STUDENT VOICE & ACTIVITIES AROUND STM CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES: We are excited to inform you of the following Christmas activities taking place at STM during the season of Advent. Christmas Arts and Craft Night: Families are encouraged to come out to a fun -filled evening. Students and their families will have the opportunity to create some festive crafts together. Wednesday, December 9 from 7:00-8:00pm Many primary students are also preparing for our Primary Christmas performances. We would like to welcome parents/ guardians and family members to the following performances and remind everyone to sign in at the office, prior to proceeding to the large gym for the performances. Kindergarten Concert: Tuesday, December 15 @ 1:10pm Primary Concert (Grades 1, 2 & 3): Tuesday, December 15 @ 1:55pm “Cram a Cruiser with Gifts” and STM Food Drive: Once again this year, our Youth Faith Ambassadors will be collecting unused and unwrapped toys and non-perishable food items to donate to the less fortunate members of the St. Thomas More Community. We thank Constable Tom Rodziewicz and the Peel Regional Police for supporting this great initiative. Wednesday, December 2nd, campaign starts. Thursday, December 10th final day. Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week in Ontario: From November 16th to the 20th, staff and students at STM took part in a province-wide initiative to stand up against bullying. Some of the activities that took place included; a boardwide Minute of Silence, the signing of the STM Anti-Bullying Pledge by all staff and students, daily announcements by the YFAs, Pink Day and a Roof Top Photo, Peel Police presentations and various classroom activities. Students who ordered copies of the Roof Top Photo from LifeTouch will be receiving them shortly. JUNIOR VOLLEYBALL: My Intramural Volley Experience: "I had a very supportive team. I got a chance to meet new people from different grades. Everyone showed a lot of team spirit and we won the championships which was a really proud moment for all of us." Nicole Grade 6 INTERMEDIATE VOLLEYBALL: Hats off to both the girls and boys intermediate volleyball team! Both teams showed skill, hard work and dedication throughout the season. We are all very excited for the Family Tournament coming up on December 2nd. Big thanks to Mrs. Venditti, Mrs. Kolenko and Mr. DiFilippo for their time coaching and helping us reach the goals that were met. GO GREY WOLVES! Paola Gr. 7 SCHOOL TRIPS: All three Grade 8 classes (Mr. DiFilippo, Mme. DiIlio and Miss Sequeira) experienced a terrific trip to The Riverwood Conservatory during November. Students took part in water quality studies and examined different sections of the Credit River. Some were introduced to the exciting activity of Geocaching, while others took part in detailed microscope investigations of river and pond water samples. Everyone had a fantastic time, gained a new appreciation for water systems in our region, and were very excited to find such a wonderful natural conservation area so close to home. Many students plan to visit the Conservatory again with their family and friends. SCIENTISTS IN THE SCHOOL: During the week of November 16-20, the primary classes were involved in 'Scientists in School' workshops. Each child had an opportunity to further explore their knowledge and understanding in each of the sessions offered. The grade 1 classes had an exciting time using different materials and objects with the culminating task being to build a newspaper stool that could support an adult's weight. All teams succeeded in 'holding up' Mrs. Matteo, thankfully. The grade 2 classes enjoyed experimenting with the six simple machines with a final task being to build their own toy cars using several simple machines. The grade 3 classes discovered more about what makes structures strong and stable with their final test being building a bridge that held up 4 heavy textbooks. All teams passed this challenge with great enthusiasm. These 6 workshops would not have been possible without the proceeds from 'Wonderful Wednesday' sales and the many parents that volunteered their time to allow the sessions to function. 