HEARTBEAT Branch Out Spring Play Graduating?

Dates To Remember
... page 10
Branch Out
Outdoor Education & GLE
Spring Play
Presenting... The Bachelor King
Important Dates and Reminders
Celebrating 40 Years
Alumni Evening This June
Guidance Secretary Ms. Pozniak Retires
Bus Stop
School Transportation Info
Reflecting on the Dual Credit Program...
St. Paul Secondary School
815 Atwater Avenue, Mississauga, Ontario L5E 1L8
Phone: 905-278-3994
Web: stpaulss.org
Fax: 905-278-1163
B. Iannicca, Mississauga Ward 7 - 905-270-0536, bruno.iannicca@dpcdsb.org
M. Pascucci, Mississauga Wards 1 & 3 - (P) 905-302-3096, (F) 905-890-0888, mario.pascucci@dpcdsb.org
Mr. C. Blanchard
Mr. P. Schmidt
Ms. C. Iacobucci
Mr. B. Finamore
Student Services/ARD
Mr. B. Bonnah
Guidance Counsellor A - K, ELL
Ms. E. Wasiuk
Guidance Counsellor L - Z, SHSM
Mr. J. Multari
Youth Care Worker
Ms. V. Williams
St. Dominic Parish Pastor
Fr. Philip Jones
Heartbeat Editor
Mr. T. Brugmans
Magazine Layout & Design
Mr. T. Brugmans
Cover Photo
A. Schlarp
“Dying you destroyed our death, rising you restored our life. Lord
God guide us in our faith.”
On behalf of our Administrative team, we would like to extend peace
and grace at Easter to all the St. Paul community. The spring season,
pregnant with new life, reminds us that, as people of hope, our lives
are so much more enriched by the example of Jesus of Nazareth.
This is a very special year for St. Paul
Secondary because it represents 40 years
as a Catholic high school. Prior to full
funding in 1984, St. Paul started as a
Junior High School only to graduate its
first full Ontario graduates in 1988.
In order to celebrate this momentuous
occasion, we are inviting all alumni and
staff to return and celebrate with us on
Wednesday, June 13 in the school gymnasium at 7:00 pm. All interested alumni
are invited to register at the event website St. Paul alumni, http://www.stpaulalumni.ca/. Admission is $10.00, half of
which will be donated to Dr. Simone’s
Canada’s Food for Children charity. Parents who are in the hospitality business,
and could assist us in any way. are asked
to contact me directly at the school.
Now that winter sports are done, we
want to thank all sudent athletes and
coaches who continue to excel and
demonstrate our commitment to excellence. Particularly notable this year, our
girls hockey team, established only three
years ago, won the ROPSSAA championship. Spring and summer sports are
now in full swing and St. Paul continues
to initiate new teams to compete in Peel.
This year we will be competing in Tier
II Lacrosse for the first year. We want to
thank the generosity and diligence of the
Nix family for contributing to the establishment of this program and convincing me of its viability. In a school of
740 students, over 20 young men have
turned out to represent us in our first
year. Good lucy Mr. Derry, Mr. Vicars
and the guys!
The OSSLT test was written on March
29 by all grade 10 students and a mock
up of the test was written by the grade 9
classes. We are striving to maintain and
improve upon our 88% success rate for
first time eligible writers.
All students are reporting increased
interest and enrichment provided by
the schools 11 Smart board instructional
This year also marks the retirement of
two of our St. Paul stalwarts. We will be
recognizing the strong commitment to
student success of Mr. Bodnarchuk and
Mr. Tong at our Graduation exercises.
We would also ask our community to
keep Ms. Czarnecka in your prayers
as her recovery continues. Successful applicants to other schools include
Mr. Delgado in Social Scence and Ms.
Sturino in Academic Resource. We wish
them both best wishes in their teaching
The Jamaican students from Dupont
elementary school in Kingston will be
joining many of our Jamaican excursion students as billeting families in the
last two weeks of May. Mr. Rowe, the
Principal and four staff members will be
here with the students as they experience
the catholic school system in Mississauga.
Finally, we want to thank students, staff
and parents for all of your prayers, cards
and good wishes for our Chaplaincy
Team leader Mr. Finamore who recently
had back surgery and has returned to active duty a short time ago. Mr. Finamore
has asked for your continued prayers
and support for him and his mother in
law who recently passed away.
