7 Thanksgiving Prayer

St. Thomas More
Catholic School
3270 Tomken Road
Mississauga, ON., L4Y 2Y7
(905) 279-6472
Fax: (905) 279-3205
Website: http://www.dpcdsb.org/TMORE
Welcome One Another As Christ Has Welcomed You, Romans 15:7
St. Thomas More Catholic School
Thanksgiving Prayer
M. Nicoletti
Vice Principal
R. Furtado
Secretarial Staff
L. Antilope
D. Bozzelli
T. Lariviere
(905) 890-1221
Mario Pascucci, Chair
Mississauga Wards 1 & 2
(905) 302-3096
(905) 890-0708 x20161
School Council Chair
S. Olmedo
Rev. John Facey
St. Patrick’s Church
(905) 270-2301
Follow us on Twitter:
Thank you, Father, for having created us and
given us to each other in the human family.
Thank you for being with us in all our joys
and sorrows, for Your comfort in our sadness,
Your companionship in our loneliness.
Thank you for yesterday, today, tomorrow
and for the whole of our lives.
Thank you for friends, for health and for
grace. May we live this and every day
conscious of all that has been given to us.
Attendance: Please call (905) 279-6472
(press 1) to let us know your child will be late
or absent. This information is
important to the safety of your child.
Visitor’s Protocol:
In keeping with Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board Policy, all visitors to the school
must report to the office.
We are asking for your cooperation to ensure that there are
no visitors on the schoolyard other than those adults
who are staff at the school and can be identified by
wearing an orange safety vest. Parents are welcome to
wait outside fenced areas.
Appointments: Any student leaving the school during the
day due to appointments, etc., must be signed out at the
office. Please ensure that you send a note in this regard to
your child’s teacher.
Newsletter Attachments:
Aussie X, Math @ Home, Dufferin-Peel Updates,
CAS-Go Purple Day, Mississauga Fire Dept.
Start Time
9:00 a.m.
AM Recess
11:11 a.m.
12:06 p.m.
PM Recess
2:29 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
JK/SK-Gr. 1
Gr. 2-4
Gr. 5 - 8
1.0 KM
1.6 KM
2.0 KM
We have received many requests for courtesy seats. Every
effort will be made to accommodate requests on a case
We applaud students who are on time for class and ask all by case basis, in adherence to the Board’s “Courtesy Seat
students to make a concerted effort to come to school Policy.” Parents will be informed by mid October whether
in a timely manner, with all homework completed,
their child/children have been granted a courtesy seat for
ready to learn. Punctuality and preparedness are valuable the 2015-2016 school year. The expectation is that any
life skills. In the workplace deadlines must be respected.
student who has been granted permission to ride the bus,
Parents/guardians will be notified of students who are
will be taking the bus every day, not only when they
repeatedly late.
choose to do so. All students riding the bus will also be
required to have their assigned bus tag visible at all times.
We would like to remind parents that there are
several students in the school with life threatening allergies to various food products.
Birthday celebrations and festivities for special
occasions are part of the educational
experience, but we are requesting that parents not send
food items and consider alternative treats to send into the
class. Please consider stickers, loot bags or other nonedible products to ensure the safety of all of our students.
Please drop lunches at the table in the hallway outside the office and remind your
child that his/her lunch is being dropped
off at the school. We will not interrupt
classes to notify students that their lunch
has arrived. Parents are also encouraged to leave after
dropping off their child’s lunch and not to open the door
for other parents. We are asking for your cooperation in
this matter to enhance student safety and ensure that your
child(ren) will have enough time to eat their lunch.
