Constants & Formats Constants 2.3 Constants are useful when the programmer declares a variable and it's value never changes. It is best to declare constants in the general declarations area. Constants are declared because it is easier to change a constant's value in one area. It is time consuming to search for a variable and change its value in the locations where the variable has been used. The same rules for declaring variables also applies for constants. (See the Variable Declaration section above.) Syntax Const <areadeclared_ConstantName> = <Value> Example Const f_CdnTax = 0.15 Const f_UserName = "Grade 11 Students" Visual Basic also declare constants for your file properties in a module. eg. Global Const Left_Justify = 0 The tax constant could be used in many of your programs dealing with currency. Activity 2.3.1 Name and 5 instances where constants are necessary. Use the proper syntax to declare the constants. The Format Function 2.4 Functions in Visual Basic are predefined procedures that perform a specific task. The Format Function The format is used to improve the appearance of numbers in your application. The Format Function formats any expression according to a set of string instructions you specify. If your application included using currency for millions of dollars you could specify how the dollar value should appear or you could use the predefined format function to display the dollar value. When using the format function it is not necessary to code with the format function until the formatted expressions are displayed. Note: # is a place holder for a digit. Pre-defined Formats Format Explanation Currency Displays a number with a dollar sign and two decimal places; if appropriate displays a number with a thousand separator; negative numbers are enclosed in parenthesis Fixed Displays a number with at least one digit to the left and two digits to the right of the decimal point. Standard Displays a number with two decimal places; if appropriate, displays a number with a thousand separator; negative numbers are enclosed in parenthesis Percent Multiplies a number by 100 and displays the number with a percent sign(%); displays two digits to the right of the decimal point. Scientific Displays a value as a decimal number between 0 and 10 time the appropriate power of 10. Syntax Format$(NumericExpression, FormatString$) The $ sign is to distinguish that the format output will become a string. When a variable is a variant the $ is not needed. Note: the date function will be discussed below. Examples 1. Format$(99, "Percent") 2. Format$(123000, "Currency") 3. txtNetPay.Text = Format$(m_NetPay, "Currency") 4. txtPlanetMass.Text = Format$(Mass, "Scientific") 5. txtTermMark.Text = Format$(FinalMark, "Percent") 6. lblPrice.Caption = Format(lblTotalPrice.Caption *100 *1.05, "Currency") Activity 2.4.1 Write the code in a program for the examples above and note their output. For example: On a blank form create a command button and name it cmdDisplay with a caption Display. Type in: Print Format$(99, "Percent") Run the program and click on Display. Activity 2.4.2 The expressions below are manually/user defined. For the following expressions note the output in your computer science binders. What is the output???? Print Format$(987.654321, "###.##") Print "The interest rate is " ; Format$(Payment, "####.##). Assume: Dim Payment as Integer Payment = 4532.1 Print Format$(543.210, "###.###") Print Format$(543.210, "000.000") Print Format$(123456789.91, "#.#.##") Print Format$(500000000, "#00,,"):"million yen" Print Format$(81.234, "###.##%") Print Format$(Amount, "$###.##"). Assume: Dim f_Amount as Integer Amount =12.3 Print Format$(456.120,"###.###") Print Format$(1000000000000,"#.#.#.##")