Community Counseling / Clinical Mental Health Program Evaluation

Community Counseling / Clinical Mental Health Program Evaluation
2009-2012 Results and Programmatic Response
Xavier University
Gender: 10 male, 35 female, 5 unknown (not included on the survey)
Ethnic / Racial Origin: 11 African-American/ Black, 30 White, 2 Asian, 1 Native American, 6 unknown
(not included in survey)
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
1) Scheduling classes was easy
2) The overall quality of instruction is good to excellent
3) The overall quality of classroom facilities is
good to excellent
4) The printed and electronic information provided to
me helped to understand and plan my program
5) The overall willingness of the professors/ staff to
accommodate student needs is good to excellent
6) There exists faculty sensitivity to graduate student
ethnic, racial gender diversity issues
My program at Xavier helped me to better understand and apply my knowledge of:
7) The nature and needs of individuals at all developmental levels
8) Issues and trends in a diverse society
9) Counseling and consultation processes
10) Group work approaches
11) Career development theories and career counseling process
12) Assessment and evaluation techniques
13) Research methods
14) Ethical, legal, and professional issues
Community Counseling / Clinical Mental Health Program Evaluation
2009-2012 Results and Programmatic Response
Xavier University
A. General Comments (from written evaluations):
1. ” I have really enjoyed my time in this program. I feel that Xavier has one of top programs and I
feel like my time here has really furthered my professional development.” (2010)
2. “I feel very well prepared to enter this profession! It would be nice if there was more guidance
from faculty in terms of professional development. More encouragement to get involved in
research, presenting, and so on. Great program! Very responsive to students. “(2010)
3. “The program's strongest point is their emphasis on ethics and good supervision. I believe
improvement is needed for better class registration (I've been closed out) and communication (I
often here emails are not being received). The instructors are always supportive and interested
in feedback.” (2010)
“I would have liked more instruction on how to counsel specific disorders/ treatment
considerations, things to be aware of, issues, appropriate interventions. I would especially be
interested in knowing more about how to treat anxiety and depression (common).” (2010)
5. “I feel very prepared to enter this profession! It would be nice if there was more guidance from
faculty in terms of professional development. More encouragement to get involved in research,
presenting, and so on. Great program! Very responsive to students!” (2010)
6. ”Overall, I have very much enjoyed the counseling program at Xavier. I feel that instructors are
understanding and provide relevant information in classes. However, I do feel that it would be
beneficial t have a more prominent focus of diagnosis prior to Practicum/ Internship. I also think
that it would be important for incoming students to have more information about the licensing
process.” (2010)
7. As a full time student, it was very challenging to balance family and full time job, but the support
from professors made it manageable. (2012)
8. What distinguishes Xavier is the slogan “It’s not just about the product but the process.” They
are not just about graduating and getting licenses but really producing the best clinicians and
people they possibly can. It is very evident that the faculty is concerned about us as
professionals and people. (2012)
9. The faculty seem so much more assessable than some of my peers have experienced at other
institutions. (2012)
10. The clinical sequence is unique to Xavier’s program and really helped us be more prepared with
the DSM. (2012)
11. The counseling experience of faculty is a huge plus. (2012)
12. Students get a well-rounded experience and are more prepared that the average student
coming out of a counseling program. (2012)
Community Counseling / Clinical Mental Health Program Evaluation
2009-2012 Results and Programmatic Response
Xavier University
13. I recommend the program to everyone I know. I came here because of word of mouth
14. I would whole heartedly recommend this program to others. I rant and rave about the program
B. Comments to specific questions:
1. Question 1- Scheduling classes was easy question responded “As long as it is Day 1 at 8am of
registration”. (2012)
2. Question 3- The overall quality of the classroom facilities is good-excellent - "Elet (previous
classroom building) classes not so good”. (2010)
3. Question 3- The overall quality of the classroom facilities is good-excellent - "I had a few classes
in Elet. There were times when I stepped on the floor in the class and water surfaced. It always
smelled like mold! Not at all what I thought my tuition would get me!”(2010)
4. Question 4- The printed and electronic information provided to me helped me understand and
plan my program - “The practicum and Internship hand books should all be on the program’s
website for reference.” (2010)
5. Question 7- The nature and needs of individuals at all developmental - “There needs to be a
course on counseling youth, in addition to lifespan. Maybe an elective.” (2010)
6. Question 8- Issues and trends in diverse - “My cross-cultural course was somewhat weak”.
Programmatic Responses to Concerns Noted in Comments and/or Likert Scores:
A2 – Traditionally, all of the advising in program was conducted by Department Chair. In 2011,
the department shifted to a more developmental model that utilizes all of the faculty members and thus
allows for a better advisor/student ratio and more opportunities to focus on professional development.
Additionally, faculty have made it a priority to encourage students to present at state and national
conferences and have co-authored journal articles with students.
A3/A5/B1- Students are informed via multiple methods to register on priority registration date.
Over the past year, no student has been closed out of a class when they register on that day. Additional
sections are also offered to accommodate students who register after that date. Faculty try to reply to
all emails within 24 hours.
A7 – We continue to schedule courses after 4 p.m. to accommodate the majority of our students
who work.
Community Counseling / Clinical Mental Health Program Evaluation
2009-2012 Results and Programmatic Response
Xavier University
B2/3 – In January 2011, the department moved to Hailstones. Over the past year, all of our
classes have been held in Hailstones. Classrooms in Hailstones have been recently renovated and new
Practicum/Observation Rooms with updated technology were created.
B5- Over the past two summers, we have added three electives related to children (Intro to Play
Therapy; Intermediate Play Therapy; and Bullying, Homicide, and Suicide and continue to offer the
workshop Counseling Challenging Youth. Additionally, last year’s Winter Workshop with over 150
attendees focused on Treating Explosive Children.
B6 – Overall, the course evaluations for Cross Cultural Counseling have been very strong each
semester. We will continue to assess our courses and make improvements.
Most of the Likert averages reflect very positive experiences. There were three areas where
scores were slightly below 4.0 (on a 1 to 5 scale): Classroom Facilities, Research, and Assessment. The
program move to Hailstones and subsequent renovations should help improve perceptions regarding
classroom facilities. Two of the nicer classrooms in Hailstones (100x and 7) are typically reserved for
counseling classes. Practicum and Observation rooms were updated in 2011. It is not uncommon for
students to report less satisfaction with Research in counseling programs. Over the past several years,
we have maintained more consistency regarding Research Methods faculty and that individual has made
changes based on student feedback. The two primary assessment courses (Psych and Achievement and
Intellectual and Personality Assessment) have been significantly revamped to focus on practical
applications and inventories.