St. Paul Secondary School’s Principal’s Message

St. Paul Secondary School’s
Principal’s Message
As I write this message, we welcome
the first weekend of genuinely spring
weather in Ontario. Three hours of
trimming the wisteria branches in
the backyard have made me ever so
thankful for the spring weather that is
now upon us and the promise of new
life in the buds on the branches. It
gives me great pleasure to share with
you the accomplishments and successes of our school community that
the change of season brings.
This has been a banner year, thus far,
for our St. Paul sports teams. Our
Basketball, Volleyball and Hockey
teams have excelled because of
our commitment to team play. Our
Girls Volleyball team was narrowly
edged out of quarter final play at the
OFSSA championships in Oshawa
and our Boys Hockey team narrowly
missed advancing to their quarter
finals in Ottawa. All of our athletes
demonstrated the kind of sportsmanship that parents can be proud of and
carried themselves with considerable
class in these tournaments. Special
thanks to Messrs. Galli and Minott
for their inspirational coaching on
the basketball court and to Mr. Vicars
and Ms. Schlarp on the volleyball
court. A large round of applause for
our hockey coaches Mr. Grenier, Mr.
Multari, Mr. Sacco, Mr. O’Reilly and
Mr. Derry.
While our athletes were establishing their winning ways in provincial
playoffs, our student competitors
in the Skills Canada competition,
proved that St. Paul’s program is balanced both academically and in skills
acquisition. Our students walked
away with 11 Gold medals, 2 Silvers
and 2 Bronze. (See Skills Article)
Our Technological Studies DepartSpring 2008
St. Paul Technology Students continue to show their winning ways at this year’s board-wide
Technological Skills Competitions, taking home 11 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals.
ment assisted with the preparation and the
judging of several events, but I would like
to particularly thank Mr. John Mondelli, our
department head for going far beyond the
call of duty to make sure that the competition was so professionally turned out.
With an earlier than usual March break, a
reduced but no less enthusiastic group of
St. Paul students led by Mr. Guilherme and
Ms. McMahon visited the California cities
of San Francisco and Los Angeles to sample
some of the landmarks of the Gold Rush
State. Based on conversations and pictures
that students shared with me, the trip was an
astounding success.
An early March break brought an early
Literacy test; however, Grade 10 students
were amply prepared for the test that was
held on March 27. Several days of blitzes in
regular classes prepared our students for the
various components of the test. While Grade
10 students wrote their test, Grade 9 students
were given a mock test. Their efforts will be
assessed in late April.
On Saturday, March 30, our chaplain, Brian
Finamore, PIP teacher Linda Cina, Fr. Norm
Roberts and I were invited by the Central
Committee of School Councils to respond
to Archbishop Collins reflection upon the
future of catholic education in Ontario.
While the morning didn’t allow for as much
dialogue as hoped, a number of important
observations were made.
The most important to me was how catholic
schools could distinguish themselves in their
commitment to Jesus mission in an increasingly fragmented and materialistic culture
like ours. In February students from St. Paul
organized a conference for the Mississauga
East family of Schools to draw attention to
the ongoing genocide that has been directed
at Darfur’s in the western region of Sudan
in Africa. Students heard from Sgt. Debbie
Bodkin of the Waterloo regional force who
was an investigator for the State Department. Students know that taking action
on the part of victims is what Jesus would
demand and they immediately established a
campaign to petition their own government.
Last weekend students followed up this
event with a Thinkfast event at the school
under the direction of Ms. Hastings,
continued on page 7
For Up to Date Information:
Elementary Hockey
On Wednesday, March 5, 2008, twelve
elementary school hockey teams (four from
Halton and eight from Dufferin Peel) participated in the St. Paul Annual Elementary
Hockey Tournament at the Hershey Centre
in Mississauga.
Coaches Grenier, Multari and Sacco would
like to thank the PIP students as well as
other student volunteeers from St. Paul, for
making this the classiest and most memorable event ever!
