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St. Richard Catholic School
7270 Copenhagen Road
Mississauga, Ontario
L5N 2C3
Tel: (905) 826-5572
Fax: (905) 826-9564
D. Tucciarone
Head Secretary
G. Falotico
St. John of the Cross
(905) 821-1331
Rev. Fr. Joseph Kalluvila
Associate Pastor:
Rev. Fr. Felix Antony
Rev. Fr. Sebastian Joseph
Mississauga North:
T. Cruz
(905) 890-0708
E. O’Toole
Wards Nine and Ten
(905) 812-5163
School Council Chair
A. Green
Board Chairperson
M. Pascucci
Director of Education
J. Kostoff
Director Designate of
Education & Secretary to
the Board
M. Mazzorato
School Website
January, 2016 Newsletter
A Prayer for 2016
In this new year I pray;
To live deeply, with purpose,
To live freely, with detachment,
To live wisely, with humility,
To live justly, with compassion,
To live lovingly, with fidelity,
To live mindfully, with awareness,
To live gratefully, with generosity,
To live fully, with enthusiasm.
Help us to hold this vision
and to renew it daily in our hearts,
Becoming ever more one with You,
Our truest selves.
Monday, January 18th, 2016
Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress
(No School for Students)
Friday, February 5 th, 2016
Friday, February 5 th , 2016 has been designated a Professional Activity Day
for teachers. Teachers will be involved in reporting to parents on evaluation of
pupil progress. (There will be NO SCHOOL for students on Friday,
February 5th, 2016.)
Monday, February 15th, 2016
Statutory Holiday
In January we celebrate
the virtue of self-control.
God has given us the
ability to choose how we
react to what happens
around us.
prayer and concentration,
we can get better at
controlling our reactions.
We can get better at
Self-control helps us to
resist the temptation to
do something that we will
regret. Self-control helps
us to resist the temptation to do something that will
harm ourselves or others. Self-control is one of the
marks of a spiritually mature person. When we all use
self-control, we can be sure that our school will be a
safe, caring and inclusive place to live and to learn.
The Grade 1 to 5 students involved in the Gather Club
have worked diligently to promote community and help
those in need through the following endeavours:
October Thanksgiving food drive for the Eden Food For
Change food bank, Bullying Prevention and Awareness
Week culminating event (skits for Good Samaritan,
liturgy, media presentation, school-wide DPA to a song
with a positive message) during the month of
November, Toys for Tots “Cram” A Cruiser and
Christmas Baskets for families in need campaign (gift
cards, socks, hats, mittens, toys). The Gather Club
Members thank our very generous St. Richard students,
parents, friends and staff for generously supporting all of
our efforts to make a difference in the lives of others.
A Person with self-control…
 Is patient
 Knows how to wait his/her turn
 Can calm him/herself down and think before
reacting to situations
 Knows how to avoid physical aggression
(hitting, kicking, pushing, fighting, et cetera)
 Can think things through and do what is best
for everyone
Saturday – 4:00PM to 4:45PM
Mass Schedule 2015
Saturday – 5:00PM
Sunday – 4:00PM, 8AM, 10AM, 12PM, 4PM
To contact the Parish Rectory, please call
This coming term, the Gather Club Members will be
working on new initiatives and making crafts monthly
based on specific Scripture passages.
Thank you to Mrs. Lesniewski for providing our
students in Grades 1 to 5 with these opportunities to
live their faith, to be of service and to make a difference
in our community and beyond!
Theology of the Body “Discover the Master Plan for
Your Life” will be presented over 2 consecutive
Saturdays beginning January 23 rd from 9:30am to
1:00pm at St. Ignatius Loyola RC Parish Hall, 2300
Burnhamthorpe Rd. W., Mississauga, ON L5L 3T6.
Request an information flyer or pre-registration at
“How can I live my life in a way that brings
happiness and fulfillment?”
Singles, engaged couples, married couples, and
youth 18+ are encouraged to attend.
For information and pre-registration contact Anthony
Mendes 416-302-4253 or Tod Markelj
A fee of $20.00 per person or $25.00 per couple, which
includes a workbook, will be collected during
registration at the first session.
On February 2, 2016 students in Grades 1 to 8 will take
home their first term report card. The Report Card
emphasizes and gives examples of the learning skills and
work habits required to be successful in school and for
the future. Teachers include meaningful, clear, and
personalized comments so you can understand how
your child is performing and include next steps for
improvement to support students in goal setting to
improve achievement. The Parent/Teacher/Student
Interview Conference will be held the evening of
Thursday, February 4 th and during the day on Friday
February 5 th . This is an important opportunity for
teachers, parents and students to discuss their
child(ren)’s progress and next steps. Please Note:
Students in Full Day Kindergarten will receive a report
in June, however, parents may meet with teachers
during this interview period to discuss their child’s
development and achievement to date.