I am writing this article to let you know how absolutely amazing this
dual credit program has been! I know that the program is still relatively
new, at least to me, but I have never seen a more amazingly transformative student program.
I have seen students brought to new life with this opportunity to experience post secondary school. Students that had fallen through the cracks
in high school are transformed by this opportunity to attend college! I
have seen the joy in parents who had almost given up on their children
achieving success in the educational system delight in the accomplishments of their daughters and sons.
The kids get a new start in this program. They are affirmed and proud to
be going to college! The Colleges deserve credit too! They really work
with the kids! Whoever came up with this idea deserves an Order of
Canada! This is the best student success program that I have seen in 25
years. God is good.
›››Guidance Files
Student Services • ARD • Counseling
Joan is retiring! On behalf of the entire St. Paul community, I wish to congratulate
Joan Pozniak, our Guidance Secretary, on her upcoming retirement. Joan has
been the smiling face of Guidance and Support Services at St. Paul for the last
twenty years. All of us at St. Paul appreciate her diligence, professionalism, positive attitude and pleasant manner. The lasting impact of her contributions to our
school will be remembered fondly. We wish to extend our sincerest best wishes
to Joan and her family and wish her much continued joy and happiness enjoying
the sunrises and sunsets from those Muskoka chairs…
Welcome Pina Vella!
All of us in Guidance and Support Services
are pleased to welcome Ms. Pina Vella to her
new role as Guidance and Student Services
Options and Timetables
for 2012/2013
The Student Services counselors have begun
the process of timetabling for the new school
year. Students were asked to input their
course requests through the St. Paul website
on-line program in January. Students were
asked to review and confirm their selections
when they received a Verification sheet.
Thank you to all parents and students for
their support in meeting these important
deadlines and for submitting the $60.00
activity fee. Finalized draft timetables will
be available in June.
Dual-Credit Programs
Humber and Sheridan College offer Dual
Credit Programs for St. Paul students interested in spending a semester registered in a
course at community college while simultaneously earning high school credits. Details
are available through your son/daughters’
guidance counselor in the Student Services
Program offerings for 2012 include Early
Childhood Education (Humber), Spa
Management (Humber), Police Foundations (Humber), Business Studies (Humber),
Computer Programming (Sheridan), and
many pre-trade program including Plumbing
(Sheridan), Electrical and Welding (Sheridan), Construction (Sheridan), Architectural
Drafting (Sheridan) and Electo-mechanical
Engineering (Sheridan).
Summer School
Information and Forms have arrived in
Student Services. Students must have a parent/ guardian and a guidance counselor sign
summer school application forms. All forms
are due by Friday, June 1, 2012.
Outdoor Education
and GLE
The Grade 10 GLE class has had an opportunity to incorporate outdoor education into
their curriculum this semester. They started
off with a trip to Silvercreek, which was an
amazing experience and provided wonderful
team building experiences for the boys.
On April 11, the boys participated in the
Branch Out Program with the Credict Valley Conservation Authority. The boys made
a difference for our Earth, buy planting a
variety of trees and shrubs at Woodlands
park in Mississauga.
In May, they will also be spending the day
at the YMCA Cedar Glen camp, where they
will have opportunities to build co-operative,
teamwork skills and challenge themselves
in low and high rope activities. There is no
doubt that these outdoor experiences make
a difference in their lives, by exposing them
to experiences, that they may not otherwise
Reminders for Potential
Graduates: Class of 2012
A list of all students who are currently eligible to graduate has been posted outside the
Student Services Office. Students are asked
to check the list regularly to ensure their
name appears on the list and they remain
eligible to graduate. Students or parents who
have any questions or concerns regarding
eligibility to graduate must contact their son/
daughter’s respective guidance counselor as
soon as possible.
Graduation Dates
Gown form orders and Commencement
fees are due in Student Services as soon as
possible. Gown size orders will be placed
shortly so ensure your place at the Grad
1) Graduation Prom: Friday, June 22
2) Graduation Mass and Breakfast: Wednesday, June 27 at 10:00 a.m. Mass: St.
Dominic’s Church followed by Grad
Breakfast at St. Paul S.S.
3) Graduation Ceremony: June 27 at 5:00
p.m., St. Dominic’s Church
Final Exams
June 19 – June 25.
The Bachelor King
Chaos and hilarity ensue in this hysterical spoof of several popular reality TV
shows. When poor King Evian uses
his last dying words (as he falls out the
window) to pass royal succession not
to greedy Prince Daft but to Yokel, a
foolish hillbilly, everyone agrees Yokel
needs a wife to help him run the kingdom.