We thank you in advance for your co-operation regarding
the transportation of your child. For further inquiries,
such as cancellations, pick/drop-off times and locations,
please visit the transportation website at:
be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes ahead of
follow all directions from the driver, especially
when getting on and off the bus
go directly to a seat and stay seated until the
driver opens the door for drop-off
keep all belongings inside the bus
sit quietly at all times
speak only in conversational tones
no eating on the bus
do not speak with the bus driver while the bus
is in operation, unless necessary
Thank you to all of the students, parents,
St. Thomas More has implemented the and guardians who came out to support the
Dufferin-Peel initiative “WE SHARE St. Thomas More Scholastic Book Fair this
THE AIR.” This is a scent awareness year. It was another great success. A special thank-you to everyone who waited
campaign for staff, students and the
patiently during the open house while the book fair “staff”
school community, that will help keep
worked hard at processing orders and assisting customers.
our students with severe allergies and
Once again we are on track to earn 60% of our total sales
sensitivity to scents safe in the school
environment. We are asking staff, students and visitors to and all proceeds got back into purchasing items for the
school library.
our school to kindly avoid using perfumes/colognes in
our school environment.
Personal Electronic Devices on Board Premises and/or Board
Sanctioned Events for Educational Purposes:
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board acknowledges the value
of the use of technology for learning.
Students are permitted to register and
use personal electronic devices
(PEDs) on board premises and/or
board sanctioned events for educational purposes, under the direction of staff
and only with parent/guardian permission. Students may register
their PED for the purpose of connecting to the board wireless
network. Students are required to adhere to the student “Personal
Electronic Device Used with WI-FI Network Student Agreement” (GF 337) and the “Network User Application and
Agreement.” (GF066) Please be advised that the Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board will not be responsible for any
cost incurred through the use of personal data plans.
October 5 was World Teacher’s Day! This was a day
to recognize and celebrate our teachers for their
commitment and dedication to Catholic education in
Following consultation with system stakeholders, a
Dufferin-Peel homework policy document (Kindergarten to Grade
12) was adopted to foster consistency across the board in this area.
The policy addresses the following:
 definition of homework
 characteristics of effective homework
 types of commonly assigned homework
 timing and quantity of homework
 general and specific procedures
PEDs are to be used responsibly and should not interfere with
 reporting of homework
learning; their use must comply with the Catholic Code of
Conduct, board policies and procedures. Any personal commu-  roles and responsibilities of administrators, teachers,
students, and families.
nications (i.e., phone calls, text messages, etc.) will continue
to be directed through the main office. Failure to comply with The homework policy may be viewed in full at:
these guidelines may result in a loss of PED privileges and/or any
other consequences deemed necessary by school administration.
The school principal may authorize limited acceptable uses of personal electronic devices during school-sanctioned activities for a
specific designated purpose outside of instructional spaces and/or
in common areas.
Students are responsible for the safety and security of PEDs
at all times and the Board assumes no responsibility for lost,
damaged or stolen devices.
For additional information please link to our school website:
A summary of the key features of the document is available in the
student agenda.
This is an excellent resource for students in grade 7 and 8,
who may need a bit of extra help with their math homework.
The All Star Reading Program consists of one-on-one reading
sessions to help students meet grade level reading benchmarks.
The coaches are parent volunteers who read to students each
week, ideally for a minimum of two twenty-minute sessions per
student. We invite any support you can provide for this program.
Please consider volunteering 1-2 hours a week to assist with the
STM All Star Reading Program. All volunteer coaches will receive
training about the program and the different strategies that can be
used by students to help improve their reading skills. If you
would like to volunteer some time to help our young readers,
please leave your name and contact information with our main
Homework Help is a FREE online math help resource for students in Grades 7-10. Homework Help provides FREE, live oneon-one tutoring from Ontario teachers.
Homework Help is funded by the Ontario government and
administered by TVO.
The safety of all children and staff must
be considered as paramount at all times
when dropping students off at school.
Our school picture day will be held on:
Monday, October 26 & Tuesday, October 27.
Photography services are provided by
Lifetouch Canada.