Please label your child’s belongings so that when hats,
mittens, gloves, boots, snowpants or coats go astray
(and they often do!) they can be found. Many young
children have similar belongings and we want to ensure
that your child has their own boots and clothing.
We have a very large collection of items in our lost and
found box. Many students are missing such items as
hats, gloves, mittens, socks, boots, shoes, coats, scarves,
which have made their way into our lost and found
boxes. You are invited to look through the items
contained in the lost and found boxes to see if there are
any items belonging to your child. We will have the
items on “display” in our front foyer, opposite our main
office during student/teacher/parent/ interview
conferences on February 4 th and 5 th . Please take some
time to go through these items…you may find clothing
belonging to your child(ren).
When the cold weather arrives, we often receive
requests for students to remain indoors when students
have a cold, flu, et cetera. If your child is not well
enough to participate in all school activities, including
outdoor recess, you are asked to keep your child at
home until they are well.
We ask that all students
come to school with a
warm winter coat, winter
boots, hats, mittens/
gloves, a scarf/neck
warmer and snowpants.
accordance with
school Board Policy and
Peel Health regulations,
only when the weather
reaches -25 degrees Celsius, or colder, will students
remain indoors. When the weather temperature
ranges between -20 and -24 degrees Celsius, students
will remain outdoors for the 15 minutes recesses, as
well as 20 minutes during the lunch hour. Please ensure
that your child comes to school prepared for the
outdoor winter weather.
Please ensure that your child
keeps a pair of running shoes or
other appropriate footwear at
school so that his/her feet
remain dry and clean at all
times. As well, because so many
areas of our schoolyard can be
quite muddy at certain times of the year, this would
really help in keeping mud and dirt out of the
classrooms. In addition, wet footwear can cause
slippery floors, leading to slips and falls. We are asking
for your support to help us provide, to the best of our
ability, a safe environment for your child and everyone
in the building. Thank you for your cooperation and
continued support.
Please be advised that students should leave toys and
special items at home. Often, teachers spend valuable
instructional time assisting students with disputes over
toys, missing toys, broken toys, or items that have been
traded (or sometimes given) to another student. Please
help us to avoid disappointments by having your child
keep their toys and trading cards at home. Thank you
for your support and cooperation.
welcome to join us at our next
scheduled for Wednesday,
2016 at
6:30PM. The meeting will be
held in our school library. Dates
for upcoming meetings are April 6th, and May 11th.
Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. All
meetings begin at 6:30PM and are held in our school
library. Come on out and learn about what is
happening at St. Richard.
The Scholastic Book Fair will be at
St. Richard beginning Monday,
February 1 st! What better way to
promote reading while at the same
time support our school! Every
$10.00 that you spend on books at
the Book Fair generates monies
back to our school. Mrs. McHutchon will use these
funds to purchase new books for our library which our
students will be able to enjoy! The Book Fair will be
open during regular school hours February 1 st – 4 th ,
during Parent/Teacher/Student Interview evening on
February 4 th and from 8:30AM – 1:30PM on February
5 th . Please drop by and visit our Book Fair and support
literacy at St. Richard. Thanking you in advance for
your generous support.
Cold and Flu season are here. We need your help in
making our attendance verification work efficiently.
Please call the school office at (905) 826-5572 ext
#1. Leave a detailed message when reporting student
absences – including your child’s first and last name,
grade, teacher’s name and reason for absence. We have
voice mail available 24 hours a day for your
convenience. A note to the classroom teacher
explaining the absence is expected upon the student’s
return to school.
parents/guardians and students
that all students are expected to
come to school every day and on
It is very important that
students arrive to school on time
and are ready to learn, as late arrivals disrupt
instructional activities and classroom routines.
School begins at 8:30AM. Students should be at
school with enough time to line up outside of their
entry doors with their classmates and enter the
school with their class when the bell rings. Students
who are consistently late interrupt and disrupt
their class during lessons, create delays in the office
and set poor examples for those who do arrive to
school on time. Punctuality is a necessary life skill
that if practiced now, will be beneficial in the
future. Arriving early or promptly for your day at
work enables you to compose yourself and ease
gently into your environment.
Please note: parents/guardians of students who are
habitually late may be contacted by the Principal, as
well, the Child and Youth Worker and/or our
school Attendance Counsellor / Social Worker
may be involved in order to provide assistance in
correcting these late arrivals.
Please help us to teach your children the
value of promptness.
Their education
depends on it!
