Application for Credit Flexibility Westlake City School District

Westlake City School District
Application for Credit Flexibility
This application must originate in GUIDANCE with Counselor/Student conference
Counselor Signature _______________________________________
Date _____________
Student Name ________________________________________________ Grade ______ ID # ___________________
Student phone and other contact information: ____________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian name and contact information: __________________________________________________________
Verification: __________ Valid/Current AUP is on file.
Description of what student will do to earn this credit (check all that apply):
Test or assessment
Field experience
Summer learning activity
Internet-based learning
Project-based learning
Independent study
Other (please specify)
Name and contact information of organization and/or individual(s) to support your proposed credit earning activity:
Student explanation of goals and statements of commitment (you may provide attachments):
Is there a school, organization or individual(s) to support your proposed credit earning activity:
All grades will be pass/fail, unless you choose to be awarded a letter grade. Letter grades will count in the student G.P.A.
Your choice of grading options cannot be changed later. I choose:
__________ Pass/Fail Grade Option
__________ Letter Grade Option.
How final grade is to be determined (you may provide attachments):
Final date for completion: ________________________________________________________________________________
In submitting this application, your signature below indicates that you understand and accept the
1. If you do not complete the approved activity or project you will not receive credit for the course.
2. All financial and transportation obligations are the responsibility of the student and
parent/guardian. These include but are not limited to tuition, fee, fines, textbooks and required
3. The completed credit flexibility activities and/or project that will affect a student’s graduation
must be submitted for purposes of assessment no later than May 1 of the year of graduation.
4. The credit flexibility plan has been fully explained and is understood as indicated by your initials
and signature.
5. The student will hold primary responsibility for overall success or failure of the credit flexibility
project/course/approved activity.
6. All Credit Flexibility course credit will be reported as a Pass/Fail grade unless the student chooses
to be awarded a letter grade. The choice between the pass/fail option and a letter grade must
be made at the time of application and may not be changed once the application is approved.
The letter grade, to be posted on the transcript and included in the student’s G.P.A., will be
awarded as determined by the Credit Flexibility Review Committee.
7. Weighted grades shall be determined by the Credit Flexibility Review Committee based on factors
including, but not limited to course content, course rigor, and/or comparability with the board
approved Course of Study. Credit Flexibility Plans seeking AP credit are subject to College Board
rules and regulations.
8. If a student fails to complete the alternative coursework, activity, assessment or performance
as stated in the plan approved by the Credit Flexibility Committee, the approval to pursue
the proposed credit will be revoked and a failing grade reported. The failing mark will be
included on the transcript and calculated in the grade point average.
9. The grade must be posted before the credit can count toward graduation, including early
10. The instructor or teacher of record reserves the right to remove the student from the course
(withdrawn with penalty) for issues involving plagiarism, copyright violation, or any form of
academic dishonesty.
11. If a student is unable to complete the credit due to illness (with a medical excuse) or other good
reason the Credit Flexibility Review Committee may extend the time permitted. If the student
does not intend to complete the credit and there has been an illness or other good reason, the
Credit Flexibility Committee will determine if the application may be revoked without posting a
failing grade.
12. Should a student transfer to another district in Ohio, upon request of the student or parent, the
district shall forward a copy of the approved application to the new district for their consideration.
13. Decisions and determinations may be appealed to the Superintendent or Designee. A letter
outlining the reason(s) for the appeal must be received by the Principal within 10 calendar days
following notification of withdrawal. The Superintendent or Designee’s decision on the appeal is
Signature of Student
Signature of Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
Principal or Designee (Name):
Guidance Counselor (Name):
Instructor of Record (Name):
Certified Teacher (Name):
Certified Teacher (Name):
Athletic Director (Name):
Approved for credit: ________
If pending – more information needed:
Requirements to earn credit:
_____ Student/Parent
_____ Department of Academic Services
_____ Counselor
_____ Teacher of Record
_____ Principal’s Office
_____ Permanent Record
Not approved: ________
Pending: ________