To minimize the risk of a serious incident The schedule is as follows:
related to traffic circulation at the front
Monday: FDKs, Grades 1 to 4
of the school and in the Kiss & Ride area during morning arrival Tuesday: Grades 4/5 to 8
and afternoon dismissal, drivers are reminded of the following:
Retake Day – Nov. 18th
-Follow traffic signs
-Watch for children/pedestrians
-Advance vehicles forward to stop sign so that
children can cross at designated crossing area
-Never let your child walk between buses
-Do not leave your vehicle unattended
-Arrive on time (supervision starts at 8:45am)
-Do not let children out on the drive though lane
-Do not let children out at driveway entrance
-Do not cut in front of other vehicles, advance in line
-If you need to get out of your vehicle to assist
your child please advance forward towards stop sign
Again, it is imperative that all parents and guardians who drive
their children to school adhere to the STM traffic circulation plan
and comply with the traffic and parking signage on the site.
Peel Regional Police: Youth Education Department
In collaboration with the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School
Board, many informative programs are offered to positively
engage and influence youth from Grades 1 to Grade 8. We
welcome Constable David Craig, who will be our Youth
Education Officer, and will be speaking to classes on
November 18th, 19th and February 25th.
Peel Regional Police: Peel Safety Village
Students who have volunteered to be “Bus Patrollers” will be
attending Bus Patrolling training at the Peel Safety Village on
October 20th. Constable Michelle Vivian will lead the training
session. Permission forms will be sent home with students who
have volunteered.
Peel Regional Police: RAID Program
The RAID program (Reduce Abuse in Drugs), is a 5 week
program offered to Grade 6 students. Constable Holly Faulkner
will be at STM in March and April to meet with the students for
80 minutes and provide the corresponding lesson.
Peel Regional Police: NPU Officers
Every school year, all schools are assigned NPU officers
(Neighbourhood Police Unit). We have been informed that new
officers, who have yet to be determined will be assigned to STM.
We would like to thank Constables Steve and Paul for their roles
in promoting positive relationships in our school community.
Our first Lockdown practice will take place on November 6th @
Wonderful Wednesdays are back starting October 7! Every
Wednesday students can purchase snacks which complies with the
Food & Beverage Policy for $1.00. Snacks include
Frozen Yogurt and various flavours of popcorn. Snacks are nut
free. A list of the ingredients in these snacks was sent home.
All Saints Day, All Souls Day & Halloween
With the approach of All Saints Day, All Souls Day
and Halloween, it is important to recognize our faith
heritage in a special way, while also recognizing the
fun aspect of Halloween and School Spirit. As a
Catholic School, we will be reminding students of the purpose of
Halloween and the importance of remembering in our prayers the
saints and martyrs that the feast of All Saints Day honours. It is
also a time for us to remember and to pray for all of the Faithful
Departed on All Souls Day that follows. We will celebrate both
feast days with special prayers during opening exercises. More
information can be found in an article published in the Catholic
Update, available in the Information Rack in the main foyer.
On October 30, Grade 7 & 8 students will celebrate
Halloween with a dance. We are asking for a minimum donation
of $2.00 towards the cost of the D.J. with proceeds going to
ShareLife. Grades Kindergarten to Grade 6 are invited to
celebrate Halloween by wearing costumes. Parents are asked to
have their children leave all accessories at home, including masks.
No toy weapons are to be brought to school.
St. Thomas More will be an Advance Polling Station on
October 9th-12th, 2015. Parents are informed that we expect additional
traffic and fewer available parking spaces in order to accommodate
voters. Under the Education Act of Ontario, school boards are required
to provide space in schools for use as polling stations. The Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board supports and encourages the use of its
schools as polling stations and has issued permits for each of the
designated school sites through the Permit Dept.
The students at St. Thomas More School
will have the opportunity to focus on a
virtue each month. We will celebrate the
virtue at the end of each month in a Liturgy.
An empathetic person…
listens when people speak
notices when someone is upset and tries to help
can name her/his feelings
can see a situation from another person’s point of
accepts that others have different perspectives
God wants us to care about everyone’s feelings. There are
days in our lives that we may see others come to school
sad, afraid, frustrated, or even angry. To live the virtue of
EMPATHY is to not judge others. Try to remember that
you may not always understand what others are feeling,
but you can always be a good friend. Please join us at our
Virtue Assembly on Thursday, October 29th.
