Artificial Athletes: The Dangers of Steroids Video worksheet

Artificial Athletes: The Dangers of Steroids
Video worksheet
Name ____________________________ per.____________
1. Steroids were first used in the 1950’s by _____________________.
2. The three different types of steroids are: Cortical, Estrogenic, and
3. Medical uses for steroids are: slowing down the aging process, ___________, bone marrow,
contraceptive for men, and _______________________.
4. What happens to health individuals who use steroids? There is an:
increase of___________, a building of protein, and an increase in ___________________.
5. _________ percent used steroids to improve athletic performance.
6. T
Human Growth hormone is medically used for growth disorders in children.
7. Some side effects of using Human Growth hormone are acceleration of malignant growths,
glucose intolerance/diabetes, _______________ _____________, abnormal organ growth and
high blood pressure.
8. Every year _______________________adolescent males use steroids. That is _______ of all
male high school students in the U. S.
9. Changes to the body due to the use of steroids are: puberty may begin earlier, premature
closure of growth plates, gynecomastia (breast tissue growth), shrinking testes/ impotence,
changes in blood chemistry, various ________________ problems, liver disease, and
______________ ________.
10. ______________________adolescent females use steroids. That is _______ of all female
high school students in the U. S.
11. Female side effects of steroid use are: abnormal ____________ __________,
_______________, deepening voice, abnormal development of the clitoris, reproductive
problems/ infertility
12. Potential psychiatric side effects of steroid use are: ________________ aggression, severe
____________________, manic depression, auditory hallucinations, rage & hostility, and
13. T F The largest group of steroid users 1st used steroids before the age of 15.
14. _________________ is a steroid but classified as a food, it replenishes the muscle fuel supply.
15. ______ of steroid users got their drugs from doctors or pharmacists, and ______ got them
from the black market.