A special thanks to Gatorade for providing
beverages to all the teams.
Skills Canada 2008: “A Big Hit”
Skills Canada took place on Tuesday, April 1st at St. Aloysius Gonzaga. The event
was a tremendous success for our St. Paul competitors. Their hard work rewarded St.
Paul Secondary with 11 Gold Medals!
Congratulations to all of our Gold Medal winners. Timothy Wyman-McCarthy in
Prepared Speech, Bridget Hicks in the Baking, Christina Ruggiero in Hairstyling,
(Christina was also rewarded with a partial scholarship for $1000. by Aveda) Stephanie Porteous in Restaurant Services, Christopher Marchese and Mark Cernelic in
Team Carpentry, Sabastiano Blandizzi and Adrian Kalyn in Home Building, Kyle
Cecchetto and Andrij Sulypka in Landscaping and Greg Lee in Plumbing. Congratulations Aaron Donaghey and Joel Dennis!- also in Landscaping brought home a Silver
Medal. Congratulations Victoria Cichon!- in Fashion earned a silver medal as well.
Congratulations Michael DiVito! - in Worksite Safety, placing third with a bronze.
And congratulations Jem Datiles!- competed in Graphic Design and and also brought
home a bronze medal.
Special mention also goes out to Jennifer Andonov for Culinary Arts, Tyler Larman
for Singleman Carpentry, Paula Venesula for Photography and R.J. Chosa for Cabinet making. Congratulations to all of our students for their tremendous effort in the
All gold medal winners have qualified to move on to the Provincials in Waterloo from
May 4th -6th.
A great big thank you to teachers Ms. Multari, Ms. Richardson, Mr. Fernandes, Mr.
Mondelli and Mr. Tremblay for their hard work in preparing the students for the various competitions.
The Three Trees
The M&M’s
Once again, our thanks to the M&M’s who
continue to support assemblies and liturgies
at St. Paul. This group provided the musical
element at our Holy Thursday assembly, as
well as the Easter Mass, our closing Liturgy
and, of course, the Grade Twelve Grad Mass
and convocation.
We look forward to celebrating our work
when we take our M&M’s to Wonderland
for a well deserved treat at the end of the
semester in June. If you would like to earn
community service hours while contributing
throughout the year at school functions, it’s
not too late to join us in the Music room,
Wednesdays, from 2:30 to 3:30.
See Miss Laxton, Ms. McMahon, Mr. Penkul or Mr. Minott if you want to learn more.
See you at practice!
This year’s Holy Thursday celebration was typical of the reverence and joy brought to
most of our spiritual celebrations here at St. Paul. The assembly was bookmarked by
readings, music and the theme of wood. This year’s dramatization told the story of the
three trees who dreamt of greatness and achieved it when they became Christ’s manger, his fishing boat
and, of course, the tree
of the cross…
Special Thanks to
Mr. Finamore and
our readers (Venicio
Ferreira, Megan Medeiros, Ashley Carr,
Vanessa Rail, Ivy Parisee, and Ray Cole),
singers (the M&M’s),
and especially Mrs.
McMahon’s senior
drama class who built
on their Children’s
theatre unit to create this moving presentation. (Dagmara Mroczkowska, Michael
Fusillo, Alanna Humphreys, Jennifer Andanov, Sara Graveline, Alessia Piccolo, Brian
Carr, James Ngyen, Ashley Soares, Nachante Jeremiah, Kaelin Ljubicic, Amanda
Raposo, Dylan Prior, Ali Rukavina, Alexandra Dziama, James Demelo).
For Up to Date Information:
Chaplain’s Corner
Earth Week
This year St. Paul Science Department Staff and Students will again
participate in the City of Mississauga
Earth Week Activities. They began
on Monday, April 14 and culminated
on Friday, April 16 with a clean up of
the school compound and environs.
