COUN 671 COUNSELING INTERNSHIP HANDBOOK Summer 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction and State Requirements p. 2 Sample Syllabus pp. 3-6 Introduction Letter to Supervisors p. 7 Procedures for Obtaining Internship Approval p. 8 State of Ohio Professional Counselor Trainer Initial Application pp. 9-11 Sample OCSWMFTB Internship Approval Letter p. 13 Expectations for Xavier Interns p. 14 Xavier University Affiliation Agreement and Instructions pp. 15-17 Internship Log Form pp. 18-26 Field Project Information p. 27 Field Site Project Proposal Form p. 28 Instructions for Extending Internship p. 29 Extension Letter for OCSWMFTB p. 30 Extension Request Form from OCSWMFTB p.31-32 Incomplete Internship Form p. 33 Student Evaluation Procedures p. 34 Xavier University Interim Evaluation Form p. 35 State of Ohio Internship Supervisor Evaluation Rating Form pp. 36-39 Confidential Internship Site Evaluation Form p. 40 1 XAVIER UNIVERSITY This booklet contains important information and the required forms necessary for you to successfully begin, register, and verify the completion of your counseling internship. We recommend you read each item thoroughly to help you avoid confusion in determining how the internship is approved and conducted. To gain approval to begin your internship experience, all forms must be completed and returned to the Clinical Coordinator. We also strongly recommend that you keep copies of all forms filed with Xavier and/or the Ohio Counselor Board. Best wishes for a successful internship experience! INTERNSHIP INFORMATION Students must have successfully completed COUN 669 and 773 (Counseling Pre-Practicum and Practicum), before taking COUN 671. OVERVIEW The Ohio Counselor and Social Worker Board requires that a minimum of 600 clock hours of supervised clinical counseling experience in an on-site setting be completed as part of the student’s Masters program. The Xavier program is designed to help students meet this requirement by offering COUN 671. This Counseling Internship is for 4 semester hours and requires a minimum of 600 clock hours of internship activities. Of this 600-clock hour total, the following requirements must be met: 240 of the 600 hours must be in direct service counseling activities with individuals and/or groups. 200 of the 600 hours must involve supervised activities in the area of diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders. Face-to-face meetings with the on-site supervisor must occur at a minimum ratio of one clock hour for every 20-clock hours of intern activities. Supervisors must possess a Professional Clinical Counseling (PCC) license. In addition, these individuals must also possess a “Supervising Counselor” designation approved by the Ohio Board. Internships must be pre-approved by the Xavier University Counseling Program Clinical Coordinator and the Ohio Counselor Board. While it is the student’s responsibility to procure an appropriate internship placement, the clinical coordinator maintains a listing of possible internship sites for reference. PROCEDURES 1. Students should contact the Xavier University Counseling Program Clinical Coordinator for a Counseling Internship Packet. This packet contains the necessary information and forms required to approve and begin your internship. It is recommended that students obtain this packet the semester prior to the anticipated start of the internship. 2. After the completion of all forms and receiving the necessary approvals, students may begin to log internship hours. 3. Once all approvals are granted (via CSSWMFT Board), students who are actively involved and registered through Xavier University may refer to themselves as a “Counselor Trainee.” 2 SAMPLE XAVIER UNIVERSITY COURSE TITLE: SEMESTER: COURSE NUMBER: CREDIT HOURS: DAY & TIME: LOCATION OF CLASS: Counseling Internship Fall 2004 COUN 671-01 4 Monday 4:15 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. Joseph 312 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Rhonda L. Norman, LPCC, CCDC III-E OFFICE LOCATION/PHONE: Hailstones 215 – 745-3450 E-MAIL ADDRESS: OFFICE HOURS: Monday and Wednesday 2:00 – 4:00pm and by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION: This experiential course is designed as an integrative field placement. Students are expected to engage in on-site counseling program activities that allow application of the Community Counseling program curriculum content under the direction of an approved site supervisor and Xavier faculty. The topics covered during the semester reflect those identified for the Clinical Internship CACREP core area. COURSE OBJECTIVES: As a result of participating in this course students will: Understand the professional role of a community counselor and how the role interfaces with their internship site. Understand and integrate multicultural issues such as race, culture, sexual orientation and class into the clinical internship practice. Be able to describe the characteristics of individual clients that are served in a community counseling setting. Understand how to conduct a bio-psychosocial assessment and know how to interpret and conceptualize the client case. Be able to provide