Document 14359199

University of Houston
Engineering Technology
College of Technology
COURSE OULINE ELET 4300: UNIX Operating System Elective Course Tue Thu 10:00 -­‐ 11:15am CATALOG DESCRIPTION UNIX Operating System Cr. 3. (3-­‐0). This course presents UNIX operating system concepts, fundamental command-­‐line features, file and directory system navigation, file security, simple editors and vi text editor, command shells, shell scripts, mail, and basic network use. PREREQUISITES ELET 3306 (grade of C-­‐ or better required) plus a higher level language. REQUIRED TEXT and MATERIALS UNIX Shell Programming: Learning the bash shell 3.0 by Cameron Newham and Bill Rosenblatt, Paperback -­‐ 331 pages, 3rd edition, 2005, O’Reilly Pub Co; ISBN: 978-­‐0-­‐596-­‐00965-­‐6 Author’s URL: COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES and PERFORMANCE CRITERIA This course covers the UNIX operating system. The learning platform is Ubuntu Linux Operating Environment. Students learn the basic operating system concepts and fundamental command-­‐
line features of the Ubuntu Linux Operating Environment. Topics include file and directory system navigations; sorting, searching, and pattern matching; file security; UNIX text editors; UNIX shells; shell scripts writing, and basic network use. PROGRAM OUTCOMES COVERED BY COURSE This course covers program outcomes: a, b, c, d, f, g, h, i, j, k. TAC-­‐ABET CRITERION 3 OUTCOMES h, i, j, and k: You are encouraged to become an active member of professional societies (national, regional, and local chapters) related to your chosen profession. As a member, you will normally receive trade, magazine, journal, and newsletter subscriptions thereby allowing you to maintain, in general, a connection with your profession. Whenever applicable, outside speakers will be invited to discuss relevant developments and events that relate to lifelong learning, quality, timeliness, continuous improvement, global issues, and societal and environmental concerns. This practice represents a means for keeping technically current and aware of changes and challenges in all aspects of your profession. Prepared by Shayan Mirabi
Spring 2010
University of Houston
Engineering Technology
College of Technology
COURSE GRADING Evaluations The student’s skills and understanding will be assessed by exams, and bi-­‐weekly assignments. These assessments are required for the successful completion of the course according to the following criteria. 1. There are 8 homework assignments/programming scripts. These assignments must be submitted completely. These assignments must be submitted on or before the due date through Blackboard. (45%) 2. Attendance (5%) 3. One Midterm exam. (20%) 4. One comprehensive final exam. (30%) Grading Schedules: Your course grade is based on following: 95 – 100 90 – 94 86 – 89 83 – 85 80 – 82 76 – 79 73 – 75 70 – 72 66 – 69 63 – 65 60 – 62 < 60 A A-­‐ B+ B B-­‐ C+ C C-­‐ D+ D D-­‐ F Course Policies • Each student should plan to spend approximately 6-­‐8 hours each week outside of class preparing for this course by reading ahead, completing homework assignments, and other work as assigned. • Late homework will not be accepted. Homework will be assigned to you in digital form and made available on the course portal (Blackboard). • No test can be taken before or after the scheduled in-­‐class date. You are responsible to eliminate all obstacles and situations that may arise to ensure that you can attend scheduled exam periods. • Make-­‐up exams will not be given unless for documented illness and hospitalization. • Please turn-­‐off all cell phones, no texting, and instant messing while class is in session. • All program assignments submitted for grading MUST BE VIRUS FREE. TOPICS COVERED Unit I. Introduction to Modern OS 1. Modern Computer Systems A. Components of a modern Computer System B. Computer System Architecture C. General Purpose Digital Computer D. Computer System Components 2. Basic OS Concepts Prepared by Shayan Mirabi
Spring 2010
University of Houston
Unit II. Unit III. Unit IV. Unit V. Engineering Technology
College of Technology
A. What is an operating system (OS)? B. Types of Operating Systems C. How does an operating system differ from a computer program? D. Operating System Support Components E. Operating System Goals F. What Does a Modern Operating System Do? G. Operating System Architecture H. Interrupts, Interrupt Handling, and Interrupt Classes Modern Operating System Architecture A. Operating Systems Types B. Services Provided by the Operating System C. System Structure D. Operating System Design Hierarchy E. Characteristics of Modern Operating Systems F. Categories of Security and Protection G. Hardware Protection H. Process Management, Scheduling, Process, and Resource Management I. Main Memory Management and Secondary-­‐Storage Management J. I/O System Management, File Management K. System Structure-­‐Simple Approach L. UNIX Architecture and System Structure, Historical Roots of UNIX Introduction to Solaris UNIX Operating System A. Background B. UNIX Concepts C. What is UNIX? Flavors of UNIX D. What should you know before starting E. Logging onto UNIX, Passwords F. UNIX Help G. File Types Under UNIX H. Editors UNIX File Systems & Directories A. Hierarchical File Structure B. File Types, File Names, and Path Names C. UNIX Commands D. File and Directory Commands E. Standard UNIX File System F. Text Editing and Printing Files G. Special Keys and Control Characters UNIX File Utilities: Sorting, Searching & Pattern Matching A. Determine file types with the file command B. Use the find command to locate files in the directory tree using specific search criteria C. Use the cmp and diff commands to compare the contents of files for differences Prepared by Shayan Mirabi
Spring 2010
University of Houston
Unit VI. Unit VII. Unit VIII. Unit IX. Unit X. Engineering Technology
College of Technology
D. Sort the content of text files in alphabetical and numerical order using the sort command E. Search for regular expression in the contents of one or more files using the commands F. grep, egrep, and fgrep File Security A. Display file and directory permissions B. Define the standard permission types (read/write/execute) C. Use the chmod command to change permissions with symbolic mode or octal mode values D. Determine the default permissions assigned to newly created files and directories with E. umask UNIX Editors A. What is a text editor B. The standard display editor-­‐ vi C. vi operating modes D. vi commands E. vi options F. The .exrc File Introduction to UNIX Shells A. What is the shell? B. UNIX Shells (Bourne, C, Korn, TC, Bourne Again Shell) C. Redirection, Pipes, and Filters D. bash shell Features E. Command history F. Event re-­‐execution G. Aliases H. Filename Generation and Completion I. Variables (csh) J. Predefined Shell Variables and Naming K. .login and .cshrc files L. Logout Files UNIX Shell Scripts A. What is a Shell Script? B. C Shell Operators C. Expressions D. Arithmetic, logical (Boolean, file inquiry, command status) E. Control Structures (if, if-­‐then-­‐else, switch-­‐endsw, foreach-­‐end, while-­‐end, repeat, break, continue, goto) F. Interrupt Handling G. Miscellaneous(Using quotes, Storing the Output of a Command, Reading User Input) Introduction to UNIX Networking Prepared by Shayan Mirabi
Spring 2010
University of Houston
Unit XI. Unit XII. Engineering Technology
College of Technology
A. Common Types of Networks B. Communicating Over the Network C. Networking Utilities D. Distributed Computing Introduction to UNIX Mail A. Mail Setup Using sendmail B. Setting up sendmail on a Client Machine C. Setting up sendmail on a Server D. Using mailx Utility to Communicate With other Users Additional Topics (Time permitting) A. Archiving User Data—Using tar, compress, zip B. Remote Connections C. System Processes D. Perl Scripts Successful completion of this course fulfills the technical content curricular requirements for the degree plan in Computer Engineering Technology. Prepared by Shayan Mirabi
Spring 2010