Overview of “Update of AAPM Task Group No. 43 Report - A Revised AAPM Protocol for Interstitial Brachytherapy Dose Calculations” Jeffrey F. Williamson, Ph.D. On behalf of Report Authors Mark Rivard, Bert Coursey, Larry DeWerd, William Hanson Saiful Huq, Geoffrey Ibbott, Michael Mitch, Ravinder Nath, Jeff Williamson VCU Radiation Oncology Physics Virginia Commonwealth University Outline • Motivation of a revised TG-43 • Report organization & goals • Revised TG-43 Content review – Calibration standards and dose estimation technology: review and report recommendations – Modified TG-43 formalism – Data merging and analysis strategy – Clinical implementation issues • Learning Objectives – Understand basic concepts and issues in low-energy source dosimetry – Understand TG-43 formalism and important recommendations; and major differences between 1995 and 2003 editions Single-Source Dose Distributions Superposition Model θ r Isodoses 100 cGy/h 50 20 10 7 5 3 1 0.5 Current dose calculation paradigm: for each source type, a single source dose array used to estimate the contribution of each source, based on coordinates in patient, to each point of interest Basic Elements of TG-43 DoseCalculation ‘Algorithm’ • For each source, a discrete grid of measured or Monte Carlo dose rates is required • A set of standard dose ratios (Λ, F(r,θ), g(r ), ϕan(r ) ) are defined to represent measured dose-rate distribution in compact form • A standard approach for interpolating between table entries to get dose rate at an arbitrary point (r,θ) Starting Point: discrete grid of dose rates measured by TLD or calculated by Monte Carlo Transverse Axis Measurement Phantom Polar Dose Profile Measurement Phantom 90 120 135 160 180 o o o 60 o 45 o o o 20 o 0 o Why do we need a new TG 43 report? • Report originated and written by AAPM Low-energy Interstitial Brachytherapy Dosimetry SC (LIBD) of RTC – The number of seed models has increased from 3 in 1999 to approximately 20 in 2003. » 1995 report limited to 6711, 6702 and Model 200 Pd. » Data is old and needs to be supplanted by new – Correct errors/inconsistencies in old formalism and definitions – Present up-to-date consensus dosimetry sets for 8 seed models – Provide guidance and standards for MC and TLD investigators – Consolidate recent LIBD guidance in single report Revised TG-43 Contents • III: updated spectral and half-life data for 125I &103Pd • IV: History of 1985 (Loftus) and 1999 (WAFAC) calibration standards – Revised SK definition • V: Revised 2-D and 1-D dose calculation formalisms • VI: Consensus data sets for clinical implementation – Procedure for comparing and merging multiple TLD and MC data sets from literature – Tables of TG-43 parameters Revised TG-43 Contents: cont’d • VI: Consensus data sets for clinical implementation – Sources covered by this report (LIBD compliant as of 7/01) » Amersham-Health model 6702 and 6711 125I sources » Best Industries model 2301 125I source » North American Scientific Inc. model MED3631-A/M 125I source » Bebig model I25.SO6 125I source » Imagyn Medical Technologies Inc. isostar model IS12501 125I source » Theragenics model 200 103Pd source » North American Scientific Inc. model MED3633 103Pd source Revised TG-43 Contents: cont’d • VII: Recommendations for estimation and tabulation of dosimetry parameters – Minimum standards: angular/distance range and resolution – Guidelines for TLD dosimetry – Guidelines for Monte Carlo dosimetry • VIII: Clinical implementation – Acceptance testing and commissioning – Guidelines for calibration and traceability • Appendices – Extrapolation to large and small distances – Use of apparent activity – Anisotropy constant AAPM Revised 2-D Formalism θ1° r 1.687 D(r, θ) = SK ⋅ Λ ⋅ G L (r, θ) ⋅ F(r, θ) ⋅ g L (r) G L (1 cm, π / 2) β if θ ≠ 0° Lr sin θ for x = L G L (r, θ) = r 2 − L2 / 4 −1 if θ = 0° ( for x = P ) G P (r, θ) = r −2 Where L = effective active length of source line-source approximation point-source approximation Task Group 43 2-D Radial Dose Function: gX(r) 1.20 1.00 Model 6711: Monte Carlo Radial Dose Function: g(r) • gX(r) = dimensionless radial dose function Describes transverse-axis dose Fall-off • GX-Factor suppresses dose variation due to inverse squarelaw fall-off D(r, π /2) ⋅ G X (1 cm, π /2) g X (r) = D(1 cm, π /2) ⋅ G X (r, π /2) g P (r) = D(r, π /2) r ⋅ D(1 cm, π /2) 1 cm 2 Model 6702: Monte Carlo 0.80 Model 6711: TLD Model 6702 : TLD 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 Distance (cm) Task Group 43 2-D Anisotropy Function: F(r,θ) • F(r,θ) = dimensionless anisotropy function – Describes angular dose variation at fixed distance – G suppresses inverse-square dose variation – Only Line-source G recommended F(r, θ) = D(r, θ) ⋅ G L (r, π /2) D(r, π /2) ⋅ G L (r, θ) θ1° r 1.687 10.0 2.60 2.60 DraxImage Model LS-1 125 2.40 I Source Double Point Source G(r,θ) 2.20 DraxImage Model LS-1 2.00 125 I Source Single Point Source G(r,θ) 2.20 2.00 Polar Dose profile Anisotropy Function: F(r,θ) 2.40 1.80 1.60 1.40 0.25 cm 1.5 cm 0.5 cm 2 cm 0.75 cm 5 cm 1 cm 10 cm 1.20 1.60 1.5 cm 2.0 cm 5.0 cm 10.0 cm 1.40 1.20 1.00 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.60 0.25 cm 0.5 cm 0.75 cm 1.0 cm 1.80 0.60 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 Polar Angle 15 30 45 60 75 Polar Angle Revised TG 43 1-D Formalism D(r) = SK ⋅ Λ ⋅ θ G X (r, π/2) ⋅ g (r) ⋅ φan (r) G X (1 cm, π /2) X 53.1° • φan(r) is 1-D anisotropy function r 1.687 φan (r) = π D(r, θ) ⋅ sin θ ⋅ dθ 0 ∫ 2 ⋅ D(r, π / 2) 90 TG 43 Update: Two possible 1D Models • End user’s RTP system MUST use the Geometry function used to extract the TG-43 quantities from raw data – P = Point Source (Acceptable option) 2 1 cm D(r) = SK ⋅ Λ ⋅ ⋅ g P (r) ⋅ φan (r) r – L = Line Source (Recommended option) D(r) = SK ⋅ Λ ⋅ G L (r, π/2) ⋅ g (r) ⋅ φan (r) G L (1 cm, π /2) L TG-43 Dose-Calculation ‘Algorithm’ • TG-43 starts with a discrete grid of measured or Monte Carlo dose rates • F(r,θ), g(r ), and ϕan(r ) table entries correspond to measurement/MC points • What does RTP do at arbitrary point (r,θ)?: – Finds g(r1) and g(r2), etc. at nearest neighbor points – Calculates g(r ), etc., by bi-linear interpolation r − r1 g(r) = [ g(r2 ) − g(r1 )] + g(r1 ) r2 − r1 – Calculate exact G(r,θ) and obtain D(r,θ) from TG-43 equation TG 43 Updated Formalism • Extrapolation to large and small distances outside table entries addressed • Anisotropy constant discarded Trick RTP system by using: g'(r) ⇒ g X (r) ⋅ φan (r) • Rationale: Geometry function recommendations – Any G, if consistently applied, will always reproduce exactly the measured data – More accurate G ⇒ more accurate interpolation between table entries – GL is a good compromise between simplicity and accuracy – More complex G acceptable but not included in report Revised Definition of Air-Kerma Strength SK = K δ (d) d 2 [µGy ⋅ m 2 ⋅ h −1 = cGy ⋅ cm 2 ⋅ h −1 = U] K δ (d) is air-kerma rate in vacuo due to photons of energy > δ ( ∼ 5 keV), d L Cutoff designed to exclude low-energy contaminant radiation Ritz Free-Air Chamber NIST 1985 SK Standard for 125I Seeds • Implemented in 1985 for 6711 and 6702 seeds; difficult to extend to new seed models • No filtering of Ti K x rays (4.5 keV) • Small volume ⇒ only seed plaques measurable Influence of Ti K-edge X-rays on SK measurements