The General Linear Model A. Assumptions

The General Linear Model
The garden variety linear model can be written as
Y = X + U
A. Assumptions
1. The design matrix, n observations on each of k variables, is fixed in repeated samples
of size n. This implies that X : nxk is not stochastic. Also, n > k.
2. The n x k design matrix is of full column rank. That is, the columns of the design
matrix are linearly independent. The implication is that the columns of X form a basis for
a k-dimension vector space.
3.a. The n-dimension disturbance vector U consists of n i.i.d. random variables such that
E(U) = 0
E(UU') = 2In
where 2 is an unknown parameter.
b. The disturbance vector is an n-variate normal r.v.
The assumption that the design matrix be non stochastic is unnecessarily stringent. We
only need assume that the disturbances and the independent variables are independent of
one another.
B. Statement of the Model
Let Y be an n x 1 vector of observations on a dependent variable. For example, the crime
rate in each of a number of communities at a point in time, or in one community over a
number of time periods.
Let X be n observations on each of k independent variables, n>k. For example, distance
of community from the urban center, relative wealth of the community, and probability of
While Y is an n-dimensional vector, we have only k variables to explain it. This leaves us
with two observations. First, we have too many equations, n, and too few unknowns, k.
Second, we will need a rule for mapping the n-vector into the k-dimensional space
spanned by the columns of X.
We postulate the following linear model
Y = X
where  is a k x 1 parameter vector and U is an n x 1 disturbance vector.  is not
C. Least Squares Estimation of the Slope Coefficients
1. The Estimator
We wish to choose  to minimize the sum of squared deviations between the observed
values of the dependent variable and the fitted values for our given data on X. That is
Xi denotes the ith realization of the k independent variables.
In vector notation we wish to minimize, by our best guess for the unknown parameter
vector, a quadratic form which we will denote by Q
We proceed in the usual fashion by deriving the k first order conditions
Set each of the equations to zero and solve for the unknown parameters.
Note that in solving the system of equations for the k unknowns it was critical that the
columns of X be linearly independent. Were they not independent it would not have been
possible to construct the necessary inverse.
2. The Mean of the Estimator
We should note several things: Expectation is a linear operator. The error term is
assumed to have a mean of zero. X'X cancels with its inverse. Initially we assumed that X
is non-stochastic. So
The least squares estimator is linear in Y, and by substitution it is linear in the error
term. It is also unbiased.
3. The Variance of the Estimator
Our starting point is the definition of the variance of any random variable.
Substituting in from the expression for the mean of the parameter vector
Again, since the X are non-stochastic and expectation is a linear operator we can cut
right to the heart