HEARTBEAT Spring Sports & Awards Felicitations Senior Prom

Workplace Experience... PIP
Spring Sports & Awards
Taking It Outdoors
French Speaking Competition
Senior Prom
A Night To Remember
St. Paul Receives Certification
Looking Ahead
Dates to Remember
Transfers & Retirements
follow us on Twitter @StPaulCSS1
St. Paul Secondary School
815 Atwater Avenue, Mississauga, Ontario L5E 1L8
Phone: 905-278-3994
Web: dpcdsb.org/PAULS
Fax: 905-278-1163
B. Iannicca, Mississauga Ward 7 - 905-270-0536, bruno.iannicca@dpcdsb.org
M. Pascucci,Mississauga Wards 1 & 3, Chair of the Board - (P) 905-302-3096, (F) 905-890-0888,
Mr. T. Lariviere
Ms. C. Murphy
Mr. A. Iarossi
Mrs. F. Pianta
Head of Student Services/ARD
Guidance Counsellor O - Z
Mr. B. Bonnah
Guidance Counsellor A - N
Ms. C. Lehecka
Youth Care Worker
Ms. V. Williams
St. Dominic Parish Pastor
Fr. Philip Jones
Heartbeat Editor/Layout & Design
T. Brugmans
Cover Photo
J. Chiasson
As you are reading this, the 2014-2015 school year will have come
to a conclusion. To all of our graduates, congratulations to you and
your families.
As you leave St. Paul, keep in mind Mark’s gospel for this Sunday,
where Jesus tells the leader of the synagogue and us, “Do not fear,
only believe.”
Take the best of what you have learned at St. Paul- believe in yourselves and your dreams, and be the best at everything you do. We
have been blessed with great successes this term- academically and
athletically, and we have much to be thankful for.
To all of our students and staff returning for September 2015, I hope that you
are able to enjoy the summer and return
refreshed and ready to start another year as
part of this amazing community.
Enjoy the time for yourselves, your family,
and remember to get to mass to celebrate
with thanks all the gifts the Lord has
blessed you with.
God Bless. Ms. Murphy, Principal
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!
(Philippians 4:4)
As I reflect on the events in Chaplaincy throughout this year, I cannot think
of a better theme to illustrate the uplifting spirit of our St. Paul community
than the very theme highlighted by our
Church and Catholic Education Week:
Exploring the Paths of Joy. Whether
it was through Morning Prayer, chapel
services, or school masses, as community, we encountered the love that
Jesus has for us, as revealed in the
Scriptures and the Eucharist. We also
experienced the joy of loving our
neighbour as we collected food, clothing items and milk bags for the needy.
In addition, we joyfully celebrated that
which we experienced through table
fellowship following school masses,
and fun events that thematically
framed our school retreats and Catholic Education Week.
As pilgrims on the journey, the opportunity for students to reflect on
their faith and school year through
a retreat experience is a gift that is
not taken for granted at our school.
Spiritual reflection allows students
to grow and mature in faith just as
academic courses allow them to grow
and mature intellectually. The sharing
and laughter that occurred during the
retreats demonstrated the strong and
supportive ministry of friendship that
our students offer each other on a daily
Another highlight for this semester
was the Catholic Education Week
mass. Ten students from our school
joined students from the other twentysix high schools in our Board to
celebrate mass, which was officiated
by His Eminence, Cardinal Thomas
Collins. Students had a chance to
recognize the gift of their education
and faith as they shared in the Eucharist, as well as table fellowship
following the mass.
Prayer and reflection finds fulfillment when it is put into action: such
was the case when students had the
chance to help out at Dr. Simone’s,
Canadian Food For Children, as part
as their retreat experience. Students
engaged in physical work as a
prayerful expression to serve those
in need in other countries in the
world. Their enthusiasm was proof
that at St. Paul, everything is done
with heart!
I would like to thank all the staff
and students for making this year at
St. Paul. S. S. a truly amazing one!
Have a safe and fun summer!
Romeo and Juliet
Ms. Tobin and Ms. Alilovic took a
number of English students in Grade
9 to the Toronto Centre for the Arts’
production of Romeo and Juliet.