NIST 1985 SK Standard for 125I Seeds J. Williamson, Monte Carlo Calculations 1988 ‘WAFAC:’ Wide Angle Free-Air Chamber U.S. NIST Primary Standard for Low-Energy Seeds Rotating Seed Holder Wide-angle Free-Air Chamber SK,N99 250 mm diameter 153mm Long for same seed and radiation output Collecting volume 300mm 150mm 100mm 80mm Source 0.08 mm Al filter V 1 mm thick tungsten collimator V/2 S K,N99 S K,N85 0 (Guard Ring) I • • • • Large volume ⇒ single seeds measurable Extended to all 125I and 103Pd models Ti characteristic x-rays filtered out Implemented 1999 = 0.897 TG-43 Formalism: original = revised Λ D(r, θ) = SK ⋅ Λ ⋅ G L (r, θ) ⋅ F(r, θ) ⋅ g L (r) G L (1 cm, π / 2) • SK is Air-Kerma Strength θ1° 1 U = 1 Unit of Air-kerma strength = 1 µGy•m2•h-1 = 1 cGy•cm2•h-1 • Λ =Dose-Rate Constant in Λ= r 1.687 cGy•h-1•U-1 D(1 cm, π / 2) SK Solid “water substitute” Phantoms for TLD Dosimetry θ 53.1° Transverse Axis Measurement Phantom r 1.687 Λ= Dwat at { r = 1 cm θ =π/2 SK,N99 where Dwat = TLD measurement SK,N99 = NIST measurement Basic Discrete Event Monte Carlo Algorithm Randomly select Location, direction & energy of primary photon Photon Collision select distance to next collision Select type of collision Select type of collision Heterogeneity Ag core Ti capsule Scoring Bin, ∆V I-125 Seed Select Energy and angle of photon leaving collision Calculation of TG-43 Parameters by MCPT MCPT calculates per disintegration within source: - Dose to medium, ∆Dmed(r), near source in phantom geometry - Air-kerma strength, ∆SK, in free-air geometry Λ= ∆Dwat (r = 1 cm, θ = π / 2) ∆SK g(r) = ∆Dwat (r, π / 2) ⋅ G(1 cm, π / 2) ∆Dwat (1 cm, π / 2) ⋅ G(r, π / 2) WAFAC Simulation Method ( ∆E153 − ∆E11 ) ⋅ d2 ab ab ∆S K = ⋅ k inv ⋅ k att ρair ⋅ (V153 − V11 ) x = Energy absorbed/disintegration in WAFAC volume of length x where ∆Eab d = 38 cm = seed-to-WAFAC volume center 1.032 Pd-103 k att = for a point source = 1.023 I-125 2 k inv ⋅ ∆K ⋅ d WFC { ( ∆SK )extr ( ) k inv = inverse−square correction = ∫ Φ( A ) ⋅ dA Φ (d) ⋅ A = 1.0089 General Recommendations • Measure/calculate dose-rates with sufficient resolution and range – RDF: 0.5 cm to 5 cm (Pd-103) – 7 cm (I-125) – F(r,θ): for r =1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 cm (I-125 only) at 10° intervals – Report active length, L, used – Perform rigorous uncertainty analysis • Appropriate tools – TLD-100/diode accepted for relative, TLD for absolute » Other detectors: require extensive & published benchmarking – Well characterized MC code: EGS-4, MCNP, PTRAN » New users/features/codes: reproduce published benchmarks Recommendations for TLD dosimetry • For DRC: ≈ 15 measurements on 8-10 seeds, 1 with directly traceable NIST calibration – 1-σ statistics < 5%, 1-σ systematic < 7% – Calibrate TLD’s against external beam, not a brachytherapy source – Make sure E(d) matches experiment wrt calibration technique, displacement/attenuation corrections, measurement medium – Correct for non-water equivalence of phantom: Solid Water may require chemical analysis – Recommended standards of methodology description for published papers Recommendations for Monte Carlo Dosimetry • Monte Carlo Code recommendations – Physics model: electron binding corrections, coherent scattering and characteristic x-ray production. Electron transport unnecessary – NIST PHOTEX or equivalent cross-section library – 1-s statistical uncertainty <2%, volume-averaging <1% – Calculate dose rates in 30 cm diameter liquid water sphere • Other precautions – transverse-plane anisotropy ⇒ Simulate WAFAC aperture – Carefully validate geometric model through mechanical and radiological measurements. Perform parametric