AnS 536 – Perinatology

AnS 536 – Perinatology
Endocrine and Biochemical Development of the Fetus and Neonate. Edited by Cuezva, Jose M,
Ana M. Pascual-Leone and Mulchand S. Patel. Plenum Press. 1990.
Foetal Autonomy. Edited by Wolstenholme, G.E.W. and Maeve O’Connor. J&A Churchill ,
Ltd., London. 1969.
Endocrinology of Pregnancy. Edited by Fuchs, Fritz and Arnold Klopper. Harper & Row. 1977.
The Human Placenta: It’s Shape, Form, Origin and Development. Torpin, Richard. Charles C.
Thomas Publisher. Springfield, IL. 1969.
Langman’s Medical Embryology. Sadler, T.W. Williams and Wilkins. 1990
The Placenta: Biological and Clinical Aspects. Edited by Moghissi, Kamran S. and E.S.E. Hafez.
Charles C. Thomas Publisher. 1974.
Biology of Gestation. Vol. I (The Maternal Organism). Edited by Assali, N.S. Academic Press.
Biiology of Gestation. Vol. II (The Fetus and Neonate). Edited by Assali, N.S. Academic Press.
Prenatal Respiration. Bartels, Heinz. North-Holland Publishing Co. 1970.
Foetal and Neonatal Physiology: A Comparative Study of the Changes at Birth. Dawes,
Geoffrey S. Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc. 1968.
Perinatal Biochemistry. Edited by Herrera, Emilio and Robert H. Knopp. CRC Press, Inc.
Obstetrics and Perinatology: Current Topics. Advances in Science and Technology in the
USSR. Edited by Kulakov, V.I. and E.M. Vikhlyaeva. CRC Press. 1990.
The Foeto-Placental Unit. Proceedings of an international symposium held in Milan, Italy, Sept.
4-6, 1968. Edited by Pecile, A. and C. Finzi. Excerpta Medica Foundation. 1969.
Somatic Stability in the Newly Born. Edited by Wolstenholme, G.E.W. and Maeve O’Connor.
Little Brown and Company. 1961.
Perinatology. Nestlé Nutrition Workshop Series, Vol. 26. Edited by Saling, Erich. Raven Press.
Behavior of the Fetus. Edited by Smotherman, William P. and Scott R. Robinson. The Telford
Press, Inc. 1988.
Lactogenic Hormones, Fetal Nutrition and Lactation. Edited by Josimovich, John B. John
Wiley and Sons. 1974.
The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth. Kitzinger, Sheila. Alfred A. Knopf. 1985.
Physiology and Control of Parturition in Domestic Animals. Edited by Ellendorff, F., M.
Taverne and D. Smidt. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company. 1979.
Parturition and Perinatology. Edited by Marx, Gertie F. F.A. Davis Company. 1973.
The Newborn Infant: One Brain for Life. Edited by Amiel-Tison, Claudine and Ann Stewart.
French National Institute of Health and Medical Research. 1994.
Pediatric Clinical Chemistry. Edited by Meites, Samuel. AACC Press. 1989.
Blood Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. Smith, Carl H. The C.V. Mosby Company. 1966.
Dietary Iron: Birth to Two Years. Edited by Filer, L.J., Jr. Raven Press. 1989.
Current Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment. Kempe, C. Henry, Henry K. Silver and Donough
O’Brien. Lange Medical Publications. 1974.
The Diseases of Children and Their Remedies. von Rosenstein, Nicholas Rosén. Johnson
Reprint Corporation. 1977.
Anesthesia For Infants and Children. Smith, Robert M. The C.V. Mosby Company. 1968.
Growth and Development of Children. Watson, Ernest H. and George H. Lowrey. The Year
Book Publishers, Inc. 1951.
Growth and Development of Mammals. Edited by Lodge, G.A. and G.E. Lamming. Plenum
Press. 1968.
The Infancy of Animals. Pycraft, W. P. Henry Holt and Company. 1913.
Human Growth After Birth. Sinclair, David. Oxford University Press. 1969.
Infant Nutrition. Marriott, Williams McKim. The C.V. Mosby Company. 1941.
Childhood Obesity. Edited by Winick, Myron. John Wiley and Sons. 1975.
Maternal•Fetal Medicine: Principles and Practice. Creasy, Robert K. and Robert Resnik. W.B.
Saunders Company. 1994.
Developmental Anatomy. 6th Ed. Arey, Leslie Brainerd. W.B. Saunders Company. 1954
Developmental Anatomy, 4th Ed. Arey, Leslie Brainerd. W.B. Saunders Company. 1940.
Pathology of the Fetus and the Infant. 3rd Ed. Potter, Edith Louise and John M. Craig. Year
Book Medical Publishers, Inc. 1975.
Diseases of the Newborn. 3rd Ed. Schaffer, Alexander J. and Mary Ellen Avery. W.B. Saunders
Company. 1971.
Developmental Neurobiology. Edited by Himwich, Williamina A. Charles C. Thomas
Publisher. 1970.
Pregnancy, Birth and The Newborn Baby. The Boston Children’s Medical Center. Delacorte
Press. 1972.
Mothers, Babies, and Disease in Later Life. Barker, D.J.P. BMJ Publishing Group. 1994.
Life in the Womb: the origins of health and disease. Nathanielsz, Peter W. Promethean Press.