UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON COLLEGE OF PHARMACY PHAR 5692 ADVANCED HOSPITAL PHARMACY PRACTICE EXPERIENCE DESCRIPTION Upon completion of PHAR 5692, the student shall be able to perform the functions of a pharmacist in a hospital setting. The functions in a hospital pharmacy practice involve: I. Dispensing Function: in-patient area, manufacturing, compounding, repackaging, controlled substances, and investigational drugs. II. Management Function: operations, purchasing, inventory control III. Educational Function: drug information, healthcare professional education, patient education. IV. Pharmaceutical Care Function: monitoring, evaluating drug therapy, emergency pharmacy services, communication. Required Reading: Advanced Hospital Pharmacy Practice Experience Readings Brown TR, (ASHP), Introduction to Hospital and Health-System Pharmacy l Pharmacy Practice (Chapters 7-16) DEA Pharmacist’s Manual Texas Pharmacy Rules Institutional Pharmacy Texas Controlled Substances Act and Rules Recommended: Texas Pharmacy Act Hansten PD, Drug Interactions, (latest edition) Trissell Larry, Handbook of Injectable Drugs (latest edition) Ansel and Stoklosa, 13th ed., Pharmaceutical Calculations American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (AJHP) 1 5/1/2014NDO PHAR 5692 Advanced Hospital Pharmacy Practice Experience Goals and Objectives Goals 1. To develop a pharmacist who understands the operational aspects of hospital pharmacies and their role in institutional healthcare delivery. 2. To develop a pharmacist who is familiar with institutional drug distribution systems. 3. To develop a pharmacist with good interpersonal/professional relationships. 4. To develop a pharmacist with good problem-identification and problem-solving skills and professional judgment. 5. To develop a pharmacist who can select, initiate and monitor drug therapy. Objectives Upon completion of this rotation, students should be able to: 1. Provide a tour of departments, patient care areas and pharmacy-related areas of the hospital. 2. Locate the pharmacy’s policy and procedure manual and describe an overview of its contents. 3. Understand and perform functions related to the unit-dose drug distribution system. 4. Review, interpret and evaluate new prescriptions and medication orders for accuracy and appropriateness. 5. Communicate with patients in an effective and professional manner. 6. Describe the components of a patient medical record and their locations within the medical record. Students should know institutional policies concerning documentation in the patient’s medical record, and be familiar with all areas for documentation, including the Medication Administration Record (MAR). 6. When presented with patient problems, recommend therapeutic plans to health care providers and identify monitoring parameters and endpoints that measure desired outcomes. 7. Describe federal and state laws for controlled substances and their consistency with the hospital’s policies and procedures. 8. Describe good hospital manufacturing and repackaging practices. 9. Perform pharmaceutical calculations, and aseptically compound sterile products. 10. Under supervision of a pharmacist, check intravenous admixtures and other sterile preparations prepared by technicians. 11. Describe special requirements for preparing cytotoxic agents and investigational drugs. 12. Describe the hospital’s methods, guidelines and equipment for administering intravenous solutions including antibiotics, chemotherapy agents and intravenous push medications. 13. Accurately and effectively, communicate (oral, written and nonverbal) concise information to other healthcare providers. 14. Describe procedures for appropriately receiving and responding to a drug information request at the site. Demonstrate awareness of available sources of drug information. 15. Describe the role and impact of the following regulatory agencies on hospital pharmacy practice: (FDA, DPS, DEA, TSBP, Medicare, Joint Commission, OSHA). 16. Define, compare and contrast inventory control and purchasing methods with the hospital’s policies, procedures, and practices. 17. Describe the hospital’s quality improvement program, including adverse drug reaction reporting, medication error reporting, and infection control monitoring. 18. Explain basic pharmacy fiscal procedures including the annual budget process. 19. Describe the pharmacy department’s involvement on hospital committees (i.e., Pharmacy and Therapeutics, Pharmacy-Nursing, Infection Control, Institutional Review Board, etc). 20. Discuss USP Chapter 797 guidelines. 