June 2011
K. Kovacs
T. Loftus
Vice Principal
E. Dal’Bo
Head Secretary
L. Polla
Assistant Secretary
C. Blanchard
Of Schools
(905) 890-1221
A. Abbruscato
Chair of the Board
(905) 890-1221
B. Iannicca
(905) 890-1221
Trustee Mario Pascucci
Cell: 905-302-3096
Fax: 905-890-0888
Board Office:
905-890-0708 x 20161
Email Address:
C. Bradstreet
School Council
(905) 275-6069
Father Ruggiero
Saint Catherine
Of Siena Church
(905) 272-1454
2214 Cliff Rd. Miss. ON. L5A 2
Phone: (905) 277-0990 Fax: (905) 277-5570
Prayer for the Holidays
Lord Jesus, holidays are wonderful
We feel free each day to plan our day as we wish.
We can find new friends and meet with old ones again.
What do you want of me Jesus, during the holidays?
Perhaps only that I do my best
To make life enjoyable for those around me.
Teach me, Lord Jesus, not to forget anyone
Because parents and other adults also need holidays.
Help me be thoughtful and caring,
So I can make everyone around me happy.
Lord Jesus, I thank you with all my heart
For the joy of living and the joy of loving.
Principal‟s Message
Since our last newsletter so much has been accomplished by the St. Timothy
Community of students, staff, parents and parish and the upcoming months will
be very busy.
Recently, our students in Grades 2 celebrated a milestone in their faith development through the sacrament of First Holy Communion. My sincere thanks
goes out to all the students, teaching staff, parents and Fr. Ruggerio and his
parish team who were and continue to be with our children every step of the
way. This month, our Grade 8 students will begin their adult faith journey as
they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation.
We have many talented athletes who represent the school with fine effort and
talent. Track and field try outs are being organized for this year‘s team. Our
baseball and soccer teams will participate in tournaments, as well.
Over the next month students will be continuing to enjoy experiences such as
class trips, sporting events, Graduation, EQAO, and many more activities. It is
important that we also continue to focus on the academic goals we still need to
achieve. Summer holidays will be here soon enough! Let‘s keep our motto of Cooperation, Education and Celebration in balance and focus until then.
For the first time in St. Timothy‘s history, we will be sharing our newsletter by
way of email. This month, families who have not had the opportunity to sign up
may do so. Once again, thank you for helping to reduce our carbon footprint.
Our Grade 8 students will be
receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Catherine of
Siena Church on June 14. The gift of the Holy
Spirit will certainly be present during the celebration. God Bless you all as you celebrate this
blessed event.
We congratulate our grade 2 students who received their First
Holy Communion on May 28. May God continue to
live within each and every one of them as they
grow in faith. Many thanks to Reverend Ruggerio,
as well as the Grade 2 teachers, Mrs. Bakker, Ms.
Garcia and Mrs. Jach for their continued spiritual
guidance of these students. Please keep our students in your prayers. Thank you, also, to the Primary Choir for their gift of music during this important event!
This year‘s Catholic Education Week (May 1 to
May 6) gave us an opportunity to shine a light on
our school with the theme: Catholic Education
Week: Celebrating the Spirit. During this Education Week, we opened our doors to God‘s Spirit in
a special way and celebrated how the Spirit is renewing the face of our school!
Every year, the Ontario Catholic School Trustees‘
Association provides our Catholic schools with a
resource kit to help schools prepare for Catholic
Education Week. Using these resources, as well as
our own school-developed events, we prepared a
series of activities to highlight why our school
should ―rejoice in hope‖.
May our thankful hearts continue to be open to
The history of Catholic schools in Ontario
since 1841 is one of dedication and
perseverance in the face of financial hardship
and adversity. Due to the commitment of
the religious teaching Orders, the bishops and
priests, the teachers, parents, and
students, our forebears have handed to us a
great gift – a fully funded public Catholic
school system.
The courts of Ontario and Canada have reinforced the rights of the Catholic school
system with a number of judgments which
affirmed the rights of separate school boards
(a) have their guaranteed powers in the Separate School Act of 1863 improved,
(b) receive equitable funding,
(c) prefer Catholics when hiring elementary
and secondary school teachers,
(d) have their own buildings,
(e) have an exclusive Catholic school community.
