HEARTBEAT Athletic Awards School Play Dupont School

...year in review
Athletic Awards
Celebrating Excellence
School Play
Curtain Closes on the Bachelor King
Dupont School
Jamaican Students Visit St. Paul
Dates To Remember
Important Events for the Fall Term
Retirements & Transfers
Celebrating 40 Years
Fun-filled Alumni Evening
Avoiding Yellow cards - Chaplain’s Corner...
St. Paul Secondary School
815 Atwater Avenue, Mississauga, Ontario L5E 1L8
Phone: 905-278-3994
Web: stpaulss.org
Fax: 905-278-1163
B. Iannicca, Mississauga Ward 7 - 905-270-0536, bruno.iannicca@dpcdsb.org
M. Pascucci, Mississauga Wards 1 & 3 - (P) 905-302-3096, (F) 905-890-0888, mario.pascucci@dpcdsb.org
Mr. C. Blanchard
Mr. P. Schmidt
Ms. C. Iacobucci
Mr. B. Finamore
Student Services/ARD
Mr. B. Bonnah
Guidance Counsellor A - K, ELL
Ms. E. Wasiuk
Guidance Counsellor L - Z, SHSM
Mr. J. Multari
Youth Care Worker
Ms. V. Williams
St. Dominic Parish Pastor
Fr. Philip Jones
Heartbeat Editor
Mr. T. Brugmans
Magazine Layout & Design
Mr. T. Brugmans
Cover Photo
Martin Zuk
The event was described as 40 years in the making and it genuinely
lived up to its name.
The St. Paul 40th anniversary, held on June 13, gave our school community an opportunity to celebrate our ongoing commitment to the
Lakeview, Applewood and Port Credit communities. With the contributions of our Parent Council and former student council president
Louie Manzo, our cafeteria became a wonderful trip down memory
lane with students from all five decades profiled through their year
This is the time of year that Principal’s have to say something
profound and meaningful to graduates, to send them on their way in
the world. That job is a lot easier
this year than in the last five years.
This year many of our students
had breakthrough transformative
experiences by virtue of being
involved in St. Paul programs with
our teaching staff.
Our SHSM students that went
to work at the Dupont school in
Kingston, Jamaica, won’t be the
same because of their experiences.
The young men who took a fledgling lacrosse program to a Tier II
championship and discovered the
meaning of team play will have
memories of a lifetime. Note that
all of this happened outside the
confines of the 1000 square foot
box we call classrooms and labs.
In the meantime, we did extremely
well inside the box at St. Paul. Our
provincial literacy scores remain
above the provincial average - in
the honour roll stratosphere. So
how do we continue to do it? We
do it by not accepting excuses for
shoddy performance. We do it by
reminding all students that they
have gifts that they need to find and
nurture. We do it by acknowledging
when some curriculum is stale and
tired and needs to change. We do it
by dealing students in rather than
dealing them out, when they are
having trouble navigating their adolescence. We do it when students
can tell you how radical Jesus
really was and why it cost him his
life. We do it by making a priority
of enriching the learning experience. We do it when we tell parents
to step up and be the adult in the
household. We do it when we read
the garbage-mouthed text messages
back to parents to get a real clue of
their sweethearts motivations.
Successful schools like St. Paul
don’t happen by accident. They
are places of intentional direction,
focus and teaching.
Since our spring issue, we have
received notice that Cosmetology
teacher Ms. Richardson of our Tech
department has accepted a position
at St. Thomas Aquinas and that Mr.
Phillips of our Co-op department
has chosen to retire. Our commu-
nity will miss both teachers ongoing commitment to student welfare
over their tenure at the school.
The Lead Hand Caretaking responsibilities at St. Paul have been
performed over the last 13 years by
Mr. Donato Radice. Mr. Radice has
brought a work ethic and pride of
presentation that’s unparallelled in
our Board. For Mr. Radice, respect
is the cardinal virtue that guides
all his actions with the many and
varied stakeholders that share our
building. We wish him well in his
We will be returning in September
with three more rooms equipped
with Smart boards and at least six
new teachers.