the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan for clients, along with completing 200 hours of activities related to diagnosis and treatment planning. Be able to provide appropriate referrals to community resources. Complete a minimum of 600 hours of which 240 hours must be in direct service, along with one hour of supervision for every 20 hours of internship practice. Utilize theories and techniques to develop professional counseling relationships with clients and client families. Utilize theories and techniques to develop professional counseling relationships with agency staff and other professionals in the community. Be able to utilize technology to support the clinical practice, especially for documentation purposes. Understand the legal and ethical issues related to the clinical internship practice. If at all possible, there should be some experience in a variety of services. The degree of involvement in these areas is naturally dependent upon the field site emphasis. 3 REQUIRED TEXT: Faiver, C., Eisengart, S. & Colonna, R., (2004). The Counselor Intern’s Handbook. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS AND ACTIVITIES: This course will utilize didactic learning methods including large and small group discussion, individual case presentations, and role-play. ASSIGNMENTS 1. Students are required to complete a minimum of 600 clock hours of supervised counseling experiences. A minimum of 240 of these 600 hours must be in direct service activities with clients. Additionally, students must have a minimum of 200 clock hours of indirect and direct service experiences, which include the diagnosis, and treatment of mental and emotional disorders and conditions. 2. Students will produce a log cataloging these experiences in appropriate clinical counseling areas to assure some exposure to each: assessment/appraisal and records, group work, individual counseling, consultation, resources and referral, placement, case note procedures, evaluation, and treatment planning. 3. Students will complete an acceptable project that will be beneficial to the particular setting. The scope to be agreed upon by the college instructor, site supervisor, and the student. 4. Students must attend seminars as scheduled on campus for progress updates. In addition to the seminar meetings, also required are completion of any other assignments. 5. Case presentation. 6. Each student will be responsible for developing a portfolio that can be used for employment seeking purposes. This portfolio may contain writing samples, completed projects, program/grant proposals, research paper, etc. 7. Students must submit a satisfactory evaluation of performance by site supervisor. This evaluation will verify hours completed and verify 1-hour face-to-face supervision for every 20 client contact hours performed by the student. Supervisor requirement: a. The site supervisor must hold one of the following credential: LPCC, PC or PCC and be recognized by OCSWB as a “supervising counselor”. b. Supervision must include activities related to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental and Emotional Disorders. c. The Supervisor must include one hour of face – to – face supervisory contact between supervisor and student for every 20 hours of internship activities. d. The supervisor will complete an evaluation form attesting to the student’s satisfactory completion of all the above activities in Clinical Counseling. 4 Students who have not successfully completed all internship requirements by the final class meeting will receive an incomplete. Students are strongly reminded of ethical considerations while enrolled in this course. Consult the ACA Statement of Ethics or the Ohio Licensure Law for details. **Do not hesitate to contact the instructor should you have an ethical question. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES: Attendance/Participation/Discussion Completion of 600 hours/240 direct service hours/200 Diagnosis and Treatment hours Completion of Site Project COMPLETION OF INTERNSHIP LOG Case presentation (In class) Satisfactory Performance Evaluation from Internship Site Supervisor A grade of “S” is only given if all of the above criteria are met. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Graduate students are training to be professional helpers responsible for the welfare of clients in need. Attendance in professional counseling courses is required to evaluate the readiness and preparedness of each student to enter the profession. Attendance in counseling internship seminar is very important for progress updates. Attendance means arriving for class on time and staying for the duration of the class. Participation means preparing for class by reading required texts/materials and periodically entering into class discussion. A student who misses more than 2 classes in a semester may be subject to possible action by the instructor, which includes, but is not limited to: Recommendation to withdraw from the class. Additional assignments to complete the class. Reduction in grade per the percentage allotted to attendance and participation. Any other action deemed appropriate by the instructor. Naturally, faculty members are sensitive to significant life circumstances that can result in class absence. In such instances, faculty will attempt to work with these students on a case – by – case basis. Attendance in the counseling internship seminar is very important for progress updates. Participation in discussions or activities is essential to satisfactory completion of the internship. 