Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board ST. TIMOTHY CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2214 Cliff Road, Mississauga, ON L5A 2N9 TEL: 905-277-0990 FAX: 905-277-5570 COOPERATE … EDUCATE … CELEBRATE NOVEMBER 2014 NEWSLETTER K. Kovacs Principal A. Aguilar Vice-Principal E. Dal’Bo PRAYER OF REMEMBRANCE AND PEACE Lord Jesus Christ, Those whom we remember this month are examples of Your words. “Greater love than this no one has than to lay down one’s life for a friend.” This month, we remember all those who lived and died for us; their energy and their effort to defend our freedom for our loved ones and for our country. Head Secretary C. Bissola Assistant Secretary C. Blanchard Superintendent of Schools, Mississauga East 905-890-1221 Teach us to appreciate the value of patriotism… a true and Christian love of country. Let us grow in a love for our country that consists not of following blindly, but of working together to make it the land of goodness according to Your will. Give us the courage, strength and wisdom to teach others the meaning of peace, love, and truth so that we can make this world a better place for all to live in harmony. Loving God, have mercy on Your people and open our hearts to peace and love. Grant that Canada and all nations continue to work for peace and justice. AMEN. M. Pascucci Chair of the Board of Trustees 905-890-0708 X20161 Cell: 905-302-3096 mario.pascucci@dpcdsb.org www.TrusteePascucci.ca B. Iannicca Trustee, Ward 7 Cell: 905-270-0536 bruno.iannicca@dpcdsb.org Fr. Camillo Lando Pastor, St. Catherine of Siena Parish 905-272-1454 www.stcatherine.ca L. Kostick Catholic School Council Chair linda@lindakostick.com PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE On behalf of the St. Timothy School community, it is my pleasure to congratulate Trustees Bruno Iannicca and Mario Pascucci on their recent reelection as Catholic School Trustees for their respective municipal wards. We are blessed to have them as advocates for our school and look forward to our continued educational partnership. The month of November calls us to reflect and “remember”. We are blessed to live in a country where freedom is a way of life. Many Canadians have made sacrifices so that we can enjoy this freedom. Soldiers continue to work to this day to help keep the peace in countries around the world, and to fight for those people who do not enjoy the privileges that we do as Canadians. During the month of November, students will be engaged in activities that will focus on the themes of peace, imagination and service. On Tuesday, November 11th, the St. Timothy community will reflect and remember together at our Remembrance Day observance in the gym beginning at 10:40 AM. Parents are welcome to join us for this important celebration. Finally, we should remember that this month, we focus on the virtue of “Conscience,” as we teach students that a conscience is the voice of God within us that will guide us when we make all of our decisions. We will be teaching our students that, when we listen to this voice, God helps us to be good people. This month, let us remember. Sincerely, K. Kovacs Page 2 of 6 NOVEMBER 2014 In the month of NOVEMBER, WE FOCUS ON THE VIRTUE OF CONSCIENCE God has given us the ability to know the right and decent way to act and then to act that way. We trust that the Holy Spirit we share inspires us and guides us to make good decisions if we allow our conscience to be well-formed. A person of conscience allows prayer and scripture to influence him/her. St. Timothy School Newsletter DATES TO REMEMBER For all holidays and PA Days, refer to 2014-2015 School Year Board Calendar in Student Agendas or visit www.dpcdsb.org P.A. DAY REMINDER: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2014 is a designated Professional Activity Day for all faculty . and there will be no classes for students. NOVEMBER 1 2 3-7 5 6 7 All Saints’ Day All Souls’ Day Collection of hard candy for Dr. Simone Catholic School Council Meeting ~7:00 PM Take Your Kid to Work Day for Grade 9’s Orders due for Holiday Wreaths Grade 6 classes at Ripley’s Aquarium 11 - Progress Reports sent home - Remembrance Day Liturgy 10:40 AM 13 14 Parent-Teacher-Student Interview (evening) P.A. Day—NO CLASSES FOR STUDENTS 16 - 22 Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week 25 - Hepatitis B and Meningococcal Vaccine for Grade 7 students - H.P.V. Vaccine for Grade 8 Girls 26 Santa Visit for FDK to Grade 3 students 29 St. Timothy Christmas Family Fun Day 30 First Sunday of Advent DECEMBER 1-5 3 9 16 19 Scholastic Book Fair Week in Library Catholic School Council Meeting ~7:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation for Advent (Grades 3 to 8) Advent Mass at School ~9:30 AM *REVISED DATE* Last Day of Classes for 2014 CHRISTMAS BREAK (inclusive) Monday, December 22, 2014 to Friday, January 2, 2015 LUNCH PROGRAMS Mondays Wednesdays Fridays COOPERATE … EDUCATE … CELEBRATE Pizza Days The Lunch Lady Hot Dog Days Page 3 of 6 NOVEMBER 2014 THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE St. Timothy’s Food Drive was a great success due to the generous donations of the school community. We are thankful to Ms. Chyz’s class for organizing this charitable event as they packed and loaded 36 boxes of non-perishable food