2015-2016 Faculty Fellowship for Expanding a Faculty Learning Community Project Application and Information – DEADLINE MONDAY, December 1st In fall 2010 the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) launched a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) program that brings faculty members together to explore a theme or aspect related to teaching and learning within and beyond the university community. To date, 22 FLCs, involving 161 members and facilitators, have begun or completed their year-long, cross-disciplinary collaboration. The CTE would like to scale up one or two of the individual projects begun in these 22 FLCs as Faculty Fellowships. By providing continued support for this work, the CTE hopes to encourage more in-depth consideration of the important topics that have been or are currently being addressed by FLC participants. The smaller scale version of the projects, begun in FLCs, may also provide a useful “pilot” phase for the larger types of initiatives we envision the Faculty Fellows to be undertaking. The 22 current or previous FLCs are: Effective Laboratory Courses within the Core Curriculum Incorporating Sustainability into Courses Mid-Career Faculty Mentoring Undergraduate and Graduate Research Using Technologies to Extend Classes Beyond the Classroom Initiating and Facilitating International Experiences for Students Quantitative Literacy The Future of Cincinnati Strengths-Based Teaching and Leadership in the Classroom Excellence: Teaching Out of Our Wisdom Digital Humanities Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Teaching Honors at Xavier Faculty Legacy Projects Experiential Learning The Human Good: Building Continuity Across the Curriculum Deeper Integration of Gender and Diversity Issues Into the Classroom Achieving Integrated, Transformative Immersion Experiences at Xavier Faculty Legacy Projects 2 Game-Based Learning Quantitative Literacy Across the Curriculum The Transformative Potential of Faculty Immersion Applicants for this Faculty Fellowship must have participated or currently be participating in one of these FLCs. Faculty Fellows spend a summer and one semester working on a project that will significantly impact curriculum, teaching, scholarship, and/or other academic activities at Xavier and within the field of higher education. In addition to furthering specific efforts in their respective areas, the fellows will be leaders in engaging other faculty members in constructive dialogue about Xavier’s future. New for 2014-2015, this Faculty Fellow will need to identify an institutional sponsor to endorse the project and mentor its successful completion (see more details in the application guidelines below). The Faculty Fellowship for Expanding FLC Projects and the Conway Fellowship for Jesuit Education, which is supported through the Conway Institute for Jesuit CTE Faculty Fellow for Expanding an FLC Project, 2015-2016, 2 Education, are the two faculty fellowships being offered through the CTE for 2015-2016. The fellowship cannot be divided between multiple faculty members. Faculty Fellow Program (Summer 2015 or Summer 2016 plus Fall 2015 or Spring 2016) The Faculty Fellow(s) will receive a summer stipend for 2015 or 2016 and release from all teaching responsibilities during one semester of the 2015-2016 academic year. It is expected that the Faculty Fellow will disseminate results of the project internally, across faculty and academic departments, as well as externally, where appropriate. A successful application will propose a major strategic initiative likely to make a significant positive impact on Xavier. Proposals should outline ambitious goals while providing evidence of feasibility. Initiatives extending beyond a single course and a single department are particularly welcome, as are projects whose effects will extend well beyond the fellowship period. Expectations The Faculty Fellow for Expanding FLC Projects agrees to: Undertake a major strategic initiative that advances an important area at Xavier addressed by an FLC Attain further knowledge about relevant literature, research and practices in the appropriate field Partner with the appropriate entities on campus, including an institutional sponsor with whom the fellow will meet regularly, to accomplish the project’s intended goals; the successful applicant will have both identified this partner and negotiated a plan with him/her for regular contact during the fellowship Disseminate the project results both internally and externally as appropriate Complete an end-of-project report that includes a description of the final project, the outcome, and dissemination efforts Support The Faculty Fellow will receive: A summer stipend of $10,000. It is expected that the Fellow will be working full-time on the project during the summer months of 2015 or 2016 and will not be teaching. Release from all teaching responsibilities during one semester of the following year, either fall 2015 or spring 2016, to be determined by applicant. (Funding will be available to the department toward the cost of hiring a full-time, temporary replacement for the semester.) Expenses up to $5,000, as appropriate to the project, to be used within the time frame of the project. Consultation and assistance from the CTE. Application All permanent, full-time, teaching faculty who have participated or are currently participating in one of the 22 FLCs started in 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 or fall 2014 are eligible to apply. Applicants must submit proposals following the format outlined below. Applications will be reviewed by a three-person panel (a former Faculty Fellow, a representative from the Faculty Development Committee, and a representative of the CTE). The panel will provide its own CTE Faculty Fellow for Expanding an FLC Project, 2015-2016, 3 judgment regarding priority among the applications it reviews. The Associate Provost for Academic Affairs will have the final voice in selecting the Faculty Fellow for Expanding FLC Projects. The following must be sent electronically to the Center for Teaching Excellence (cte@xavier.edu) by: Monday, December 1, 2014. Applicants should carbon copy their Department Chair and Dean on this application. 1) The application in the form outlined below 2) Curriculum vitae (abbreviated, no more than three pages) 3) A letter from the Department Chair (can be an e-mail) providing support for the applicant’s release time and the applicant’s qualifications to conduct the project. 4) A letter from the College Dean (can be an e-mail) providing support for the project and the applicant’s qualifications. 5) A supporting letter from the project’s institutional sponsor (can be an e-mail) providing support for the significance of the project to Xavier, outlining a plan for mentoring the applicant to successful completion of the project, and committing to the role of project sponsor. It is anticipated the project’s institutional sponsor will be an administrator (or faculty serving in an administrative role) with oversight of an area directly related to the project. The sponsor, therefore, will have an investment in the success of the project, will be able to frame how success can be measured, and can play a key role in disseminating the project’s results. The award will be announced in December 2014. Questions? Contact Steve Yandell (yandell@xavier.edu) or Mary Kochlefl (kochlefl@xavier.edu). CTE Faculty Fellow for Expanding an FLC Project, 2015-2016, 4 APPLICATION FORMAT - not to exceed 6 pages Cover Page (titled: “FLC Faculty Fellow Application”) 1. Name of applicant 2. Rank 3. Department 4. Summer and semester requested (summer 2015 or 2016 and fall 2015 or spring 2016) 5. Title of project 6. Abstract (150 words or less) Project Description (1-3 pages) Describe, in detail, your project including the impact it will have at Xavier - for your students, courses, curriculum, college, and/or university – as well as other educational communities and networks. The narrative should address the following questions: Why is this project needed? What is your interest and experience with the proposed pedagogical issue? How does this project make a significant contribution to one of the FLC topics, over the short and long term, at Xavier? How will you define and evaluate the success of this project? Is this project feasible, given the amount of time and budget provided by the fellowship? Preliminary Schedule Describe the anticipated sequence of project activity and responsibilities within the 2015/2016 summer and fellowship semester timeline. Describe any campus resources (access to professional staff, etc.) needed to support your project and any preliminary discussions with internal or external partners. Describe the role of the institutional sponsor in mentoring the project. Dissemination Plan Describe plans for communicating your findings or outcomes within the Xavier campus and externally. Describe the institutional sponsor’s role in the dissemination plan. Project Expenses (if appropriate, up to $5,000) Describe need for project expenses within the time-frame of the project (with consideration to the dissemination plans as well). Other (if appropriate) If the project is successful, would continuation funds be necessary to sustain the impact? If so, please explain and suggest sources from which you might seek such funding.