HOW DO I CREATE A TEAM? STEP 1: Register your team at Visit StrikeItBigforMilestones and click on “CREATE A TEAM” On the next page, choose “Register Now” Click on the bubble to the left of “Team (Create a Team or Join a Team)” and click continue -DO NOT CHOOSE INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION! Click on the blue “Create a New Team” button in the top center and fill out your team name and fundraising goal. Remember that teams MUST RAISE AT LEAST $200 to be eligible to bowl for free. On the next page, click on the bubble next to “Team Member” and fill out the form that appears below. Click “Continue,” then “Continue to Checkout” and fill out your contact information. You will now be taken to your new fundraising page! Click on the button with a pencil icon to add a personal message and a photo to represent your team. Congrats! You just created a team and committed to STRIKE IT BIG for Milestones! You will get a confirmation email from, and if you need further assistance, you can email STEP 2: Share your news and start raising money! Now it’s time to share your team page with friends, family, neighbors, co-workers and everyone you know via email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. When you are on your personal page, use the convenient sharing buttons in the Fundraising Suggestions box to share your story and ask for donations. Want suggestions for what to say? Click on the sample letter links in the box below, but be sure to personalize your message! STEP 3: Raise a minimum of $200 & 6 people can bowl for free on Sunday, April 26, 2015! Once you have raised a minimum of $200, you may email Becca Kendis at with the name, age, home and email addresses of your 6 bowlers and your preferred location (either Solon Freeway Lanes or Buckeye Lanes in N. Olmsted), and we will contact you with your time slot (between 11:00pm3:00pm) ASAP. But don’t stop at $200- there are prizes for teams who raise the most money! HOW CAN I DONATE TO A TEAM OR TEAM MILESTONES? Don’t want to bowl? Donate to your favorite team or Team Milestones and make a difference today. STEP 1: Visit Click on “DONATE TO A TEAM” Click on “PARTICIPANTS” to search by an individual’s name or “TEAMS” to search by team name. Select the team or participant you would like to donate to and click on the blue sponsor box in the bottom right corner. Enter the amount you wish to donate and an (optional) personal message. Click on the blue sponsor button to enter your payment information. Thank you for supporting Milestones! All proceeds will directly support Milestones local programming. HOW CAN I SPONSOR THIS EVENT? Sponsorship opportunities are available. Go to and click on “BECOME AN EVENT SPONSOR” or contact Becca Kendis for more information at 216-464-7600 ext. 104 or . ***TIPS ON HOW TO SHARE YOUR STORY AND PERSONALIZE YOUR PAGE*** EMAIL: Letter writing and email campaigns are the easiest and most effective way to raise money. Your email should include: Why you are bowling- if you have a connection to autism or Milestones, discuss how this has affected your life and the lives of your family and friends. Ask everyone you know- the worst they can say is no. Say thank you- always acknowledge a donor’s generosity or support. Your personal goal- aim high- at least $200 but Strike it Big and go for more! Sample Emails/Stories: I’m bowling for our (son/daughter/grandson/granddaughter/niece/nephew). Milestones Autism Resources addresses the needs of children and families locally and helps them meet the challenges of autism head on. 1 in every 68 children is affected by autism. You can help! Please click here to find out why we are bowling. Thank you! Please help us make a difference! Did you know that 1 in every 68 children is affected by autism? The numbers are staggering. Milestones improves the resources for multitudes of children and families impacted by autism. Parents can call Milestones for help at each transition in their child’s life from entering school and creating an IEP, to developing a transition plan for employment or higher education. Please consider a gift to Milestones today so that we can continue to promote strategies for success for individuals of all ages with autism. P.S. Add a special signature line to your email accounts! You can include a link to your fundraising page with every email you send. Say something like: Visit my team page and help me Strike it Big for Milestones! SOCIAL MEDIA: Sharing your team news with your FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn friends will only help in your fundraising efforts! Sample blurbs/posts: I am participating in Strike it Big for Milestones Autism Resources. Please support me with a donation to my team! Only $XX more to reach my goal. Click here to help me Strike it Big for Milestones! This is why I am bowling… Please join me and support the important work of Milestones Autism Resources.