100th ANNIVERSARY OF “IN FLANDERS FIELDS” Congratulations to students at STM, who on November 11th, were among over 100,000 students across Canada who recited the commemorative and inspirational poem written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae. VIRTUE OF HOPE This month we will celebrate the virtue of HOPE. We believe that God comes to us as a real human who can show us the way of life. We understand that both the world and its people are from God and so are essentially good. God has given us this Advent season year after year in order to focus our minds and our hearts on the good all around us. A person with Hope… Expects the best to happen for everyone Holds on to their dreams Always counts on God to help them in tough situations Looks for life’s blessings Please join us at our Virtue Assembly of Hope on Thursday, December 17, 2015 FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN Parents/guardians and family members are reminded to enter and exit through the Main Entrance doors only. Full Day Kindergarten: Registration for the 2016-2017 school year will take place at St. Thomas More School during the following dates/times: Monday, January 25, 2016 (7:00pm – 9:00pm) SNOW DATE ONLY: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 (7:00pm—9:00pm) Wednesday, January 27, 2016 (9:00am – 3:00pm) Thursday, January 28, 2016 (9:00am – 3:00pm) Friday, January 29, 2016 (9:00am – 3:00pm) DIFFERING ABILITIES MEETING 9:30am for the following classes: On Tuesday, January 12, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s Special Education and Support Services Department will host a Kindergarten entry planning information 10:15am for the following classes FDK2, FDK3, 1/2A, 1/2B, 3A, 3/4A, 5C, 6A, 6B, 7A, 8A, 8C session for parents and guardians of children with differing abilities which affect their learning, such as vision, hearing, speech, autism, physical/medical and/or developmental delays in the cognitive and/or motor areas, who are entering ADVENT MASS Kindergarten in September 2016. The meeting will be held at the Catholic Education Centre from 7:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m. For more information about this session, call 905-890-0708 ext. 24011. Please join us at our Advent Mass on Monday, December 7th at 9:30am. WHAT: Parent Evening to Support the Transition of Children with Differing Abilities into The Mass will take place at St. Patrick’s Church Kindergarten and singing will be lead by our STM Choir. Thank you to Mme Di Ilio and Mrs. Kolenko WHEN: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 for leading our choir. 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. *Snow Date: January 13, 2016 FDK1, 1A, 2A, 2/3A, 3B, 4/5A, 4A, 5B, 6C, 7B, 7C, 8B Father, all-powerful God, your eternal Word took flesh on WHERE: Catholic Education Centre – Room 301 our earth when the Virgin Mary placed her life at the 40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga service of your plan. Lift our minds in watchful hope to (Hurontario & Matheson) hear the voice which announces his glory and open our minds to receive the Spirit who prepares us for his coming. For more information, parents/guardians should contact their We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. local Catholic school, visit the board website at, or call the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board at 905-890-1221. EXTENDED FRENCH Information Meeting will take place on Thursday, January 14, 2016 at St. Thomas More School at 7:00pm in the Small Gym. Deadline for EF applications is 3:00pm on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 . KISS & RIDE COLD & FLU SEASON The safety of all children and staff must be considered as paramount at all times. When dropping students off at school, drivers are reminded of the following: Watch for children/pedestrians Advance vehicles forward to stop sign As cold and flu season approaches, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board continues to be vigilant in ensuring that our schools are clean and that our school communities are educated regarding good hand hygiene and cough etiquette. Please assist us by reviewing good hand washing procedures, as well as other preventative measures, as outlined by Peel Health. Resources available to you at the following website: Children must cross at the designated crossing area Never let your child walk between buses For additional health related information, please visit: Do not leave your vehicle unattended in fire routes Arrive on time (supervision starts at 8:45am) Do not let children out on the drive through lane As always, children who are unwell, should be kept at home. Do not pick-up or drop-off at driveway entrances Do not cut in front of other vehicles, advance in line If you need to get out of your vehicle to assist your child, please advance forward towards stop sign Follow all posted traffic signs