Taoi lieau naay quan troing, xin nhoo ngoooi chuyean doch. Ta informacja jest wazna. Prosze zapoznaj sie z nia. Esta informacion es importante. Por favor traducirla al espanol. St. Richard Catholic School 7270 Copenhagen Road Mississauga, Ontario L5N 2C3 Tel: (905) 826-5572 Fax: (905) 826-9564 LOVE ∙ FAITH ∙ KINDNESS ∙ HOPE www.dpcdsb.org/RICHA Principal D. Tucciarone Head Secretary G. Falotico Parish St. John of the Cross (905) 821-1331 Pastors: Rev. Fr. Joseph Kalluvila Associate Pastor: Rev. Fr. Felix Antony Rev. Fr. Sebastian Joseph E-mail: stjohnofx@rogers.com Superintendent, Mississauga North: T. Cruz (905) 890-0708 Trustee E. O’Toole Wards Nine and Ten (905) 812-5163 School Council Chair A. Green Board Chairperson M. Pascucci Director of Education J. Kostoff Director Designate of Education & Secretary to the Board M. Mazzorato School Website www.dpbdsb.org/RICHA December, 2015 Newsletter A Christmas Prayer Every generous act of giving and every perfect gift are from above. They come down from you, dear Father of lights. You give birth to us by your word, that we might be born of a new creation. Bless now these presents that we give and receive in joy at the birth of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. On this holy day, bless us and bless the whole world with thankfulness and affection, for you are the giver of all good gifts. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. The staff of St. Richard Catholic Elementary School wish the families of our school community a very blessed and holy Christmas season. May the spirit of Christmas fill your hearts with peace and joy. Merry Christmas! FAMILY ADVENT MASS Tuesday, December 15th, 2016 St. John of the Cross Parish 7:00PM – ALL ARE WELCOME!!! ST. RICHARD CHRISTMAS CONCERT Thursday, December 17th, 2016 Two performance times to choose from: 9:00AM OR 1:00PM St. Richard Gymnasium ALL ARE WELCOME!!! CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Monday, December 21st, 2015 – Friday, January 1st, 2016 CLASSES RESUME MONDAY, JANUARY 4th, 2016 A MONTH OF VIRTUES In December we celebrate the virtue of hope. We believe that God comes to us as a small fragile baby who shows us that even the smallest and poorest can make a profound difference in the world. God has given us this Advent season year after year in order to focus our minds and our hearts on the good all around us. During this time of hope, we are reminded that God chose to send his Son to us because we are worth it. God knows how great we can be when we all come together. When we look at the world through the eyes of God we know that the message of hope in Jesus’ second coming will be and is fulfilled, because Jesus’ love lives in us every day. People of Hope… Keep up a positive attitude Can bounce back from tough situations Set and stick to their goals See the good in others even when they make mistakes Work to include others Let others know that they are good people YOUTH FAITH AMBASSADORS This initiative is to encourage Catholic elementary school students in Grades 6 – 8 to live out our baptismal call to become Fully Alive in the Lord Jesus Christ through care for themselves and others. The role of the Youth Faith Ambassador is to become an active Christian through the knowledge of God’s word, deepening their own faith development and bettering their communities through service. Students in the Youth Faith Ambassador Program are encouraged to be role models of faith and of the virtues. Throughout the school year, Youth Faith Ambassadors share their experiences, lead our monthly virtues liturgies and create opportunities for becoming active witnesses in our school and community. At St. Richard School, our Youth Faith Ambassadors work closely with Mrs. Pereira, Mrs. Tannus and Mrs, Lysyuk, we thank them for providing our students with this opportunity. CHRISTMAS SHOEBOX CAMPAIGN St. Richard and the Youth Faith Ambassadors would like to thank all the families that gave generously this season to the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Campaign. It was through your generosity that we were able to exceed our goal of filling up 30 shoeboxes. We are so thrilled to let you know that we will be providing 32 shoeboxes to be shared with children less fortunate this Christmas. This opportunity allowed the students to be involved in giving to others and focusing on the true meaning of Christmas. The money