5 SCHEDULE for COUN 671-01 Note: Additional readings will be assigned or topics may change based on the concerns of the counseling internship class. The first half of each class will be utilized for site updates, the second half of class will be utilized for topical discussion or case presentations. August 23 Overview of Class. Introductions, Review of Syllabus/Text. Read: Chapter 1, 2 & 3 Therapeutic orientation of counselor in training. August 30 Therapeutic orientation of internship site. Read: Chapter 6, 7 & 8 September 6 Xavier Holiday – no class September 13 No class. (Incompletes) Professional Challenges Read: Chapter 9 & 10 Log Review – Turn in copy of Log Applying the ACA Ethical Standards September 27 No class. Counseling Intervention Tool – 2 presentations October 4 Site Project Descriptions Due October 11 No class. (Incompletes) October 18 Counseling Intervention Tool – 2 presentations October 25 No class November 1 Mid – Term Evaluation Due Counseling Intervention Tool – 1 presentations November 8 No class November 15 Counselors and Psychotropic Medications Read: Chapter 4 Counselor Self Care – Compassion Fatigue – Self Test for counselors (Charles Figley) November 22 No Class – (Incompletes) Completing the Clinical Internship November 29 Read: Chapter 11 December 6 No class. Due: Project Summary, Log, Copy of Extension Request (if December 13 extending internship) (Incompletes will also meet) Final Exam Week **Please turn off or silence all pagers and cell phones while in class. September 20 6 XAVIER UNIVERSITY Department of Counseling 3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45207-3226 Phone (513) 745 – 3655 Fax (513) 745 – 2920 Dear Site Supervisor, Many thanks to you and your organization for your willingness to assist in our graduate course, COUN 671- Counseling Internship. We value the training and insights you will be giving to the Xavier graduate student working under your direction. The requirements for the student to successfully complete this course are as follows: 1. Students are required to complete of a minimum of 600 clock hours of supervised counseling experiences. A minimum of 240 of these 600 hours must be in direct service activities with clients. Additionally, students must have a minimum of 200 clock hours of indirect and direct service experiences which include the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders and conditions. 2. Students will produce a log cataloging these experiences in appropriate clinical counseling areas to assure some exposure to each one (i.e., assessment/appraisal and records, group work, individual counseling, consultation, resources and referral, placement, case note procedures, evaluation, and treatment planning. 3. Students will complete an acceptable project that will be beneficial to the particular setting. The scope to be agreed upon by the college instructor, site supervisor, and the student. 4. Students must attend seminars as scheduled on campus for progress updates. 5. Students must submit a satisfactory evaluation of performance by site supervisor. This evaluation will verify hours completed and verify 1 hour of face-to-face supervision for every 20 client contact hours performed by the student. A grade of “S” is only given if all of the above criteria are met. The instructor will be contacting you during the semester to discuss the progress of our student. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time should you have comments, questions, or concerns. Again, thank you for your contribution to Xavier and the helping professions. Sincerely, Dr. Butch Losey Clinical Coordinator 7 Obtaining Internship Approval The State of Ohio Professional Counselor Training Supervision Agreement on the following pages must be filed with the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board to request approval to begin the internship if you are seeking counselor in training status. You will note that the student completes the first two pages of the form and the supervisor must complete the last page. Proof of enrollment in the internship (e.g. a copy of your class registration or a copy of your unofficial transcript) showing your registration will suffice) must accompany this form. Likewise, your supervisor must attaché a “Professional Disclosure Statement” with the form. Students should submit the original of this form to The Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board and a copy of it to the Xavier Clinical Coordinator. When the State of Ohio approves the internship, an approval letter will be sent to the student (see sample p. 10). Again, a copy of this approval should be given to the Xavier Clinical Coordinator to include in your file. 8 9 10 11 ATTACH THE SITE SUPERVISOR PROFESSIONAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT TO THIS TRAINING SUPERVISION AGREEMENT 12 