APPLICABLE TO ALL APPLICANTS WHO DO NOT HOLD EITHER AN HONOURS DEGREE OR A POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA (Page 1 of 4) Dear Applicant Entry into your programme requires you to provide evidence that you have the capacity to undertake the programme. Although currently the entry criteria is an honours degree we want to give you the opportunity to be considered for this programme. This requires writing a 1000 word literature based essay which will be judged to determine its equivalence to an honours degree (or Level 8) programme. Details on the essay and some guidelines on writing this essay are included below. If you have any further queries please ring or contact the Programme Director of the programme you are interested in applying for, his/her contact details are listed in the Postgraduate Prospectus at: Essay title Choose a topic relevant to your practice area. Write a 1000 word literature based essay on your chosen topic. It is important that the topic you choose is relevant to the field of the programme you wish to apply for. For example: If you are interested in applying for the Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Public Health Nursing ) you might choose continence promotion or elder abuse or child immunisation as your topic. If you are interested in applying for the Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Intensive Care) you might choose pain management or intensive care unit psychosis/ICU syndrome as your topic. Presenting your essay The following should be clearly typed on your essay: your name, name of the programme for which you are applying, actual word count (remember the word limit is 1000 words), signed declaration (see below) agreeing that the essay is your own work, the essay should be typed, double-spaced, an alphabetical reference list should be included at the end of your essay. Please ensure your essay is securely stapled Essay content Your goal is to demonstrate your ability to critically evaluate the research on your chosen topic. You will need to identify and critically review research articles on your chosen topic. This means looking at each research article and asking yourself, what was focused on, what are the key findings, what methods were used, how well/badly designed was the research, are the findings similar or different to other the other studies you have read. If different is there an explanation for this, for example, as a result of methods or design. Once you have critically read the key literature you will be able to identify the overarching issues or themes. Write your essay around these themes using the literature (i.e. the research studies you have read) to support your conclusions. Remember to examine the implications of what you have reviewed for practice, for example, you might offer suggestions as to why practice differs from what is defined as best practice and make suggestions on what could be done differently. Marking of the essay Essays are marked in line with the marking criteria included below. Reference Guidelines on referencing your essay and developing a reference list are included for your information. Declaration Please include this declaration statement at the end of your essay, and ensure you sign and date it. I hereby declare that this work is entirely my own and that I have acknowledged the writings, ideas and work of others. Signature: Date: Marking Criteria To pass your essay should meet the following minimum criteria: Logical flow; is coherent. Essentially clear in meaning. Language mainly fluent. Good overview of the topic provided. Description clear, good in parts. Partial exploration of subject matter. Some critical thinking evident. Good discrimination between what is important and less important. Evidence of coherence in the formation of arguments. Good breadth and depth of relevant literature. Appropriate use of relevant theoretical work; not always well integrated. Satisfactory understanding with some good insights. Some evidence of evaluation. Most judgements reasonably thought through. Literature used to support judgements. Some evidence of analysis and partial evaluation of issues related to nursing practice. Good quality of presentation. Referencing adequate. References When producing written work it is essential to cite your sources of reference and to acknowledge the work of others you have used because: This affords evidence of your research and provides justification for your statements. The reader is able to follow up and continue your work by returning to the original source. You will be penalised for plagiarism if you do not acknowledge the work of others. A reference list and or bibliography must be included with your essay. The Department of Nursing & Midwifery favours the Harvard method of citing work because it eliminates the need for: A numbering system for referencing. Latin abbreviations such as op cit., ibi Applicants are instructed to use the referencing guidelines outlined in “Cite Them Right: Referencing Made Easy” by Pears and Shields (2004) which provides detailed examples of using the Harvard system. The full reference for this book is as follows: • Pears, R. & Shields, G. (2006) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Pear Tree Books.