PEEL POLICE PROGRAMS Youth Education Department: “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus.” In collaboration with the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board, many informative programs are offered to positively engage and influence youth from Grades 1-8. We welcome Constable David Craig, who will be our Youth Education Officer, and will be speaking to classes on November 18th, 19th and February 25th. Luke 1:30-31 RAID Program: The RAID program (Reduce Abuse in Drugs), is a 5 week program offered to Grade 6 students. Constable Holly Faulkner will be at STM in March and April to meet with the students for 80 minutes and provide the corresponding lesson. Neighbourhood Police Unit Every school year, all schools are assigned NPU officers (Neighbourhood Police Unit). Please join us in welcoming Constable Tom Rodziewicz to St. Thomas More. His role will be to promote positive relationships by visiting our school regularly throughout the year. We would like to thank Constable Tom for joining us at our National Anti-Bullying Awareness Week and participating in our Rooftop Photo. He will return on December 2nd to promote the “Cram a Cruiser with Gifts” campaign and to assist in our school lock down practice at 9:30am. PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME Start Time 9:00 a.m. AM Recess 11:11 a.m. Lunch 12:06 p.m. PM Recess 2:29 p.m. Dismissal 3:30 p.m. We applaud students who are on time for class and ask all students to make a concerted effort to come to school in a timely manner, with all homework completed, ready to learn. Punctuality and preparedness are valuable life skills. In the workplace, deadlines must be respected. Parents/guardians will be notified of students who are repeatedly late. FOOD REMINDERS We would like to remind parents that there are a number of students in the school with life threatening allergies to various food products. Birthday celebrations and festivities for special occasions are part of the educational experience, however, we are requesting that parents not send food items to their child’s class. Instead, consider alternative treats, loot bags, stickers, etc., to ensure the safety of all of our students. Please drop lunches at the table in the hallway outside the office and remind your child that his/her lunch is being dropped off at the school. Parents are also encouraged to leave after dropping off their child’s lunch and not to open the door for other parents. We are asking for your cooperation in this matter to enhance student safety and ensure that your child(ren) will have enough time to eat their lunch. SCENT FREE ZONE St. Thomas More has implemented the Dufferin-Peel initiative “WE SHARE THE AIR.” This is a scent awareness campaign for staff, students and the school community, that will help keep our students with severe allergies and sensitivity to scents safe in the school environment. We are asking staff, students and visitors to our school to kindly avoid using perfumes/colognes in our school environment. BUS STUDENTS ELIGIBILITY DISTANCE JK/SK-Gr. 1 Gr. 2-4 Gr. 5 - 8 1.0 KM 1.6 KM 2.0 KM INCLEMENT WEATHER Inclement Weather: As colder weather and winter approaches bus transportation may face some disruptions, including delays and cancellations. Please refer to attached insert for information for media announcements. Parents/guardians can also subscribe to have any delays or cancellations sent directly to their e-mail by registering at VIRGIN RADIO FM99.9, CHUM AM1050, FTR AM680, CFNY FM102.1/AM640, CJCL AM590, CHFIFM98.1, CFRB AM1010, EZ ROCK FM97.3, CJBC (FR) AM860, FM Z103.5, FM93.1, FM Q107 CHIN FM100.7/AM1540, CBC99.1, CITYPULSE, GLOBAL NEWS, CTV CANADA AM REMINDER OF BUS RULES be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes ahead of pick-up follow all directions from the driver, especially when getting on and off the bus go directly to a seat and stay seated until the driver opens the door for drop-off keep all belongings inside the bus sit quietly at all times speak only in conversational tones no eating on the bus do not speak with the bus driver while the bus is in operation, unless necessary BRRR…. COLD WEATHER IS HERE! Colder weather is here again! Please ensure that your child comes to school prepared to participate in all activities, including outdoor recess. All children should have hats, scarves, gloves, warm coats and boots, labeled with their names. If you feel your child is not well enough to go outside, it would be best for you to keep your child home. Health officials indicate that