State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage & Family Therapist Board 50 West Broad Street, Suite 1075, Columbus, OH 43215-5919 (614) 466-0912 To: Student Street Cincinnati, OH From: January 15, 2006 Rena Elliott, Administrative Assistant Please examine the checklist below for review of the experience and/or other documentation submitted to the Board. If you have questions concerning the items marked with an “X” please contact Pat Sposito, Administrative Assistant at the Board office. X 1. Your supervised experience is approved for the dates and supervisor’(s) listed below only. You must follow all supervision rules to receive final approval for your experience. If this item is marked with an “X” you may now refer to yourself as a “COUNSELOR TRAINEE.” See OAC 4757-3-01(t) and OAC 4757-13-04 for clarification. DATES: 1/03-6/03 SUPERVISOR: John Doe 2. Because your experience was not filed prior to the beginning of the training, per OAC section 4757-13-04 (B)(2) the Board will only accept the experience from 60 days prior to receipt at the Board office. 3. Please send an unofficial or Xerox copy of your transcript so the Board may determine evidence of meeting the educational requirements or proof of enrollment in an approved Practicum/Internship. If you meet the educational requirements of section 4757-13-01 of the OAC, you will be sent the information regarding your eligibility for admission to the examination. 4. “Counselor Trainee” status is for students enrolled in an approved Practicum or Internship (see OAC 4757-3-01(T) or for individuals who passed the LPC exam prior to December 31, 1998 and are completing 4,500 hours of supervision (see OAC 4757-13-04). 5. You have not completed ninety quarter or sixty semester hours of graduate credit in counseling training as defined in section 4757-13-01 of the OAC to qualify for PC/PCC licensure. Thirty quarter or twenty semester hours must cover 5 clinical course content areas outlined in section 4757-13-01 of the OAC. 6. It does not appear that your supervisor has the proper credentials to supervise. Therefore, you should seek a supervisor who meets the requirements for supervision. 7. Approved Supervisors after June 30, 2000 must be an (L)PC or an (L)PCC with the “Supervising Counselor” credential. Cases of hardship may be reviewed. 8. The work duties described do not appear to be professional counseling or clinical counseling as described in section 4757.01(A) and (B) of the ORC. 9. Please complete the attached coursework worksheet and return to determine if there may be any deficiencies. 10. Please send a copy of your college catalog so that the board can review your degree. ***ADDITIONAL COMMENTS OR INSTRUCTIONS: 13 EXPECTATIONS FOR XAVIER INTERNS COUN 671 This form should be signed and returned to the Clinical Coordinator to include in your internship file before beginning the experience. 1. I will at all times conduct myself in an ethical fashion in my activities with clientele and in carrying out my duties related to my internship site. The American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics shall serve as a guide to my professional behavior with client and agency confidentiality given the utmost respect.. 2. My dress will reflect professional attire appropriate to my internship site. 3. I will meet regularly with my internship site supervisor and will follow the directions of that individual to the best of my ability. 4. I will accurately and honestly complete logs, regularly attend on-campus class meetings, and fulfill other assignments required as part of my internship experience. 5. I have read and am familiar with the Xavier University Affiliation Agreement (pg. 16) 6. I will not hesitate to consult with my supervisor if I am concerned about my ability to provide services to a client or if I am assigned responsibilities that seem beyond my level of professional expertise. 7. Should a conflict, potential conflict, or other concerns arise regarding my internship activities, I will consult with my internship site supervisor. Should this consultation fail to address my concerns adequately, I will immediately notify my Xavier supervisor. 8. Should I choose to cease my internship activities at a particular site, I will give appropriate notice to my supervisor and make provisions for the continued appropriate care of my clientele. In short, I will not abandon my clients. I realize that appropriate notice will vary dependent upon my internship activities and responsibilities. Student Signature 14 Date 15 XAVIER AFFILIATION AGREEMENT AND INSTRUCTIONS On the following pages is an Affiliation Agreement that defines the relationship between Xavier University and your internship site. You will note that this is a “Fill-in-the-Blank´ form that requires your supervisor’s signature on the second page. Please familiarize yourself with the terms of the Agreement and note that you are covered with liability insurance through the University as described in Item 9. Students are also encouraged to purchase their own liability insurance policies. An affordable policy is available to student members of the American Counseling Association. Call 1-800-347-6647 x 284 or visit