Chapter 11- Tobacco Section 1- Tobacco Use Section 3- A Tobacco-Free Life

Chapter 11- Tobacco
Section 1- Tobacco Use
Section 2- Dangers of Tobacco Use
Section 3- A Tobacco-Free Life
True or False?
• At high doses, nicotine is a nerve poison.
• Chewing tobacco is safer than smoking tobacco
because no smoke gets into the lungs.
• Herbal cigarettes are safer than tobacco
cigarettes because they don’t contain tobacco.
• You can smoke for many years before you start
to harm your lungs.
• The smoke that escapes from a burning
cigarette is dangerous to others.
• The placenta protects a fetus from smoke
in women that smoke during pregnancy.
• Nonsmokers get fewer colds than
Types of Tobacco Products
• Cigarettes
• Chewing tobacco
• Snuff (dip)
• Pipe Tobacco
• Cigars
• Herbal cigarettes
*All tobacco products have dangerous
• Nicotine is the additive drug that is found in all
tobacco products
• At low doses, it is a mild stimulant and muscle
• At higher doses, it is a powerful nerve poison
• 60 milligrams of nicotine is enough to kill most
• 1-2 milligrams are inhaled when a cigarette is
• Nicotine can enter the body through the lungs,
the gums, and the skin.
Cigarette Smoke Has Poisonous
• There are more than 4000 chemicals in
cigarette smoke
• At least 40 of the chemicals in cigarette
smoke are carcinogens
• Carcinogens are chemicals or agents that
cause cancer
• Tar- sticky black substance in tobacco
smoke that coats the inside of the airways
and that contains many carcinogens
Tar includes…….
• Cyanide- a poisonous gas used to develop
• Formaldehyde- a substance used to
preserve laboratory animals and as
embalming fluid
• Lead- a dangerous metal
• Vinyl chloride- a flammable
gas used to make plastic
Other dangerous chemicals found
in cigarette smoke…..
• Carbon monoxide- a gas that blocks
oxygen from getting into the bloodstream
• Ammonia- a chemical found in bathroom
Other Forms of Tobacco
• Snuff contains 2-3 times more nicotine
than cigarette smoke does.
• Smokeless tobacco- you chew it and spit it
• Snuff and chewing tobacco contain
different carcinogens and lead to mouth
sores and oral cancer.
Other Forms of Tobacco
• Herbal cigarettes contain tobacco and a
spice that makes them taste better.
• Pipe tobacco and cigars are also linked to
oral cancer.
• There is NO safe form
of tobacco!
Nicotine is Addictive
• Cigarette smoke kills more than 400,000
people in the United States each year.
• Almost all smokers start as teenagers.
• The effects of nicotine on the brain and
body lead to physical dependence and
• Quitting smoking is difficult and withdrawal
is unpleasant, but the dangerous effects of
smoking are far worse than withdrawal.
Substance-free Message
• Create a public service message that sends a
positive message about living without tobacco
and/or alcohol.
• Focus on a risk behavior
• Promote positive behavior instead of negative
• What are benefits of the positive choice?
• Who is your target audience?
• Rough draft: 5 points in class today
• Final Draft: 10 points
• Total: 15 points
Due: Friday, 12/03
Chapter 11 Section 2
Dangers of Tobacco Use
• What is………………
• The highly addictive drug that is found in all
tobacco products
• Any chemical or agent that causes cancer
• A sticky, black substance in tobacco smoke that
coats the inside of the airways and that contains
many carcinogens
• A gas that blocks oxygen from getting into
the bloodstream
Carbon monoxide
• What are the two forms of smokeless
Snuff and chewing tobacco
• What health risks do smokeless tobacco
products cause?
Mouth sores and oral cancer
Short-Term Effects of Tobacco Use
Nicotine stimulates the brain reward system
Increases the heart rate and blood pressure
Increases breathing rate
Increases blood-sugar levels
Stimulates the vomit reflex
Breath and clothes stink
Black specks between your teeth
Long-Term Effects of Tobacco Use
Bronchitis and Emphysema
Heart and Artery Diseases
Immune System Suppression
Discolored teeth
Mouth sores
Dulls the senses of smell and
Key Terms
• Sidestream smoke- the smoke that
escapes from the tip of a cigarette, cigar,
or pipe
• Mainstream smoke- smoke that is inhaled
through a tobacco product and exhaled by
a tobacco smoker
• Environmental tobacco smoke
(secondhand smoke)- a combination of
exhaled mainstream smoke and
sidestream smoke
Dangers of Secondhand Smoke
• For every 8 people killed by their own
smoking, a nonsmoker is killed by
exposure to secondhand smoke.
• Secondhand smoke causes headaches,
nausea, dizziness, and illness.
• The children of smokers suffer from lower
respiratory infections, asthma, and ear
Dangers of Tobacco Use During
• Chemicals from cigarette smoke pass through
the placenta to the developing infant and affect
the baby the same way they affect the mother.
• Smoking while pregnant can lead to miscarriage,
premature birth, low birth weight, and sudden
infant death syndrome.
• Smoking can also affect a fetus’s
brain, causing developmental
• What are your favorite activities and how
would smoking affect your ability to
perform them?
• List three reasons you would give a friend
to encourage him/her not to smoke.
• Why is quitting smoking so difficult?
• Why do tobacco companies target young
people with their advertisements?