RECENT TRENDS The Impact of the NCI and NIBIB on Medical Physics üdoubling of the NIH budget over last 5 years; üappointment of new heads of NIH and NCI; ücreation of NIBIB; übudget set-asides for the war on terrorism; üdawning of translational research methods; James Deye, Ph.D. Program Director üblurring of boundaries between disciplines; üincreasing role for industry, NIH ICs Genes and the Environment Goal: To discover genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors and their interactions that define cancer risk and inform strategies for cancer control. Cancer Imaging Goal: To accelerate discovery and development of imaging methods that will predict clinical course and response to interventions. Defining the Signatures of Cancer Cells: Detection, Diagnosis, and Therapy Goal: To catalog distinguishing molecular signatures of cells to deve lop new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches and predict response. Molecular Targets of Prevention and Treatment Goal: To accelerate discovery, development, and testing of prevention and treatment agents that target the molecular changes of cancer. Research on Tobacco and Tobacco -Related Cancers Goal: To understand the causes of tobacco use, addiction, and related cancers and apply this knowledge to their prevention and treatment. Cancer Communications Goal: To understand and apply the most effective communications approaches to maximize access to and 1 Divisions - Extramural Division of Cancer Biology Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences Division of Cancer Prevention Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis Division of Extramural Activities Divisions and Centers - Intramural Center for Cancer Research Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics WORKSHOPS sponsored by RRP (1999 – 2001) NCI CLINICAL TRIAL GROUPS 1.Cancer and Acute Leukemia Group B (CALGB) - TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY (published) 2.Children’s Cancer Study Group (CCSG) - RESEARCH IN MEDICAL PHYSICS (published) 3.Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) - LATE EFFECTS OF RADIATION THEARAPY (published) 4.Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) 5.National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) - BRACHYTHERAPY (in press) 6.North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG) - MONTE CARLO CALCULATIONS IN RADIATION THERAPY (draft) 7.Pediatric Oncology Group (POG) - MOLECULAR and CELLULAR BIOLOGY of MODERATE DOSE (1- 10 Sv) RADIATION and POTENTIAL MECHANISMS of RADIATION PROTECTION (published) 8.Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 9.Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) 10.Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study Group (IRSG) - OPERATIONS RESEARCH APPLIED TO RADIATION THERAPY (draft) 11.National Wilms’ Tumor Study Group (NWTSG) 12.American College of Surgeons Oncology Group (ACOSOG ) 2 National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) – organization chart 3 SBIR PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY CHECKPOINTS Extramural Programs Reserved for Small Business ü Organized for- profit U.S. business SMALL BUSINESS INNOVATION RESEARCH (SBIR) PROGRAM ü At least 51% U.S.-ownedand independently operated SMALL BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER (STTR) PROGRAM ü Small Business located in the U.S. ü P.I.’s primary employment with small business during project “The best way to predict the future… is to create it.” ü 500 or fewer employees STTR PROGRAM ü Faculty Partnership Opportunities FORMAL COOPERATIVE R&D EFFORT • Minimum 40% by small business Minimum 30% by research institution ü • Own small firms (assign someone else PI) Principal Investigator (w/ official permission from University) U.S. RESEARCH INSTITUTION (RI) • College or University; other non-profit research • organization; federal R&D center • ü PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR FROM SMALL BUSINESS and/or RESEARCH INST. ü AWARD MADE TO SMALL BUSINESS • SBIR/STTR 3-Phase Program • funding/sbir.htm PHASE I Ü Feasibility study (no preliminary data needed) Ü $100K -- 6 months (SBIR) or 12 months(STTR) • Special Announcements (PAs and RFAs) u u • PHASE II u Ü Ü Full R/R&D 2-Year Award - - $750K (SBIR) or $500K (STTR) u u u • Senior Personnel on SBIR Consultants on SBIR Subcontract on SBIR University facilities can provide analytical and other service support PHASE III Ü Commercialization Stage Ü Without SBIR/STTR Support u u u Tools for Insertional Mutagenesis In The Mouse Functional Tissue Engineering for Heart, Vascular, Lung, Blood and Sleep Disorders and Diseases Innovative Toxicology Models for Drug Evaluation Innovations in Biomedical Information Science and Technology Development of Novel Imaging Technologies Bioengineering NanotechnologyInitiative Protein Structure Initiative ( Structural Genomics) Innovative Technologies for the Molecular Analysis of Cancer Development of Digital MammographyDisplays and Workstations 4 Applications Submitted to NIH Center for Scientific Review • Approximately 40,000 grant applications are submitted to NIH each year, of which 25-30% are funded • Competing grant applications are received for three review cycles per year 5 RADIATION ONCOLOGY PHYSICS EFFORTS •IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy) •BRACHYTHERAPY •RIT (Radio-Immuno-Therapy) •MULTI-DISCIPLINARY • NCI has funded an Advanced Technology Radiation Therapy QA Consortium (ATC) for Clinical Trials - ITC and RTOG Headquarters ( – RPC (rpc.mdanderson .org/rpc/) – QARC ( – RCET ( • NCI has also created an Imaging Trials effort along with the ACR: - ACRIN ( NCI:Types of Initiatives (1998-01) • Research Centers of Excellence (Molecular Imaging) RADIATION ONCOLOGY PHYSICS EFFORTS • IMRT Questionnaire – documentation of institution’ institution’ s IMRT planning, delivery, and QA capabilities – physician physician’’ s, • IMRT physicist's,… IMRT experience physicist's,… Dry-run (benchmark) case Dry- – demonstrate • IMRT capability and knowledge of the protocol. Dosimetry Phantom Verification Study • NCI/NCRR: Phased Innovation Award (R21/R33). Specifically designed for technology development, with provision of academic/ industry partnerships. NCI Review:Reviewers: Academia and Industry and small business. • Small Animal Resource Centers (Molecular Imaging) Applications: 1st Round 40; 4 funded, 2nd Round 70 Future: Multiple Prototypes: SB Joint Ventures • National Distributed Research Resources Research Interface Software ( Ultrasound). Image Databases for Software Evaluation (Lung CT). Platform Independent Imaging Methods (MRI). NCI/NIBIB: Exploring new funding mechanisms tailored for Imaging Technology Development, including IGT/IGS 6