A decision to cancel school transportation and/or
close schools, due to inclement weather, is usually
made by 6:00 AM. Only the Director of Education
has the authority to cancel transportation and/or
close schools. If buses are cancelled in the
morning, they do not run in the afternoon.
DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD cancellations or
Announcements are made on the
following radio stations:
CJCL – 590 AM
CFNY – FM 102.1
CHIN FM 100.7
CFTR - 680 AM
EZ ROCK 97.3
FM Z103.5
FM Q 107
CHFI – FM 98.1
FM 93.1
CHUM AM 1050
CJBC (Fr.) AM 860
AM 640, AM 1540
CFRB – AM 1010
Registration for Full-Day Kindergarten for the 2016-17
school year will take place at St. Richard Catholic
Elementary School on the following days:
Monday, January 25*, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
7 PM – 9 PM
9 AM – 3 PM
9 AM – 3 PM
9 AM – 3 PM
*Snow Date:
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
7 PM – 9 PM
Admission is open to Catholic children and children of
Catholic parents. Year One FDK students must be 4
years of age, and Year Two FDK students must be 5
years of age, by December 31 st of the school year for
which they are registering.
The following documents are required for registration:
Announcements are made on the following TV
stations: CP 24
A reminder to all parents that on “Food” Friday lunch
days, students eat their lunches at 11:30AM and have
their outdoor recess, weather permitting, from
We are continuing with our Healthy Snacks program.
Healthy Snacks (e.g.: bananas, pears, apples, carrot and
celery sticks) will be available to all students on
Tuesdays and Thursdays until the end of May. Students
are enjoying a healthy snack immediately after the
afternoon recess break. No registration is necessary.
There is no fee charged to students in order to receive
the healthy snacks.
Donations to help fund the
program are welcome. A big thank you to the Ministry
of Children and Youth Services, YMCA for providing St.
Richard with the generous grant to offer this program,
and to our School Advisory Council who subsidize this
program for our students.
birth certificate or passport (proof of child’s age)
original Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate of
original Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate of
one parent/ guardian
updated immunization records (Immunization
Card, Peel Health Form or Letter of Exemption)
proof of home address (utility bill, bank or credit
card statement)
proof of Canadian Citizenship or Permanent
Resident status (citizenship documentation,
permanent resident card or record of landing)
*All documentation must be submitted in English.
For more information about registration, parents/
guardians should contact our school office at
905-826-5572, visit the Board website at, or call the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board at 905-890-1221.
DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest
board news and information, follow us
St. Richard School will once again be working towards
our ECO Schools Certification! Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle!!! Our ECO team, under the direction of Mrs.
Jordan, is committed to help reduce our carbon
footprint by reducing, reusing and recycling. Our ECO
team is encouraging all of us to be eco heroes by
supporting initiatives around the school and the local
community that promote a greener lifestyle. St.
Richard’s Eco Team is challenging all students to bring
lunch, beverages and snacks to school in reusable
containers in the hopes of eliminating the need to
throw wrappers, etc, in the garbage, and to eliminate
the need to recycle at school. Please support this
initiative and assist our school in our quest to a GOLD
Eco Schools Certification! Thank you.
As it is 2016, St. Richard's Eco Club is initiating a school
wide New Year's resolution!
We are introducing a new program happening at St.
Richard school, it is called 'Litter-less Lunch'. This
program is all about reducing as much waste as we can
in our school. Students will achieve this by bringing very
little to no waste in their lunches.
Students are asked to try their best to not bring any
waste to school. Instead of bringing plastic bags to
school, we can use reusable containers and water
bottles. We encourage everyone to take part in this
new program in order to save the environment.
The Eco Club
Fruits and Vegetables: Sources of vitamin A & C, folate
and fibre. Choose at least one dark green and one
orange vegetable a day.
 fruit including cantaloupe, apricots and mango
 carrot and sweet potato sticks
 green and red pepper strips
 broccoli florets and snowpeas
 roasted seasoned seaweed
Grain Products: Source of energy, B vitamins, iron and
fibre. Choose whole grains more often.
 Whole grain bread
 bagels and pitas
 muffins
 rice cakes and crackers
 dry unsweetened cereal (with or without milk)
Milk and Alternatives: Source of protein, vitamin A & C
as well as Calcium. Choose low fat options more often.
 white or chocolate milk (Skim, 1% or 2% fat)
 yogurt (3.25% or less fat)
 cheese (preferably 20% or less fat)
 fruit Smoothies made with yogurt, fruit and milk
Meat and Alternatives: A great source of protein, B
vitamins, iron and zinc
 hard boiled eggs
 sliced meat such as chicken, turkey or roast
 edamame
 speads such as hummus tuna, or salmon salad
Remember to include your child in the decision-making
for healthy snacks at school and at home. Healthy
snacks help to provide your child with the energy they
need to learn, and to grow into healthy adults.