2 5/1/2014NDO Competencies for Advanced Hospital Pharmacy Practice Experience (PHAR 5692) Upon completion of Advanced Hospital Pharmacy Practice Experience (PHAR 5692), the student will be able to: 1. Review medication orders for completeness and potential problems concerning accuracy, allergies, legality, dose, route, frequency, and duration of use. 2. Demonstrate proficiency in reviewing medication order for drug-drug; drug-food; drug-disease interactions and drug duplication. 3. When a problem is identified, make appropriate interventions in the patient’s behalf. 4. Perform distributive functions in a unit-dose drug-distribution system including preparation of first dose selection, cart filing, cart exchange, extemporaneous packaging, and use of dispensing automation. 5. Develop, implement, and manage a unit-dose drug-distribution system. 6. Describe federal and state laws for controlled substances and how the hospital’s policy and procedures comply with those laws. 7. Demonstrate knowledge of the different types of formularies in a hospital setting. 8. Select and recommend an appropriate formulary drug when a non-formulary drug is ordered. 9. Calculate correct amounts of additives for intravenous or TPN products. 10. Aseptically prepare intravenous admixtures and TPN solutions. 11. Define risk levels for sterile products and describe the facility’s guidelines and procedures appropriate for risk level. 12. Perform appropriate calculations needed to fill prescription or medication orders. 13. Demonstrate proficiency in communications skills by performing patient counseling on topics such as warfarin self-administration and monitoring, inhaler use, and proper use of discharge medications. 14. Review, interpret, and evaluate medication orders against a pharmacy patient profile and patient’s medical record. 15. Describe procedures for the preparation, inventory, dispensing, and monitoring of investigational drugs. 16. Define and describe perpetual and physical inventories and methods of purchasing, ordering, and receiving merchandise. 17. Effectively communicate with other health care professionals. 18. Recommend appropriate drug therapy and alternative therapeutic solutions. 19. Compound extemporaneous products and describe institutional guidelines for compounding and packaging of products. 20. Describe the role and impact of regulatory agencies or accrediting organizations including the FDA, DEA, Texas State Board of Pharmacy, Medicare, OSHA, DPS, Joint Commission, and ASHP as they affect hospital pharmacy practice. 21. Utilize hospital-based drug information resources to answer therapeutic questions. 22. Describe the role of hospital committees, including Pharmacy and Therapeutics, Infection Control, Quality Assurance, and Discharge Planning, 23. Complete an adverse drug reaction report. 24. Reconcile pharmacy medication profiles with nursing medication administration records. 25. Describe the impact of the USP Chapter 797 guidelines in pharmacy practice. 3 5/1/2014NDO Grading Policy 1.Grading Criteria for Advanced Hospital Pharmacy Practice Experience - PHAR 5692 Grading Criteria is competency based. Minimal passing performance is 70%. Grading Criteria: A total of 500 points may be achieved upon completion of the PHAR 5692, Advanced Hospital Pharmacy Practice Experience. These points are composed of scores from the written final examination, practical examination, and the course coordinator’s evaluation. The following maximum point values may be achieved in each of the areas: Written Final Examination Practical Examination (Errors & Omissions) Mid-term Evaluation from preceptor Final Evaluation from preceptor Preceptor Experiential Grade Practice Experiential Director Grade __ TOTAL 150 points 150 points *P/F *P/F 100 points** 100 points*** 500 points *In order to receive a passing grade for the rotation the intern: 1. Must NOT receive four (4) or more “2” ratings on the end on rotation evaluation in the first 18 dimensions. 2. Must NOT receive a “1” rating on the end on rotation evaluation on dimensions 1 – 22. **Preceptor Experiential Grade is based on the following: Drug Utilization Review Meets Stated Goals and Objectives Professionalism Communication/Interpersonal Skills Initiative/Attitude Total 20 20 20 20 20 100 ***Practice Experiential Director Grade – Accountability or Responsibility points A letter grade is assigned based on the total points earned.** A = 450 - 500 points B = 400 - 449 points C = 350 - 399 points D = 325 - 349 points F = <325 points (90 - 100%) (80 - 89%) (70 - 79%) (65 - 69%) – repeat APPE (< 65%) – repeat APPE **To obtain a grade of C or better the student must: a. Earn a minimum of 105 points (70%) on the Written Final Examination. b. Earn a minimum of 105 points (70%) from the Practical Examination. c. Follow guidelines of the Internship and Attendance Policies. d. Complete all required course evaluations (preceptor, site, intern). e. Submit all required rotation paperwork by the appropriate deadlines. 