Jesus Is Risen! This past winter has been a season that we won’t soon forget. We have seen
a record amount of snow fall in the Mississauga area. There was so much snow that schools
were closed in Peel Region on Ash Wednesday! We have seen snow piled up in snow banks
so high that entrances to driveways are almost invisible. I have a few images in my mind of
driving to work this past February that I will always remember. They are images of Atwater
Street on a dark cold February morning. The snow falling, drifting and cascading over the
side-walks and curbs. There is so much snow and freezing rain that the side-walks are impassable. I can see in my mind’s eye, students, leaning into the blowing wind, walking along
the middle of the road following the tracks of cars that have been carved in the snow. These
ribbon like tire tracks through the knee deep snow offer footing and make the walk to school
manageable. I think that our Catholic Faith is very much like these tire tracks through the
snow. The road way of our life can often be very treacherous. The obstacles in our life can be
piled deep like gigantic snow drifts. Life can be overwhelming. Jesus is the way. Jesus helps
us in our road through life. We are wise to remember that all of us are headed towards a common destination, the heavenly Jerusalem. Jesus loves us and wants us to spend eternity with
Him in Heaven. Even in the stormy periods of our life, Jesus wants our walk to be easy and
sure. Let us support each other and follow Jesus in our lives.
Trips! Trips!
On April 2nd, The Grade 9 Science
classes visited the Ontario Science
Centre where they interacted with
the science exhibits and watched
an amazing film: Hurricane on the
Also on April 2nd, the Gr. 12 University Chemistry class visited the
Forensic Science Centre in downtown Toronto. There they got first
hand experience in the science of
crime detection. On April 17, the
Gr. 11 Chemistry class will be visiting Astrazeneca; a Pharmaceutical
Instead of the Gr. 10’s going to the
zoo this year, the zoo came to them.
That’s right. Reptilia, a travelling
zoo will soon be coming to St. Paul.
In a safe controlled environment,
students will be able to get up close
and personal with some reptiles such
as turtles, snakes and lizards. They
will learn how these reptiles benefit
our ecosystem and what we can do to
preserve these species.
The University of Waterloo Chem 13
exam will be held on May 8, 2008.
This exam is open to all Grade 12
Chemistry students. On May 15,
2008 the Avogadro Exam will also be
held. This exam is open to Grade 11
Interested students should speak with
their Chemistry teacher if they wish
to participate.
St. Paul Students will be participating in the Region of Peel Water Festival on Wednesday,
May 28th at the Heart Lake Conservation Area. Over 120 Grade 10 Theology Students will
be facilitating events that will teach elementary students from Mississauga, Caledon and
Brampton about the importance of preserving our fresh water.
Special Thanks to Ms. McMahon and her Grade 11 Drama Class for their powerful dramatization during Holy Week. The M&M’s also worked hard to make this Holy Thursday event
truly special.
St. Paul School dominated the Skills Canada Competition held at Gonzaga Secondary School
on April 1, 2008. Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Dmytrasz were walking tall when they heard how
well the Wolverines competed. Thanks to Mr. Mondelli, Mrs. Multari, Ms. Richardson, Mr.
Multari, Mr. Fernandes and Mr. Tremblay for their leadership. Congratulations to all!
On Friday, March 29th,
the members of ACT
NOW hosted the annual
24 hour Thinkfast. Over
fifty St. Paul Students
participated in this event
in support for the Catholic Office for Development and Peace and Share Life. Elementary Faith Ambassadors from our local Catholic
Feeder Schools were invited to participate in the event on Friday evening. Students learned
about the importance of solidarity for the poor by experiencing a day without food. The
highlight of the experience was the celebration of the Eucharist in the school Chapel at 11:00
p.m. Fr. Norm Roberts was on hand to celebrate the Mass with the participating Students and
Staff. Special thanks to everyone involved especially, Ms. Hastings, Ms. Vono, Ms. Laxton,
Mr. Guilherme, Mr. Minot, Mr. Powers, Mr. Fernandes, Mrs. Catani (Parent Council) and
Mr. Dmytrasz who helped out chaperoning this event! Our Custodians also deserve a special
thank you for putting up with all the extra action on Friday night. Ms. Hastings we love you!