collected filled up boxes with such things as books, school supplies, toys, socks, soaps and toothbrushes. Thanks again for your kindness! GATHER CLUB The Gather Club is an extra-curricular club open to all students in grades 1 to 5. Students involved plan and organize social justice initiatives and participate in a Scripture based craft once a month. Students meet twice a month during the student lunch hour for approximately 30 minutes. Student voice is very important in the planning and implementation of our projects and activities each session. Our focus is providing a safe, inclusive, Catholic community environment for students where they can interact with one another in a fun, faith filled atmosphere. During Term 1, students have participated in the following social justice / outreach initiatives: Thanksgiving food drive for the Eden Food For Change food bank, Shoe drive for the St. Vincent de Paul society (in partnership with St. Joseph Secondary School), Hallowe’en candy collection for Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food for Children, Toys for Tots for Peel Regional Police and Dufferin-Peel Social Workers. Gather Club members will also create crafts with the following scriptural themes: Spiritual armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-18), Peace, Advent. Thank you for Mrs. Lesniewski for providing our Grade 1 to 5 students with these opportunities to live their faith and to be of service. CELEBRATING ADVENT The season of Advent begins with the fourth Sunday before Christmas. This year, the liturgical season of Advent begins Sunday, November 29, 2015. “Advent” is a Latin word meaning “the coming”. During the season of Advent, Christians across the world prepare for the celebration of the coming of the Lord into the world through the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. Advent is a time to celebrate light in the midst of darkness, as symbolized best by the Advent Wreath. At St. Richard we emphasize the implications of the birth of our Saviour through our Christian actions. We ensure that Advent is a time where we highlight charity and social justice. It is a time to prepare the way, to connect with God each and every day through prayer, charity and social justice. The following activities provide a small window into how the staff and students at St. Richard are the arms, legs, and hands of God. SCHOOL ADVENT MASS The St. Richard school community will celebrate an Advent Mass on Tuesday, December 15th, 2015; 7PM at St. John of the Cross Church. The offering of the mass provides an opportunity to celebrate the Eucharist together as a school and parish community. Following the Mass, families are invited to gather in the Nessinger Hall for refreshments. This fellowship is organized and sponsored by our Catholic School Advisory Council. CHRISTMAS TOY DRIVE, GIFT CARDS FOR CHRISTMAS BASKETS & CANADIAN TIRE MONEY The Gather Club is organizing a Toy Drive for “Toys for Tots” which is a charitable endeavour initiated by the Peel Regional Police in 1993. In addition, the Gather Club is seeking donations for Christmas baskets for families in need within our school communities of Mississauga North in our Dufferin-Peel Catholic District Schools. We are seeking donations for the following venues: Walmart, Payless Shoes, Food Basics, Osh Kosh/Carter Children’s Store, Winners, Toys R Us, Cineplex, Metro. Donations of new hats, mittens/gloves, scarves, socks, would also be welcomed. In addition, you are welcome to contribute Canadian Tire money, as this money will be used to purchase specific items to support the families basic needs. Items collected will be packaged up for four families in need and delivered by our school Social Worker directly to the families in need. Your generous support will help to provide a special Christmas for these families. Thank you and may God continue to bless you. BLESSING OF THE NATIVITY SCENE Read from the Gospel of Luke 2:1-8 God of every nation and people, from the very beginning of creation you have made known your love. When our need for a Saviour was great you sent your Son to be born of the Virgin Mary. To our lives he brings joy and peace, justice, mercy and love. Lord, bless all who look upon this manger; may it remind us of the humble birth of Jesus, and raise up our thoughts to him, who is God-with-us and Saviour of all, and who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. BLESSING OF THE CHRISTMAS TREE Read from the Letter of Paul to Titus 3:4-7 Lord our God, We praise you for the light of creation: The sun, the moon and the stars of the night. We praise you for the light of Israel: The Law, the prophets and the wisdom of the Scriptures. We praise you for Jesus Christ, your Son: He is Emmanuel, God-with-us, the Prince of Peace, who fills us with the wonder of your love. Lord God, Let your blessing come upon us as we light this tree. May the light and cheer it gives be a sign of the joy that fills our hearts. May all who delight in this tree come to the knowledge and joy of salvation. