Walkthrough Do a walkthrough for each of these programs. Include Variable Values, Output, Line Numbers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dim Name as String Name = “Jason” If Name = “jasson” then Print “Hi Buddy” End if Line # Name Output 1 Jason No output 2 3f 5 1. 2. 3. 4. Dim Age, ShoeSize as Integer for CNT = 1 to4 Age = InputBox(“Enter Age”) ShoeSize = InputBox(“Enter Shoe Size”) 5. If Age > ShoeSize then 6. Print CNT&“ act your age” 7. Else 8. Print “Good” & CNT 9. End if 10. Next CNT Test Data: 16 ,11, 11,16, 22,22, 0,-1 1. Dim Age, ShoeSize as Integer 2. TotalAge=0 3. For cnt = 0 to 4 4. Age= val(InputBox(“Enter Age”)) 5. ShoeSize= InputBox(“Shoe Size”) 6. Total Age = TotalAge + Age 7. If AverageAge > ShoeSize(ZZ) then 8. Print “act your age” 9. Else 10. Print “Good” 11. End if 12. Next cnt 13. AverageAge = TotalAge / 5 14. Test Data 11,21, 23, 12, -32,22, 0,0, 32, -4 1. For A = 1 to 4 2. XY =Inputbox (“Enter a Value”) 3. If XY > A or XY<0 then 4. Print XY 5. Else 6. Print A 7. Endif 8. Next A Test Data: 5,8, 1, -2, 0 ,-31 Line# 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 Age ShoeSize 16 11 11 16 22 22 0 -1 CNT 1 2 3 4 OUTPUT 1aya 5t 5f 5f 5f 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10101010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dim THIS as integer High = -99 For A = 0 to 6 This = val(inputbox(“EnterValue”)) if This > High then High = This msgbox(“Bigger ”) endif Next A 10. msgbox(“Biggest was” & High) TestData: 4,0,3,5,5,99 1. For b = 0 to 6 2. For W = b +5 to 15 3. Z=W*b 4. Next W 5. If Z>= 100 then 6. Print Z 7. Else 8. Print b,W 9. End if 10. Next b Private Sub Command1_Click() ' Bubble Sort. 'declare variables 1. 2. Dim i, cnt, sample(7), temp, ABC As Integer 3. 4. 5. 'counted loop repetition to input an array of numbers For i = 0 To 7 sample(i) = Val(InputBox("Enter Number")) Next i 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 'Sort the array For ABC = 0 To 6 For cnt = (ABC + 1) To 7 If sample(ABC) < sample(cnt) Then 'swap temp = sample(ABC) sample(ABC) = sample(cnt) sample(cnt) = temp End If Next cnt Next ABC 15. 16. 17. 18. ' print in new order For i = 0 To 7 Print sample(i) Next i End Sub 6. 7. 8. Input: 45, 34,23,23,34,22,34,54 Do a walkthrough of the Insertion Sort and the Selection sort with the same data: Input: 45, 34,23,23,34,22,34,54