I would encourage all members
of our community to keep Mr.
Finamore in your prayers over the
The only constant now at St. Paul’s
is change.
Have a restful and inspiring summer in all your activities.
The past two weeks have certainly been exciting ones here at St. Paul
School. The Jamaican student visit, the school play, the 40th anniversary celebration, exam preparation and the added drama of Euro Cup
Soccer have kept us all on the ends of our seats.
The 2011/12 school year has been a busy
one for the Wolverines. I don’t know
how we find the energy to get through the
hundreds of activities that make up our
lives. Even things that we love to do can
be draining and exhausting at this time of
With your help, I would like to assume,
for just a few moments, the role of a FIFA
Euro Cup referee. It’s a thankless role to
be sure but someone has to do it. With
whistle and stop watch in hand I would
like to reach into my shirt pocket and pull
out a yellow card and display it for us all
to see. I do so not to embarrass anyone but
to issue a warning to us all.
Yellow cards are warning cards, not nearly
as threatening as a red card. They can be
issued for many offenses at the discretion
of the referee. The yellow card I hold in
my hand warns us all, myself included, to
slow down and take care of ourselves, to
take care of the things that really matter
in life. If we are smart we listen to the
Our yellow card warning comes to us
on the eve of the summer holidays when
hopefully things naturally slow down anyway. Let’s use this precious time to heal
mentally, spiritually and physically. Let’s
reflect on the past year and ask ourselves
some tough questions. Are we proud of
our performance or do things need to improve? How does Jesus fit into our lives?
Do we really recognize the many blessings
we have in our lives?
The time that we share together is short. It
is a great gift. May God Bless us all and
keep us safe during the summer months.
Be careful not to get another yellow card!
›››Not For Profit
This year the students of St. Paul had the privilege to participate in an exchange program with the Jamaican students of DuPont Primary and Infant
School. During the week of January 27 -February 7, a group of students
and staff from St. Paul were able to indulge in a host of cultural activities as
well apply skills learnt to help out the DuPont community. Throughout the
week the group of St. Paul travelers either personally worked with students
on literacy skills or helped restore the exterior of the school complex. This
was done through the repainting of murals, the school walls and railings, and
helping to patch up other engineering issues. Aside from working within the
school, students were able to engage in out of school activities that helped
further their understanding of what Jamaica is truly about. The group of St. Paul
students were personally welcomed by the Prime Minister of Jamaica, Ms. Portia
Miller Simpson, as well as met the Papal Nuncio of the Caribbean, Nicola Girasoli,
and the Archbishop of Kingston, the most Reverend Charles Dufour. In addition,
the staff and students of St. Paul were fortunate enough to visit tourist sites, such
as Dunns River Falls, Reach Falls and enjoy a live theatrical performance at the
renowned Little Theatre.According to the students, it was an experience of lifetime.
This is what several of the students had to say:
The greatest impact was the genuine nature. The children’s innocence, the selflessness of students and teachers, the love and care that was shown to us, all touched
me profoundly and will be shared to those here in Canada.
--Tess Kendrick
The smiles that crossed the students’ faces every day when we drove onto the
school grounds was something that words cannot do justice to.
--Ryan Peters
The experience of working with the students of DuPont Primary and Infant
School was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I will cherish for years to
--Martha Pokarowski
Each day we came I saw the bright smiles on their faces; just that alone
made me smile with them.
--Jessica Cipparrone
I truly hope that the time I spent working with
the students has benefitted them and brought
them joy; however I don’t believe that I could
have given them any more than what they have
given to me.
--Laura Krajewski
Thank you to everybody who has helped make
this experience possible, it is greatly appreciated.
We excitedly await the arrival of our Jamaican
friends this coming May.
›››Not For Profit
On May 15, 2012, there was an evident air of excitement at
Toronto’s Pearson International Airport. Students and staff from
St. Paul Catholic Secondary School congregated in the arrivals
terminal, eagerly waiting to welcome a group of students and staff
from DuPont Primary and Infant School in Kingston, Jamaica.