The integration of religious truths and values
with life is one of the most significant
elements that distinguish the Catholic school
from other schools. This is a matter of
crucial importance today in view of contemporary trends and pressures to
compartmentalize life and learning and to isolate the religious dimension of existence
from other areas of human life. The courts
have recognized, over the years, that Catholic
education is not a subject but rather a way to
view the world that speaks to the
interrelationship between faith, knowledge
and action. The Catholic school is a unique
setting within which this ideal can be realized
in the lives of Catholic children and young
people. In our Catholic schools this reality can
and is lived out.
The Grade 8 Graduation Mass and Ceremony
will take place on June 28 at 7:00 p.m. at St.
Timothy School. During the day the Graduates will be celebrating with a luncheon/dance.
A letter will be sent home shortly to the parents of the Grade 8 students to explain the
details of the event.
Congratulations to our GRADE 8 students
on the occasion of your graduation from
elementary school. This is a momentous
accomplishment that marks the start of a
new and exciting time in your lives, but
also the ending of what we hope was a
successful and joyful journey. We ask all
members of our St. Timothy School community
to say an extra prayerfor our graduates as
they transition to high school.
Creator, please bless these graduates,
and share with them Your wisdom and
strength. Please lead them on the
right path. Help them to remember
that whatever they do, whether in
word or deed, they must take action in
the name of the Lord Jesus, giving
thanks to God the Father through
Him. Amen.
We are privileged to have had the
opportunity to educate these future leaders.
Congratulations from the staff and
students of St. Timothy
When we act out the
Virtues, we have again been focusing on
throughout this school year, we are making
the presence of God visible in the world
around us. Each month we focused on a particular Virtue and it‘s accompanying prayer.
This month‘s virtue is Fairness. God wants us
to treat each person as we would like to be
treated. Fairness is the ability to be openminded and act in a just and fair way. Fairness allows us to treat others with mercy
and compassion—to feel and act with, and
for, another person. Next year, we will continue to rein- force the Virtues as we have
done for the last two years. Thank you parents, for continuing to review all virtues:
Faith, Empathy, Conscience, Hope, SelfControl, Respect, Kindness, Love, Acceptance
and Fairness with your children. Together
we can continue to make a difference and
help to make the world a better place for
ourselves, our children and those generations which will follow.
June ~ Fairness
This month we celebrate the virtue of Fairness. God wants us to treat each person as
we would like to be treated. Fairness is the
ability to be open minded and live in a just
and fair way. Fairness allows us to treat
others with mercy and compassion-to feel
and act with and for another person.
A Fair person …
• Listens to all sides before forming opinions
• Knows the same rules apply to everyone
• Works together to find peaceful solutions
to problems
• Cheers on the successes of others
• Knows that fair doesn’t always mean equal
News & Activities at St. Catherine of
Siena Parish
World Youth Day in Madrid (Spain)
Ten of our youth will soon be journeying to Madrid, Spain
to meet with Pope Benedict. Please pray for
2011 Share Life Campaign – continues in June
Scalabrinian Sisters are having their annual charity
garage sale on Saturday June 11th at their residence
at 1402 Hurontario St. Call 905-271-1342 for more
Pilgrimage for 2011 to Holy Land and France
(November 4-17).
Activities for our children:
Youth Mass every first Saturday of the month
at the 6pm mass. The youth facilitate the readings, offertory and music. Next one is June 4th.
Children‟s Liturgy every Sunday at the 11:30am
mass for kids ages 3-10.
Altar Servers are always needed, ages 8 and up.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (ages 3-15)
will commence again in October on Wednesdays
4:30-6:30pm. Sacramental preparation offered.
Youth Group (ages 12-18) every Tuesday from 6
to 7:30pm.
Young Catholics (ages 19-35) last Friday of the
month from 8 to 9:30pm.
Activities for our adults:
Get involved in the parish we are always looking
for new Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Catechists, Choir members, etc.
Bible Study for adults every Tuesday @ 7:30pm
in Fr. Zanon church hall.
Prayer Groups in English, Spanish and Italian
meet on a weekly basis at the parish, call for
more details.
3— Pizza
Words cannot how express how
grateful we all are to Mrs. Bilyk
who has generously dedicated many
hours of her personal time to organize our weekly food days
throughout this school year. Thank
you, Mrs. Bilyk, and God Bless!
A big thank you to our School Council for
recognizing our Grade 2 and 8 students as
they celebrated receiving the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Reconciliation.
Our final Council Meeting for this
school year will be on June 1 @ 7:00.
All are welcome!
I know that we truly value and celebrate
family as a school community. This year
once again with the organization and devotion of several parents under the leadership of Linda Kostick, we have organized
what promises to be another great day.
