistant (GA) – This posi@on type does not qualify for in-­‐ state rates GTF Benefits • Work 20 hours a week in an approved posi@on • Receive – a monthly s@pend – up to 12 credits at the in-­‐state rate • Eligible for GTF funding; tui@on reimbursed at the $265 per credit • More Informa@on: hPp:// technology/students/prospec@ve-­‐ students/graduate-­‐applicants/graduate-­‐ tui@on-­‐fellowship/ GTF -­‐ How to Apply • To apply for an assistantship with the college, please submit a resume and applica@on to the Graduate Advisor: hPp:// financial-­‐aid/graduate-­‐assistantships/ • Faculty members may have research funds to support graduate students. Please contact individual faculty to find out about research opportuni@es. Scholarships • College of Technology Scholarships: hPp:// financial-­‐aid/college-­‐of-­‐technology-­‐ scholarships/ • Addi/onal financial and scholarship informa/on: hPp:// fellowships-­‐scholarships/index.php Cynthia Olmedo, Career Counselor • Please contact by email to set your appointment for – Resume review – Mock interviews – Employment search plan • • 713-­‐743-­‐4100 Career Fairs • • • • Offered Spring and Fall semesters. Over 60 companies represented. Bring a resume and dress professionally. Addi@onal informa@on: hPp:// technology/advising/career-­‐services/career-­‐fair/ TechConnect • Online career search tool for College of Technology students • Local and na@onwide job search capabili@es • Post your resume • When u@lizing TechConnect, use a professional e-­‐ mail (fluffybunny@gmail is not appropriate) and capitalize your name. • hPps://tech-­‐uh-­‐ Gradua@on • To graduate – Apply for gradua@on – Meet degree requirements – Be enrolled your final semester • Par@cipate in Commencement. Cougar Red Friday Show your pride and wear RED on Friday! Welcome to the College of Technology! Please contact us if we can answer any addi/onal ques/ons, we are here to help you. Catrina Ballard Dr. Danielle Brady Tiffany Roosa Thank you! Thank you for comple@ng the online orienta@on. Please visit hPp:// prospec@ve-­‐students/graduate-­‐applicants/ online-­‐orienta@on/quiz/ to complete the orienta@on quiz.