The students and staff would be residing in Canada for two weeks,
and throughout their stay would share their culture and musical
expertise with local elementary schools, a local retirement home,
and various other locations, such as Carrassauga. The seventeen
DuPont students, along with numerous St. Paul students and staff,
went on a number of excursions throughout their stay, such as
the CN Tower, Niagara Falls, the Science Center, African Lion
Safari, and the Eaton Centre. In addition, the students were able to
meet with Mississauga’s Mayor Hazel McCallion, Premier Dalton
McGuinty, and members of the Jamaican Embassy who all took
time out of their extremely busy schedules to have a meet and
greet with the children. This Jamaican exchange program has had a
significant impact on the school and local community. This can be
seen through the thoughts and reflections of the following St. Paul
The two weeks that St. Paul got to spend with the staff and students
were truly memorable. They definitely changed our school forever.
Their adorable smiles and laughter warmed our hallways and
brought our school community closer together. - Jessica Rocchetti.
The time that I’ve spent with the staff and students of DuPont Primary and Infant School has been extremely rewarding. I’ve gained
cherished memories and formed lasting friendships these past two
weeks that will forever hold a special place in my heart.
–Ryan Peters.
After hosting two children, I gained a lot of experience and knowledge that I could never get out of a textbook. I developed a strong
bond between them and I am proud to say that the DuPont staff and
children are family to me. –Lysandra Moreno.
The exchange was very rewarding and had taught me lessons that
will remain with me for the rest of my life. –Kevin Melo
I am extremely happy that the DuPont staff and students had the opportunity to experience the Canadian culture and lifestyle.
– Marco Gerolini
The Jamaican exchange was a definite success. The staff and students from DuPont Primary and Infant School were able to indulge
in our culture and learn about the type of life that we live here in
Canada, as we had done when we travelled to Jamaica. It is fair to
say that this was a learning experience for both the DuPont and St.
Paul community.
›››Guidance Files
Student Services • ARD • Counseling
This year marked many changes in both the Student Services and Special Education and Support
Services departments. I wish to thank the students,
parents and my colleagues for their tireless commitment to improved student achievement and wellbeing throughout the year. It has been an absolute
pleasure and privilege to have the opportunity to
be part of such a dedicated community.
I also wish to recognize the amazing
contributions and extend my sincerest thanks to the many teachers, our
ERW’s, our Guidance counselors, Ms.
Wasiuk and Mr. Multari, our ChildYouth Worker, Ms. Williams, our Social Worker, Mr. Almeida, our School
Psychologist, Dr. Krane, our Alt. Ed.
Teacher, Ms. Lehecka, and our Student
Success teacher, Mr. Isabella for their
tireless efforts to support our students’
success and for their collaboration
and support building such a dynamic
school team.
St. Paul Grade 9
and Newcomer
Orientation Morning
And finally, we wish to extend a warm
welcome to our new Secretary in Student Services, Ms. Ofelia Stefaniuk.
Her expertise, patience, professionalism and positive energy are a great
addition to our team!
Final Report Cards for 2011-12 will be
available for pick up on Friday, June
29 from 9:30 – 10:30 am in the cafeteria and in the Student Services office
from July 3 – 6.
Before we break for the
upcoming summer holidays, here are just a
few reminders:
Summer School
Dates and Times
Full course credit session:
July 3-July 30
Two week make-up credit sessions:
July 3-16 and July 17-30
Wednesday, August 29th, 10:0012:00 in the St Paul Cafetorium.
New Registrations
Please call the Student Services secretary, Ms. Stefaniuk to book an appointment. (905) 278-3994 x77301
Report Card Pick Up
2012/13 Course Changes
Copies of the Request for
Course Changes form used
by our Guidance counselors to process course and
option change requests
will also be available for
pick up with the report card.
If a student or parent wishes to request a course change, they are asked
to complete this form. All forms must
be signed by a parent/guardian prior
to submission to Student Services for
consideration. All requests are processed on a first-come, first-served
While every effort will be made to
accommodate any/all changes, we
cannot guarantee that course change
requests will be feasible or possible
due to scheduling restrictions and
classroom capacity. We ask in advance
for your patience.