As always, a wonderful production
was enjoyed and students came away
with a fresh understanding of William
Shakespeare’s famous tragedy. “For
never was a story of more woe / Than
this of Juliet and her Romeo.”
Stratford Spring
The final Stratford’s Festival Theatre
visit occurred on May. Over 40 of our
Grade 11 students saw the acclaimed
Stratford Fall
Plan now for the fall Stratford trip to
see The Sound of Music on October
14. Ticket information and further
details will be available in September
from Mrs. Bentivoglio, Ms. Vono or
Websites and
Students and parents are reminded
that St. Paul has a great website with
information on school and community
events as well as connecting websites having to do with Board-wide
functions and policies and Ministry
websites. There is also information on
each Department.
If you have found this newsletter, there
is a good chance you are reading it at
the St. Paul website: www.dpcdsb.org/
As well, there are many teachers with
a personal website at TeacherWeb.
com. You are encouraged to visit the
TeacherWeb site and to search for
your teacher: teacherweb.com/ON/
play Hamlet, Shakespeare’s great tragedy. The plot: A ghostly visitor with
a shocking secret, a daughter devastated by loss, a deadly duel – and the
most famous question in all of drama.
Shakespeare’s iconic tragedy will hold
St. Paul students spellbound.
Directed by Antoni Cimolino and
starring the Jonathan Goad was a final
not-to-miss opportunity for the Grade
12 students of Mrs. Bentivoglio and
Ms. Di Carlo.
Prom 2015
Mrs. Bentivoglio organized the Prom
which occured on Friday, June 19 at
the Mississauga Convention Centre.
The ‘Rock Star’ themed extravaganza
was enjoyed by all St. Paul Grads
who had a wonderful, memory filled
Farewell &
Best Wishes
For the last three years, Ms. Alilovic
has been helping students achieve their
best in the English department. Volunteering in the Parish, organizing school
trips, helping with Chaplaincy and
spending a lot of extra time tutoring
students were some of the hallmarks
of Ms. Alilovic’s time at St. Paul.
Ms. Alilovic always had extra time
and sometimes a snack for any student
who sought extra help.
We wish her all the best in her new
Dufferin-Peel school. All the best from
her friends and colleagues and students at St. Paul.
›››Planning For
Workplace Experience
The students in the Planning for Independence Program have begun a new Workplace Experience this semester at Winners. Everyday students travel by transit bus to Dixie Value Mall
where they learn and practice work-related skills in the community. At Winners, students
Lauren Marquis, Emily Andonov, Samatha Jones, Tomas Langill and Darek Markowski can be
seen working hard as they help organize merchandise inside the store as well as in the warehouse. Throughout their placement, these students have demonstrated positive work habits
such as punctuality, responsibility, communication and politeness, and have been recognized for their dedication and hard work.
Skills Showcase
On April 9, Lauren Marquis participated in
the Dufferin-Peel Catholic Skilled Trades and
Technological Secondary Skills Competition at
Philip Pocock Secondary School.
Throughout the semester Lauren worked
extremely hard by practicing her retail skills of
folding, hanging and sorting merchandise. At
the competition, she showcased these essential skills to a panel of judges and represented
St. Paul with great pride, dedication and humility.
Congratulations to Lauren Marquis for her all
hard work and perseverance!
Cum Corde
Everything with Heart
is the Motto of the
Physical and Health
Education Department.
Discipline, Dedication, Determination
OFSAA in Boys Volleyball, Girls Basketball and Girls Soccer.
Thank you to all of our graduating
athletes (especially Javon Richards)
who have represented us with pride
over the last four years. Thank you as
well to the administration for all of
their support and especially to all of
the coaches, for your willingness to
give so much to make a difference in
the lives of our students.
It is sad that we say farewell to a few
coaches who have put so much of their
time and lives into St. Paul Athletics.
Thank you and good luck in your new
schools Mr. Derry, Ms. Creede,
Mr. McTiernan, Ms. Gardzielewski
and Mr. DeLuca. We will surely miss
the province.