Reminiscent of The Bachelor, his staff
brings in eligible young ladies to vie for
the new king’s hand, including Agatha
Peabody, a high-society matron; Priscilla Tradewells-Ayers-Hollander-Morley,
a four-times-married gold digger; Sally
Valley, a ditzy cheerleader from L.A.;
Crushin’ Kanisha, a New York City
gangster-type; and Jane Claxton, a truehearted cowgirl from Texas.
The five ladies are tested on their abilities in true American Idol fashion (no
talent necessary, of course), followed
by a Survivor challenge. Of course,
Yokel has other problems to deal with-the price of gasoline has skyrocketed,
jobs are being outsourced overseas, the
stock market has tumbled and his selfappointed personal advisor Frederick
Pilfer is busy draining the royal treasury.
Worst of all, the vengeful prince hatches
a slew of unsuccessful, hair-brained
assassination plots against the new king.
Yokel must sort through the contenders
in order to find his true love and save his
kingdom from ruin.
This year the St. Paul Players will present The Bachelor King in matinee form
on May 22 and on the evenings of May
23 and 24 and it promises to be an entertaining evening.
With just a few weeks before showtime,
the students are beginning to shine in
their roles.
Directed by Ms. Kelly and Mr. Kay with
Assistant Director Ms. Ryan, the play
involves a stellar cast of twenty-six, and
over a dozen crew members.
Stratford Spring Excursions
The final visit of the year to Stratford
will occur on May 9, 2012. The students
of St. Paul will see the acclaimed play
MacHomer, a one man show featuring
an intriguing blend of MacBeth and
The Simpsons. Mrs. Bentivoglio, Ms.
Tobin and Mr. Kay will take students
to Stratford enjoy one of Shakespeare’s
most popular tragedies as it meets one of
TV’s most popular families in this brilliant comic tour-de-force. It’s Macbeth
as enacted by more than fifty characters
from the animated hit series The Simpsons - each one brought to life in an
astonishing solo feat of vocal mimicry.
At the Studio Theatre in Stratford.
This student production has been in the
works since the beginning of February,
and all are looking forward to a great
The play has a number of other Staff
Members dedicating time and effort to
this production. Mr. Connelly will be
looking after many of the set details,
including painting and throne wrangling.
Mr. Mondelli once again will be responsible for set construction, Mr. Brugmans
continues to help coordinate all things
technical, Ms. Ponvia is leading the way
with Costuming and Ms. Rizzato will
be in charge of ticket sales. Mr. Isabella
will manage the the House, Mr. Tremblay will look after photography needs
and Stage Managers Mrs.
Scozzzaro and Ms. Baglione
will likely be pressed into
duty once again.
Tickets will be $10 in advance and $12 at the door.
Curtain is 7:30 p.m. on May
23 and May 24.
Do not miss this show!!
Websites and Information
Students and parents are reminded that
St. Paul has a great website with information on school and community events
as well as connecting websites having
to do with Board-wide functions and
policies and Ministry websites. There is
also information on each Department. If
you have found this newsletter, there is a
good chance you are at the St. Paul website [http://www.dpcdsb.org/PAULS].
As well, there are many teachers with
a personal website at TeacherWeb.com.
You are encouraged to visit the TeacherWeb site and to search for your teacher
Discipline, Dedication, Determination
Happy Spring
from the Phys-Ed Department! We’ve had
a lot to celebrate during these past few
Firstly, congratulations
to our girls hockey
team, who put up a
terrific fight at their
first OFSAA championships in Belleville, this
past March. Thanks
to coaches McTiernan
and Derry for their
hard work in preparing
the girls for competition.
The entire St. Paul
community, especially
the PHE department,
would like to take this
opportunity to thank
Mrs. Nix, mother of
lacrosse star, Haydon
Nix, for her generous
contribution of $1000 to help bring lacrosse to St. Paul. This has enabled us to
purchase nets and uniforms for the boys.
This would not have been possible without
the generous Nix donation. Thank you
very much!
The St. Paul Athletic Council, SPAC, is
planning a Bruce Trail hike on Saturday
May 12. Hope you can join us.
and St. Francis Xavier. The girls then
prepared to travel to Belleville, Ontario
for the “AAA” OFSAA championships.