The Fun Fair will be a celebration of families, where we can all gather at the school
for games, activities, food, refreshments,
music and socializing. I trust that all of
you will mark Saturday, June 4, on your
calendar so that we can all meet for what
will be a fun filled day. Many staff with
their families will also be here to enjoy
this day. This committee is still looking for
parent volunteers as well as items that can
be used in out Silent Auction. Contact the
school with any questions or contributions.
The performance ―You‘re a
Good Man Charlie Brown‖ was a huge success.
The lesson of this presentation was acceptance
and being able to feel like you‘re unique. Our
experiences of participating in the production
are ones that we will remember for a lifetime.
A special thanks to everybody that helped run
the show and to everyone who came to watch us
By: Oonagh Cameron and Natasha Bilyk
A special thanks to Mrs. Hyde, Mrs. Zivkovic, Ms. Feather, Ms. Gdyczynski and Mrs.
McLellan for the endless hours and dedication they contributed while preparing our actors and crew for this amazing performance.
Thank you, also, to Ms. Zenga, Ms. Salvati,
Ms. DiIorio, Mrs. DaCosta, Ms. Lukito,
Mme. Krampert and Mrs. Chyz for their
valuable assistance and support during the
On Wednesday May 13th
St. Timothy held its annual French Café in the
gym. Students from Madame Krampert and
M. Riopel’s classes performed skits and
s o n g s
i n
F r e n c h
f o r
croissants in an authentic French Café setting. A special thank-you to all students who
participated. The cultural experience was
enjoyed by all!
Earth Day Used Book Sale
We are proud to announce that we raised
$400.00 for this year‘s sale and had a fantastic
time running this special event. We have begun
purchasing and planting flowers and shrubs for
the school. Thank you to all who donated and
purchased books.
-Mrs. Chyz's Grade 4/5 Class
Democracy in Action!
This past month, Mr. D‘Souza‘s class participated in ―Student Vote‖, a program that
allows students to get involved in the political process and actually vote in a mock election. Our class had exciting discussions
about who to vote for and learned a great
deal about the political process and types
of outcomes. Although our mock vote didn‘t
match the results of the May 2nd federal
election, there are clearly some future political leaders right here at St. Timothy!
Junior Boys Basketball
On May 5th, the junior boys basketball team competed in the
Board finals. This was the first
time the boys have ever gone to
this tournament. The boys displayed the skills and spirit that we have
come to expect, but despite a valiant effort, fell short. The coaches are very proud
of this team that pushed farther than any
other of our boys basketball teams in at
least recent school memory, perhaps ever.
From now on, when it comes to basketball,
fans will not forget the name TITANS.
The team members are:
Matthew ―Limbo‖ L, Marcus ―Too-Tall‖ M.,
Jackson ―The Wizard of OZ‖ O., Charles
―Chuckles‖ D., Brandon ―BJ‖ D., Ryan
―Speedy‖ O., Tomas ―TK‖ K., Brandon ―DC‖
D., Kyle ―Kman‖ F., Tryell ―Intensity‖ Curry
Vincente ―Rook1‖ S., Erik ―Rook2‖ M.
Special thanks to the parent volunteers who
transported the team and to the staff
members who supported us. Many thanks,
also, to Mrs. Mitchell and Mr. D‘Souza for
your time and dedication while coaching this
fine team!
Letters to Japan
On March 11, 2011, Japan
and it‘s people experienced
great devastation. The country has been on
the minds of millions around the world. The
Grade 5‘s in Ms. Di Iorio‘s class were given a
simple writing topic: reflect on what you
might like to tell the people of Japan during
this difficult time. The students wrote about
hope, love and faith. Their letters were comforting, encouraging and showed true compassion. The letters were mailed to the Japanese Embassy in Ottawa. Much to our surprise, the Minister of the Embassy of Japan,
Koji Abe, sent a letter back! ―It is truly
heart-warming to see such a wonderful demonstration of kindness and compassion from
young people for the people of Japan‖, he
wrote. ―I strongly believe that we will be
able to recover with the help of caring people
like you.‖ Way to make a difference, Grade
Grade 5 Trip to the ROM
On May 18, 2011, Ms. Di Iorio‘s and Mrs.
Chyz‘s grade 5 students went to the Royal
Ontario Museum. We went there to see the
Ancient Civilizations we were studying. Some
of the exhibits we saw were from Egypt,
Greece, China and Rome. The highlight of the
Egypt exhibit was the mummy. In the Greece
exhibit we liked the statues and coins. In
China‘s exhibit we liked the exotic masks and
the meditating statues. We also enjoyed seeing the golden pots in the Rome exhibit. We
were inspired by our trip to the ROM. We
really liked learning more about Ancient Civilizations because we realized how different
our two worlds are, and just how many things
we got from these civilizations.
