St. Veronica Catholic School School Council Meeting Minutes

St. Veronica Catholic School
School Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, Sept. 27th, 2011 6:30pm – 8:30pm
In Attendance:
Karen Magalhaes, Mary Colasanti, Darlene Broderick,
Jeffrey Toner, Sandra Donaghue, Michelle Coutinho,
Semantha da Silva, Eva Dupuis, Geri Moroney,
Lecia Holloway, Maria Quilatan, Dawn Ferrante,
Sabrina Missio
1. Minutes from last council meeting June 7th, 2011 approved.
2. Current and Upcoming Activities
Council Account update - Mary Colasanti reviewed the School Council
School account balance $1972.81 after outstanding expenses paid.
Michelle Coutinho discussed the team sports wear. For 60 mesh-type
pennies, 35 sets of Dri-fit shirts with shorts total estimate is $2400.00.
Council will discuss funding or partial funding of this.
2. Report from Bishop’s Meeting in June
Jeffrey Toner attended the Bishop’s Meeting on behalf of the school
and presented the key points (see attached). The Bishop encourages
parents to be mindful of the upcoming election and to speak to
candidates in our riding. Strengthen relationships between family,
school and church.
3. There was a representative, Renata Quattro from OAPCE who gave 2
presentations this meeting:
-Milkbags for Haiti –donating empty milk bags used towards mats children
use to sleep on in Haiti in their “tent cities”
-Discussion of the OAPCE – how and why it operates, who is involved, etc.
4. Council Elections for 2011/2012 – the following members were elected for
Parent Council for this school year:
Co-Chairs - Karen Magalhaes & Mary Colasanti
Co-Treasurer – Sabrina Missio & Mary Colasanti
Secretary – Darlene Broderick
Parish Rep – Lecia Holloway has expressed interest in this role.
Sandra Donaghue will speak with Father Bob.
OAPCE – Lecia Holloway
Teaching Rep – Geri Moroney, Semantha da Silva
Non-Teaching Rep – Eva Dupuis
5. Current & Upcoming Activities
Council compared dates for school activities to dates for fundraising
QSP Program – Sept 20-Oct. 13th
School – Food drive – Oct. 3rd-7th
Halloween Dance – funded by Council Oct. 31st
School Spirit Week – Oct. 24th-Oct. 31st
Acorn Cards – Oct. 17th – Nov. 4th – kids design their own cards. Bring order
forms home Nov. 1st and return by the 4th in order to receive cards by
beginning of December.
Artists In the School- November-December – each division has $1,000 to
spend as per Council’s allocation
Christmas Angel Tree/Mitten Drive – December
Dr. Simone’s Clothing Drive - January
Dance-a-Thon- date to be finalized. A couple of options are Pancake Tuesday
(Feb. 21st) or Valentine’s Day.
School-ShareLife Spirit Week in either Feb. or March. To be determined.
LaMontagne – Jewelry Program and Cookie Dough– March 26th launch. To be
returned by April 6th.
School – Toonie for Autism in April
May/June – Dr. Simone’s Grade 8’s
4. Principal’s Report – Sandra Donaghue / Michelle Coutinho –see attached.
-No need for class re-organization this year.
-Grades 7 and 8 – have over 50 volunteers for Faith Ambassador program this
year. Spirit leaders – positive role models used to support school initiatives,
spirit weeks, masses.
-Successful Open House – positive feedback from community. Water bottles
raised $190 which will be used towards altar cloth.
Yearbook – over 165 yearbooks were pre-sold, many were sold during the Open
House, and the school still has a few left. The students were excited to see
these yearbooks. Many teachers worked very hard to put this together.
Students will be photo-journalists this year and will contribute toward the
2011/2012 yearbook.
-EQAO results – our school results were above the Board and Province results.
This carries through to grade 9 as well.
-Lunch Cupboard – Sandra Donaghue requested assistance from Council with
stocking snacks for this cupboard. This is used if a student forgets their lunch,
and parents aren’t available to bring a lunch to school.
Future Council Dates:
Tuesday, November 15th
Tuesday, January 17th
Tuesday, March 27th
Tuesday, May 1st
June 12th – Wrap-Up Meeting
Meetings will start at 6:30pm