Despite the different challenges
throughout OFSAA and the season,
this year’s soccer team displayed a
high degree of sportsmanship and
teamwork. This year’s most improved
player went to Melanie Pugliese
(Grade 11), who was truly committed and diligent during practices and
games. The most valuable player went
to Sarah Kvasni (Grade 9), who was
one of our top scorers and strongest
offensive players this season.
Special thanks goes to the coaching
staff: Mr. McTiernan, Ms. BuenoMarcial, and Mr. Jivraj, who continued to be amazed of this very mature
group of young women who always
encouraged and pushed each other to
improve and to never give up.
Watching athletes
work hard and give
everything they have
Varsity Boys Baseball
Special thanks also goes to the team
for themselves, their
A big thank you to members of the
members graduating this year: Emily
Varsity Boys Baseball team for a very
teammates and their
Arruda, Brianne Cuff, Nicole Farrugia,
successful season this year, just barely and Destiny Giardino. We thank them
school, while display- missing out in the Tier 2 Semi-Finals. for their contributions to the team
team went 2-2 in league tournathis year and are very proud of their
ing a wonderful sense The
ment play defeating St. Joan of Arc
leadership efforts in modelling perseand St. Francis Xavier in come from
of Catholic values,
verance and a positive attitude both on
behind last inning wins.
and off the field.
sportsmanship and
team shows a lot of promise in
camaraderie, has been The
the upcoming years with the majority
of the team comprised of junior aged
Varsity Girls Slo-Pitch
one of the highlights
players. We look forward to the next
The girls slo-pitch team faced a chalin my role as Physical couple of years of St. Paul Baseball. lenging season this year.
Education Department
Mr. McTiernan, Ms. Zanon and
Varsity Girls Soccer
Creede are very proud of this
head and Athletic Di- This year’s Varsity Girls Soccer Team Ms.
developing team, consisting primarily
was quite exceptional. It was a sucof first-time ball players.
rector at St. Paul.
cessful season, as the team won the
Our St. Paul Wolverine
athletes represented
us well this year at
majority of its games during the season and won first place in ROPSAA.
The team also made it to the OFSAA
Double AA Championship in Wallaceburg, Ontario where they persevered
through playing against some of the
most tough and aggressive teams in
The coaches were worried that they
would not have enough players to
form a team this year and they are
very grateful for the girls who were
brave enough to try a new sport. The
girls managed to finish their season on
a high note, with a win against Loyola.
The team wishes a farewell to Rama
Arafa, Madeline Talmassons, Alessandria Ferreira, Destiny Giardino,
Michelle Banas, Dena Van de Couvering, Cynthia Lopes and Tiffany Pike
as they move on to post-secondary
The coaches look forward to working
with Lauren Marquis, Lisa Marno,
Jessica Zablotny, Victoria Sydorow,
Julia Myrda, Victoria Rokita and Jessie MacDonald next year. Great season
Like always, this years’ badminton
season was one to remember. Of our
15 member roster, we saw the rise
of many exceptional players who
achieved personal bests in this years’
ROPSSAA qualifying tournament.
Special mention goes out to Adam
Tavares and Johathan Kutsouleas who
raised the bar for our boys doubles
program and our spirited crew who
proudly sang the National Anthem to
open the 2015 ROPSSAA Tournament.
We unfortunately say good-bye to our
captain and male most valuable player
Volodya Tkachuk but at the same time
we have many young stars moving up
the ranks trying to emerge as one of
StP’s ultimate players.
There have only been 3 players in the
last 12 years who have advanced to the
ranks of an ultimate player (someone
who can beat Mr. Minott). So if you
are up for the challenge, see you on
the court next year.
Track and Field
The 2015 St. Paul Track and Field
Team had a good overall season. The
team competed in three meets prior
to the Region of Peel Championships
(University of Western Ontario, Campion Invitational, Marcellinus Classic).
Congratulations to Vicky Tran for her
outstanding performance this year. As
a senior athlete, Vicky earned a bronze
medal at the Campion Invitational in
Long Jump, a gold medal at Marcellinus in Long Jump, and a bronze medal
in Long Jump and Triple Jump at the
Region of Peel Championships.