Source: Peel Public Health Website
A snack is a mini meal that includes choices from one or
more of the 4 food groups. Growing children need to
eat more calories and nutrients relative to their size to
meet their high-energy demands for the day. However,
there is a difference between high calorie low nutrient
foods such as a chocolates and cookies, and high calorie
nutrient dense foods such as rice cakes, or yogurt.
Choosing a variety of foods from the 4 food groups
each day will help you to make healthy snack choices
for your child.
Here are some yummy snack ideas…
(Dates may be subject to change)
(Dates may be subject to change)
Jan. 1: Happy New Year!
Jan. 4: Welcome Back! – Classes Resume
Jan. 6: Epiphany of Our Lord
Jan. 8: Rosary Apostolate
Jan. 8: Pizza Lunch
Jan. 11: Parent/Teacher/Student Interview letters
are sent home to parents/guardians
Jan. 11: Region of Peel Health Immunization for
Grade 7 & 8 students; Round 2
Jan. 12: Virtues Assembly; 10:15AM
Jan. 12: Extended French Information Meeting for
parents/guardians of students currently in
Grade 4 at St. Rose of Lima School; 7PM
Jan. 12: Kindergarten Entry Planning for Students
with Special Needs at CEC 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Jan. 12: Preparing Your Child for First
Communion, Parent Meeting at St. John
of the Cross Church; 7:00PM
Jan. 13: Snow date for Kindergarten Entry
Planning for Students with Special Needs
Jan. 15: Pizza Lunch
Jan. 17: Preparing Your Child for First
Communion, Parent Meeting at St. John
of the Cross Church; 7:00PM
Jan. 18: PA DAY (No Pupil Attendance)
Jan. 20: Parent/Teacher/Student Interview letters
due back at school
Jan. 22: Pizza Lunch
Jan. 25: Kindergarten Registration Evening;
7:00PM – 9:00PM at St. Richard
Jan. 26: Snow date for Kindergarten
Registration 7:00-9:00PM
Jan. 26 – 29: Kindergarten Registration
9:11AM; 1-3PM
Jan. 29: Sub Lunch
Jan. 29: Mr. Di Biase’s Grade 4/5 class to Peel
Children’s Safety Village
(Cyber Safety Program)
Feb. 1: Term 2 Begins
Feb. 1-5: Book Fair
Feb. 2: Virtues Assembly; 9:00AM; gymnasium
Feb. 2: Term 1 Report Cards are sent home for
students in Grades 1 – 8
Feb. 2: Book Fair; 8:30-3PM
Feb. 3: Book Fair; 8:30-3PM
Feb. 3: School Council Meeting; 6:30PM
school library
Feb. 4: Book Fair; 8:30-3PM, 3-8PM
Feb. 4: Parent/Teacher/Student Interview
Feb. 5: Book Fair; 8:30-1:30
Feb. 5: PA Day (No pupil attendance)
Feb. 9: Shrove Tuesday
Feb. 10: Ash Wednesday
Feb. 10: Ash Wednesday Liturgy; 2PM; gymnasium
Feb. 11: See/Hear Clinic
Feb. 12: Rosary Apostolate
Feb. 12: Pizza Lunch
Feb. 15: FAMILY DAY (School is closed)
Feb. 19: Pizza Lunch
Feb. 26: Sub Lunch
FOOD FRIDAYS (March – June)
Mar. 4: Pizza Lunch
Mar. 11: Pizza Lunch
Mar. 14 – 18 MARCH BREAK (School closed)
Mar. 25: GOOD FRIDAY (School is closed)
Apr. 1: Pizza Lunch
Apr. 8: Pizza Lunch
Apr. 15: Pizza Lunch
Apr. 22: Pizza Lunch
Apr. 29: Sub Lunch
May 6: Pizza Lunch
May 13: PA Day (No pupil attendance)
May 20: Pizza Lunch
May 27: Sub Lunch
June 3: Pizza Lunch
June 10: Pizza Lunch
June 17: Pizza Lunch & June 24: Sub Lunch
(Dates may be subject to change)
Mar. 1: Virtues Assembly; 10:15
Mar. 4: Rosary Apostolate
Mar. 11: Holy Week Begins
Apr. 1: Rosary Apostolate
Apr. 5: St. Richard Feast Day & Mass of the
Resurrection; 1:00PM at St. John of the
Cross Church
Apr. 6: School Council Meeting; 6:30PM
School library
Apr. 12: Virtues Assembly; 9AM; gymnasium
Apr. 21: Welcome to Kindergarten Evening
Apr. 28: Graduation Photos for Gr. 8 students