ICS 3M1 - Computer Science Array Test

ICS 3M1 - Computer Science
Array Test
1.0 Define an array called TEAM that can hold 25 team names
1.1 Write the code that will allow you to enter in all of the team names
1.2 Write the code that will output the teams.
2.0 Define an array called Marks to hold 500 test scores all out of 10
2.1 Writer the code that will allow you to enter all of the Marks
2.2 Write the code that will calculate the average of the Marks
2.3 Write the code that will find the highest value in the array
2.4 Write the code that will find the lowest values
2.5 Write the code that will find the BW Average. The Average with the Best and
Worst mark not counted.
3. Fill in the blanks so that the following will be a complete bubble sort. The Sort
must be Highest to Lowest: [10]
1. Dim list (14) as integer
2. Min = ________________
3. Max = ________________
For a = Min to Max
List(a)=inputbox(“Enter value into the array)
Next a
‘bubble sort
7. For Outter = _______To _____
For Inner = _______ To_____
If ______________________ Then
End If
Next _________
Next ______
On Computer:
4. Write a program that simulates the rolling of 3, six-sided dice. The program
should keep tallies of and display the frequency that each of the possible totals
is obtained (3 to 18). You must use a control array of label boxes for the output.
5. Write a program that will allow the user that will enter 5 names into an array
and sort them using the bubble sort. Out put the sorted data into a list box.
Output the data to a file called “Test_YourName.txt”