Computer Studies RFHallCSS Course: Guideline: Code: Course Type: Credit: Suggested Preparation: Computer and Information Science The Ontario Curriculum Grade 9 and 10: Technological Education - 1999 TIK2O1 Open 1.00 none Course Calendar / Student Achievement Form Description Computer and Information Science 10 – Open TIK2O1 This course introduces students to computer science concepts. Students will learn about the stages in software design; the fundamental programming constructs of sequence, selection and repetition; the functions of internal and external computer components; the relationship among networks, operating systems, and application software and their uses; and how programming languages evolve. Students will also develop an awareness of computer-related careers. Rationale This course should provide students with a background in computer programming and theory to prepare them to enter for further courses in computer and information science that will lead to post-secondary studies at the university or college level. This course is a towards many career areas with the computer field. Assessment/Evaluation The Ontario Curriculum Grade 9 and 10, Program Planning and Assessment 2000 specifies that the mark for the course is to be based upon on-going or term work (70%) and a final assessment (30%) that may include a final exam. The on-going or term work may include small written assignments, reports, computer programs, quizzes and unit tests. The final assessment will include a programming project, career research and presentation, programming exercises and a final exam. The last unit of the course will be part of the final assessment. Within these two areas, marks will be obtained using the four categories specified in the Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education. Knowledge/Understanding Thinking/Inquiry Communication Application Review, Develop, Implement 25 % 25 % 20 % 30 % Computer Studies RFHallCSS Knowledge/Understanding 25% Knowledge of facts, technical terminology, procedures and standards. Understanding of concepts. Understanding of relationships between concepts Thinking / Inquiry 25% Thinking skills and inquiry design skills. Identifying problems, planning, formulating questions, selecting strategies and resources. Communication 20 % Communication of information for different purposes. Use of language, symbols and visuals. Use of various forms of communication. Application 30 % Application of skills in familiar contexts and transfer of concepts to new contexts Application of procedures and technology. Unit Plan Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 Unit Title Hardware, Networks and Software: An Integrated Environment The Problem Solver Foundations of Programming - I The Computer and Society Foundations of Programming - II Putting It All Together - Final Assessment Review, Develop, Implement