The girls represented St. Paul with heart
and a never give up attitude. On several
occasions the referees and spectators gave
praise to the way the girls fought to the
final whistle. The coaches are proud of all
the players and are excited for the puck to
drop next year.
Lacrosse finally
comes to St. Paul
After school yoga
and fitness classes
Thanks to the generosity of a $1000 donation from the Nix family, St. Paul has now
been able to purchase nets and uniforms
to start up a lacrosse team. Close to
35 lacrosse players tried out for the 22
positions. We are looking forward to our
inaugural season, especially since we
have a number of lacrosse players, who
bring extensive experience to the program.
Good luck boys!
Ms. Schlarp has been running some yoga
and fitness classes after school. The
sessions are open to all students and will
continue throughout the spring.
OFSAA girls hockey
The senior girls’ hockey team reached
new heights for their program this season.
For the first time the girls made it to the
tier 1 semi-finals and then qualified for
AA Ofsaa. The girls finished the regular
season in 1st place in the south with wins
over Port Credit, Streetsville, St. Martins
Cops for Cancer
Congratulations go out to the Grade 9 and
10 students, who attended the Cops for
Cancer: Student vs Police basketball game
on March 20. Even though the police officers demonstrated their amazing skill on
the court, beating our sr. boys team, everyone was a winner with the $350 donation
that was raised to help beat cancer.
Thanks to Mr. Chen, our York University
student teacher who has been running
lunchtime intramurals. A large number of
grade 9 and 10 boys have been coming in
on their lunch to keep fit and play some
fun basketball. First semester, we ran senior intramurals for the 11 and 12 classes,
this semester it is open to any grade 9 or
10 girls or boys. Encourage your children
to get involved.
Junior Boys Hockey
The Junior Boys Hockey Team completed a successful season making it to the
quarter finals of the ROPSSAA championship. The team had 7 wins, 2 ties and a
single loss in the regular season. The team
defeated St. Francis Xavier 3 to 1 in their
first playoff game and then lost to a very
strong St. Michael’s team who were the
eventual league champs. The team was
lead this year by a solid group of grade 10
veterans which included Marcel Fatovic,
Eric James, Charlie Dobbyn and Christian
Gluck. These players carried much of the
load this year and were definitely impact
players in all aspects of the game. The
grade 9 heavy hitters were Daniel Stripe,
Nick Molinaro, and Robbie Giansante.
These three high energy players lead the
team in scoring and played significant
minutes in every game. Our goal tending
was in good hands this year with Kyle
MacDonald, Matt Pogue and Chris Cipparrone sharing the responsibility. These 3
great athletes are to be commended for the
great job they did in net and their unselfish
team first attitude. Our defensemen, Chris
Pitre, Mitchell Kerswill, Wade Blakely,
Daniel Polumbo and Kyle Heatherington
played well all year. The forwards, Justin
Rocchetti, Tyler Johnson, Michael Keane,
Justin Quirk, Adam Holzapfel, Lucas
Catena and Justin Klimke continually
developed and put forth a solid effort in all
games. Coach Connelly and Coach Costigan were very pleased with the team’s
effort and attitude this year.
Outdoor Club
The phys ed department invites any
students, parents interested in joining our
spring hike to the Bruce Trail on Saturday
May 12. We will be leaving the school at
8:30 and meeting Greg Vincent, our hike
leader extraordinaire, who will lead our
Don’t miss out this opportunity to get connected with the outdoors and meet Greg
Vincent, a world authority on the Bruce
Trail, Ontario’s beautiful escarpment and
truly one of the wonders of the world.
Please inform Anne Shlarp, head of PHE
dept, if you are interested in joining the
hike. There will be a $10 fee to cover the
cost of the bus. Please have your child
inform the phe department.
Athletic Banquet
The St. Paul Athletic Council will be
busily preparing for our annual athletic
banquet, being held this year on Thursday
June 14 at 6 pm. All St. Paul athletes are
invited to attend, and will be receiving an
invitation in early May. The banquet is an
opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of our St. Paul athletes and honour
the Most Valuable players in each sport.
Each team can also choose between a most
improved award or sportsmanship award,
depending upon the team. This sit down
dinner and award ceremony is always a
highlight of our year in athletics!
Enhancing the PHE
curriculum with
outdoor education
There are many benefits to incorporating
outdoor education into the PHE curriculum. Many of today’s teens are definitely
nature deprived, as they spend countless hours inside on their computers, cell
phones, working and studying.