Students in grade 12 are invited to
come to the school on August 27 and
28 with their signed forms for priority
processing of potential changes.
The Bachelor King
Congratulations to the cast & crew of this year’s production of The Bachelor King! It was a huge
success with over 600 audience members. The French Café was also a big hit at Thursday’s evening performance. There was a tremendous amount of positive feedback from staff, students,
family, and friends. The cast would like to thank Mr. Kay, Ms. Kelly, and Ms. Ryan for their
support and hard work. Also a big shout out to this year’s crew as they worked diligently to make
this year’s production a huge success! As a cast, we are very proud and couldn’t have done it
without everyone’s help and support!
Wow, it was
Discipline, Dedication, Determination
an amazing year for
athletics at St. Paul.
The little school with
heart continues to
raise the bar of excellence in sport. The
Lacrosse team brought
home a ROPSSAA gold
and Mark Wargala
came in 4th at OFSAA
in javelin! Congratulations! This is a good
opportunity to thank
all of our athletes, who
dedicated themselves
to representing St.
Paul as a member of a
school team. Special
thanks go out to all of
our committed coaches for dedicating much
of their time and effort
to making a difference
in the lives of our student athletes. Wishing
you all a wonderful,
safe summer!
Wolverines’ Girls
Soccer: Mississauga
Team of the Year
and the winner was St. Joe’s SS.
The Mississauga Sports council is a group
dedicated to excellence in sport in the
Region of Peel. On Thursday June 7, Ms.
Schlarp had the opportunity to attend the
annual Mississauga Sports Council Dinner
held at the Capital Banquet Hall to accept
the coveted award of Mississauga Team of
the Year, on behalf of the 2011/12 OFSAA
Girls Varsity Soccer Gold Medallists.
The team will be playing their annual Friday night lights game early in the fall.
This is an amazing honour to have been
chosen for this award and St. Paul is very
proud of our soccer wolverines!
Flag Football June
Thanks go out to our live DJ Jordan
Stamina for helping create a fun filled
Track & Field
The 2012 Track and Field team had one of
their best seasons in years. The highlights
of the season included several school
records being broken: Mauritzio White
tied the 100m record with a time of 11.3
seconds, Haleigh Michalak recorded of
12.4 in the girls 100m and Mark Wargala
set a boys javelin record of 52m.
This year’s June Jamboree was held on
June 4 and luckily the rain held off to help
make this a successful day.
Mark Wargala along with his brother Ben,
qualified for the South Regional Track
and Field Championships. Mark won the
Junior Boys Javelin at South Regionals,
qualifying him for OFSAA. At OFSAA in
Brockville, Mark placed an amazing 4th in
the Province.
This year there were 5 teams participating
St. Paul has a bright future in athletics!
Ropssaa Champions
Varsity Boys
Lacrosse Team
This year St. Paul added a new sport to
the spring lineup, Varsity Boys Lacrosse.
Thanks to a generous donation by the Nix
Family, the school was able to purchase
Lacrosse equipment and uniforms in order
to start up this new sport.
Being the inaugural season, no-one knew
what to expect from a competitive standpoint. It became clear pretty fast, as the
boys came out firing right out of the gate
winning their first ever game against Mississauga S.S. with a score of 17 – 2. The
team went on to score a total of 71 goals
in their 6 regular season games, to go
undefeated and qualify for the championships against Port Credit S.S.
In the championship game, played at Iceland (under heavy rain), the team started
out slow going down 2 – 0 after the first
quarter. They quickly rallied back after
that, winning the championship game by a
score of 9 – 4. Congratulations to the boys
for a fantastic season.
Bruce Trail Hikes
All grade 9 and 10 Healthy Active Living
Education hiked the Caledon section of
the Bruce Trail. Students were challenged
by the Devil’s Pulpit, a steep section of
the escarpment. Most students found the
hiking experience one of their favorite
activities this semester.