Mr. Schmidt and the St. Paul Admin Team would like to acknowledge the hard work of
Ms. Tobin who is the Staff Share Life Representative at the school. Ms. Tobin has raised
thousands of dollars for Share Life over the years organizing “dress-down” days and other
community building events at the school. Share Life is the official Catholic Charity of the
Archdiocese of Toronto and funds organizations such as Covenant House and Vita Manor.
For Up to Date Information:
Spring is in the air and it’s time to get
back to that resolution for incorporating a fit and healthy active lifestyle into
your family’s daily routine.
The mission of the St. Paul PHE Department is to promote a healthy active lifestyle with the entire school community.
The ski trip which was open to the entire
school, proved to be a huge success.
The students experienced the best snow
conditions that Ontario has had in years.
We will be starting after school fitness
classes in the next few weeks and the
weight room welcomes new members.
We are extremely proud of the success
of St. Paul’s Varsity teams this year.
Special thanks go out to the dedication of the many coaches that leave the
school after 6:00pm on most nights during their playing season.
OFSAA fever has definitely hit St. Paul.
The Girls Volleyball Team came back
from a successful tournament in Sudbury, finishing 5th in Ontario. The Boys
Basketball Team lost in a tough OFSAA
qualifying match against St. Thomas
Aquinas. The Boys Hockey Team
travelled to Ottawa for their OFSAA
tournament after completing a very successful season as ROPSSAA champions.
Go Wolverines! St. Paul is definitely a
school with heart.
hosted by Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in
Mississauga on May 9th. These events
provide a great opportunity for our
athletes to compete and further develop
overall team spirit and athletic excellence. We the coaching staff are looking
forward to a great season in the fall.
Boys Basketball
The Boys Basketball Team had a momentous year as they made history by
winning the AA ROPSSAA title for the
first time in St. Paul history. The team
will be riding on the momentum of the
successes of this year as they start their
development camp in April to prepare
for next season.
As most athletes know, the best time to
improve is during the off-season. This
year’s focus is to continue to make the
program better by providing our athletes
with the necessary tools for success. On
paper, next year’s team looks promising and I am sure the boys will be up to
the challenge as they defend their AA
ROPSSAA title.
Girls Varsity Volleyball
Congratulations to the Varsity Girls
Volleyball ROPSSAA champions. This
year proved to be a most successful
Girls Flag Football
In an attempt to further develop our
Girls’ Flag Football Program, we
will be participating in two football
tourn aments during the off-season.
The first tournament will be held in
Montreal on April 11-13th while the
second will be a local tournament
For Up to Date Information:
season for the girls. After winning the ROPSSAA final, the girls
went to Sudbury for the OFSAA
Provincial Championships. They
went 3-1 in the round robin,
qualifying for championship
round, for the first time ever in St.
Paul Volleyball history. Unfortunately, the girls met the eventual
gold medalists, from Franco Cite,
Ottawa and lost in the quarter-final round.
Ms. Schlarp and Mr. Vicars are so
proud of the girls
and their commitment to the
On Wednesday,
March 5, 2008, twelve
elementary school hockey
teams (four from Halton
and eight from Dufferin Peel)
participated in the St. Paul Annual
Elementary Hockey Tournament
at the Hershey Centre in Mississauga.
Special thanks to Matt Kragulac
and Ania Magnowska, former St.
Paul students, for their outstanding leadership in organizing the
day. Coaches Grenier, Multari
and Sacco would like to thank
the PIP students as well as other
student volunteers from St. Paul,
for making this the classiest and
most memorable event ever!
A special thanks to Gatorade for
providing beverages to all the
St. Paul Badminton
St. Paul’s Badminton Team is in
full tune-up mode now for this
season. We have a 15 member
team in both junior and senior
levels that are getting ready for
the tournaments. The ROPSAA
qualifying tournaments for the
southeast division will be held on
April 17th for Seniors at Woodlands and on May 8th for Juniors
at Mentor College.