By: Maya H., Sephra R., Connor D., and Dylan
“Kid Cake” Cupcake Sale
As the Lenten season of 2011 approached, the Grade 8 and Kindergarten students decided
that, as a Lenten project, they would continue the St. Timothy tradition of baking and selling cupcakes
for charity. Our goal was to bake and sell 1000 cupcakes, and in lieu of the recent Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan, all monies would be donated to the relief effort there via Share Life. The planning, organizing and scheduling began and, thanks to all the hard work put in by both the Grade 8 and Kindergarten students, all 1000 cupcakes were baked and ready to be sold on May 1, 2 and 3, 2011. The ―Kid
Cake Sale‖ was ready for business and, after 2 long days of smelling the delicious aromas of cupcakes
being baked throughout the school, St, Timothy was excited and ready to purchase the baked goods.
Again Ms. Zivkovic‘s classroom was transformed into a well-run store with cashiers, salespeople, runners, frosters and decorators. Mrs. Sadowski‘s class became frosting central and, in true St. Timothy
fashion, we managed to reach our goal and sold all 1000 cupcakes. Such a huge undertaking could not
have happened without the support of many people. A ―BIG THANK YOU‖ and much appreciation goes
out to our corporate sponsors, Seasonal Home Comfort and Crab Apple Consulting, for donating all
monies needed to purchase ingredients and supplies, allowing us to turn a 100% profit on sales. To our
incredible staff at St. Timothy‘s, special accolades go out to the Intermediate team, Mrs. Hyde, Miss
Zenga, Miss Lukito, and Miss Gdyczynski. whose flexibility and understanding were a large part of our
success. To Mrs. Mitchell and Ms. McLellan for so being so accommodating and who supervised classes
so that Mrs. Sadowski could supervise Miss Zivkovic in the kitchen. To our guest chefs, Mr. Riopel,
Miss. Zenga, Ms. DiIorio, Miss Gdyczynski., and Ms. vanLueewen, who gave up lunch hours to bake so
that we could meet our cupcake quotas. To our custodial staff, Mr. Blasko and Mr. Black, for also being
so accommodating and always willing to help no matter what the request. And finally, a warm thank you
goes out to the staff and students of St. Timothy who supported our sale by purchasing cupcakes. You
are the reason that St. Timothy School is one of the best schools around. We raised $925 to send to
Japan. Our hope is that the monies will go towards rebuilding and replacing items lost during the March
11th Earthquake and Tsunami. We continue to pray for the people whose lives have been, and continue
to be, affected by the after effects of that tragedy. We are very proud of the students involved in
this project and hope that they were provided with many unique learning opportunities that are not
otherwise available to them in a conventional classroom setting. It is our biggest hope that the most
important of things learned was the virtue of empathy and having compassion for those less fortunate
than us. We had a great time once again this year and look forward to another great time next year.
Mrs. Sadowski & Miss Zivkovic
On Friday, May 6, ten
Grade Seven students from St. Timothy
School attended the Mississauga East Family
of Schools annual Student Diversity Conference. The Conference encouraged the attendees to not only become more aware of the
factors that contribute to our diversity, but
to bring this awareness into action in their
schools. Students attended workshops on The
students will now use this knowledge, along
with their leadership skills, to promote diversity initiatives in our school.
Parents, please take a moment
to search for any misplaced or forgotten
books at home that may belong to the school.
If anything is found we ask that you please
forward these items back to school as soon as
Continue Summer Reading
We continue to be grateful to
parents who have encouraged their children to
read during the school year. We are certain
your involvement and encouragement has
helped students gain interest in reading as
well as improve their skills. Your children are
very fortunate in this regard. Please continue
to support your child‘s learning by encouraging
reading at home throughout the summer
If you have a child who is
eligible to start Junior
Kindergarten this September and you
haven‘t registered him/her, please call
the school and let us know. It is important that we have the most accurate
projected pupil enrolment for September 2011 at this time.
The Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School
Board opened 48 Full Day
Kindergarten classes in 16 schools in
September 2010. It will open 21 additional classes in eight schools in September 2011 and 103 classrooms in the 31
schools, including St. Timothy School,
in September 2012.