4 5/1/2014NDO 1. Exams and Evaluations for Advanced Hospital Pharmacy Practice Experience Preceptor Midterm and Final Evaluation. These evaluations should be completed following the “Guidelines for Preceptor Evaluation of Student” described in this manual. Practical Examination. To prepare for this examination, the student should complete, with the involvement of an instructor at their hospital site, both the Intravenous Admixture Compounding Checklist and the Drug Distribution: Unit Dose Checklist. In addition, completion of normal student/intern responsibilities should adequately prepare the student for examination. The practical examination may involve the following: A. Drug Distribution: Unit Dose Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Preparation of patient profiles Critique of profiles prepared by a technician Critique of Unit Dose Cassettes prepared by a technician Critique of medication order filled by a technician Review of patient profile and/or medication orders for allergies, drug-drug interactions, drug-diet interactions, drug-disease state interaction. Intravenous Admixture Activities 1. Preparation of intravenous admixture or other sterile products. 2. Critique of intravenous admixture or other sterile products prepared by a technician. Interventions. A minimum of ten (10) interventions will be completed by students during the rotation using the appropriate method. Interventions will be graded on quality and completeness. Students will lose 10 responsibility points for each intervention not meeting standards. Homework assignments. Homework assignments will be provided to the intern prior to the rotation. They should be studied in preparation for the final written examination. Final Written Examination. This examination will be based upon the competencies, required readings, and homework assignments. 5 5/1/2014NDO PHAR 5692 Advanced Hospital Pharmacy Competencies Drug Distribution-Unit Dose-Order Entry Checklist Intravenous Admixture Compounding Checklist 6 5/1/2014NDO Orientation to the Hospital and Pharmacy Department Objectives Completed by Date 1. Complete a tour of the hospital to become familiar with the location of various departments, patient care areas, and pharmacy-related areas. ________________ 2. Complete a tour of the pharmacy, noting location of equipment, supplies, drug products, and reference materials. ________________ 3. Introduce student to each employee. The student and employee should be told about each other’s functions and responsibilities. ________________ 4. Review the department’s Policy and Procedure manual. Topics to be reviewed include: a. confidentiality b. manner of dress c. lines of authority (as related to students) d. scheduling of student hours e. absence and tardiness (as related to students) f. scheduling of student evaluations g. telephone etiquette - does student answer phone properly? h. safety and emergency procedures _________________ Discuss the scope of pharmacy services at the site. For example: a. Distributive b. Clinical/pharmaceutical care c. Research/Investigational 6. Describe inter- and intra- departmental services that support inpatient drug distribution. 5. ________________ __________________ 7. Describe the formulary system used at the site. __________________ 8. Describe the site’s policy and procedure on generic substitution __________________ 7 5/1/2014NDO Performance Dimensions Provides drug product Determines appropriateness of order Evaluates and selects product Assures product/prescription accuracy Objectives I. Completed by Date A. Describes policies and procedures for dispensing unit dose drugs, including stat, refrigerated, controlled substances, and automatic stop orders. ________________ B. Performs functions related to the distribution aspect of the unit dose system including: ________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. first dose selection cart filling cart exchange extemporaneous packaging record keeping for pumps/devices (if applicable) delivery floor stock replacement (i.e. Pyxis ® machine, manual system) refrigerated items automation C. Checks for the accuracy of filled medication cassettes/carts and takes appropriate corrective action, if necessary. __________________ D. Reviews medication orders for drug related problems. For example: __________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E. completeness accuracy legality potential allergic reaction valid indication 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. drug disease interaction proper dosage form correct dose and interval drug-drug, drug-food interaction drug duplication Labels and dispenses medication to be delivered accurately and professionally. Applies appropriate auxiliary labels. F. Refilling orders: _________________ _________________ 1. Describe the procedure by which medication is re-ordered for the patient. 