Havana Passage: A Photographic Workshop - January 2017 Registration Program Name: Havana Passage: A Photographic Workshop Start/End Dates: January 11 - 16, 2017 (tentative) Today’s Date: Name1: 1 Your name exactly how it appears on your passport. Email: Phone (preferred): Alternate Phone: Gender: DOB: Street Address: City: State: Zip: Roommate(s): Registration accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Space is limited. All non-credit/debit card payments are to made payable to WKU Study Away. See Program Detail sheet (Green Sheet) for details: http://www.wku.edu/americantraveler/programs/cubaphoto2017.php Items Subject to Change The trip is based on a minimum number of people to participate. Program activities may be revised to accommodate a smaller or larger number of participants if necessary. American Traveler are a short-term, noncredit programs offered by WKU’s Office of Study Away, designed to provide intense, unique travel experience to fascinating locations. These lifelong learning opportunities are developed and led by experts and designed to give participants a one-of-a-kind experience. WKU’s Office of Study Away administers Study Away courses, Faculty-Led Study Abroad courses, and the Cooperative Center for Study Abroad program. Study Away is a unit of the Division of Extended Learning and Outreach. 1|Pag e Havana Passage: A Photographic Workshop - January 2017 Registration EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Name: 800# (if WKU) Phone (preferred): Email: Address: City: State: ZIP: PARTICIPANT PASSPORT INFORMATION Passport Number: Issue Date: Expire Date: Place of Issue: Citizenship: Base Package Price: $4,399 – $4,699 ** Single room supplement add $699. Range due to number of participants, changes in flight and lodging availability due to US-Cuban relations. Double (per person) Single Occupancy July 1, 2016 $500 $500 September 1, 2016 $1,174 $1,349 October 1, 2016 $2,349 $2,699 November 1, 2016 $376 - 676 $550 - $850 $4,399 – 4,699 $5,098 - $5,398 PAYMENT (all non-refundable) Priority Registration and Deposit: First Payment (25%) Second Payment (50%) Final Payment (estimate): Payment Amount: Payment Method: Check (#___________) Discover MasterCard Visa (cash not accepted) Name on card: Zip Code: Card Number: Exp. Date: Verification #: <<< Last 3 digits on back of card Registration accepted by mail, fax or in person. No phone registrations. Mail: WKU Study Away C/O Cuba Photo Workshop 2017 Tate Page Hall 104 1906 College Heights Blvd, Bowling Green, KY 42101 Fax: 270-745-4499 2|Pag e Havana Passage: A Photographic Workshop - January 2017 Registration PARTICIPANT RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT I have read all program material provided to me and have had the opportunity to inquire about the program, and I have read and accept of the terms stated in the program details (Green Sheet), and I acknowledge that WKU shall have authority to cancel or terminate the program and/or related on-site activity in accordance with its policies and best judgment with no refund guaranteed, and I am aware of the option to obtain personal liability coverage and may do so at my own expense; and, I understand that I am required to utilize transportation arranged by Western Kentucky University, and if I choose a mode of transportation independent of that provided by WKU, I do so at my own risk and expense; and I shall conduct myself in an appropriate manner, which does not infringe upon the rights and safety of other participants of the program; and, I understand that WKU does not employ or retain on-site mental health professionals, and that I should consult with my current mental health provider prior to engaging in a program to discuss the potential stress of the program, and that I know that mental health treatment may not be accessible while on the program, and, I represent that I am medically fit to engage in the required activity and travel, and I understand that Western Kentucky University may require medical information to be eligible to participate in the Program and that I will provide the information as required, and voluntarily and willingly participate, and I acknowledge that travel may entail risks of personal and/or bodily injury including death and property loss, including those resulting from kidnapping, criminal activity, terrorist attacks, food or beverage contamination, and I agree voluntarily to assume all risks including, but not limited to, accident, illness or damage to my person and property to the extent not covered by insurance, or liability of third parties, and I authorize WKU to take whatever actions deemed warranted and appropriate regarding my health and safety. By submitting this Information, the Participant agrees to abide by WKU policies and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Western Kentucky University, its employees, agents, and/or officers from any and all loss, damage, or expense incurred as a result of my participation in this program: Cuba Photo Workshop 2017 Participant Print Name: _______________________________________________________________ Participant Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________ If under 18, a parent or guardian must sign. Print Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______________________ 3|Pag e Havana Passage: A Photographic Workshop - January 2017 Registration HEALTH INVENTORY – KEEP CONFIDENTIAL Name: Program Name: 800# (if WKU): Cuba Photo Workshop Start/End Date: January 11 – 16, 2017 (tentative) While you are not required to respond to the following, information on this page will be kept confidential and used only as necessary to meet your needs or in a medical emergency. Any health matters the Program Leader needs to know about in case of emergency? List any medications taken on a daily basis: Please list any allergies you have: (i.e. medication, food, etc.) Please state any conditions of which the Program Leader should be aware: Please state any special dietary requirements: Please describe any special needs that you require to participate in this program? Please state any other conditions that could affect you while traveling (i.e. phobias) Do you wear the following? (check all that apply) Glasses Contacts Hearing Aids Prosthetics KEEP CONFIDENTIAL 4|Pag e