We started with
tryouts and have
been practicing
since February.
We have practices
going on twice a
week and our team
of 15 dedicated
students from
Grades 9-12 are
improving on their
Badminton skills.
We look forward to having
great success in the tournaments and representing St. Paul
Secondary with the Blessing of
our Dear Lord. Stay tuned for
more news.
The St. Paul Athletic council is
working on creating a package
of Spirit Wear
for the St. Paul
student body.
Special thanks
for all of their
hard work in
planning a wonderful ski trip to
Mt. St. LouisMoonstone.
Stay tuned for
more details.
find an activity that they love and will
carry it over into their adult lives.
Boys Senior Hockey
Since the Ministry of Education has
made health and fitness an option in
high school, we are hopeful that parents
will encourage their children to continue
taking PHE throughout their high school
The St. Paul Senior Boys Hockey Team
is not only going to OFSAA for the
first time since 2003 but the team also
managed to win its first ROPSSAA
Hockey Championship in the history
of the school. The boys
finished first in the
southeast division and
won their quarter-final
game against Humberview 4-0 and their
semi-final game against
St. Joe’s 3-1. In the final,
the Senior Boys met the
undefeated, top ranked
Streetsville Tigers. In
a hard fought game at
the Brampton Powerade
Centre, St. Paul emerged
victorious by a score of
Congratulations to all the boys and the
coaching staff on winning the school’s
first ROPSSAA title since 1992. Best of
luck at OFSAA in April!
From Phys Ed
The Grade 11 Program continues to
expose their classes to exciting fitness
experiences such as Boxing at Huf
Gym, Zumba Dance, and Belly Dance
at the Fitness
Institute, Spinning at Gear’s
Bikes, Hiking
at Silvercreek
Outdoor Centre,
Kettlebell Training and a variety
of other fitness
Hopefully the
students will
Our Very Own Canadian Irish
Dancing Champion
Congratulations to Kaila Grande, Grade
11 student who participated in the World
Irish Dancing Competition which was
held in Belfast, Ireland in March 2008.
Kaila competed with dancers from all
over the world and placed 1st amongst
all Canadians and 26th overall in the
world. We are so proud of you, Kaila.
For Up to Date Information:
Student Council
Act Now- Not Later!
We got the year started by heating up the
grill and throwing on the hotdogs! The
welcome back BBQ organized by Student
Council brought everyone together. It was a
great way to begin the school year.
The 07/08 school year has been a busy one for our social justice committee. We have
been able to raise money and more importantly awareness for many worthy issues and
Many activities were organized, from
various games to BYOM (Bring Your own
Marshmallows). Our Fundraisers were also
very successful. Our bake sales allowed
many students the opportunity to get involved. Our main priority as Student Council is to make the school year a memorable
one for all students.
We have worked diligently planning and
organizing many events. Our Halloween
Dance, the first dance of the year was a huge
success. St. Paul Secondary was full of good
cheer during the Christmas season as staff
and students witnessed and participated in
many holiday events. The festivities continued into February with finding your perfect
match on Valentine’s Day, dressing up in
green for the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, and
finally celebrating Easter with games such as
egg races. Whatever it is we do, we always
make the effort to keep the entire student
body involved, and work as a team to enhance school spirit. Everything with Heart!
We cannot forget to mention our dedication
to making our Semi Formal a huge success.
It turned out to be a magnificent night filled
with games, prizes, appetizing dishes, entertainment and dancing. Thanks to the teacher
advisors who were involved in creating such
an elegant night. The Grade 11’s and 12’s
certainly experienced a memorable evening.
This year has gone by relatively fast and is
nearly over. However, on behalf of the Student Council, we can guarantee there is still
much more to look forward to. We are excited for the upcoming Spirit Week in May,
along with the spring bake sales, summer’s
– Bring your Own Bananas (BYOB), and we
can’t wait for Carnival Day!