EQAO Primary and Junior Assessments
Each student in Grades 3 and 6 in Ontario
will be assessed in Reading, Writing and Math
for a period of 3 days beginning May 30th,
2011 through June 10th, 2011. Kindly avoid
booking dental, doctor and other appointments during this period. If you have a child
in either grade 3 or 6, you will receive specific communication and information regarding the Provincial Assessment just prior to
the start of the testing.
Please visit the website, http://, for parent and student resources that can be used to help prepare
your child for the assessments.
Storm Sewer and Watercourse Safety
As a result of the Coroner‘s Inquest into the
1990 drowning deaths of two young Brampton
students, recommendations were made related
to school boards and schools educating students on the dangers of storm sewers and watercourses. In this regard, please remind your
children that playing in and around storm sewers and watercourses, entering storm sewers
through the outfalls and entering storm sewers
through access covers is dangerous and can
lead to a fatality. Children should be made
aware that:
Water flows in storm sewers and water
courses are unpredictable and may change
Toxic gases may be present;
Tragic falls could take place and;
Access is restricted and therefore,
rescue attempts are difficult.
Student Lateness
Recently, we have noticed a large number
of students who have been arriving late
for the beginning of the school day. We
ask that both students and parents
dropping off students, be diligent in arriving at school on time. A good plan
would be for students to be in their
designated area of the school yard no
later than 8:45 so that they are ready
to begin their day before the bell rings
at 9:00. Thank you for your co-operation
with this important matter.
It is time for the transportation department to get ready for next September. Transportation eligibility is based on distance from the school. Please note that the
schedule for those eligible to ride the bus will
be posted on the front doors of the school the
week before school starts. If your child is not
eligible to ride the school bus, you may apply
for an empty seat by obtaining a Courtesy Application form from the office in September.
As per Board policy, until routes are established, no consideration will be made for empty
seat riders until October.
We remind parents of the importance of
consistent attendance in your child‘s success. If attendance or punctuality have
been a significant concern with regards
to your child, you may receive or have
received a phone call or letter from your
child‘s teacher. Should this be an ongoing
problem, you may receive a letter from
the principal. We urge you to take these
letters seriously and help your child to
develop more positive habits for success
in the future.
God‘s love, to celegratitude.
brate the Spirit of
Parking Lot Safety and Kiss n‟ Ride
Our school driveway is a matter of great concern in regards to the safety of our students.
Please use the Kiss „n‟ Ride lane at the
front of the school to drop off or pick up
your child. You cannot park your vehicle in
the Kiss ‗n‘ Ride lane before school or at dismissal time.
Please note that teachers are on supervision
duty 15 minutes before the start of the
school day. For safety reasons we ask that
you not drop your child off at the school
prior to 8:45 a.m. and to please pick them
up ON TIME at 3:30 p.m.
For the safety of all of our children, CARS
DROP OFF or PICK UP students in the
driveway or bus lane located at the side of
the school.
Wear protective clothing to cover the
skin. i.e. long sleeves, Capri pants.
Wear a hat to protect both the eyes and
the skin on the head.
block – the higher the factor
number, the greater the protection.
Know your skin type, for example fair
skinned people are more sensitive to ultra
-violet radiation.
Drink lots of fluids. NOTE: Bottles of water
are allowed in the classroom, however, not
outside. Water bottles coming from home and
going home at the end of the day need to be
inside the backpack- not exposed.
School Board Policy states that all students
are expected to dress to standards of neatness, cleanliness, modesty and good taste.
Certain items such as shirts with inappropriate logos/wording, exposure of undergarments or midriffs, tight or torn clothing and
short skirts are contrary to both the philosophy of our Catholic School teachings and to
the standards we set as parents and educators. With warmer weather on the way, we
will remind all students of dress code expectations. Your assistance and support is
greatly appreciated.
The last day for our
students and staff is
upon us. We would like to take a moment to
THANK the wonderful staff of St. Timothy
School for their support and dedication to our/
your children this past year. It has been a very
busy year - one filled with many happy moments
and success stories for your children. We all
benefit from the gifts, uniqueness and talents
of every person we meet in some way, shape or
form. Unfortunately as the year comes to a
close we must also prepare to say goodbye to
staff who are leaving St. Timothy School. After
devoting many years to Catholic Education Mrs.
McLellan and Mrs. Shantz have made the decision to begin their retirements. Many of our students have benefited from the dedicated efforts of their teaching. They have had very rewarding careers that have touched many a young
student. Thank you both for your many years of
service in Catholic Education. May God bless and
keep you. As well, with mixed emotions, we bid
farewell to Ms. Da Costa who will leave us at the
end of June. She has been a wonderful addition
to our school team and we thank her for the
exceptional service which she has provided our
students. We feel blessed to have had this time
to work with her. Blessings, also, to Mrs.
