HEARTBEAT Book Club OSSLT Study Overseas

Chaplain... Our Humble Community
Book Club
Reading & Activities
Dates and Info for Parents
Study Overseas
Information Sessions
The Power of an Hour
Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Peel
Looking Ahead
Dates to Remember
Girls Night In
Empowering Young Women
Shadow Days & Open House
St. Paul Secondary School
815 Atwater Avenue, Mississauga, Ontario L5E 1L8
Phone: 905-278-3994
Web: dpcdsb.org/PAULS
Fax: 905-278-1163
B. Iannicca, Mississauga Ward 7 - 905-270-0536, bruno.iannicca@dpcdsb.org
M. Pascucci,Mississauga Wards 1 & 3, Chair of the Board - (P) 905-302-3096, (F) 905-890-0888,
Mr. T. Lariviere
Ms. C. Murphy
Mr. A. Iarossi
Mrs. F. Pianta
Head of Student Services/ARD
Guidance Counsellor O - Z
Mr. B. Bonnah
Guidance Counsellor A - N
Ms. C. Lehecka
Youth Care Worker
Ms. V. Williams
St. Dominic Parish Pastor
Fr. Philip Jones
Heartbeat Editor/Layout & Design
T. Brugmans
Cover Photo
S. De Luca
The very first reading of mass on January 1, the Feast of the Solemnity of Mary, was from the Book of Numbers, and I find myself coming back to it again and again as the principal of St. Paul. In particular, what resonates with me is what the Lord directed Moses to tell
Aaron and his sons:
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face to shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
As I reflect on why I keep coming
back to this reading, it is the fact that
our students have been very blessed
with so many gifts as they work their
way through this academic year. It is
clear to me that the Lord has been very
gracious to our children. I have just
finished signing off on all of the report
cards: many of our students have
worked hard to use their talents to
achieve excellent, indeed, quite often,
outstanding results. Our sports teams
continue to showcase the talent and
determination of our students’ athletic
abilities. And most importantly, as a
Catholic school, our students have the
opportunity to know and to celebrate
that there is a Lord present to them at
all times.
I encourage our students to continue to
work to be the best that they can be at
all they undertake, and to be thankful
for what they are achieving. As you
read through this edition of the Heartbeat, I think you will agree that this is
a school that has been very blessed .
The events and celebrations of the first semester reflect a humble community with a great heart! The wonderful sense of community here, at
St. Paul, is demonstrated by the service and prayer life embraced by students and staff, alike.
The grade-level retreats for first semester are completed, and preparation
for the second semester retreats are
underway. Thank you to the staff and
students for their participation.
Students who missed their retreat first
semester will have the opportunity to
participate in a make-up retreat second
“Blessed are those who mourn, for
they will be comforted.”
(Matthew 5:4)
During the month of Advent, staff
and students gathered in the chapel
for a prayer service to remember
loved ones who have
passed away.
After the
those in
dance were invited to the staff room
to decorate an ornament for the Tree
of Remembrance that remained in the
chapel until Christmas break.
Each ornament was adorned with the
name of the deceased family member
or friend and a message or prayer
intention was written and inserted
inside. The ornaments were hung on
the tree.
All who accessed the chapel were
invited to pray for those who were represented on the Tree of Remembrance.
Following this activity, participants
were invited to a humble table fellowship consisting of juice and cookies.
“Lord, when was it we
saw you …naked and
gave you clothing?...
Truly I tell you, just as
you did it to one of the
least of these who are
members of my family, you
did it to me.”
(Matthew 25:38, 40)
The students and staff continuously show their love and compassion for those in need through
their time and generosity, even
when schedules are busy.
During the last few weeks of the
semester, members of our community
collectively donated fourteen bags
of winter clothing and footwear for all
The donations were delivered to local
outreach agencies, such as Our Place
Peel and Canadian Food for Children.
“Serve the Lord joyfully!”
(St. John Bosco)
Thank you to all the staff and students
who volunteered their time and energy
to support the Harvest and Christmas
bazaars at St. Dominic Parish during
the first semester.
Your work was greatly appreciated.
Ministries and Clubs
Please check out the St. Paul C.S.S.
website for a description and photos
of various clubs and ministries in our
Semester Two
Celebrations and
• Ash Wednesday Service
• Lenten Projects: Grade-Level Outreach Initiatives during Lent
• Vocations Week
• Catholic Education Week
OSSLT Information
The literacy committee, co-chaired
by Mrs. Bentivoglio and Mrs. Vono,
continues to prepare our Grade 10’s
for the upcoming Literacy Test. There
are both after-school and in-school
sessions which are being coordinated.
