Document 14357500

From Your Catholic School Trustee
Esther O’Toole, Trustee Ward 9 and 10 Mississauga
Dear Lord, send your spirit upon us and fill us with wisdom, patience,
perseverance and kindness.
Welcome back! As ever, summer is too short; especially with the weather we have been experiencing.
Welcome also to our new students and their families. As we begin another school year we ask God to
bless all of our students, parents, teachers, administrators, senior staff, custodians, support staff, parish
priests and all employees and volunteers of Dufferin-Peel as well as our Board of Trustees.
Welcome all new staff. We know that you will find our Mississauga North schools to be dynamic and
enriched places of learning. We appreciate their time and talent and especially their donation of treasured
volunteer hours for extracurricular activities.
We are so blessed to be a part of the Mississauga North community and to be working with
Superintendent Tilia Cruz and Administrative Assistant, Sharon Gibney. In our humble opinion, we
make a pretty good team!
A special welcome to our grade nine students! Your four years will fly by. Take advantage of all the great
opportunities that are offered to you. We are very proud of our Link Crew and Get Ready for Secondary
School programs. Link Crew gives Grade 9 students an early opportunity to connect with a senior student
(Link Leader) in their school; someone they can feel comfortable speaking with regarding transitioning to
Grade 9. The Get Ready! For Secondary School program blends 20 hours of literacy and numeracyfocused instruction with secondary school readiness activities that help welcome and prepare students for
their secondary school experience. Grade 9 students will participate in a variety of activities during their
transition program, including school tours, information sessions, motivational speakers, orientation
games, picnics and barbeques.
To our grade twelve students - we wish you all the best in your last year of Catholic secondary school.
You will be thinking about college, university or the world of work. This is the time you have been
waiting for –senior students! We hope you make the best of this exciting year.
We are so happy to see that this September brings Full Day Learning to all of our elementary schools.
Schools have been renovated and are ready in order to house these new students. Studies have shown that
Full Day Learning has had a positive impact on the grade one student population which has been our goal.
Along with the positive outcomes of our EQAO results, we have much of which to be proud in DufferinPeel.
Parents please support and join your Catholic School Council. It is a great opportunity for input and
better understanding of what is happening in education both locally and provincially.
My contact information is on the school Newsletter and the board website: "Being a deliberate creator is
so much fun! Helping people along the way…delightful. Peace begins with me."
Trustee, Esther O'Toole