2. Interpret and refill any authorized refill request 3. Recognize an unauthorized refill request and communicate with the person requester. 8 5/1/2014NDO Objectives Completed by Date G. Identify labeling requirements including auxiliary labels for 1. Solids 2. liquids 3. compounded products 4. internal products 5. external products 6. non-human use preparations, i.e. cleaning solutions 7. injections ________________ H. Student will screen legend Schedule, II, III, IV, V prescriptions/medication orders for all legally required information. ___________ _____ I. Student will screen investigational prescription/medication orders for all legally required information. ___________ ____ J. Student will screen prescriptions/medication orders to determine if drug, dose, and dosing and schedule are appropriate. ___________ ____ Student will review, interpret, and evaluate new prescription o r medication orders and identify those which require priority attention and/or clarification. L. Student will perform necessary calculations to fill prescription or medication order. ___________ ____ K. ___________ ____ Under the supervision of your preceptor: M. Complete the Drug Distribution Unit Dose Checklist on the following pages. ___________ ____ Turn in to the course coordinator before taking practical examination. 9 5/1/2014NDO Drug Distribution – Unit Dose-Order Entry Checklist The University of Houston College of Pharmacy – Advanced Hospital Pharmacy Practice Experience Student:_______________________________ Date:______________________________ Preceptor:______________________________ Site:______________________________ Please check the appropriate evaluation category for each skill and review with the student. SKILL ASSESSMENT Needs Competent Reinforcement Notes RECEIPT AND INTERPRETATION OF MEDICATION ORDER Review for: Patient’s name, location, time and number of doses needed to fill required supply; appropriateness of drug, dose, route, and frequency Allergies and hypersensitivities Review medication order against orders on patient profile Record necessary information on patient profile Send required medications to patient care area ESTABLISHING A PATIENT PROFILE: UNIT DOSE Enter patient’s name, age, gender, identification number, primary diagnosis, physician, allergies, special diets, and other items per practice site policy and procedure For each order received, record: Pharmacist’s initials Date received Drug name, strength, sig, route Start and stop date “fill” or “set” level – know definition Amount initially dispensed Whenever medication is dispensed, review the order against the patient profile for: Potential drug interactions Therapeutic duplication Inappropriate therapy Special religious requirements 10 5/1/2014NDO Page 2 – Drug Distribution – Unit Dose-Order Entry Checklist SKILL ASSESSMENT Needs Competent Reinforcement Notes IV ADMIXTURE PATIENT PROFILE All information included on unit dose patient profile should be included, along with: Base solution and quantity Additive(s) and quantity(ies) Bag or bottle number UNIT DOSE DISTRIBUTION Review patient profile for drug interactions, therapeutic duplication and problems, automatic stop dates Credit patient with returned medications on patient profile (if applicable) Fill patient medication drawer with appropriate amount of medication Check expiration dates Attach ancillary labels Review procedures for dispensing unit dose medications via automated devices (ex: PYXIS) PATIENT DISCHARGE Credit patient with returned medications on patient profile (if applicable) Profile is discontinued and sent for charging (if appropriate) Appropriate medications are returned to stock POINTS FOR REVIEW COMMENTS: Credit and charging & patient transfers _____________________________________________ Reconciling _________________________________________________________________ Narcotic dispensing____________________________________________________________ Floor stock medication___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Preceptor signature Date 11 5/1/2014NDO II. Communicates with patients about prescription drugs Interviews and counsels patients on drug usage, dosage, packaging, and storage Discuss drug cautions, side effects, and patient conditions Explains policies on fees and services Relates to patients in a professional manner Interacts to confirm patient understanding Objectives III. Completed by Date A. Interviews and counsels patients on drug usage, dosage, packaging, and storage. _______________ B. Discuss drug cautions, side effects, and patient conditions. _______________ C. Explains policies on fees and services. _______________ D. Relates to patients in a professional manner. _______________ E. Interacts