A letter went out to parents on January 19 announcing free, after-school
literacy classes for Grade 10 students.
This is a wonderful opportunity which
all parents should be aware of; the
dates are in the weeks of February 9,
February 23, March 2 and March 9.
Choices of Mondays and Wednesdays
or Tuesdays and Thursdays are available.
illustrates the types of reading and
writing items (questions and prompts)
that students will encounter.
Romeo and Juliet
presented by the
Classical Theatre
Consult the letter on the school website for more information regarding
registration. Call the school with any
additional concerns or questions.
In December, students in Mr.Kay’s
class attended a performance of
Romeo and Juliet, a production of the
Classical Theatre Project. The production had wandering Elizabethan players transform an open-air market into
a playing space with a chalk circle and
the audience’s imagination. Featuring
a full musical score created live on
stage, this vivid production captured
the youthful passion and ultimate
tragedy of Shakespeare’s timeless
Further Information
on the Literacy Test
CTP’s production of Romeo & Juliet
has been seen in more than 50 cities
across North America, by more than
150,000 people.
The OSSLT will be taking place on
Thursday, March 26, 2015. Parents
and students are also strongly encouraged to visit the EQAO website at
www.eqao.com; it is an excellent website with Teacher, Parent and Student
sections containing helpful information.
There is a sample test available online; it is a complete test in the same
order and with the same instructions
as an actual test. The use of the sample
test provides parents and students with
a test similar in length and format to
the one provided during the actual
administration of the OSSLT and it
Spring Theatrical Trips
& Excursions
English students of
St. Paul in Semester 2 should watch
for upcoming
announcements regarding any future
excursions. If there
is seating and bus
availability, there
is usually a very
good chance that
there will be an
opportunity to see at least one theatrical production this Semester.
Stay tuned.
Websites and
Students and parents are reminded
that St. Paul has a great website with
information on school and community
events as well as connecting websites having to do with Board-wide
functions and policies and Ministry
There is also information on each
Department. If you have found this
newsletter, there is a good chance you
are at the St. Paul website
As well, there are many teachers with
a personal website at TeacherWeb.
com. You are encouraged to visit the
TeacherWeb site and to search for your
teacher (http://teacherweb.com/ON/
›››Planning For
Creative Cookery
Ms. Bomben’s Planning for Independence Culinary class has been working hard on perfecting their cooking skills. During the month of January, students learned how to make Grilled
Cheese Sandwiches as well as French Toast. The students completed various activities and
exercises in preparation for these meals. They chose the right ingredients and followed stepby-step instructions on how to prepare and assemble these breakfast options.
After all of their hard work, the Planning for Independence students really enjoyed tasting
their creations!
New Year
Discipline, Dedication, Determination
Enhancing the Physical
Education Curriculum
In reading the final culminating portfolios of the grade 9 and 10 Healthy Active Living Students, it is apparent that
the the CPR and self-defense training
have been highlights for the majority
of the students. These enhancements to
the curriculum would not be possible
without the support of the St. Paul
community. Thank you for allowing us
to provide these valuable opportunities
for your children.
out to our many alumni players who
have contributed to the success of the
program over the years. Thanks also
goes out to our alumni coach Cyrus
Nava for his leadership and willingness to give back to the program. He
and the other alumni who help mentor our players, are a testament to the
quality of athlete that is cultivated
here at St Paul. And with playoffs well
within reach. Excitement is in the air
as it is proving to be another successful year for Wolverine Basketball.
from the Phys Ed staff
at St. Paul! It’s hard to
believe that another
semester has come
to an end. As usual,
Girls’ Volleyball
This year, the Varsity Girls Volleyball
the gym is buzzing
team made great improvement as the
with activity. It’s excit- season unfolded. Comprised primarily of junior aged players, they have
ing to see how many
learned a great deal and have shown
great teamwork and dedication. The
students are now
highlight of the year was beating the
St. Martin Mustangs in our home gym
dropping in on their
in an exciting third set.
lunch hour or before
The girls recently fisnished their final
school to spend half
home game on February 4 and comWith the Winter sports season competed at a tournament on February 5
an hour playing pick
at St. Joan of Arc. Thank you to all the ing to a close, St. Paul athletes are
up basketball. It looks players for their hard work and com- now looking forward to the upcoming
Spring seasons.
mitment this year.
like the message is
The Varsity Girls Soccer team has
getting out…Healthy Wolverine Basketball
already begun training and are starting
indoor tournaments on February 12
Active Lifestyle is the
been focusing on developing characat Hershey Centre. The Varsity Boys
only way to go! Thanks
Soccer team will also begin selections
atmosphere – and so far so good!