for more information. The signed Affiliation Agreement must be returned to the Xavier Clinical Coordinator before students may begin the internship experience. TB Testing Some organizations will require practicum/intern students to show evidence of a recent negative TB test. Students can contact their physician or the Xavier Health and Counseling Center to schedule an appointment for the test. The Health and Counseling Center charges $15 and schedules the tests on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between the hours of 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM. Call (513) 745- 3022 for details. Finger-Printing/Background Checks Likewise, some practicum/internship sites will require a background check and finger printing. Refer to the Attorney General’s website at http:/ or contact the BCI&I in London, Ohio at (740) 845-2375 will all fingerprinting questions. Students are strongly encouraged to investigate specifically if the TB Test and /or the background checks are required with the practicum/intern site before scheduling these steps. 16 Xavier University COUN 671 GRADUATE COUNSELING INTERNSHIP AFFILIATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN AND XAVIER UNIVERSITY, Cincinnati, OH This agreement is entered into this day of , 20 , by and between Xavier University (hereinafter “University” and , (hereinafter “Facility”) for the purpose of providing Counseling Internship Experiences for , a Graduate Counseling student at the University. Both parties recognize the need for clinical counseling experiences at sites providing assistance to clients needing a wide range of services. The purpose of these clinical experiences is to provide Graduate Counseling students opportunities for extended observation and participation, with the understanding that these experiences will be integrated with course work within the Graduate Counseling Program curriculum. In order to accomplish this purpose, the following practices will be observed: 1. The University will be responsible for establishing objectives for the experiences, and for providing these to the Facility. 2. The University will schedule the student for these experiences in collaboration with the Facility and consistent with accepted non-discriminatory practices. 3. The Facility will provide supervision of the student on site by qualified, competent, and appropriately credentialed personnel; these persons will be designated as “onsite supervisors.” 4. The University will provide the student with information regarding expectations for the experiences and with general instruction in information needed to participate in these experiences. 5. On-site supervisors will provide the student additional instruction as needed for the student to perform specific assigned tasks. 6. The University will provide the on-site supervisor with forms to be used in evaluating student performance. Supervisors will complete the forms and return them to the University, to be used in assigning the student grades for the experiences. 17 7. The Facility will hold itself available at all reasonable times, as designated by the University in consultation with the Facility, for the Internship experiences of the Graduate Counseling student of the University. 8. The University (including both faculty and student) agrees to respect the confidentiality of the clients of the Facility. 9. The University shall provide evidence of professional liability insurance coverage in the amount of $2,000,000/$4,000,000 for all its students, employees and agents who are assigned supervisory or administrative duties in the Facility in connection with the affiliation of the University’s students. This agreement will be deemed in effect indefinitely unless one or both parties submit 30 days written notice for cancellation. In the event of cancellation, both parties will observe all obligations under the agreement until the end of the University’s academic semester during which cancellation occurs. The signatures below attest to agreement to abide by the described practices: ________________________________________________ Site Supervisor Date Site Supervisor Information: Phone number__________________ Print Name_______________________________________ Email_________________________ Supervisor Credentials______________________________ Dr. Butch Losey, Ed.D., PCC-S, NCC Clinical Coordinator Department of Counseling Xavier University Date Dr. Scott A. Chadwick Date Provost and Chief Academic Officer Xavier University 18 TYPE KEY: Direct Service = DS Diagnosis & Treatment = DX Supervision = S Class Meetings = CM Documentation = DOC Other = O COUN 671 - COUNSELING INTERNSHIP LOG Name: SS #: Date: Placement Site: Site Supervisor: Do not include confidential information (e.g. client names) on this log! DATE ACTIVITY TYPE TIME (in clock hours) Please total hours for each type of service for each page: DS: DX: DOC: Total of all types: 19 CM: O: S: DATE ACTIVITY TYPE TIME (in clock hours) Please total hours for each type of service for each page: DS: DX: DOC: Total of all types: 20 CM: O: S: DATE ACTIVITY TYPE TIME (in clock hours) Please total hours for each type of service for each page: DS: DX: DOC: Total of