9:30am FDK2, FDK3, 1/2A, 1/2B, 3A, 3/4A, 5C, 6B,
7A, 8A, 8C
10:15am FDK1, 1A, 2A, 2/3A, 3B, 4/5A, 4A, 5B, 6A,
6C, 7B, 7C, 8B
Cross Country:
STM’s Cross Country Team has started to train for the
upcoming Family Cross Country Meet . The team is 70
strong and we are looking forward to fitter, stronger,
healthier students who we are sure will represent well at
the Mississauga East Family of Schools race at Centennial
Park on October 19.
Thank you to Mr. Grogan, Mrs. Matteo, and
Mrs. Giacobbe for coaching.
We wish all runners good luck!
STM Choir:
The STM choir has started up for another busy year!
Mme Di Ilio and Mrs. Kolenko are very excited at the
level of enthusiasm! Over 100 students have signed up to
sing at masses and concerts. Practices will usually be during Wednesday and Thursday lunch recesses. Thank you
to Mrs. Kolenko and Mme. DiIlio for organizing our
Youth Faith Ambassadors (YFAs):
The St. Thomas More YFAs Youth Faith Ambassador
We celebrated our first school mass on October 5 at St.
Commissioning Mass is on Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Patrick’s Church. Thank you to the parents/guardians that at Cristo Rei Parish, time, TBD.
were able to join us. Parents/Guardians are always
welcomed to our masses and virtues assemblies.
The YFAs will be involved in several social justice
initiatives as well as promoting our WITS initiative
THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE throughout the year.
As we prepare for the coming
Thanksgiving weekend, we are reminded
of many of the less fortunate in our
community that go hungry on a daily
basis. Our Youth Faith Ambassadors
have initiated a Food Drive for Oct. 5– Oct. 30, 2015. We
would like to thank everyone in advance for your contribution to this drive.
Reminder: School will be closed on Monday, October
12th for the Thanksgiving holiday.
STM Loves Terry Fox! On Sept. 25, STM participated in
it's 21st annual Terry Fox Walk to raise money for cancer
research. Our goal was to raise $3000 and we surpassed
our goal, with a total of $3175! A special shout-out to Ms.
Sequeira's Gr. 8s for raising over $800, and to the Gr 7
EFs for a combined $500. Thank you to everyone - the
teachers, students, parent volunteers and the sponsors who have helped honour Terry's dream - "A dream as big
as our country."
W.I.T.S is a strategy that will be used by students and
school staff to support students and help them reduce
and resolve conflicts. Students use their W.I.T.S when
they remember to walk away, ignore, talk it out or seek
help. Empowering students to resolve their conflicts is an
important step in conflict resolution and to follow the
values that Jesus showed us on how to treat each other.
(Walk Away, Ignore, Talk it Out, Seek Help)
Dear Parents and Guardians:
October 5
World Teacher’s Day
Concerns with student safety and liability continue to be expressed
by St. Patrick’s Church, relative to use of the adjacent church
parking lot and driveway by some of our parents/guardians. The
concerns relate to the practice of some parents/guardians, who
are stopping and discharging/picking up children in the driveway
leading into and out of the church property, not parking in the
designated parking spots, and parking in the designated handicap
parking spots without proper documentation.
October 6
Rosary Apostolates visit STM
October 7
Pizza Day
October 9-12
Advance Polling Station
October 12
Thanksgiving—School Closed
October 13
Pizza Day
October 15
Please be advised that St. Patrick’s has informed us that it has
given permission to the city to come onto its property and ticket
illegally parked vehicles.
5:30pm CCCSC: Family of Schools
Meeting with Superintendents,
School Administrators and Catholic
School Council Chairs at St. Francis
Xavier S.S.