items for St. Vincent de Paul Society. Thank you to everyone for reaching out to assist needy families in our community. COMMUNITY OUTREACH Hard Candy Collection: Dr. Andrew Simone, founder of Canadian Food for Children Foundation, collects hard, nonperishable candy (no chocolate) and ships it abroad. The candy gets shipped directly to agencies in developing nations who work with children in need. Dr. Simone explains that for these malnourished, and often dehydrated youngsters, the sugar stimulates their appetites, as starving children are often unable to eat. He also reminds us that most of these children have never tasted candy, and that we can bring a moment of joy to another child’s life through our donations. What a great way to share some of the pounds of excess candy in our homes after Halloween! Our Youth Faith Ambassadors will be collecting candy throughout the first week of November and delivering it to his warehouse. You can also drop off your candy at the Canadian Food For Children Warehouse at 1258 Lakeshore Rd E, Mississauga. St. Timothy School Newsletter CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Communication between home and school is greatly enhanced by parental involvement with the Catholic School Council. The aim of the Catholic School Council is to promote the vision, values, sacramental life and Catholic practices of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the Catholic community it serves, and to advise the principal and the Board. The Executive Members listed below will be working with the general Council voting members and we thank our parent community for their dedication to and support of the school. Linda Kostick Liz LiTrenta Patricia Lavorata Angela Lecanda Karmen Cabral Linda Kostick Rose DiLuzio Debbie Mikkelsen S. Dzikowski M. Harden Chair Treasurer Secretary Parish Representative OAPCE Rep/Community Member Fundraising Co-Chair Fundraising Co-Chair B.R.A.V.O. Representative Teaching Staff Representative Non-Teaching Staff Representative Council meetings typically occur the first Wednesday of each month, and all Council Members and parents/guardians are encouraged to come out to meetings and participate. Our next council meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 5th at 7:00 PM in the school library. Future Meeting Dates Coat Drive: The Ambassadors will also be collecting winter coats, snowpants, and cold-weather apparel for needy families. Kindly send your child(ren)’s outgrown and gently-used items to the school for donation. December 3, 2014 February 4, 2015 March 4, 2015 April 1, 2015 May 20, 2015 HALLOWE’EN SPIRIT WEEK HALLOWE’EN ‘BOO’gie-A-THON Student Council organized a Spirit Week of fun and exciting theme days leading up to our BOOgie-a-thon on Friday, October 31st. Spirit Week began with Wacky Hair/Hat Day and included Twin Day and Pyjama Day themes . Classes also participated in a Pumpkin Decorating Contest. Check out their imaginative creations on our school Twitter account @StTimothyDPCDSB. In addition, morning announcements included Hallowe’en Trivia contests and a Scavenger Hunt with clues as students tried to solve the great mystery of the location of the St. Timothy ghost. Thank you to Catholic School Council for donating the prizes for Spirit Week. On Friday, October 31st, classes were invited to the gym throughout the day to participate in the Hallowe’en BOOgie-a -thon, which is held as a fundraiser for our school. Organized by the Catholic School Council and many parent volunteers, it was a SPOOK-tacular event that our students enjoyed as they moved and grooved in their Hallowe’en costumes. Proceeds from this even will benefit our school community and we thank our Catholic School Council for their enthusiasm and support . The gym was BOO-tifully decorated thanks to our many wonderful volunteers. Hope you had an opportunity to check out our “Web”site in the main office as Office Staff set new trends with our Twitter™, YouTube™, Pinterest™, and Google™ costumes. Pictures posted on our Twitter account! COOPERATE … EDUCATE … CELEBRATE Page 4 of 6 NOVEMBER 2014 CROSS-COUNTRY Our school Cross-Country Titans Team had a spectacular season this year. Congratulations to all team members who participated in a 2 to 4 kilometer course at the Family Meet on October 22nd at Erindale Park. We are very proud of all of the following students: Junior Team: *Cicilija G., *Mya M., Isabel L., Kaitlyn C., *Kate R., *Kayla A., *Grace P., Alyssa T., Marim A., *Daniel W., *Eliab D., Alessandro F., Mark N., Max M., and Mark P. Intermediate Team: *Kaitlynn R., *Nubia M., *Kate K., *Sierra A., *Daryn K., *Justin G., Matthew Z., Adam D., Joseph J., Robert M., Travis T., *Ivana B., *Andrea W., *Alessia M., *Emma D., *Andrea S., Diana M., and John N. Many thanks to these students for their hard work and wonderful team spirit! Thank you also to the Cross-Country Team Coaches: Ms. Bakker, Ms. Mastromattei, Ms. McCharles, Ms. Wilson and Ms. Salvati. Special congratulations to the *18 runners who qualified for the Board Meet on October 30th at Centennial Park. Their names have an *asterisk beside them. It was a challenging course, and the students represented St. Timothy with great pride and honour. Top finishers for our school at the Board Level were Kaitlynn R. who placed 10th, Ivana B. who