We would like to conclude by offering
thanks to our teachers, students and St. Paul
families and administration for their help
and constant support
December: At Christmas, through our participation in the St. Dominic’s Church
Bazaar and our annual Christmas raffle, we were able to raise just over $1600, $600
of which went to help those in need in our community and the remaining $1000 was
donated to St. Joseph’s Orphanage in Haiti. It is with extreme gratitude that we thank
the students on the ACT NOW committee, who generously donated the prizes for the
raffle along with the help and generosity of their parents. A special mention goes out
to Mr. Guilherme and Ms. Cina-Primier for also donating prizes and a big thank you
to the whole St. Paul community for supporting our fundraising efforts.
February: We recognized Black History Month through an awareness bulletin board
and through announcements on our very own St. Paul TV.
March: Thinkfast 2008
On March 28th, 51 students participated in our annual 24 hour fast to raise money for
Development and Peace, which is the Social Justice arm of Sharelife. We were again
able to share part of our evening with 35 intermediate students from our local feeder
schools. Our St. Paul students modeled true Catholic leadership, as they spoke to the
group about the importance of getting involved in their community and world in order
to improve it. We were also fortunate to hear guest speaker Ken Dryfhout who is a
youth specialist at the organization The Dam, who deals with troubled youth. Ken
spoke to the students about the need for love and justice within their own lives. Our
theme this year was “It only takes One to make a difference” and on March 28th, each
and every student that participated showed that he/she could make a difference in this
world. We were able to raise close to $2000 for Development and Peace and look
forward to next year.
On behalf of Ms. Hastings and Ms. Vono, we would like to thank all the students,
parents and teachers who give of their time and talents to help out ACT NOW and
recognize the importance of Mother Teresa’s words: “We ourselves feel that what we
are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that
missing drop.”
Looking Ahead
Mid-term Reports Distributed............................................................................ April 25
Parent Council Meeting....................................................................................... May 12
Catholic Education Week...................................................................... April 28 - May 1
Parent-Teacher Interview Night............................................................................. May 1
School Play and French Cafe................................................................................. May 8
School Play and Dinner Theatre............................................................................ May 9
Civvies day........................................................................................................... May 14
Carnival & Wellness Day..................................................................................... May 16
Victoria Day (school closed)................................................................................ May 19
Late warning letters sent home..............................................................Week of May 26
Athletic Banquet.................................................................................................... June 5
EQAO Math Assessment for Grade 9 Students........................................June 10 and 11
Closing School Mass............................................................................................. June 3
Final Exam Period...........................................................................................June 16-19
Grad Mass............................................................................................................ June 23
Graduation/Commencement.................................................................... June 25 (5 pm)
For Up to Date Information:
Happy Spring!
It is wonderful to
feel the warmth
of the beautiful
spring weather
after such a long
winter season.
Student Services counselors completed their winter routines by reviewing
and collecting the course selection
sheets for the 2008-09 school year.
Verification sheets were distributed
and students were asked to make any
changes, add parent signatures and
submit them to the Student Services
office by Monday, April 21, 2008.
Thank you to all the students who
submitted their forms and fees within
the required timelines. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Night School Students!
You are responsible for bringing
your report cards to your guidance
counselor in order for all marks to be
recorded in your academic profile.
This must be done as soon as you
have received mid-term marks and
final marks.
Graduation/Commencement Information
Invitations were mailed to all potential graduates during the first week of
April. Due Dates and Reminders:
Graduation Gown Form and Graduation Fee of $75.00 to Student Services by Friday, April 25, 2008.
Community Service Hours must be
completed and submitted to Student
Services by Friday, May 30, 2008
Graduation Mass and Breakfast:
Monday, June 23, 9:30 a.m.
Graduation /Commencement:
Wednesday, June 25, 5:00 p.m.
Students were invited to attend a
workshop presented by Sheridan
College about OSAP (financial aid
process for college/university) on
April 24, during Period Four. All
students are strongly encouraged
to review scholarship and bursary
information to assist them with the
post-secondary program expenses.