and tournaments in early February as
to all of the Varsity
athletes and coaches Paul Alumni Classic, which took place
before the Christmas break, the team
for their continued
has improved to a 2-2 record.
dedication to living
team was blessed with the presour motto Everything The
ence of two players from the Mississauga Power Basketball team who
with Heart.
ran a clinic for our players and taught
them some valuable skills to greatly
improve their game. Special thanks go
›››Guidance Files
Student Services • ARD • Counseling
Happy New Year and Welcome to Semester Two! In October we had the pleasure of hosting the Grade 8 Shadow Days for their first transition event. After an ice-breaker activity in
the gym, students were divided into groups and had the opportunity to rotate to different
classes where they were able to engage in hands-on activities in a variety of subject/program
areas. Students were thrilled to have had the experience of conducting a science experiment,
completing projects in the Construction & Electrical courses and Visual Arts: Digital Media
course, as well as working with our own high school students in baking treats in the Food
and Nutrition course. Not surprising, the Grade 8’s loved the fact that they were joined by our
peer helpers to enjoy a catered lunch in the cafeteria during our regular lunch period.
The excitement carried over to our well-attended Open House. Parents and students
alike, were impressed as they made their
way to the different classes to observe St.
Paul students as they actively engaged
in regular programming. They witnessed
dissections in science, improv sessions in
drama, sketching in art, a volleyball game
between St. Paul’s alumni and our boys’
varsity team in the gym, the filming of
the morning announcements in Studio30
and enjoyed croissants at the French
café which was organized by the French
The relaxed environment allowed parents
to talk to teachers and students about
school curriculum and realize that even
though we are a small school, we do
things as our motto suggests: “Everything with Heart”. The energy was strong
from the very beginning of the evening,
which included special welcome from
our Trustee Bruno Iannicca, who spoke
warmly about his own children’s positive
experiences as graduates themselves from
St. Paul. Of course, none of this would
have been possible if it weren’t for the
dedicated staff and supportive Administra-
tion team.
We look forward to continue building our
relationship with our community through
our numerous events that we have planned
throughout the year such as the Basketball
Camp, the Ball Hockey Tournament, and
school visits during game days for Grade 7
and 8 students from our feeder schools.
e-learning Courses
The Dufferin-Peel CDSB offers a wide
range of senior courses (grade 11 and 12)
on-line. Students who may be interested in
taking a course on-line are encouraged to
visit Student Services to discuss available
options with their counselor. Second semester e-learning orientation sessions are
scheduled for February 3 and 4. All students who are scheduled to take e-learning
must attend their orientation. Please come
to student services to pick up the details.
Registration and Course
Selection for 2015-16
Registration and course selection for
2015-16 is now complete. This year, the
process was different from previous years
in that students used the individual
pathway planning tool myblueprint.ca.
Students currently in grade 12 who
are considering a possible return to
St. Paul for academic upgrading must
make an appointment with their guidance counselor
to review their
academic plan.
Changes to
may be made when students receive their
course selection verification sheets in early
University and College
Applications and
College applications for equal consideration are due February 1. Students may
still apply after this date but may not be
able to get into popular programs. University applications were due January 14.
The first mark submission to OUAC (Ontario University Application Centre) will
occur in the middle of February. Applicants are reminded to check the status of
their on-line applications through OUAC
(University) or OCAS (College).
Scholarships are available for many postsecondary programs. More information is
available at www.studentawards.com and
Dates to Remember:
Semester Two Night School courses run
from February 9 - May 25, 2015.
›››Girls Night In
Inspiring Confidence and Team Building
On Friday, November 28, St. Paul hosted an eventful evening for girls in grades 9 and 10.
With the help of senior students and teacher volunteers, the girls participated in activities
such as nail treatments, henna body art, dodgeball, jewelry making, yoga, and zumba. The
night was made even better by visits from special guests Officer McGregor, self-defense
instructor Melanie, and Mississauga Mayor, Bonnie Crombie. The speakers’ inspiring words
encouraged the girls to go out and achieve their goals. From all those at St. Paul, a special
thank you goes out to everyone who helped to make this night such a wonderful experience.
›››Bits & Bites
Omnia Cum Corde
The Power Of An Hour!
Energy SHSM
Book Club
In-School Mentoring Program
St. Paul CSS had its Reach Ahead Trip
to the International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers (IBEW).
It’s been a great first semester for the St.