placed 11th, and Andrea W. who placed 13th in their respective categories. Fantastic job, Titans! St. Timothy School Newsletter JUNIOR VOLLEYBALL Our Junior Boys’ and Girls’ Volleyball Teams worked hard all season and demonstrated excellent sportsmanship. Congratulations to both teams who won 4 of their 5 regular season games, as they both advanced to the Mississauga East Family tournament. All players showed dedication and determination as they faced fierce competitors at the tournament. The girls became more confident as they played each game in the first round, just before their season came to an end. The boys made it to the semi-finals where they faced off against and lost to St. Edmund. The volleyball coaches (S. Dzikowski, M. Zivkovic, N. Zabukovec, A. Bledzinski - volunteer) are very proud of both teams. GO TITANS!!! Congratulations to the following Junior students: Girls’ Team – Natalia D., Olivia V., Olivia R., Mya M., Alexia A., Cicilija G., Kaitlyn C., Emily S. Boys’ Team - Joseph D., Tristan C. Keanu C. Luca V., Lucas C., Liam C., Liam S., Daniel M., Lukas C. We, along with the team members, would also like to thank the coaches for their support and enthusiasm. KILOMETRE CLUB Thanks to Ms. Zabukovec, Ms. Harden, and the school Healthy Action Team for organizing the Kilometre Club for Grades 1 to 3. On Tuesday mornings before school, the students in the club walk/jog around our school field to promote active and healthy living. We have over 40 students currently participating! Ms. Kovacs and a few teachers have been seen joining them on some mornings --- trying to keep up with them! Our goal is to be able to run 2 km by May. Keep fit and keep moving! REMINDER to children to please wear their running shoes and appropriate attire. COOPERATE … EDUCATE … CELEBRATE Page 5 of 6 NOVEMBER 2014 St. Timothy School Newsletter CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES P.A.L.S. PROGRAM Throughout the year, thanks to the dedication of our staff, your child will have numerous opportunities to participate in a variety of field trips and extra-curricular activities. In preparation for these events, permission forms will be sent home. It is essential that these forms be filled out and promptly returned to the school. As per School Board policy, no student will be allowed on any trip or activity without a signed permission form. Verbal permission is not sufficient. Thank you for your cooperation. The Playground Activity Leadership in Schools (PALS) Program is back at St. Timothy. Ms. Garcia has worked with interested students to act as peer helpers. This program trains playground leaders to help organize activities and sports at outdoor recess and lunch times for students in the school yard. Remind your children about PALS as we look forward to some great PALS fun! BUDGET UPDATE FOR SCHOOL FOOD DAYS PARKING If you are parking on the street, please observe all signs, especially close to the driveway entrance, exit and the crosswalk at Queensway and Cliff Road. We want to ensure that students are safe as they walk across the street at the crosswalk. During inclement weather, please continue to observe the Kiss & Ride protocol. The Kiss & Ride lane is supervised beginning at 8:45 AM. Parents/guardians should drive to the curbside lane, where your child(ren) will exit from the passenger side and be escorted from your car. Please do not park and/or exit your car. This blocks the lane for use by others. The Drive Through Lane and Bus Lane at the front of the school are never open to parents/guardians dropping off their children as this creates a hazard for students and staff supervisors. Map and memo for clarification of our school entry and exit routes and procedures was attached to October newsletter and may be found on school website. Note that parking in the school lot will be restricted between 8:30 and 9:00 AM to staff, support staff, and Board visitors. A sign indicating this will be posted in the future. As with all school fundraisers, St. Timothy strives to ensure that all monies raised by our students through lunch initiatives such as pizza, hot lunch, and milk programs go directly back in to the school and support many of the programs and co-curricular events that happen throughout the school year. For the 2014-2015 school year, the following initiatives (amongst others) will continue to be supported by these important fundraisers: Next Generation Learning & Responsive classroom design furnishings Technology upgrades EcoSchools initiatives Greening of the school grounds CHRISTMAS FAMILY FUN DAY WALK TO SCHOOL PROGRAM Even as the cooler weather approaches, St. Timothy School continues to encourage all parents/guardians, staff and students to walk, roll or ride to school. Monthly draws for students with completed frequent walker cards (i.e. 10 walking mornings) will continue to be held. Congratulations to our October winner, Kyle M., in Grade 4! Keep on walking! For current updates and information, follow us @StTimothyDPCDSB Our Catholic School Council is organizing a community event for our school families on Saturday, November 29th from 10 AM to 2 PM. There will be crafts, face-painting, basket raffles, short movies, a bake sale and other food items, and much more! Further details will be provided by the Council. We look forward to seeing