New Credit Session: Thursday, July 3, 2008August 1, 2008
Graduation Prom
This year the Graduation
Prom will be held on June
19, 2008. If you are a graduating student male or female)
and require financial assistance to make
your graduation outfit one to remember,
please see Mrs Kenrick for an “Inside the
Dream” referral form, before April 21, 2008.
Make-up session 2: Friday, July 18 - Friday,
August 1, 2008
Don’t Give Up!
Many students will be receiving admission
information from perspective college and
university programs. Keep working hard to
achieve those impressive final grades. Good
luck to all our students in these final months
of semester two. Submit all assignments on
time, attend all classes, participate!
Congratulations to Anthony Pento!
Anthony is registered with the Ministry of
Colleges and Universities as an apprentice
Auto Body Repairer, Br. 2
“While signing represents only the beginning of the student’s journey to obtaining a
license, it is the first step in a commitment to
lifelong learning.”
Thanks to Mr. Sacco for his constant support
and dedication to the students in our co-operative education courses. Well Done!
Future Goals
Ms. Tobin’s class, Designing Your Future
invited many guests to present their careers
and to discuss the education path to achieve
these goals. Thank you to Mrs. Kenrick, Ms
Richardson, Ms Peters, Jessica Horner(Peel
Police), Myrtle Wong, (Dental Hygienist)
and artists from the music and landscaping
Summer School Information
Forms are now available for students. Please
be aware of due dates for submission of
application forms. Forms for all DufferinPeel School Sites are due: Wednesday, May
28, 4:00p.m.Must be submitted via Student
Services. Important Dates are as follows:
Walk in registration: Wednesday July 2,
9:00-12:00 noon all sites
First day of Summer School: Thursday, July
3, 2008
Make-up Session 1: Thursday, July 3 Thursday, July 17, 2008
Full make-up (39%and below): Thursday,
July 3 - Friday, August 1, 2008
Mississauga: Iona, John Cabot, Loyola, St.
Joan of Arc, St. Joseph, St. Marcellinus
Brampton: Cardinal Leger, St. Thomas
Remember! If you are applying to college or
university and are attending summer school,
you are responsible for submitting your
summer school marks through your summer school principal. Make sure that your
college or university will accept a summer
school mark for admission!
... continued from page 1
Ms. Vono and Mr. Finamore. Guest speaker
and youth worker, Ken Dryfhout reiterated
many of the same messages that emphasized
ways that students could make a difference
in the lives of others.
Please circle Thursday, May 1 in your
calendar as that is the second semester Parent/Teacher Interview Night. Our school
play, See how They Run, will be performed
on May 8 and May 9 and I would encourage parents to come out to support this very
capable cast under the direction of Ms.
Our St. Paul Wolverines Baseball Team will
be playing St. Francis Xavier at the Rogers
Center on Saturday, June 7 after the Blue
Jay/ Orioles game. Tickets are $35.00 for
both games and may be purchased through
the coaches and players.