to confirm patient understanding _______________ Monitors and evaluates drug therapy; initial and ongoing A. Establishes and interprets data bases Database includes active problems, PMH, pertinent PE, and lab data, hospital course Medication history performed and complete Medication profile complete and up to date Pharmacokinetic parameters determined Objectives A. Completed by Date Locate the following in a patient’s chart: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ________________ patient diagnosis physician’s orders medication administration record nursing notes laboratory reports patient allergies/drug sensitivities history and physical progress notes B. Review, interpret, and evaluate new medication orders against the pharmacy patient profile. Identify those which require priority attention and/or clarification. _________________ C. Record all appropriate information on the pharmacy patient medication profile. _________________ D. Perform and complete medication history _________________ E. Identify appropriate pharmacokinetic monitoring parameters for each patient. ___________ 12 5/1/2014NDO Monitors and evaluates drug therapy; initial and ongoing B. Identifies drug related problem(s) Determines if any drug related problems exist Supports through documentation of the drug related problems Objectives A. Completed by Date Review patient medication profiles for drug related problems. For example: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ________________ completeness 6. drug disease interaction accuracy 7. proper dosage form legality 8. correct dose and interval potential allergic reaction 9. drug-drug, drug-food valid indication interaction 10. drug duplication B. The student is able to screen for allergic reactions. ________________ C. Reconcile pharmacy medication profiles with nursing medication administration records. ________________ III. Monitors and evaluates drug therapy; initial and ongoing C. Recommends appropriate therapeutic plan(s) Determines appropriate therapeutic endpoints and plan Recommends appropriate drug therapy (dose, duration, route, etc.) Selects appropriate parameters to monitor efficacy and toxicity Objectives Completed by Date A. The student is able to suggest appropriate alternatives to manage therapeutic duplication. ________________ B. The student is able to suggest appropriate alternative to manage therapeutic problems. ________________ III. Monitors and evaluates drug therapy; initial and ongoing D. Devises follow-up plan(s) Determines appropriate time(s) to re-evaluate patient and assess efficacy and toxicity Conducts the follow-up plan in a timely manner Objectives Completed by Date A. Determine appropriate time to re-evaluate the patient and assess efficacy and toxicity. ________________ B. Conducts the follow-up plan in a timely manner. ________________ C. Identify the outcome(s) that occurred as a result of an intervention in a drug-related problem. ________________ 13 5/1/2014NDO IV. Maintains Professional - Ethical Standards Complies with laws and regulations Applies good professional judgment in legal interpretations Exhibits reliability and credibility in dealing with others Deals professionally and ethically with colleagues and patients Maintains confidentiality Objectives Completed by Date A. Describe Federal and State laws for controlled substances. ________________ B. Describe the hospital’s policies and procedures to comply with laws and regulations for controlled substances records, including: 1. filling 2. discrepancy 3. waste 4. nursing records 5. shift counts 6. storage and access to narcotic cabinet 7. quality assurance audits ________________ C. Participate in a daily or weekly inventory audit of controlled substances. _________________ D. Participate in a monthly nursing unit audit of controlled substances. _________________ Describe how controlled substances are ordered through the DEA order form and who has the authority to sign the form. ________________ F. Describe laws regarding the requirements for ordering, storage, transfer, dispensing, and use in compounding of ethyl alcohol. _________________ G. Review local fire ordinances concerning the storage of volatile liquids including ethyl alcohol. _________________ H. Describe good manufacturing practices. _________________ Describe policies and procedures regarding repackaging of drug products. _________________ J. Describe policies and procedures for repackaging and compounding controlled substances. _________________ K. Define maximum and minimum volumes for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections. _________________ 14 5/1/2014NDO V. Communicates with patients about nonprescription products, devices, and diagnostics Questions patients on conditions and intended drug use Assists in and