Vicky ended the season at the South
Ontario Regional Championships in
both of her events with a personal best
in Triple Jump.
Coaches Gardzielewski, Galli and
Creede are proud of team and encourage them to continue working hard in
preparation for the next season.
Athletic Banquet Award Winners
X-Country........................................Daniel Salazar...................................... Turner Harber
Flag Football....................................Offensive - Sarah Kvasni.............................................
Flag Football....................................Defensive - Clodagh Keane.........................................
Sr. Boys Vball..................................CJ Griffith................................................Jordan Melo
Jr. Boys Vball...................................Lukasz Perchal................................. Andrew Piscitelli
Sr. Girls Bball..................................Jahnae Gyles................................................................ Sr. Girls Bball..................................Destiny Giardino.......................................................... Sr. Girls Vball..................................Julia Myrda........................................Raquel Marques
Sr. Boys Bball..................................CJ Griffith........................................... Sammy Cavoto
Sr. Boys Hockey..............................Offensive - Michael Molinaro.....................................
Sr. Boys Hockey..............................Defensive - Ryan Cotton.............................................. Sr. Badminton..................................Volodymyr Tkachuk.................................................... Sr. Badminton..................................Sarah Kvasni................................................................ Girls SloPitch...................................Jessie MacDonald.................................. Tiffaney Pike
Lauren Marquis
Sr. Girls Soccer................................Sarah Kvasni.................................... Melanie Pugliese
Sr. Boys Soccer................................Michael Molinaro....................... Volodymyr Tkachuk
Boys Baseball...................................Jordan Humber.................................... Lukasz Perchal
Ultimate Frisbee...............................Geoffrey Bischof................................... Austin Forest
Track & Field...................................Vicky Tran.......................................Juliusz Bielawski
Athlete Of The Year
Emily Arruda
Colin Hood School Sport Award
Mr. Galli
Jahnae Gyles
Mauritzio White
Junior Atheltes of the Year
Male - Michael Milinaro
Female - Sarah Kvasni
Athlete Of The Year
Volodymyr Tkachuk
›››Guidance Files
Student Services • ARD • Counseling
As we mark the approach of the end to another school year, I wish to extend my sincere
thanks to all of the students, parents and to my colleagues for their tireless commitment to
improved student achievement and well-being for all. It is an absolute pleasure and privilege
to be part of such a dedicated teaching and learning community.
I’d also like to extend my sincere thanks to one of our ERWs, Mr. McTeirnan for his dedication
to St. Paul. Mr. McTiernan will be leaving us next year and joining the team at St. Timothy.
On behalf of all of us, we wish him well at his new school.
I also wish to recognize the contributions and extend my thanks to our other ERW’s: Ms.
Lukianovich, Ms. Sweleba, and Mr. Vytvytsky for all their work supporting our students. I also
wish to recognize our entire Student Services team including our other Guidance counselor,
Ms. Lehecka, our Child-Youth Worker, Ms. Williams, our Social Worker, Mr. Jivraj, our School
Psychologist, Dr. I. Rukavina, our Co-op teachers, Mr. Multari and Mr. Costigan; and our Student Success teacher, Ms. Bueno-Marcial for their dedication, caring and hard work… all my
colleagues truly do “everything with heart”! It is a pleasure working with them. Finally, I wish
to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to Ms. Joann Trenton, our Student Services
Secretary, for all her positive energy and hard work. I wish all a restful summer holiday.
Before we break for the upcoming
summer holidays, here are just a few
12:00 pm.
Summer School Dates
If a student or parent wishes to request a course change, they are asked
to complete the Request for Course
Change form that will be distributed
with the final report card. All forms
must be signed by a parent/guardian prior to submission. Requests are
processed on a first-come, first-served
Full course credit session
June 29 - July 27
Two week make-up credit sessions
June 29-July 13 and July 14-July 27
Get Ready Program
Orientation for Incoming Grade 9’s
(applications are available in Student
Services) will take place on August 27,
28, 29, and September 1.
