Chapter #2 Exercises Exercises 2.9 SAVE ALL EXERCISES IN THE "CHAPTER 2" FOLDER 1) My Favorite Month Save Project as: Month.vbp Write a program that accepts what month of the year the user enjoys the most. Have the user enter in their full name and display their favorite month. Use the following Program Specifications: 1. Make a sketch of the interface before you begin the program. (5 points) 2. Complete the interface with the following properties table: (10 points) Object Name Property Text Caption Property Propert y First Name Label lblFName First Name Middle Name Label lblMName Middle Name Last Name Label lblLName Last Name Title of the Program lblTitle Welcome to my first Visual Basic Program ..... First Name txtFName empty Please Enter your First Name f_FName Middle Name txtMName empty Middle Name f_MName Last Name txtLName empty Last Name f_LName Favorite Month txtFMonth empty Favorite Month f_Month Process Display Button cmdDisplay DISPLAY THE MONTH Variable Name Clear Button cmdClear CLEAR Exit Button cmdExit E&XIT 1. In order to display the information you should use the message box. Make sure that when you display the users information that it has the proper spacing. 2. Change the form colour and title the form. 3. Change the text boxes to the same colour. 4. Declare the variables in general declarations. 5. Assign the text boxes to the proper variable names. (2 points each = 10 points) 6. The program runs correctly (5 points) TOTAL = 30 points 2) The Pet Purchasing Program Independant Research: Find out the cost of your favorite pet, the veterinary bills per month, food costs and accessories. Make a list of at least 5 accessories (Ie: leash, collar etc) and their costs. Save Project as: Pet.vbp Write a program that allows the user to enter in the type of pet, name of the pet, cost of a pet, veterinary costs per month, food costs and accessory costs for the pet (minimum 5 accesories). The tax must be calculated on each item spent. Sketch the interface of your pet purchasing program. Program Specifications: Use val and constants, declare the appropriate variables and assign them to any text boxes. Use the format currency function to display the final cost a pet. Properties Table Object Name Property Text Caption Property Propert y Title of the Program lblTitle THE PET ORDER FORM Type of Pet Label lblPetType Type of Pet Variable Name Name of Pet Label lblPetName Pet Name Enter Information Label lblName Enter the information below. Type of Pet Text Box txtPetType empty Pet Type f_PetType Name of Pet Text Box txtPetName empty Pet Name f_PetName Price of Pet Text Box txtPrice empty Price of Pet f_Price Veterinary Cost Text Box txtVetCost empty Veterinary Cost f_VetCost Food Cost Text Box txtFoodCost empty Food Cost Per Month f_FoodCost Accessory 1 Text Box txtAccess1 empty Accesory Group 1 f_Access1 Accessory 2 Text Box txtAccess2 empty Acessory Group 2 f_Access2 Accessory 3 or more programmers decision Subtotal Text Box txtSubTotal empty SubTotal f_SubTotal Tax Text Box txtTax empty Tax f_Tax Total Text Box txtTotal empty Total f_Total Process Display Button cmdDisplay THE GRAND TOTAL Clear Button cmdClear CLEAR Exit Button cmdExit E&XIT Text Boxes 3) Happy Birthday Write a program that asks for a person's Birth date as month-day-year. Your program should output the number of days that they have been alive. The current year represents the year that you are writing this program in. Save Project as: Birthday.vbp Program Specifications: variable declaration, calculations and correct age output. File Name: Birthday 4) I Love Mathematics Most of us enjoy a good challenge from calculations in math. Write a program that accepts 4 numbers from a user and performs calculations written below. Save Project as: Math.vbp Make a Sketch of the interface. Complete the program using the Properties Table below. Object Name Property Text Caption Property Propert y First Number Label lblNum1 First Number Second Number Label lblNum2 Second Number Third Number Label lblNum3 Third Number Fourth Number Label lblNum4 Fourth Number Answer Label lblAnswer Answer Variable Name First Number Text txtNum1 Box empty f_Num1 Second Number Text Box txtNum2 empty f_Num2 Third Number Text Box txtNum3 empty f_Num3 Fourth Number Text Box txtNum34 empty f_Num4 Answer Text Box txtAnswer empty f_Answer Display Button cmdProcess PROCESS THE EQUATION Clear Button cmdClear CLEAR Exit Button cmdExit E&XIT The code to sum all four numbers entered in the text boxes would be attached to the PROCESS THE EQUATION button. The code would appear as follows. Private Sub cmdProcess_Click() Dim f_Num1 as Integer, f_Num2 as Integer, f_Num3 as Integer, f_Num4 as Integer Dim f_Answer as Integer f_num1 = Val(txtNum1.Text) f_num2 = Val(txtNum2.Text) f_num3 = Val(txtNum3.Text) f_num4 = Val(txtNum4.Text) txtAnswer.Text = f_Num1 + f_Num2 +f_Num3 + f_Num4 End Sub Why is Val used in the assignment statements? Write the expression in your notebooks for the following equations. Then write the code for the following equations. You may need to have 9 more command buttons. Description Expressions 1 the sum of the first two numbers times the sum of the last two numbers (num1+num2) *(num3 +num4) 2 the product of all the numbers 3 the average of all the numbers 4 the sum of the squares of the numbers 5 four times the first number minus two times the last number 6 the first number minus the second number then times the third number 7 the sum of the halves of each number 8 the average of the cubes of each number 9 the sum of the square root of each number 5) Post Office Program Suppose you were going to send a large 81/2 by 11 envelope from Canada to anywhere in the world. Before you send the envelope you need to calculate the cost of sending the envelope which is dependant on the weight of the envelope. Write a program that allows the user to enter in the weight of any envelope and displays the cost to send any mail from Canada the United States. HOMEWORK: Go to the post office and find out the cost of sending larger envelopes, heavier envelopes and packages to the United States. Pick a European location and find the code to send the envelope. Remember it is all determined by mass/weight of the envelope. Program Specifications: use variables, use constants, the val and format functions. Save Project as: Post.vbp 6) The Tax Program Extension of Activity 2.6 Save Project as: Taxes.vbp This is the year you have decided to work. You have realized that your first pay check is less than expected. The reason for this is because your employer and the government have deducted monies from your gross pay. Allow the user to enter in the following; 1. Gross pay for 2 weeks 2. Vacation pay 3. Federal tax 4. Unemplyment Insurance Premium 5. Canada Pension Plan Premium 6. Benefits 7. Net Pay Using a word processor create a properties table. Fill in the the Properties Table for this program. This is good practice for programmers, it helps to keep track of variable names and names of all the objects in your interface. Always include a Process Button, Clear Button and an Exit Button. You will need more rows than shown below. Object Name Property Text Caption Property Propert y Variable Name fill in yourself!! Process Display Button cmdDisplay THE GRAND TOTAL Clear Button cmdClear CLEAR Exit Button cmdExit E&XIT Program Specifications: include use of variables, constants, calculations of the above. Display the information in separate text boxes with the net pay in a larger text box. 7. Metric to Imperial Conversions Write a program that will allow a user to convert from imperial to metric or from metric to imperial for distance, capacity or weight. Save Project as: Conversions.vbp Distance - leave it in Capacity pint to liter quart to liter gallon to liter Weight/Mass ounces to grams pounds to grams kilogram to ounce tonnes to kilogram Complete your own properties table for the conversion sets. Program Specifications: The user must use val, declare all appropriate variables, include at least 4 conversions. Include an introductory form and three subsequent forms, one per conversion set.