recommends drug selection Communicates OTC drug dosage, usage and storage, side-effects, packaging Refers patients to other health professionals Provides information on medical/surgical and home health care devices and diagnostic products Provides poison control treatment, information, and referral Objectives Completed by Date A. Communicates with patients about nonprescription products, devices, and diagnostics. ________________ B. Questions patients on conditions and intended drug use. ________________ C. Assists in and recommends drug selection. ________________ D. Communicates OTC drug dosage, usage and storage, side-effects, and packaging. ________________ F. Refers patients to other health professionals, when appropriate. ________________ G. Provides information on medical/surgical and home health care ________________ devices and diagnostic products. G. Provides poison control treatment, information, and referral. VI. Compounds Utilizes acceptable professional procedures Selects appropriate equipment and containers Prepares special dosage forms Documents calculations and procedures ________________ Objectives Completed by Date Intravenous Admixtures A. Aseptically prepare I.V. admixtures including necessary pharmaceutical calculations. ________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Select appropriate bulk solution. Select appropriate diluent. Apply appropriate product labeling, to include auxiliary information. Determine stability, incompatibilities and storage requirements. Describe the special precautions observed when preparing or administering hazardous or cytotoxic agents. 15 5/1/2014NDO _________________ C. Under the supervision of a pharmacist, check intravenous solutions and other sterile products prepared by technicians for accuracy and completeness. _________________ D. Describe procedures for compounding sterile preparations according to standards of USP Chapter 797. _________________ E. Describe the procedure for the preparation of investigational drug IV admixtures. _________________ F. Describe the site’s procedures and guidelines for: 1. antibiotic standardization of base solutions 2. chemotherapy standardization of base solutions 3. minimal volume 4. I.V. push guidelines _________________ G. Describe the methods, equipment, and supplies used to administer intravenous solutions including the types of administration sets, needles, catheters, pumps, and devices used at the site. ________________ H. Describe I.V. medication errors and procedures used to prevent errors. _________________ Under the supervision of a preceptor: I. Complete the Intravenous Admixture Compounding Checklist on the following page. _________________ Turn in to the course coordinator before taking practical examination. 16 5/1/2014NDO Intravenous Admixture Compounding Checklist University of Houston College of Pharmacy Advanced Hospital Pharmacy Practice Experience Student: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________________ Preceptor: ___________________________Site: _____________________________________ Please check the appropriate evaluation category for each skill and review with the student. SKILL ASSESSMENT Needs Competent Reinforcement Notes ASEPTIC TECHNIQUE Remove jewelry from hands and wrists. Roll sleeves above elbow. Scrub nails, hands, arms (to elbow) with water and disinfecting agent for at least 30 seconds. Turn faucet off with paper towel. Follow proper personnel garbing procedure. LAMINAR FLOW HOOD Turn hood on 30 minutes before use Clean sides and work surface using proper technique and appropriate solution. Allow work surface to dry. INTERPRET MEDICATION ORDER Read order and determine if appropriate dose, route, frequency of administration Check for potential incompatibilities. Determine the admixture materials needed. Calculate amount of each admixture needed (show work on order) Determine the volume of each additive LABEL PREPARATION Type label for IV admixture Label should include the following items: Patient name Unique identifying number Patient room number Additive strength and amount Base solution Preparation date Expiration date and time Prescription or bottle number Administration directions Ancillary precaution labels Initials of pharmacist and technician 17 5/1/2014NDO page 2 – IV Checklist SKILL Student: _______________________________ ASSESSMENT Needs Competent Reinforcement Notes COMPOUNDING: ASEPTIC TECHNIQUE Place the needed ingredients in the hood workspace. Do not place paper, pencils, labels, orders, etc. in hood. Do not put head inside the hood. Compound at least 6 inches inside hood. Arrange items properly without interrupting HEPA airflow. Wipe Vials, ampules, and IV bag or bottle port with 70% alcohol and allow to dry. Select the appropriate size syringes for each additive