all types: 21 CM: O: S: DATE ACTIVITY TYPE TIME (in clock hours) Please total hours for each type of service for each page: DS: DX: DOC: Total of all types: 22 CM: O: S: DATE ACTIVITY TYPE TIME (in clock hours) Please total hours for each type of service for each page: DS: DX: DOC: Total of all types: 23 CM: O: S: DATE ACTIVITY TYPE TIME (in clock hours) Please total hours for each type of service for each page: DS: DX: DOC: Total of all types: 24 CM: O: S: DATE ACTIVITY TYPE TIME (in clock hours) Please total hours for each type of service for each page: DS: DX: DOC: Total of all types: 25 CM: O: S: DATE ACTIVITY TYPE TIME (in clock hours) Please total hours for each type of service for each page: DS: DX: DOC: Total of all types: 26 CM: O: S: DATE ACTIVITY TYPE TIME (in clock hours) TOTAL - DS: DX: S: CM: O: DOC: = We certify that the above information is accurate and complete. Signature of Student Date Signature of Site Supervisor Date 27 grand total hrs. Field Project Information The Counseling Internship requires the completion of a project that will be useful to the placement site. Ideas for the project should be discussed with the supervisor and then submitted to the Xavier Clinical Coordinator for approval. The form on the following page is to be used to submit the proposal. Xavier approval of the project is necessary to insure that the activities are appropriate for the intern and contribute to learning. Also, projects that are excessive in their scope and/or time demands can be avoided. When the project is complete, students are asked to submit a 1-2 page summary of the project. This summary should include a brief rationale for the project, a summary of the project activities, and results of the effort. Hours spent on the project can be logged toward the 600-clock hour requirement. Possible Site Projects: Update community referral resource manual. Develop the curriculum for a psychoeducational group. Develop, implement, and evaluate a group. Conduct a literature review for a specific clinical disorder. Research an evidence based intervention and provide a training seminar to agency staff. Research and write a grant for the agency to secure funding for a specific project. 28 Field Site Project Description COUN 671 Name Address Phone Field Placement: Institution Name Address Phone Brief description of project: Rationale for the project: Supervisor Authorization of Project (Signature) Date 29 Requesting an Extension from the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board Internship requires a completion of 600 clock hours which students sometimes may not complete in one semester. Therefore, an extension needs to be requested from the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board and Xavier University. To begin the process, please first contact Dr. Losey and request the extension. If the extension is granted by Dr. Losey, please complete the required forms and submit to the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board. If the extension is longer than 30 days, the will need to register for an addition credit hour of internship and attend class sessions. The Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board typically will approve an internship experience for one semester. If you expect multiple extensions please photo copy the form as needed. 30 XAVIER UNIVERSITY Department of Counseling 3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45207-3226 Phone (513) 745 – 3655 Fax (513) 745 - 2920 To: From: State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage & Family Therapist Board 50 West Broad Street, Suite 1075 Columbus, OH 43215-591 Dr. Butch Losey Clinical Coordinator Date: ___________________ As you know, the Master’s Program in Community Counseling at Xavier focuses upon a part-time student population. Therefore, our students will typically need several semesters to complete the 600 clock hour clinical counseling internship requirement. For example, a student may enroll for the internship in one semester, but receive an incomplete grade in that internship until all requirements are met. However, in this circumstance, the student should be considered actively enrolled in the internship experience. This memo certifies that ___________________________________________ (SS# _______________ - ___________ - _______________________) has received an incomplete grade in COUN 671, Counseling Internship (indicated by an “M” on the transcript) but remains actively involved in completing the requirements . This student remains under the supervision of __________________________________, Ohio Counselor license # __________________________________________________. It is anticipated that the internship requirements will be completed on or before ______________________ , ___________________________________. Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter. 31 32 33 XAVIER UNIVERSITY Department of Counseling 3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45207-3226 Phone (513) 745 – 3655 Fax (513) 745 – 2920 Date: To: __________________________________ From: __________________________________ Subject:Internship If you will be receiving an incomplete in the Internship Class, please complete the bottom half of this form. We need to know as soon as possible your status with your completed hours or your intent to complete your hours. Indefinite incompletes can no longer be accommodated without authorization. Please complete this form and fax or mail it immediately to: Dr. Butch Losey Clinical Coordinator 3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45207-3226 Office: (513) 745-1037 Fax: (513) 745-2920 Name _____________________________________________________ Email Address ______________________________________________ Daytime Phone # ____________________________________________ Cell Phone # ________________________________________________ Internship Placement _________________________________________ Total hours completed to date ___________________________________ Expected date of internship completion ____________________________ 34 Student Evaluation Procedures Grading for the Internship Course is on a “Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory” basis. To earn a “S” grade, students must: Attend and participate at on-campus class sessions. File all forms and other required paperwork by course deadlines. Consistently adhere to ethical considerations and demonstrate professional responsibility to the internship site. Consistently demonstrate an openness to supervisor critique and a willingness to learn. Student progress in the internship experience is monitored in several ways. These may include: Clinical Coordinator visits to discuss student progress with the site supervisor. Telephone consultations with site supervisors. Site Supervisor completion of the Interim Evaluation From (see next page). Site Supervisor completion of the State of Ohio Internship Supervisor Evaluation Rating Form (see pp. 29 - 32). The original of this form must be filed with the Ohio Counselor and Social Worker Board and a copy with the Xavier Clinical Coordinator within thirty days of the successful completion of the internship to serve as the final student evaluation. Please note that all supervisors must complete this form during the internship. That is, if a student changes internship sites or supervision during the experience, an Evaluation Form must be completed by each supervisor. 35 Interim Evaluation Form Supervisor Name: Intern Name: (please print) (please print) Supervisor Signature: Address: Phone: Date: At present the intern under my supervision: EXCEEDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MEETS Has an awareness of his/her own strengths and limitations Uses supervision for personal and professional growth. Hears and understands the supervisor’s feedback during supervision. Openly and appropriately communicates with the supervisor. Readily seeks supervisory direction when needed. 6. Initiates appropriate working relationships with clients 7. Follows ethical procedures (e.g. confidentiality) in client relationships and in regard to organizational issues. 8. Is able to define appropriate counseling goals with clients. 9. Is accepting of client differences. Can articulate and provide a rational for 10. treatment approaches. 11. Keeps all required records up to date. OVERALL: Is successfully fulfilling internship 12. responsibilities. 13. I have a concern, please contact me to discuss. Return to: Dr. Butch Losey 3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45207-3226 (513) 745-3037 (513) 745-2920 – fax 36 Return by: BELOW N/A 37 38 39 40 XAVIER UNIVERSITY Department of Counseling 3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45207-3226 Phone (513) 745 – 3655 Fax (513) 745 – 2920 Confidential Internship Site Evaluation Form Intern’sName_____________________________________________________ Date of Evaluation _______ Name of Agency ______________________________ Agency Supervisor _____________________ Title & license __________________ Internship dates ________________ to _________________ Total # hours ______ Complete this form when you complete your internship. If you have multiple sites please submit an evaluation form for each location. THE SITE 4 = Outstanding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3 = Good 2 = Fair 1 = Poor NA = Not Applicable Overall agency operations and administration Introduction to agency mission and structure Awareness of roles of administrative staff Knowledge of agency goals Understanding of agency care standards Policies on risk management (including duty to warn) Policies on confidentiality of records Policies regarding maintenance of records __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Comments: THE SUPERVISOR 4 = Outstanding 3 = Good 2 = Fair 1 = Poor NA = Not Applicable Please rate your supervisor’s ability to assess/develop you in these areas. 1. Communication skills 2. Assessment 3. Diagnosis (including knowledge of DSM-IV) 4. Treatment (including treatment planning and termination) 5. Case management 6. Agency operations and administration 7. Professional orientation 8. Knowledge and application of professional ethics 9. Ability to process my professional issues with supervisor 10. Group Work 11. Counseling 12. Consultation 13. Referral Comments: 41 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________