Research has shown that outdoor education and recreation helps promote active
learning and powerfully impacts upon
a young person’s intellectual, physical,
spiritual, social and moral development. It
contributes to personal growth and social
awareness and develops skills for life and
the world of work. Qualities such as a
sense of responsibility and a purpose in
life are nurtured, not to mention the great
deal of intrinsic enjoyment and satisfaction they experience from participating in
outdoor activities.
Outdoor education helps build self-confidence and self-esteem, which is fundamental to their development. Students
will come to cherish and respect the
sacredness of the environment as an outlet
that promotes lifelong participation.
›››Bits & Bites
Omnia Cum Corde
School Busing Info
Looking Ahead
Please take note of this important information for parents regarding transportation
services for the 2012-13 school year. Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR) is
providing parents with advance notice of a change in transportation eligibility status due
to grade level. For information regarding your son’s or daughter’s busing elegibility,
please refer the the information provided below:
Please take note of the following dates to
help you plan out your fall calendar.
Geoquery Website - http://businfo.stopr.ca
This website also allows parents to login and find their child’s transportation information by following these instructions:
· type in the website address: businfo.stopr.ca
·click student login
· enter your child’s OEN number, street/house number, school and grade
·click login
This will automatically display the child’s transportation information, if they are eligible.
This capability for student login will be available for parents starting the second last
week of August until the end of June each year. This feature will be locked down during
the summer for route planning purposes. Additional features of this website are, School
Information, Which School Do I Attend and Transportation Eligibility and Delays and
The STOPR website is - www.stopr.ca. The items available in this website, include the
· About Us: background information on Student Transportation of Peel Region
· Policies and Procedures: STOPR procedures and Peel and Dufferin-Peel Transportation Policies
· FAQ: frequently asked questions in regards to student transportatio
· School Forms: the forms that go with the STOPR procedures
· Operators: a list of all the school bus operators in Peel Region and their telephone
· Links: Ministry of Transportation links ie: booster seat legislation
· Contact Us: STOPR contact telephone numbers by area
· Inclement Weather: updates on a daily basis for inclement weather cancellations
· Which School Do I Attend: a direct link to our Geoquery website
· Am I Eligible for Transportation: a direct link to our Geoquery website
· Your Child’s Busing Information: a direct link to the student login on our Geoquery
· Dufferin-Peel CDSB and Peel DSB logos: click one of these logos and it takes you
directly to the school board home website page
The Peel DSB Transportation Eligibility Policy:
Grades 1 – 4
Grades 5 & 6
Grades 7 & 8
1.0 km
1.6 km
2.0 km
3.2 km
4.8 km
The Dufferin-Peel CSB Transportation Eligibility Policy:
Kindergarten –Grade 1
Grades 2 – 4
Grades 5 - 8
1.0 km
1.6 km
2.0 km
4.8 km
Mid-Term Report Cards................ April 24
Parent Council Meeting................. May 16
Victoria Day................................... May 21
Spirit Week..............................May 22 - 25
School Play........................... May 23 & 24
Civvies Day.................................... May 25
40th Anniversary Alumni Night..... June 13
Athletic Banquet............................ June 14
Final Exams............................June 19 - 25
Prom............................................... June 22
Graduation...................................... June 27
Study Skills
Whether you’re in grade 9 or 12, developing the following five skills will help you
achieve success in school, in your chosen
career, and in life.
1. Time Management
There are just 24 hours in each day. What
you do with that time makes all the difference. High-school students average 35
hours per week of class time. Getting your
free time under control will help prepare
you for your classes.
2. Good Study Habits
If you’ve got them, great. If not, there’s
still time to develop them. Good study
habits include these basics: Always be
prepared for class, and attend classes
regularly. No skipping! Complete assignments thoroughly and on time. Review
your notes daily rather than cram for tests
the night before.
3. Concentration
Listen to your teacher and stay focused.
Be sure that you understand the lesson.
If you don’t understand something, ask!
You’ve heard it before, the only dumb
question is the one you don’t ask - it’s
true. If you’ve been paying attention, it
definitely won’t be a dumb question.
4. Completion of Assignments
Teachers assign homework for a reason.
While it may seem like busywork at
times, it definitely has a purpose. Put your
homework to good use. Remember, you’ll
only get out of it what you put into it!
5. Commitment
You’ve started the course, now you need
to complete it. Do the best - and get the
most out of it - that you can! Your commitment will pay off in the end.