and set next to each item. Attach needle to syringe aseptically. For vials requiring reconstitution: Determine the amount of diluent: follow the manufacturer’s directions or determine powder volume. Vent vial. Add diluent. Remove venting needle. Rotate vial gently back and forth until in solution. For ampules: Tap down to remove solution. Swab neck with alcohol. Use thumb and index finger at neck of ampule to open. Quickly snap top of ampule off. Withdraw desired quantity. Attach filter needle to syringe containing additive. Draw up appropriate volume of additive aseptically. Remove air bubbles from syringe. Inject additive into IV bag or bottle. Mix primary solution between each addition Check solution for particulate matter, damaged container, etc. by “swirling” and holding to light or using a light box. LABELING Attach label in appropriate location Have preparation checked and initialed Preparation is “bagged” or “foiled” if light sensitive. Preceptor’s Signature/Date _______________________________________ 18 5/1/2014NDO Manufacturing, Compounding, and Repackaging Objectives Completed by Date A. Describe packaging equipment and operation. _______________ B. Describe overfill volumes for liquid dosage forms. _______________ C. Describe the guidelines for the cutting of tablets and suppositories _______________ D. Determine expiration date for compounded and repackaged products. _______________ E. Describe the procedure for standard compounded products: _______________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. F. product formulation sheets calculation/measurements checking filling revision process Compound extemporaneous product formulas: 1. when a “recipe” is available 2. when a “recipe” is not available 3. Describe good manufacturing practices _______________ _______________ VII. Communicates with health professionals Obtains or provides accurate and concise information in a professional manner Uses appropriate oral, written, and nonverbal language Objectives Completed by Date A. For those orders requiring clarification, communicate with the physician or nurse to resolve problems to obtain clarifying or additional information in a timely and professional manner. ________________ B. Describe the policy and procedures at the site for recording clarified medication orders in the patient’s medical record. ________________ VIII. Retrieves and evaluates drug information Selects best available resource for answering a drug related request in a timely fashion Interprets the information obtained and judges relevance Objectives Completed by Date A. Review the procedures for receiving a drug information request : ________________ obtain pertinent information from the caller select appropriate drug information sources for any given question answer question or find someone who can documentation of question and answer evaluation of call (quality assurance) B. Describe the practice site’s procedure for handling a poison ingestion call. List the number for the regional poison center. 19 5/1/2014NDO ________________ Objectives Completed by Date C. Review the hours of operation, region of service and the population the drug information center serves. ________________ D. Describe the function of a drug information service: maintenance of adequate resources and drug literature extemporaneous questions Pharmacy and Therapeutics committee support distribution of drug literature and pharmacy bulletins in-service education support reviewing activities of drug vendors legal liability of supplying drug information ________________ E. Describe information sources that are available: primary secondary tertiary computerized ________________ F. Communicate effectively, in person or by telephone, with pharmacists, nurses, physicians, and patients in solving drug information problems. _________________ G. Describe intravenous compatibility data: when compatibility data is available when compatibility data is not available ________________ H. Describe the references to use to identify foreign drugs and be able to provide U.S. equivalents. ________________ I. Identify a tablet/capsule using an imprint. ________________ J. Describe the site’s treatment of extravasations and how this can differ at various institutions. _______________ K. Respond to other health care professionals’ questions regarding questions regarding: product availability manufacturer storage requirements dosage appearance potential interactions side effects usage bioavailability information ________________ L. Evaluate the importance of pharmaceutical companies as an information source. ________________ 20 5/1/2014NDO IX. Manages general pharmacy operations Participates in planning and policy making Controls drug inventory Provides drug security, storage, and control procedures Maintain