Library Submission Form

EOG 050
National University of Ireland, Galway
Library Submission Form
Full name of candidate: __________________________ I.D. number: ___________
Exact title of thesis:____________________________________________________
Title of Degree:
Major or Minor thesis:_______________________
Exam Session: Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter
Summary or abstract, not exceeding 300 words (to be attached to this form)
Declaration to be signed by candidate:
I submit this summary for inclusion in any list of theses published by the University
or in any publication to which the University may decide to contribute a list of NUI
theses accepted for Higher Degrees.
Signed:_______________________________ Date:_________________________
To the Librarian:
I give permission for my thesis entitled as above to be made available:
a) Immediately (after Graduation)
b) After a period of ___________________________________
c) For consultation by readers in the College library
d) To be sent on temporary loan if requested by another library
e) To be photocopied in whole, or in part.
(Delete or complete above as appropriate)
Signed:_______________________________ Date:_________________________