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. PRAYER BEFORE CHRISTMAS DINNER God of all gifts, we thank you for the many ways you have blessed us this day. We are grateful for each of those who are gathered around this table. We ask you to bless us and our food and to bless those we love who are not with us today. In our gratitude and love, we remember your humble birth into our lives and pray for those who are without enough to eat. We remember the stable in which you were born and pray for those who have no place to live. We remember your challenging message of caring and giving and we pray for peace in families and nations throughout the world. We bless you and give you thanks in your Spirit who brings our hearts to life this Christmas Day and forever. Amen. ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS PARISH CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE Confessions: Monday, Dec. 14th ONLY – 7PM to 9PM Candlelight Carol Service Sunday, December 20th, 2015 – 6:30PM Take some time to share scripture, quiet time, festive music and fellowship. school council, staff and students appreciate your support of all fundraisers which, through your generous support, will continue to allow for improvements and to access additional technology for our students. Friday, Dec. 25th – 10:00AM and 12:00PM (NOTE: There will NOT be a Mass at 8:00AM or 4:00PM) SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETINGS All parents/guardians are welcome to join us at our next School Council meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016 at 6:30PM. The meeting will be held in our school library. Dates for upcoming meetings are April 6th, and May 11th. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. All meetings begin at 6:30PM and are held in our school library. New Year Schedule Thursday, December 31st, 2015 (Mary Mother of God Feast Day) – 5:00PM FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR 2016-2017 Friday, January 1st, 2016 10:00AM and 12:00PM Registration for Full-Day Kindergarten for the 2016-17 school year will take place at St. Richard Catholic Elementary School on the following days: Christmas Mass Schedule 2015 Thursday, Dec. 24th – 4:00PM, 6:00PM, 8:00PM, 10:00PM and 12:00AM (Midnight) To contact the Parish Rectory, please call (905)821-1331. FUNDRAISING NEWS The two major fundraising efforts that are the initiative of our Catholic School Council are the (1)weekly “Food Friday Lunches” (2)chocolate sales coming soon. The School Council would like to thank all families who supported the QSP magazine subscription fundraiser. If you would like to help our school council in delivering “Food Friday Lunches” to students, helping to organizing a Family Movie Night and/or a Family BINGO Night, securing prize donations, or, if you have time to volunteer, please contact our school office at 905826-5572. Fundraising efforts result in the betterment of our school by providing financial resources for ongoing and new educational programs and equipment. A portion of funds raised will be allocated to yearly on-going commitments, “wish list” items. Our Monday, January 25*, 2016 Wednesday, January 27, 2016 Thursday, January 28, 2016 Friday, January 29, 2016 7 PM – 9 PM 9 AM – 3 PM 9 AM – 3 PM 9 AM – 3 PM *Snow Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 7 PM – 9 PM For more information about registration, parents/guardians should contact our school office at 905-826-5572, visit the Board website at www.dpcdsb.org, or call the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board at 905-890-1221. INDOOR FOOTWEAR Please ensure that your child keeps a pair of running shoes or other appropriate footwear at school so that his/her feet remain dry and clean at all times. As