quality assurance Participate in basic fiscal procedures Attends meetings involving pharmacy representation Facilitates professional growth of others A. Participates in planning and policy making Objectives Completed by Date 1. Review the site’s policies and procedures for general pharmacy operations and discuss their development with the preceptor. ________________ 2. Describe the organizational chart of the pharmacy and how it reflects the strategic planning of pharmacy services. ________________ 3. Describe the role and impact of the following regulatory agencies on hospital pharmacy practice: FDA DEA Texas State Board of Pharmacy Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations DPS Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) Medicare Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Texas Department of Health ________________ 4. Describe the site’s adverse drug reaction monitoring and reporting system. ________________ 5. Describe the site’s medication error reporting system ________________ B. Controls drug inventory. Objectives Completed by Date 1. Define inventory control and the methods used at the site to control drug inventory. ________________ 2. Describe the different methods of purchasing used at the site ________________ 3. Describe how purchasing may vary between institutions and in hospital versus community settings. 4. Describe methods for acquisition of non-drug and ancillary products. 21 5/1/2014NDO ________________ Objectives Completed by Date 5. Describe the process for ordering and receiving merchandise ________________ including: order processing validation of receipt documenting and tracking of backorders and selection of alternate product sources pricing 5. Define perpetual and physical inventories and benefits of each ________________ 6. Describe the importance of inventory turnover, turnover rate, method of calculation, how the number of “turns” is influenced by a prime vendor, and how method(s) of payment to a prime vendor affect(s) the number of turns. ________________ 7. Describe the policy for the return of goods to the manufacturer or wholesaler, including outdated, damaged, or recalled products. ________________ 8. Describe the role of Medical Services Representatives and why they are important, including: file directory management of representatives resources for drug information and educational resources product availability, pricing structures, and changes ________________ 9. Describe methods for the loan and borrowing of drug products between institutions. ________________ 10. Describe open vs. closed formulary as applied to inventory control. ________________ C. Provides drug security, storage, and control procedures. Objectives Completed by Date 1. Inspect the security, storage, and control procedures for floor stock medication issued to areas outside the pharmacy, such as radiology, emergency room, operating room, recovery room, etc. ________________ 2. Review the site’s inspection procedure including forms and frequency of these inspections. ________________ 3. Participate in a nursing unit inspection ________________ 4. Describe the site’s drug use evaluation program, including structure, process and outcome. ________________ 5. Assist with data collection of a drug use evaluation at the site. evaluation at the site. ________________ 22 5/1/2014NDO D. Maintain quality assurance. Objectives Completed by Date 1. Describe the site’s quality assurance program, including structure, process, and outcome. ________________ 2. Assist with the quality assurance process at the site. ________________ 3. Describe the pharmacist’s role in infection control ________________ 4. Describe the quality assurance program for IV admixtures used at the site. ________________ 5. Describe quality assurance monitors for manufacturing, compounding, and repackaging. ________________ E. Participate in basic fiscal procedures. Objectives Completed by Date 1. Describe the pharmacy budget ________________ 2. Describe the site’s policy and procedure fee a. charging medication b. crediting medication ________________ F. Attends meetings involving pharmacy representation Objectives Completed by Date 1. Describe pharmacy committee activities including pharmacy and nursing committees and attend committee meeting, if possible. ________________ 2. Describe the purpose, organization, and scope of function of the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. ________________ 3. Attend a P&T Committee Meeting if possible. ________________ 4. Attend a Gulf Coast Society of Health-System Pharmacist Meeting. ________________ 5. Attend educational programs offered by the hospital not limited to pharmacy. _______________ 6. Attend a state or national health system pharmacy meeting. ________________ 23 5/1/2014NDO