Report Card Pick Up:
Final Report Cards for 2014-15 will
be available for pick up on Friday,
June 26 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am in
the front foyer.
Final Report cards can also be picked
up at the Main Office on June 29, 30
and July 2 & 3 between 9:00 am and
Request for Course
Changes for 2015-16
While every effort will be made to
accommodate any/all changes, we
cannot guarantee that course change
requests will be feasible or possible
due to scheduling restrictions and
classroom capacity.
We ask in advance for your patience.
Guidance Counselors will be arranging (by appointment only) to see grade
12 students on Tuesday, September
1, (9:00 – 11:00) and/or Wednesday,
September 2 (10:00 – 2:00) for course
A reminder to all students and families, parent/guardian signatures are
required for any/all changes.
Looking Ahead
Please take note of the following dates to
help you plan out your calendar.
Final Report Cards Ready.............. June 26
Gr. 9 Get Ready Pgm....... Aug. 27 - Sep. 1
Labour Day............................ September 7
Classes Begin......................... September 8
PA Day................................. September 18
Thanksgiving Day.....................October 12
Christmas Break................ Dec. 21 - Jan. 1
Semester 1 Exams..............Jan. 26 - Feb. 1
Semester 1 Exam Review......... February 2
›››Bits & Bites
Omnia Cum Corde
Felicitations! Felicitations!
St. Paul Receives Silver for EcoSchools Certification
Congratulations to Raymond Tolentino
and Julianna Salvatierra for representing
St. Paul at the board level Concours d’art
oratoire or Speech competition.
The St. Paul EcoTeam’s initiatives have been outstanding this year. A committed group
of students led by Mrs. Scozzaro, met every week to plan environmental events. The
team contributed to both the school community and the Mississauga community as a
whole. All of St. Paul’s hard
work and energy didn’t go
unnoticed. We were successful at achieving silver
with Ontario EcoSchools!
Le Festival/Concours d’Art Oratoire is
an annual French public speaking contest
for students in grades 4 through grade 12,
studying French as a Second Language in
Ontario schools sponsored by Canadian
Parents for French (Ontario) and Ontario
Modern Language Teachers’ Association.
Merci beaucoup Raymond and Julianna
for your dedication, determination and a
job well done!
This year, the team started
off by monitoring the
recycling and garbage disposable within the school.
They helped the school
community become more
aware of what should be
recycled and what should
be put in the garbage. Then
the team held The Great
Gulp Challenge. This
event was sponsored by
the Region of Peel, which was to promote drinking tap water. All students were invited
to participate. In recognition for our participation, St. Paul was entered into a draw and
won water bottles for the entire school.
During Earth Week, the EcoTeam organized and directed the Eco Trivia Competition.
One representative from each homeroom class participated in environmental trivia every
day during the week. The winners, as well as the participants, were rewarded with a
customized St. Paul reusable water bottle.
Additionally, the EcoTeam demonstrated their environmental stewardship by taking part
in a spring clean-up of the Marion Peace Garden and by tree planting with Credit Valley
Conservation Authority at Rattray Marsh.
The EcoTeam always welcomes new members, and is looking forward to another great
year in September.
St. Paul’s Energy SHSM Students visits the
Electrical College Of Canada
The Energy SHSM, run by Mr. De Luca, had Certification Classes
scheduled at the Electrical College of Canada (ECC) which expanded to Skilled Trades College of Canada (STCC) right here in
On this Trip students received certifications in Electrical Hazards
and Lock Out - Tag Out. They were also informed of the professional field and how to become an Electrician. Hands-on activities
allowed the student to operate specialty tools commonly used in
the electrical field. They were shown how to drill, chip and cut
into wood, concrete and metal. After working up an appetite the
students stopped for lunch as they viewed the college operating
with two classes of future Tradesman.
St. Paul Students were allowed to ask the STCC students questions about the program and watch them work on their projects in the
state of the art electrical and construction facility. After lunch, the teaching staff of the ECC put together projects for our students to
work on, in groups. It was a fast-paced day that informed these young men about the next step in pursuing a trade in the construction/
electrical field.