studies to assess component motion, uncertainties, etc. 6711 silver rod end Electron microscopy Geometric Model Validation DraxImage I-125 Seed 6711 contact radiographs Contact Radiograph Final Model Data Merging Procedures: Λ • 2-25 papers available documenting dosimetry for each source model. Candidate datasets identified – MC: NIST PHOTEX equivalent cross sections, normalization to SK,N99 standard, and simulation of WAFAC geometry for “sharp edges” phenomenon – TLD: prefer recent studies based on SK,N99. – All data: corrected to SK,N99 standard, for CY-2000 WAFAC measurement errors, solid-to-liquid water corrections – All data corrected to consistent active length, L Λ con = 1 Λ exp + Λ MC 2 where Λ X = mean of candidate exp or MC values Data Merging: g(r), F(r,θ) & ϕan(r) • Transform different candidate datasets to same L • Graphically compare different datasets • If discrepancies < experimental error, accept as consensus, dataset with maximum range, resolution and smoothness – For g(r) and F(r,θ), usually MC data accepted – For g(r), discrepancies < 5% for r< 5 cm – F(r,θ), discrepancies < 10%, & < 5% for θ > 30º • ϕan(r): calculate dose from consensus F(r,θ) and integrate wrt to dΩ • If discrepancies > experimental error, more elaborate merging strategies needed Example: Theragenics Model 200 Pd-103 Source – <1994 = Heavy Seed: reactor-produced 20 µm Pd layer on carbon pellet – >1994 = Light Seed: accelerator-produced 2 µm layer • No SK standard until 1999: Vendor Aapp “standard” 1988-1999 0.560 3.140 4.500 0.890 • All Pd-103 products depend on Mod 200 History for dose prescription • Two variants : “Heavy” and “Light” seeds 0.612 1.090 • Sole product 1987-1999 0.826 0.510 Pb marker Graphite pellet Model 200: Consensus Λ • Candidate datasets – MC: Monroe & Williamson: Med. Phys., 29:609-621, 2002 – TLD: Nath et al. Med Phys 27 (4), 655-658, 2000 1 x = 99 Λ con = Λ Nath,TLD ⋅ S K,N99 : + Λ JFW,MC 2 x = 00 1 + 0.691 = [ 0.65 ⋅ 1.053 ] 2 = 0.687 Model 200 Pd-103: radial dose function 1.5 1.20 MC/Meigonni 1.10 0.9 1.00 0.6 0.90 0.3 0.80 g(r) Meigooni 1990 g(r) Chiu-Tsao 1991 g(r) Monroe-Williamson 2002 0.0 0.70 0 1 2 3 Distance (cm) 4 5 6 Monte Carlo/Measured Radial Dose Function MC/Chiu-Tsao 1.2 • No “light seed” TLD • Compare Meigooni 90 & Chiu-Tsao 91 TLD to Monroe 02 Monte Carlo • Monte Carlo: little difference between light and heavy seeds • Monroe g(r) is consensus dataset Model 200: MC vs TLD anisotropy at 2 cm TLD vs Monte Carlo Anisotropy at 2 cm 1.1 1.15 1.10 0.8 1.05 0.7 1.00 0.6 0.95 0.5 Monte Carlo/TLD 0.9 Anisotropy Function • Agreement within 5% 1.20 Yue-Nath 2002 TLD Monroe-Williamson MC 2002 1 0.90 MC/TLD 0.4 0.85 0.3 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0.80 Polar Angle • ϕan(1 cm) = 0.859 (TLD) 0.855 (MC) vs 0.90 TG-43 • Use Monroe TLD data (from 0.25 to 7 cm) as consensus data Revised Dose-Rate Constants Source 1995 TG-43 Λ95D,N85S SK,N85 2000 LIBD Guidance Λ95D,N99S SK,N99 Revised TG-43 Λ03D,N99S SK,N99 Model 6711 I-125 0.88 0.981 0.964 Model 6702 I-125 0.93 1.037 1.036 0.93 1.037 1.02 0.665 0.686 NAS 3631 A/S I-125 Model 200 Pd-103 (Wallace 1998) 0.74 SK,T88 Conclusions and Future Work • A major TG-43 revision is approaching approval – Revised dosimetry parameters for 8 seed models – Updated dose calculation formalism – Guidance for future reference-quality dosimetry • Future activities of LIBD – Consensus data for remaining low energy sources – Revised prescribed-to-administered dose ratios for Pd-103 – Consensus data for HDR and LDR Ir-192 sources – Dose-calculation guidance for Cs-137 sources – Procedures for vendor and end-user calibration procedures