Therese Martin, grade 9 students loved
her hiking experience. “After going on
the Bruce Trail, I rediscovered the enjoyment of hiking and why reconnecting
with nature is important. That’s why I’ve
decided to continue hiking in the future.”
Victoria Gojcaj said, “The things that I
enjoyed most this semester was the Bruce
Trail hike. The Bruce Trail really made
me realize how beautiful nature was and
how much fun hiking could be. It gave
everybody time to hang out and have fun
all together as a class.”
St. Paul Outdoor Club
The St. Paul Outdoor club held its final hike of the year on May 6, 2012. Close to 35
hikers met at St. Paul early Saturday morning, for a 12 km hike to Hockley Valley. The
bus load of hikers met our
hike leader, Greg Vincent,
at Hockley Valley conservation area. After a brief yoga
warm up with Ms. Schlarp,
the hikers were off on what
proved to be a fairly difficult
day of climbs and descents
at Hockley Valley. We’re
hoping to expand upon our
outings next year and all students and parents are invited
to join us on our hikes.
The annual St. Paul Athletic Banquet was held on Thursday June 14. This celebration
of excellence in sport was kicked off with a fabulous dinner provided by Baby Point
Each team had the option of choosing between most valuable player, most improved and
sportsmanship awards.
Special thanks go out to Studio30 for all of their hard work in putting together an
exceptional video production for the banquet. Thanks also go out to Brianna Dornford
for providing the music for the event. The St. Paul Athletic council spent many hours
preparing for the banquet; wholehearted thanks go out to Megan Curran, Jillian Fincher,
Ali Ferreira, Sarah DeSousa, Matthew Semko, Ola Cierpich, Anastasiya Tkachuk for
their invaluable help all year.
St. Paul
Athletic Awards (awards were not handed out in all categories)
Most Valuable Player
Most Improved Player
Junior Boys Volleyball
Ryan Kolenda
Senior Boys Volleyball
Nico Kulas & Robert Prelich
Varsity Girls Basketball
Meghan Forestell
Flag Football
Off MVP- Elizabeth Talmassons
Def MVP- Cara Coutts
Darian Joseph
Senior Girls Volleyball
Nicole Kolenda
Kelsey Forestell
Junior girls Volleyball
Meghan Forestell & Victoria Cordavado
Junior Boys Hockey
Off MVP- Daniel Stirpe
Def MVP- Marcel Fatovic
Girls Hockey
Katelyn Turk & Giova Cascioli
Senior Badminton
Niamh Burke & Martin Zuk
Track & Field
Mark Wargala & Haleigh Michalak
Girls Slo-Pitch
Elizabeth Talmassons
Amanda Wregelsworth
Senior Girls Soccer
Naomi Rushe
Sydney Martins
Junior Girls Soccer
Shawna O’Hagan
Cameron Dougherty & Hayden Nix
Senior Boys Soccer
Juliano Kacaj Senior Male
Athlete of the Year
Zach Zubilewich
Chris Cipparrone
Emily Ulewicz
Varsity Boys Basketball
Senior Female
Athlete of the Year
Katelyn Turk
Junior Female
Athlete of the Year
Meghan Forestell
Zach Zubilewich
Andrew LeBre
Athlete of the Year
Matthew Pouge
This semester, the Broadcasting SHSM
program was a busy place indeed. This
term’s crew was out on location producing videos projects for the school board’s
Speak Up Conference, Mission Employable as well as covering the Dufferin-Peel
Catholic Skills Competition. They also
had the oportunity to work with the Royal
Conservatory of Music, producing two
promotional videos. The crew also put their
efforts into creating the annual Athletic
Banquet Celebration video.
Beyond their daily work, the students also
took part in two seminars in lighting and
camera. Jean Hegay, a proferssional cinematogrpaher, did a remarkable job with
students from both semesters as he walked
them through basic and advanced lighting
techniques, light metering and set safety
through a variety of hands-on activiteis. In
particular, Jean spent a good deal of time
showcasing and providing tips on lighting
for green screen.