fresh air is beneficial, as long as students are dressed appropriately. On extremely cold days, we limit the amount of time that students spend outdoors. We obtain our weather information from the Environment Canada and follow Board guidelines. With the exception of these occasions, it is our expectation that all children will go out for recesses and the lunch break. CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS IMPORTANT DATES FundScrip Fundraiser: The FundScrip Fundraiser package was sent home to every family. This is an easy way to raise funds for the school simply by buying gift cards to locations where we spend our money each day! You simply choose the gift cards that you would like to purchase and send your order form and cheque, made payable to St. Thomas More School Council, to the school office by December 7, 2015. The cards will be delivered to you by December 16, 2015. Catholic School Council Annual Report of the 2014-2015 School Year: Every year an annual report is completed which highlights the events, achievement, and activities of the school council that took place during the school year. It also includes goals and financial reporting. The following are the highlights of the report: Summary of Achievements and Activities Undertaken in 2014-2015: September:: Open House/BBQ evening for the school community January: Math Lego Evening funded by Pro Grant December 2 ME Family Volleyball Tournament “Cram a Cruiser with Gifts” starts; 9:30am Lock Down Practice December 4 Region of Peel Gr. 7/8 Immunization December 4-7 Flags at Half-Staff (National Day of Remembrance on Violence Against Women) December 7 9:30am Advent Mass @ St. Patrick’s Church December 8 Rosary Apostolates Pizza Day December 9 Wonderful Wednesdays 6:30pm Christmas Night @ STM December 10 Gr.6EF—Silvercreek Trip “Cram a Cruiser with Gifts” Final Day December 13 2nd Sunday of Advent December 14 Gr.6-Silvercreek trip December 15 Pizza Day Kindergarten Concert (Large Gym) @ 1:15pm Grades 1-3 Concert (Large Gym) @ 1:55pm December 16 Wonderful Wednesdays December 17 Virtues Assembly-Hope December 18 Last Day of school before holidays December 20 3rd Sunday of Advent December 21January 1, 2016 Christmas Holidays October: Zumba Night (Pro-Grant: Healthy Mind/Body/School Community) February: Pancake Tuesday event for ShareLife May: Extended French Parent Welcome Evening June: Frozen Yogurt provided to every student; Freezies provided for Play Day Net proceeds from fundraising supported student activities in the classroom ($150.00 to each teacher); and trips (school buses), physical activity equipment, Extended French Welcome Evening; Sacramental celebrations, smart board lease; and ShareLife. *Fundraising Initiatives: QSP Magazine; Christmas Wreaths; Santa Picture night; Pizza Tuesdays. Highlights of Funds Raised for 2014-2015 Opening Balance as of September 2014: Net Proceeds: Closing Balance as of August 2015: $2, 821.92 $18, 765.50 $1, 362.97 GOALS FOR THE FUTURE: Promote more parent engagement with babysitting available: i.e. Mental Health focus; continue to support classroom activities: $150.00 for each classroom; continue to fund school “wish list” requests that support overall needs of the students and continue to support special events (i.e. Aussie X). This may include school presentations, physical activity equipment, the Arts, bussing for school trips, Extended French Welcome Evening, Sacramental celebrations and ShareLife; and continue to encourage more parent volunteers to support initiatives in the school. School Council has approved the following initiatives and expenditures for this school year: Sacramental celebrations Classroom teacher allocation Presentation (X-Movement) Wish List Items* $ 800 $3600 $2500 $5000 *To support the Arts, in-class presentations or divisional assemblies, trips, or to enhance physical activity in school. Thank you to all the families for your continued support. Parents/Guardians are reminded that Approved Minutes from previous meetings are available in our school office. St. Thomas More School Council M. Nicoletti, Principal Please join us at our next Catholic School Council Meeting on Tuesday, January 19th, 2016 at 7:00pm in the Library. Upcoming Events in 2016 January 4 January 12 January 14 January 18 January 19 January 25 January 27 School Re-opens Rosary Apostolates EF Information Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. PA DAY—No School for Students 7:00pm Catholic School Council Meeting Gr.7—Ripley’s Aquarium Trip Gr.6EF, 7EF and 8EF—Living Arts Centre Trip