October 16
CAS-Purple Day
Thank you for your co-operation.
October 19
Family Cross-Country Meet @
Centennial Park
M. Nicoletti
October 21-23
X Movement Games
October 26
School Photos: FDK, Gr. 1-4
In the interests of student/pedestrian safety, and good relations
with our neighbour, please adhere to the designated parking areas
at the church and be extra vigilant in terms of the safe operation
of your vehicle in the driveway area.
2015-16 St. Thomas More Catholic School Council
Council Executive:
Assistant Secretary:
Parish Rep.:
S. Olmedo
T. Beaudry
C. Farmer
M. Conte
T. Zappulla
T. Schmiedt
A. Farmer
Board Cross-Country Meet @
Centennial Park
October 27
Pizza Day
X Movement Parent Evening Community
Event @ STM in the Large Gym
Time: 5:30pm-8:00pm
October 29
Other Members: K. Campbell, M. Conte, J. Hawtin,
N. Hoop er, R. Kochevar, J. Podsiadlo-Rebej,
M. Swiezawski, M. Szcezch, I. Tarcoci
Teacher Rep:
Non-Teaching Rep:
M. Nicoletti
R. Furtado
M. McCallion
Next Council Meeting: Monday, November 16, 2015 at 7:00 pm
in the library.
School Photos: Grades 4/5-8
Virtues Assembly
9:30am FDK2, FDK3, 1/2A,
1/2B, 3A, 3/4A, 5C, 6B, 7A, 8A, 8C
10:15am FDK1, 1A, 2A, 2/3A,
3B, 4/5A, 4A, 5B, 6A, 6C, 7B, 7C, 8B
October 27
Pizza Day
October 30
1:06pm Halloween Dance (Gr.7-8s)
-UPDATESPupil Accommodation Review Policy Public Consultation
The Ministry of Education released the new Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (PARG) in March 2015.
This guideline sets expectations for all school boards on managing and reviewing underutilized school space, including potential school closures, and for the greater coordination and sharing of planning related information between school boards and other community partners.
The guideline requires all school boards in the province to develop or revise Pupil Accommodation Review Policies and to invite public input into the policy before it is finalized.
A survey to collect feedback on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s draft amended Policy 6.51 Pupil Accommodation Review will be available for review and comment on the Board’s website at www.dpcdsb.org
until 4:30 pm on Friday, October 16, 2015. Supporting documents will also be available for reference and review.
Please consider reviewing and providing input on this policy.
Stand Up! Against Bullying Posters
In support of Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week – November 15-21
Ontario has designated the third week of every November as Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week to help
promote safer schools and a positive learning environment. During this year’s Bullying Awareness and Prevention
Week (November 15-21), Ontario students, school staff and parents are encouraged to learn more about bullying
and its effect on student learning and well-being.
To help support bullying awareness and prevention throughout the entire school year, the board is once again sending a call out to secondary students to submit a poster design. Selected poster submissions will be printed and distributed to all schools and board sites.
-UPDATESDufferin-Peel unveils enhanced outdoor learning environments for
early learners
Kindergarten students at 25 Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools will enjoy newly enhanced outdoor learning environments in their Kindergarten playground areas this year. These new outdoor learning areas are part of Phase 2 of a
multi-year initiative that adheres to the principles of early learning pedagogy being implemented in DufferinPeel Catholic elementary schools. To date, 44 sites have been completed.
The newly enhanced playgrounds include several different areas and elements that stimulate creative and active
learning, including: a large sand area, classroom area with blackboard and tree trunk seating, wooden gazebo
with seating and flower boxes, paved areas with bike paths and other markings, and storage. These areas have a
mix of hard and soft surfaces and shade. Trees are planted on the outer perimeter where possible.
“Prior to proceeding with changes to existing playground areas, board staff researched similar initiatives across
North America and consulted with principals, child care agencies, architects and others in order to develop system-wide standards with accessibility in mind,” said Marianne Mazzorato, Superintendent of Early Years, Community Relations and Partnerships. “These enhancements support an appropriate focus on the natural environment across the curriculum.”