Paul Book Club. After welcoming an
influx of new members to their monthly
meetings, they’ve read books such as If
I stay, The Life of Pi, Project Cain, and
I am Malala, and the collected short
stories of Edgar Allen Poe.
Big Brothers & Big Sisters, in collaboration with the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, matches students in
Grades 2 to 5 with a caring adult mentor.
Matches meet for 1 hour, once a week at
the child’s school, during school hours
and on school property. Together they
share in fun activities such as crafts,
board games, playing basketball or talking.
The result – increased self-esteem, better
grades and improved relationships with
family and peers.
Students are in need of mentors at
schools throughout Peel Region.
Visit www.bbbspeel.com to learn more
about In-School Mentoring.
Mr. DeLuca, the Electrical teacher here
at St. Paul, is an active member of the
On this Trip, students were informed
of the professional field and how to
become an Electrician. Electrical Safety
was also a major topic of the day, which
was topped off with what all students
want: a hands on afternoon with 3 different activities related to the profession
for the group to complete.
St. Paul offers an electrical course in
grade 11 and 12 and has established a
relationship with the
IBEW for future
school trips. The
Art & Technology Department
will continue
to explore other
reach-ahead’s for
our students in the
Their reading was supplemented by
activities in the school and local communities, like a successful book sale in
support of the Malala fund for education
(raising over $200), and a field trip to
Chapters and Starbucks.
Going into second semester, the book
club looks forward to reading the
graphic novel Maus by Art Spiegelman
and other new works. New members
are always encouraged to drop into the
Civics Trip
On December 2, three classes of grade 10 Civics students from St, Paul made a visit
to the Ontario Legislative Assembly at Queen’s Park, where they were met by the
House Speaker, Dave Levac, and Ontario Premier, Kathleen Wynne.
Looking Ahead
Please take note of the following dates to
help you plan out your calendar.
Family Day.............................. February 16
D.P. Black History Day........... February 19
March Break........................March 16 - 20
Palm Sunday............................... March 29
Good Friday.................................... April 3
Easter Monday................................ April 6
Parent/Teacher Night...................... April 9
Mid-Term Reports......................... April 17
Catholic Education Week............May 3 - 8
Victoria Day................................... May 18
›››Bits & Bytes
Winter Weather
Practicing Market Research
During the winter months inclement
Ms. Woloshyn’s grade 11 Marketing class surveyed grade 9 and 10 students at
St. Paul for a market research project. Survey topics included Pepsi/Coke taste
challenge, violence & video games, best & worst movie trailers, the St. Paul
student experience, and Lays chips blind taste test.
weather may cause disruption of bus
transportation and regular school
A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually
made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on local radio and television
The School Board will be communicating one of four standard messages
to the stations. The four announcements and their effect on the transportation system are as follows:
1. “Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board buses serving St.
Andrew, St. Benedict and St. Peter
elementary schools and R.F. Hall
secondary school are cancelled for
2. “The Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board buses and the
Peel District School Board buses in
the town of Caledon and the County
of Dufferin are cancelled”.
3. “The Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board and the Peel
District School Board buses are
4. “The schools and offices of both
the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board and the Peel District
School Board are closed.”
For Secondary School students riding Public Transit,
cancellation of service
will be communicated
by the respective transit
property over the radio.
Please be advised that
Public Transit rarely
cancels and that the
level of service on days
with inclement weather
is unpredictable.
International Student
Exchange Information Nights
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic Institute for
International Education in collaboration
with the Canadian Education Exchange
Foundation, are pleased to offer students
attending schools in Dufferin-Peel the
incredible opportunity to study overseas.
Students in Grades 9 to 12 and their parents/guardians are invited to special
information evenings on:
Thursday, February 12, 2015
7:30 – 8:30 pm
St. Roch Catholic Secondary School
200 Valleyway Drive,
Brampton ON, L6X 0N3
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
7:00 – 8:00 pm
St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Learning Centre
3566 South Common Court,
Mississauga, ON, L5L 2B1
Exchanges are available for one month this summer and for 2 or
3 months during the 2015-2016 school year. Full details will be
provided about the application process, costs and participating
countries. As well, a representative from the Canadian Education Exchange Foundation will be present to answer any questions parents/guardians and students may have.
Don’t miss out on learning about this life changing opportunity.
If you are unable to attend and would like additional information please see the Canadian Education Exchange Foundation
website at www.ceef.ca or contact Rita Borg, Principal of the
Dufferin-Peel Catholic Institute for International Education at
(905) 412-3341, extension 31460. We look forward to seeing you at
the information night!