Finally, in an effort to solidify communication with parents/guardians we have asked
our Grade 9,10 and 11 parents to provide
us with one parent’s email address in order
to communicate approximately 6-8 times
per year about school events. If you didn’t
receive this from your son/daughter through
their home room teacher, you may communicate it directly by calling the Main office.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
For Up to Date Information:
See How They Run
And run… and run… The school play is set in WWII England and tells the story of Penelope
Toop (Dagmara Mroczkowska), a former chorus girl, newly wedded to the Reverend Toop
(James Demelo). With the help of Ida the maid (Allana Humphreys), Penelope tries to fit into
the expectations of the parish despite the machinations of the nosy Miss Skillon (Sarah Forma). When Pen’s old acting friend Clive ( Adam Benedik) - on leave from the nearby airbase
- appears for the day, Penelope cannot resist persuading him to go AWOL and accompany
her to see the play they had last appeared in, while masquerading in her husband’s clothes
as another reverend. Confusion develops of course when both the Bishop of Lax (Sebastian
Blandizzi) and the Reverend Humphreys (Chris Marchese) come to the parish. When an
escaped Russian prisoner (Alan Saenz) dons the cleric’s duds, the case of mistaken identity is
complete with five reverends. “See how they run” indeed! The neighborhood police (Dylan
Prior, Jennifer Anadanov, Jeremy Kozelj and Joanna Lewandowska) are left to decide who
is who in this classic romp through the vicarage. Produced and directed by Ms. McMahon,
stage managed by Miss Gardash, the cast is working hard to prepare an evening of wonderful
Of course, the behind the scenes groups have also been busy on set (Mr. Mondelli’s Tech
classes), costumes (Miss Laxton’s crew), programs (Mr. Brugmans), tickets and posters
(Monika Pakos), makeup design (Miss Richardson’s classes), Dinner Theatre food (Miss
Multari’s classes), props (Mrs. Cina), front of house/ticket sales (Mrs. Romao, Miss Bentivoglio, Mr. Isabella, Mr. Penkul) and crew (Mr. Guilherme). All involved have truly been
running and running and running to make the school play a night to remember!
All that is needed is an audience. We host our Feeder Schools on May 12th, and invite you to
join our cast and crew for the:
Dinner Theatre May 9 – 6:15 p.m. ($25) - tickets NOT available at the door
May 8th’s French Café – 7 p.m.($10 / $12 at door).
Don’t miss out! Be sure to “See How They Run”!
Math News
The Mathematics Department would like to congratulate the following students for
their participation on this year’s CHAMP Math Contest:
San Fran/LA
Drama Trip
On March 5th, Mr. Guilherme and
Ms. McMahon’s drama students beat
the first of the winter storms and took
off for a west coast adventure full
of fun and learning. The Explorica
package included such opportunities
as Alcatraz, San Francisco trolley
tours, Fisherman’s Wharf, a harrowing drive over Big Sur, stops in Santa
Barbara and Monterrey Aquarium,
tours of Hollywood, shopping on
Rodeo Drive and in Chinatown,
workshops at the Stella Adler Studio,
“Wicked” with a personal backstage
tour, and of course, Disneyland!
When we returned from the land of
sun on March 10th, we had life long
memories of special moments shared
by all.
Thanks to a great group of kids:
Amanda Raposo, Hannah Whelan,
Alexandra Dziama, Jessica Hughes,
Nachante Jeremiah, Kaelin Ljubicic,
Patricia Oliveira, Stephen Covic,
Sarah Catani, Emily Porfido and
Samantha Lombardi.
We can’t wait for next year, when
St. Paul Students will go overseas to
France and Italy!
Grade 9
Rebecca Leon, Danny Zita, Aaron Saunders, Richard Schaeler, Kimberly Lee
Grade 10
Andrew Carter, Melynda Moniz, Alana Diehi, Jordan Cabral, Denis Cascioli
Grade 11
Chen Chen, Paulina Achita, Larissa Rodo, Luis Hernandez, Victor Pillay
These students are invited to come to the Mathematics Department to pick up their
CHAMP certificate. The Waterloo Mathematics Contest was held April 15th for
Grade 12 students and April 16th for Grade 9 - 11 students.
Trustees: B. Iannicca - 905-270-0536, M. Pascucci - 905-624-3663,
L. McGuire - Superintendent
M. McHenry - Student Services/ARD
B. Finamore - Chaplain
P. Schmidt - Principal
E. Wasiuk - Counsellor, A - K, ESL
K. Kenrick - Youth Care Worker
J. Dmytrasz - Vice Principal
K. Grenier - Counsellor, L - Z
Fr. N. Roberts - St. Domenic Parish Pastor
M. Piperni - Heartbeat Editor
T. Brugmans - Layout & Design
815 Atwater Avenue, Mississauga, Ontario L5E 1L8
Phone: 905-278-3994
For Up to Date Information:
Fax: 905-278-1163