A centerpiece to each outdoor learning environment is an animal indigenous to Ontario (i.e. bear, racoon and
owl) that has been carved from reclaimed wood. This concept was designed to support the board’s strategic plan
of encouraging respectful and sustainable environmental practices and to nurture children’s sacred trust of the
environment and the creatures with which they share the world. The animal was specifically chosen by each
school and will be officially unveiled the first day of school.
The initial phase of the refreshed outdoor learning environments focused on schools with child care centres, with
most completed by fall 2014 and the balance to be in place this September. Child care and Kindergarten yards
situated immediately adjacent to each other have been combined to create one outdoor early learning
space. Where yards are not adjacent, complementary amenities have been created in each yard, with both spaces
available to school and child care programs. Local school and child care staff work together to develop schedules and a learning environment that provides access and learning opportunities for all attending early learners.
An annual process has been put in place to create outdoor early learning environments at the remaining elementary schools.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is one of the largest and most diverse school boards in Ontario. It currently serves approximately 84,000 students in 149 schools located throughout Mississauga, Brampton,
Bolton, Caledon and Orangeville. It is the goal of the board to provide quality education to students in a setting
Calling All Young Writers! Apply to the Speaker’s Award for Youth Writers
Calling all young writers! The Speaker’s Award for Youth Writers invites Ontario youth in grades 7-12 to
submit their short stories and personal essays to this writing contest. Original fiction and non-fiction submissions are welcome, and a winner from each of the following three grade categories will be chosen:
grades 7-8, grades 9-10, and grades 11-12.
Online applications will be accepted from September 30th through November 6th, 2015.
Visit our website (discoveryportal@ontla.on.ca) for more information and to apply.
City of Mississauga
Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services
Fire Prevention and Life Safety
300 City Centre Drive
2nd Floor
Dear Madame or Sir;
Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services (MFES) are cordially inviting you, your students and
parents to one of our public open houses being held October 6th, 7th and 8th from 4:30pm8:00pm at our fire stations. These open houses are part of MFES’s Fire Prevention Week public
fire safety educational events that have been schedule around the city.
The theme for this year’s Fire Prevention Week is “hear the beep, where you sleep” “every bedroom needs a working smoke alarm”.
In addition, as part of Mayor Crombie’s city wide program to combat hunger, all MFES fire stations will be collecting items for the food bank. As a token of appreciation, COBS Bread has donated vouchers for a free loaf of bread to anyone who brings a food bank item. The vouchers are
in limited quantity so attend early.
The fire stations will be hosting fun and interactive evenings featuring fire trucks- tools and
equipment displays, meet the firefighters, fire safety education information to keep your families
safe as well as goodies to take home. At some our stations you can experience the fire safety
trailer and practice your home escape plan in a simulated environment.
The dates for the open houses are as follows:
Tuesday, October 6th
Station 107 - 1965 Dundas St. W
Station 118 – 1045 Bristol Rd W
Station 108 – 2267 Britannia Rd. W
Station 121 – 6745 Mavis Rd
Station 111 – 2740 Derry Rd W
Station 122 - 3600 Thomas St
Station 115 – 4595 Glen Erin Rd
Wednesday, October 7th
105 – 7101 Goreway Dr.
Station 106 - 1355 Winding Trail
Station 114 –5845 Falbourne Dr.
Station 117 – 1090 Nuvik Crt.
Thursday, October 8th
Station 101 - 15 Fairview Rd W
Station 104 – 62 Port St W Station 102 – 710 Third
Station 110 – 2316 Hurontario St
Station 103 – 2035 Lushes Ave
Station 112 – 4090 Creditview Rd
(The bolded stations will also have an interactive fire hazard house and fire safety trailer on site).
If you require more information please contact Fire Prevention and Life Safety Office at 905-8965908.
We sincerely hope you will attend one of our open houses to learn more about fire safety.
Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services