well, because so many areas of our schoolyard can be quite muddy at certain times of the year, this would really help in keeping mud and dirt out of the classrooms. PARENT EVENING TO SUPPORT THE TRANSITION OF CHILDREN WITH DIFFERING ABILITIES INTO KINDERGARTEN On Tuesday, January 12, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s Special Education and Support Services Department will host a Kindergarten entry planning information session for parents and guardians of children with differing abilities which affect their learning, such as vision, hearing, speech, autism, physical/medical and/or developmental delays in the cognitive and/or motor areas, who are entering Kindergarten in September 2016. The meeting will be held at the: Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board -Catholic Education Centre, Room 301 40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga *Tuesday, January 12, 2016 7:00-8:30 p.m. *Snow Date: January 13, 2016 For more information about this session, please call 905-890-0708 ext. 24011. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are also reminded to register their child at our school office. Official registration dates are January 25th from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., January 27th, 28th and 29th, 2016 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Snow Date is January 26th, 2016 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION Cold and Flu season are here. We need your help in making our attendance verification work efficiently. Please call the school office at (905) 826-5572 ext 1. Leave a detailed message when reporting student absences – including your child’s first and last name, grade, teacher’s name and reason for absence. We have voice mail available 24 hours a day for your convenience. A note to the classroom teacher explaining the absence is expected upon the student’s return to school. TRANSPORTATION CANCELLATIONS / SCHOOL CLOSURES A decision to cancel school transportation and/or close schools, due to inclement weather, is usually made by 6:00 AM. Only the Director of Education has the authority to cancel transportation and/or close schools. If buses are cancelled in the morning, they do not run in the afternoon. Please listen for DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD cancellations or closures. Announcements are made on the following radio stations: VIRGIN RADIO – 99.9 CJCL – 590 AM CHIN FM 100.7 CFTR - 680 AM EZ ROCK 97.3 FM 93.1 CHUM AM 1050 CFNY – FM 102.1 CFRB – AM 1010 FM Z103.5 FM Q 107 CHFI – FM 98.1 CJBC (Fr.) AM 860 AM 640, AM 1540 Announcements are made on the following TV stations: CITY PULSE GLOBAL NEWS CBC CFTO CATHOLIC RATEPAYERS – Check your Tax Bill to Ensure Proper Tax Support If you are a Catholic ratepayer, we urge you to check your property tax bill to ensure that your support is directed to your local Catholic school board, in our case, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. If you are a tenant, you can verify your support by contacting our Admissions Department at (905) 890-0708, ext. 24511, 24512, or 24519, or your local municipal office. By ensuring that you are accurately recorded as a Catholic school supporter, you can help deliver a powerful message to the government about the level of support for publically-funded Catholic education in Ontario. Also, in order to be eligible to vote for your local Catholic school board trustee, you must be registered as a separate school supporter. EXTENDED FRENCH INFORMATION MEETINGS Information meetings for parents/guardians of Grade 4 students who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5 Extended French program for September 2016 are invited to attend an information meeting: Tuesday, January 12, 2016; 7:00PM St. Rose of Lima 905-828-4076 4590 The Gallops, Mississauga Presently, St. Rose of Lima School is the designated Extended French School for Grade 4 students attending St. Richard. Applications to the Extended French program will be available at the information session. “FOOD” FRIDAYS A reminder to all parents that on “Food” Friday lunch days, students eat their lunches at 11:30AM and have their outdoor recess (weather permitting) from 11:50AM-12:30PM HEALTHY SNACKS Healthy Snacks have returned again this year and will be available to all students on Tuesdays and Thursdays until the end of May. Students may enjoy a healthy snack immediately after the afternoon recess break. No registration is necessary. There is no fee charged to students in order to receive the healthy snacks. Donations to help fund the program are welcome. DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools. WINTER CLOTHING Soon we will be experiencing cold weather and with winter on its way, we need to be prepared. It is important for students to come prepared to participate in all activities, including outdoor recess. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the forthcoming colder weather, including having hats, boots and mittens/gloves as winter approaches. ECO NEWS St. Richard School will once again be working towards our ECO Schools Certification! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!!! Our ECO team, under the direction of Mrs. Jordan, is committed to help reduce our carbon footprint by reducing, reusing and recycling. Our ECO team is encouraging all of us to be eco heroes by supporting initiatives around the school and the local community that promote a greener lifestyle. St. Richard’s Eco Team is challenging all students to bring lunch, beverages and snacks to school in reusable containers in the hopes of eliminating the need to throw wrappers, etc, in the garbage, and to eliminate the need to recycle at school. Please support this initiative and assist our school in our quest to a GOLD Eco Schools Certification! Thank you. DATES TO REMEMBER - DECEMBER (Dates may be subject to change) Dec. 1: Toy Drive and Gift Card Drive begins Dec. 1: Grade 3s to River Grove Pool for Swim to Survive Program; AM Dec. 2: Virtues Assembly; 10:15AM Dec. 2: School Council Meeting; 6:30PM in school library – All Are Welcome! Dec. 4: Rosary Apostolate Dec. 4: Pizza Lunch Dec. 6: Second Sunday of Advent Dec. 8: Holy Year of Mercy begins Dec. 8: Grade 3s to River Grove Pool for Swim to Survive Program; AM Dec. 11: Toy Drive and Gift Card Drive ends Dec. 11: Pizza Lunch Dec. 15: Grade 3s to River Grove Pool for Swim to Survive Program; AM Dec. 15: Family Advent Mass; 7PM at St. John of the Cross Church – All Are Welcome! Dec. 17: Christmas Concert in school gymnasium; two performance times to choose from: 9:00AM OR 1:00PM Dec. 18: Sub Lunch Dec. 18: Last day of classes before Christmas Break Dec. 21 – Jan. 3: Christmas Break (No classes for students) Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Dec. 25: Merry Christmas! Jan. 1: Happy New Year! Jan. 4: Welcome Back! - Classes Resume DATES TO REMEMBER - JANUARY (Dates may be subject to change) Jan. 1: Happy New Year! Jan. 4: Welcome Back! – Classes Resume Jan. 6: Epiphany Jan. 6: Virtues Assembly; 10:15AM Jan. 8: Rosary Apostolate Jan. 8: Pizza Lunch Jan. 12: Extended French Information Meeting for parents/guardians of students currently in Grade 4 at St. Rose of Lima School; 7PM Jan. 12: Kindergarten Entry Planning for Students with Special Needs at CEC 7:00-8:30 p.m. Jan. 13: Snow date for Kindergarten Entry Planning for Students with Special Needs Jan. 15: Pizza Lunch Jan. 18: PA DAY (No Pupil Attendance) Jan. 22: Pizza Lunch Jan. 25: Kindergarten Registration Evening; 7:00PM – 9:00PM at St. Richard Jan. 26: Snow date for Kindergarten Registration 7:00-9:00PM Jan. 26 – 29: Kindergarten Registration 9:11AM; 1-3PM Jan. 29: Sub Lunch FOOD FRIDAYS (February – June) Feb. 5: PA Day (No pupil attendance) Feb. 12: Pizza Lunch Feb. 19: Pizza Lunch Feb. 26: Sub Lunch Mar. 4: Pizza Lunch Mar. 11: Pizza Lunch Mar. 14 – 18 MARCH BREAK Mar. 25: GOOD FRIDAY (No pupil attendance) Apr. 1: Pizza Lunch Apr. 8: Pizza Lunch Apr. 15: Pizza Lunch Apr. 22: Pizza Lunch Apr. 29: Sub Lunch May 6: Pizza Lunch May 13: PA Day (No pupil attendance) May 20: Pizza Lunch May 27: Sub Lunch June 3: Pizza Lunch June 10: Pizza Lunch June 17: Pizza Lunch June 24: Sub Lunch From the Staff of St. Richard Catholic Elementary School May you have great joy this Christmas, And may the miracle of Christmas continue to shine within your heart all year. S. Pereira J. McPhail-Smith S. Tannus, C. Voisin J. Polom, M. Sarek, K. Scherer M.A. Debono, N. Lysyuk S. Lesniewski, J. Malison, L. Everson D. Shanks, R. DiBiase, H. Christy, S. Tonkovic K. Jordan, T. Ditaranto J. Wu, E. McHutchon, J. Lecky, N. Fines P. Silva, L. Sturgeon, M. Roma, M. Polcz, L. Mausser G. Falotico, D. Tucciarone, A. Walker, C. Wigglesworth Have a Blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year.