Sadowski who will be on maternity leave in September.
We are truly fortunate to be the recipient
of the dedicated efforts of many volunteers. Be it once, daily or weekly, all volunteers, by their presence, have enriched the
climate of St. Timothy School. To each of
our volunteers, thank you for the time you
have managed to stretch out of your busy
schedules. Thank you for the joy you have
brought to your child‘s heart when you volunteer. Thank you for helping us to provide
the many valuable programs and activities
that enrich our school community.
June 1- School Council Meeting @ 7:00pm
June 4 - St. Timothy Fun Fair
June 8—Final numeracy class
June 10—Grade 1‘s and 1/2‘s to the Zoo
June 13—PA Day—No school for students
June 14—Grade 8 Confirmation 7:00 at
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
June 17—Confirmation Party
- Grade 4‘s to Medieval Times
June 20—Staff Appreciation Dinner 5:00
June 22- End of Year mass @ 9:30 at the
June 22—BRAVO! Volunteer Social 3:30-5:30
June 23—Grades 4 to 6 to Scooters (9:30
to 12:30)
June 23—S.K. Friendship Celebration in the gym
at 10:30 and 2:30
June 28- Report cards go home
June 28- Grade 8 Graduation Mass and
Ceremony @ 7:00pm at
St. Timothy School
June 30—Last day of school
St. Alfred Catholic School Council
Moving Out Of The Area?
If you are planning to move and
you know that your child will not
be attending St. Timothy School
in September, please fill this out
and return it to the office.
_____________, will not be attending St. Timothy School, as of
September 2011.
Do you know where your child has been on
the internet?
Can you tell if your child is at risk?
To learn more about how to protect you and
your family, join us for our information
Featured presenter:
Cst. C. Christidis - Peel Regional Police
Refreshments & snacks will be available
For further information or to register, contact St. Alfred School at (905) 625-0584
*This seminar includes adult, content
material. Attendees must be 18 years of
age or older.
No children will be permitted.
DPCDSB Summer 2011 Adult Programs
Adult CO-OP Programs (905-362-0701 or 905891-3934)
ESL English as a Second Language (905-8919263)
FSL French as a Second Language Conversation
905-891-9263 (ext 37955)
LINC Language Instruction for Newcomers (905279-6816)
Visit our website:
“LEARN FRENCH”: French as a Second Language For Adults
In the February newsletter, an insert was included containing information for adults who are
interested in learning so speak French. If you are
interested, but have misplaced the information,
please visit our office for another copy of the
The school board’s bus transportation services
are operated by Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR). This is a consortium, or partnership, between the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the Peel District School
Board. The Ministry of Education requires school board bus transportation consortiums to improve efficiency. One initiative promoted by the Ministry of Education, that is designed to improve
efficiency is known as integrated ridership. In integrated ridership, students from both DufferinPeel and Peel schools will ride on the same buses, where feasible. The majority of school boards
across the province have successfully implemented integrated ridership. Integrated ridership is
designed to create a more effective and efficient operation of service, is more environmentally
friendly and reduces traffic in our communities. All eligible students continue to be transported
on runs where integrated ridership is implemented. The STOPR Governance Committee has approved implementation of integrated ridership for the following pairs of Dufferin-Peel Catholic and
Peel District School Board locations:
Parents/students at the above noted schools
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
St. Hilary
Cooksville Creek
St. Matthew
Huntington Ridge
St. Louis
St. Margaret of Scotland
King’s Masting
vened to ensure a smooth transition to this
St. Edmund
new program. Courtesy riders may continue
St. Mary
to be accommodated on some integrated bus
St. Brigid
Morton Way
routes, although the number of courtesy seats
Our Lady of Providence
will be less due to the efficiencies generated
Sacred Heart
Terry Fox
on the integrated routes. Integrated ridership
Pauline Vanier
Hickory Wood
will also be initiated on some special educa-
St. Gertrude
Champlain Trail
tion transportation runs. STOPR will also be
St. Cornelius
Caledon East
providing additional information to parents of
Pope John Paul II
James Bolton
students utilizing special education transporta-
STOPR regarding the implementation of this
program at their schools. Meetings with principals at both Dufferin-Peel Catholic and the
Peel District School Board are being con-
tion. STOPR will keep you informed through
regular updates in school newsletters over the
upcoming months .