2013 the art of learning

the art of learning
The Open Learning Centre offers a range of part-time blended
and distance learning programmes focused on expanding your
intellectual and professional competence in the area of adult learning,
development and instruction. The programmes have been developed
to meet the educational needs of individuals such as:
• Further education personnel who wish to obtain a teaching
• Human resource specialists
• Those practising or planning a career in training, teaching
or instruction
The flexibility of our delivery approach keeps you, the learner,
in mind. Part-time study allows you to combine personal and
professional responsibilities while undertaking recognised university
programmes. Blended learning methods such as self-study, face-toface workshops and online learning encourage the development
of self-directed and independent learning skills. Distance learning
allows you to access the programmes regardless of geographical
location. Exit options within the programmes allow you to plan
your educational progression in a way that suits your schedule.
Whether you are interested in an NUI Galway accredited short
programme, an undergraduate degree, a teaching qualification
or a postgraduate degree, the Open Learning Centre provides
a seamless progression for your education goals.
• Trainers, tutors and instructors
Applicants should ideally have appropriate experience in a training or
educational organisation and must be in a position to undertake assignments
and work-based projects relating to practical aspects of training or education.
The Professional Diploma in Education (FE) and the Masters programme
have specific entry requirements (see website for further details).
Applicants should be proficient in MS Office, Adobe Reader, use of email,
web browser, internet and internet files and utilities.
Applicants may apply online at www.nuigalway.ie/openlearningcentre
Applicants for certain programmes may be required to attend for interview.
Short Programmes
Foundation Diploma (Training and Education)
Essential Trainer Skills: This programme equips participants with the key trainer
competencies necessary to function effectively in a modern work environment.
Essential Trainer Skills (Sports Coaches): This programme enables those with
sports coaching roles to acquire the fundamental knowledge and skills in coaching
for performance improvement.
Foundation Diploma (Skills for Life and Employment)
Recognition of Prior Learning
This programme focuses on the development of skills that are seen as central
to enhancing life courses and employment capacity.
We recognise prior learning through our RPL process.
For information on the RPL application process visit our website at:
Module: Skills for Life and Employment
Foundation Diploma (assessment: Theory & Practice)
Assessment is continuous. Methods of continuous assessment include
written and practical assignments, online activities, video, end-of-year
projects, dissertations, examinations and learning portfolios.
Student support tutors and administrators give a high level of support
to students throughout the programme. Tutors are available at workshops
and provide support online. Students are encouraged to create informal
networks and support groups with other students.
The National Framework of Qualifications
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
All modules listed in this brochure are subject to change. Modules of equivalent status
will be offered when changes are made.
This programme provides participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to
design and develop a range of assessment strategies that are constructively aligned
with learning outcomes and that comply with FETAC (or equivalent) guidelines.
Module: assessment: Theory and Practice
ECTS: 10
DuraTiON: 12 weeks (Attendance: 4 Days)
FEES: €850
Short ProgrammeS
Entry Requirements
Certificate in Arts (T.E.F.L)
Certificate in advanced Trainer Skills
This programme builds on trainers’ competence by developing coaching
and mentoring knowledge skills and abilities.
This course provides initial training, specialised knowledge and skills needed for
teachers who wish to teach English as a Foreign Language. The course may be taken
as a part-time course during the academic year or as an intensive Summer course
during the period June-July.
Coaching and Mentoring
Language Systems
Skills for Life and Employment
MicroTeaching and Teaching Practice
Teaching Practice Portfolio
ECTS: 15
Duration: 12 weeks (Attendance: 3 Days)
FEES: €1,425
On completion of the Certificate in T.E.F.L., students can progress to a Higher
Diploma in T.E.F.L. (NFQ LEVEL 9).
ECTS: 30
FEES: €1,500
teachIng englISh aS a ForeIgn language (teFl)
Short Programmes
Employee Assistance and Social Support
individual Help in the Employee assistance Process
Employee assistance: Origins, Principles and Organisation
Problem Management and Creativity
Negotiations and Negotiation Skills
The Legal and Policy Framework of EaP
Work-based Project
responding to Substance Misuse in the Workplace
Practical research and report Writing
Depression and Common Mental Disorders in EaP
Employee assistance: Psychological Trauma
Employee assistance: Bullying and Harassment
Work Based Project
NOTE: On successful completion of the Diploma, students may progress to Year 3 of the B.A. in Training and Education.
FEES: €2,900 per year
emPloyee aSSIStance and SocIal SuPPort
This programme is designed to enable participants to further develop and enhance
their understanding, knowledge and skills relevant to Employee Assistance and Social
Support work practice and policy in Ireland.
The Programme aims to develop the knowledge and skills of training professionals in line with
National and European competences and standards. It is designed for those practicing or planning
a career as a trainer in the vocational, educational, corporate voluntary and community sectors.
Year 1 – Certificate in Training and Education
Year 3 – Bachelor of arts (Training and Education)
Essential Trainer Skills
Organisational Management: Human resources
The individual Learner
Social Science: research Methods
Learning in Groups
Project Planning, Management and Evaluation
The Learning Process
Lifelong Learning: Contemporary Policy and Practice
The assessment of Learning
The virtual Learning Environment
Skills for Life and Employment
Coaching for improved Performance
Quality assurance: Monitoring, Evaluation assessment
Year 2 – Diploma in Training and Education
Work-based Project
*some modules are optional
Management of Training and Education
Course Design
Year 4 – Bachelor of arts (Training and Education)
Course Delivery
understanding Communities
Critical Thinking
introduction to research in the Social Sciences
Management of innovation
Work-based Project
The Political and Social Context of Education
research Project
Year 1 Students will be required to attend an Orientation Day.
On Completion of Year 1, students receive a Certificate award and may continue their studies or exit.
On Completion of Year 2, students receive a Diploma award and may continue their studies or exit.
YEar 1 & YEar 2: NFQ LEvEL 7
FEES: €2,900 per year
traInIng and educatIon
in Training and Education
The programme is intended to give teaching training, education and human resource
practitioners the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding of theories
underlying adult learning, pedagogical practices and people development.
YEar 1
Human resource Development and Training for Work
The Psychology of adult Learning and Development
adult Learning Theories and Concepts
Teaching and Learning Online
Lifelong Learning: Concepts, Context and issues
Social Science research
YEar 2
Learning and the individual
Management and Leadership in Training and Education (Elective)
Online Learning Design (Elective)
FEES: Year 1 – €4,200
Year 2 – €3,700
adult learnIng and develoPment
in Adult Learning and Development
Professional Diploma in Education
(Further Education)
teacher educatIon qualIFIcatIon
The Professional Diploma in Education (Further Education) provides further
education student teachers with the professional knowledge, understanding and
pedagogical skills required to carry out their teaching roles and responsibilities.
The programme has been specifically developed to meet the needs of persons
working in the further education sector who wish to register with the Teaching
Council of Ireland for the purposes of registration as a Further Education teacher
in Ireland and the EU, as well as other English speaking countries.
For further information see The Teaching Council (Registration) Regulations
2009 at: www.teachingcouncil.ie
YEar 1*
Teaching Practices and Learning Methods
Programme Design, Development and assessment
Psychology of Learning: Theories and Concepts
YEar 2
Professional Teaching Practice
Quality assurance: Monitoring and Evaluation
The Learning Society: Context, Structure and Policy
*Year 1 students attend a 2-day orientation workshop
Fees: €3,500 per year
Contact Information:
Tel: 091 – 494055
email: openlearningcentre@nuigalway.ie