Senior P.E. Leadership Information 

Senior P.E. Leadership Information
*** Please read the entire document. We have tons of important
information provided for your reading pleasure.  Thanks!
Important Dates:
Next Lunch Meeting is Wednesday, April 16th
o A morning make-up meeting for anyone who cannot attend is Thursday, April
o Please be responsible and make arrangements to attend. You are responsible for
all missed information, worksheets, and end of the year dates. See my website.
o Final meeting of the year is a BREAKFAST meeting ONLY. We will be having
our end of the year thank you breakfast. The date for this is Thursday, May 15th
in S104 at 7:15 am. Come celebrate, say good-bye, and eat some yummy
breakfast buffet.
o Be prepared to RSVP to me by the April 16th/17th lunch meeting. We (me and
whatever money we have left in our budget) pay for the yummy spread. I will
need a very accurate head count so we don’t waste money/food. Thanks for
saving the date!
o Cords will be handed out at our breakfast celebration. See below.
Teaching for 3rd Quarter: Please talk to your PE teacher and make arrangements to teach.
We team teach the basketball and dance unit, so opportunities for you and your co-leader
to teach will be slim. Set the date now!
Teaching for 4th Quarter: There is none…enjoy! Reminder: any senior leader NOT
receiving an A- or higher at the end of 2nd semester will have to take a written final exam.
Dodgeball: Wednesday, February 19th
We need 4 refs. Please let me know TODAY if you are willing to help.
All senior leader helpers (in any capacity) should arrive at 6:10 pm
We need cafeteria help today, tomorrow, and Friday 7th hour collecting dodgeball forms
and money.
Graduation Cords:
Cost: $10.00. Check or cash are due by the next lunch meeting on Wednesday, April
Make checks payable to LZHS and place $ in an envelope with your name on it.
Turn envelope in to Ms. Levin at the lunch meeting. Only students that turn in $ on time
(by Thursday morning on the 17th) will receive cords. See me personally if you need help
with the cost.
Cords will be handed out at the final breakfast celebration on May 15th.