Later in the month, Dana Alexander, a professional producer and DOP, spent some
time with the crew discussing career paths
in television and motion pictures and also
worked with the students showcasing the
new DSLR cameras and the use of lenses.
Mr. Brugmans and Mr. Sayewich would
lke to thanks the Studio30 crews from both
semesters for all of their excellent work
and contributions to the school.
Next year, we’re looking forward to adding
to both the Communications Technology
and SHSM programmes as we add an iOS
Development pathway along side of our
Broadcasting one.
›››Bits & Bites
Omnia Cum Corde
The Bachelor King
Looking Ahead
Elsewhere in this newsletter there is a
solid overview of the school play, but it
needs to be said that this year’s play was
very well received.
On April 12, 2012 Sarah DeSousa represented St. Paul in the Dufferin-Peel
Concours Secondaire d’Art Oratoire.
Please take note of the following dates to
help you plan out your fall calendar.
The Concours Secondaire d’art oratoire
is the annual public speaking event for
Students in grades nine through twelve
studying French as a Second Language in
Ontario schools.
Report Card Pickup......................July 3 - 6
Get Ready Program.............August 23 - 29
Grade 9 Orientation.................... August 29
First Day of Classes............... September 4
Picture Day........................... September 10
PA Day................................. September 14
Opening School Mass.................October 3
Thanksgiving...............................October 8
Mid-Term Report Cards........November 15
PA Day..................................November 16
University Fair......................November 20
Grade 8 Open House.............November 22
Talent Night..........................November 23
Advent Mass......................... December 12
Christmas Break................ Dec. 24 - Jan. 4
Semester 1 Exams..............January 23 - 29
With a cast of twenty-three and a crew
of over fifteen, this was an incredibly
successful production. The cast (some of
whom were in last year’s very successful production of the comedy Perfect
Pitch) was a great group to work with,
supportive of each other every step of
the way.
Sarah was poised, polished, and enthusiastic. We congratulate her on her excellent speech delivery. Merci beaucoup
Sarah for your dedication, determination
and a job well done!
The DVD has just arrived and it will
serve as a wonderful visual souvenir for
all involved. Congratulations to all.
Good-bye Ms. Richardson
On behlaf of the Art & Technology
Department, we’d like to extend a fond
farewell and a debt of thanks to Ms.
Leanne Richardson as she heads to St.
Thomas Aquinas this fall in the next
phase of her career.
Stratford and MacHomer
Farewell Mr. Bodnarchuk
At a recent trip to Stratford, Ontario,
students of Ms. Bentivoglio, Mr. Kay
and Ms. Tobin witnessed the amazing
one man show of Rick Miller. Called
a tribute to the creative vision of Matt
Groening and the genius of William
Shakespeare, Mr. Miller simply thanks
the world for “indulging in [his] silliness”. It was a compelling and memorable performance at the Studio Theatre
in Stratford.
After thirty-four years as a mainstay in
the St. Paul English department, Mr.
Bodnarchuk is retiring.
Mr. Kay was the only individual to
purchase a “We Brew Him Well” coffee
Over the years, Mr. Bodnarchuk has
coached many sports, managed the
Graduation ceremonies and been an
exceptionally reliable teacher here at St.
Paul. The students and staff at St. Paul
would like to thank Mr. Bodnarchuk
for his hard work and dedication to the
school community. We wish him well
in the next chapter as he can now take
some time to read, relax and recharge.
All the best from all of us!
Ms. Richardson made a huge impact
on the students and community since
joining us in 2002. In her 10 years here
at St. Paul she was very visible, not only
with her Hair and Aesthetics classes but
in a variety of other avenues as well.
She coached the cheerleaing squad,
helped run our Talent Night’s, worked
tirelessly on hair and makeup for the
school plays, hosted spa Friday’s and
still found time to run a variety of charitable events such as the Mani-Cure for
Cancer and her Spa Days for Sick Kids.
Best of luck on your jouney, Ms. Richardson - we’ll miss you.