everyone there! The Council welcomes any parent volunteers to help with organizing and helping prior to and on the day of the event! Please contact Linda Kostick or Rose DiLuzio, the fundraising co-chairs. Contact information is provided on the front of the newsletter. Remember to order your Christmas Poinsettias and Wreaths by November 6th. Order forms have been sent home with the students. COOPERATE … EDUCATE … CELEBRATE Page 6 of 6 OCTOBER 2014 St. Timothy School Newsletter FRENCH IMMERSION INFORMATION MEETING Year 2 Kindergarten parent(s)/guardian(s), who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 1 French Immersion class for September 2015 are invited to attend an information meeting. French Immersion is a program in which 90% of the Grade 1 instruction is delivered in French. Instruction in English is added in later years. A letter was sent home with this information as well. Details will be provided at meetings as per below. Further information is also available by visiting www.dpcdsb.org. French Immersion Centres Session Location Date and Time St Gertrude St Pio of Pietrelcina St Gertrude Wednesday, November 26, 2014 7:00 PM Divine Mercy St Elizabeth Seton St Margaret of Scotland St Margaret of Scotland Thursday, November 27, 2014 7:00 PM Extended French Information Meeting Grade 4 parent(s)/guardian(s), who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September, 2015 are invited to attend an information meeting at: St. Thomas More School 3270 Tomken Road, Missisauga Thursday, January 17, 2015 @ 7:00 PM At the present time, the above mentioned school is the designated centre for our area. Applications will be accepted at that centre until 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 17th, 2015. More information is available on the Board website. Full-Day Kindergarten Registration Dates Monday, January 26, 2015 @ 7:00 PM– 9:00 PM SNOW DATE ONLY: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Wednesday, January 28, 2015 @ 9:00 PM – 3:00 PM Thursday, January 29, 2015 @ 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Friday, January 30, 2015 @ 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM More information to follow PROVINCIAL PROGRESS REPORTS [Grades 1 to 8] Coming Home November 11th, 2014 REMINDERS AND RESOURCES: COLD AND FLU SEASON What Parents Should Know Learning Skills & Work Habits The development of learning skills and work habits needed to succeed in school and in life begins early in a child’s schooling. As students move through the grades, they develop and then consolidate their learning skills and work habits in preparation for post secondary education and the world of work. Teachers collaborate with students and their parents to develop the following learning skills and work habits over time: Responsibility Organization Independent Work Collaboration Initiative Self-Regulation Comments and assessments in the Learning skills and work habits section should reflect student/’s strengths, next steps, and provide specific classroom examples as applicable. Learning skills and work habits are assessed using a four-point scale: E – Excellent G – Good S – Satisfactory N – Needs Improvement As cold and flu season approaches, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board continues to be vigilant in ensuring that our schools are clean and that our school communities are educated regarding good hand hygiene and cough etiquette. These practices are promoted on an ongoing basis, but as the prevalence of colds and flu increases, our board increases the cleaning of contact surfaces, as well as reminds schools to review cold and flu prevention with students and staff. Many resources are utilized from our regional health units. A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can be contracted in public places throughout the year. For example, cold-related viruses, such as Enterovirus, are transferred from person to person through hand contact. Cold and flu viruses typically peak from December through February, but can start as early as October. Regional Health Unit Resources Please assist us by reviewing good hand washing procedures, as well as other preventative measures, as outlined in the various Peel Health and Wellington Dufferin Guelph (WDG) resources available to you through their websites. As always, children who are unwell, should be kept at home. Flu Clinics Also available on the Peel Health and WDG websites, are the schedules of local Flu Clinics. Parents should have received a letter from the school regarding interviews to discuss the Progress Report. Teachers will only request interviews as necessary and parents were also provided with the option in the letter of requesting an interview. All parent(s) / guardian(s) will have the opportunity for an interview with the First Term Report Card which is distributed in February. For more information, visit the health unit websites: Peel Health website http://www.peelregion.ca/health Wellington Dufferin Guelph. Direct links to the above information can also be found in the tab marked ‘Parents’ on the Board website http://www.dpcdsb.org Teach your children to wash their hands properly and frequently, to cough into their sleeves, and avoid touching their face. ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA PARISH INFORMATION