2004 COMMENCEMENT Saturday May Twenty-Two

May Twenty-Two
Three O’Clock
William Kethe
Louis Bourgeois
All people that on earth do dwell,
sing to the Lord with cheerful voice.
Serve him with joy, his praises tell,
come now before him and rejoice!
Know that the Lord is God indeed;
he formed us all without our aid.
We are the flock he comes to feed,
the sheep who by his hand were made.
O enter then his gates with joy,
within his courts his praise proclaim.
Let thankful songs your tongues employ,
O bless and magnify his name.
Because the Lord our God is good,
his mercy is forever sure.
His faithfulness at all times stood
and shall from age to age endure.
Dale Grotenhuis
Celia Bruinooge
Calvin, Calvin, sing we all to thee,
To dear Alma Mater we pledge fidelity.
Forever faithful to maroon and gold,
Thy name and honor we ever shall uphold.
Calvin, Calvin, God has been thy guide;
Dear Alma Mater, thy strength He shall provide.
Be loyal ever to the faith of old.
God’s name and honor we ever shall uphold.
Candide Overture
Leonard Bernstein
Sine Nomine
Ralph Vaughan Williams
Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1
Edward Elgar
Calvin College Band, Derald De Young, Ph.D., Conductor
Performing in the Fine Arts Center
*Opening Hymn:
All People That on Earth Do Dwell
Milton Kuyers, M.B.A., Chair, Calvin College Board of Trustees
Introduction of
Commencement Speaker:
Gaylen J. Byker, Ph.D., President
Commencement Address:
“The Virtue of Conformity”
Susan Felch, Ph.D., Professor of English
Presentation of Awards:
Deborah J. Fennema, M.Div., President, Calvin Alumni Association,
to James R. Gage, M.D., Class of 1960 and
to Lois A. Ackerman Raap, J.D., Class of 1968, Distinguished Alumni
Remarks on Behalf
of the Senior Class:
Jeffrey P. Arnson, Student Senate Vice President
*Litany for Commencement
Conferring of Degrees:
Joel A. Carpenter, Ph.D., Provost,
and Gaylen J. Byker, Ph.D., President
Presentation of Diplomas
*The Calvin Alma Mater
*Closing Remarks
Garrison Commander March
The Melody Shop March
Stars and Stipes Forever
Dwayne Milburn
Karl King
John Philip Sousa
* Audience standing
† The audience is requested to be seated until the faculty and graduates have exited.
The 21 yellow roses on the platform celebrate the joy and friendship that marked the life of Michael Vander Wal. September 1, 1982–January 12, 2002.
The commencement ceremony is being professionally videotaped and photographed. Each graduate will have an opportunity to purchase
videotapes and photographs of the event. Thus, we ask that friends of the graduates keep walkways clear for the camera crews.
Blessed are you, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe.
You are the Beginning and the End,
Sovereign over all times and all things,
Source and Sustainer of everything good.
Just and true are all your ways.
Blessed are you, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe,
and blessed is your holy name forever!
In Christ you are making all things new.
You reach out to rebels and call us friends;
you lavish your Spirit on the undeserving
and make us stewards of your purposes.
Blessed are you, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe,
and blessed is your holy name forever!
We celebrate your grace in those who graduate.
For the vital habits of mind and heart
that have brought them to this day,
for intellect, imagination, and authentic piety,
for disciplines faithfully acquired and skills
fruitfully applied:
For these and all your gifts to us,
we thank you, gracious God.
We celebrate your grace in this community of
faith and learning.
For diversity within shared purpose
and for the complex rhythms of our lives together,
for knowledge shared and insights deepened,
conversations joined, convictions tested,
horizons widened, heritages rediscovered:
For these and all your gifts to us,
we thank you, gracious God.
We celebrate your grace in all who go out from this place.
For those whom we honor today
as distinguished alumni,
for the reunion class of 1954,
and for all those who invest
what they have received
to build, serve, teach, create,
encourage, or renew,
who honor you by healing hurts
and repairing the broken places of our world:
For these and all your gifts to us,
we thank you, gracious God.
You are faithful in all that you promise;
keep us faithful in all that you entrust to us.
As you multiplied loaves and fishes
across a crowded hillside,
so multiply our talents and desires
across our span of years.
May our learning blossom into wisdom,
our knowledge of your world into
passion for your will,
our ambition for achievement into
love of peace and justice.
May your favor rest upon us, O God.
Bless and establish the work of our hands.
For all honor and glory and power are yours,
now and forever. Amen
Dr. Susan M. Felch
Susan M. Felch has been a member of the faculty
since 1992 in the Department of English, and is a scholar
in the area of sixteenth-century British literature and the
intersection of religion and literature. She served from
1997-2003 as Director of the Calvin Seminars in Christian
Scholarship—a faculty program designed to promote
a strong Christian voice in the academy by addressing
issues of current debate within various disciplines from
the perspective of a deep Christian commitment and
encouraging the production of first-order scholarship.
In her role as Director, Dr. Felch worked tirelessly to
recruit top Christian scholars from around the world
for intensive study and intellectual community-building
on campus. She greatly expanded the program, moving
it from an original two summer seminars to seven
conferences and nine seminars in 2002-2003.
Susan Felch received her Bachelor of Music
Education degree with honors from Wheaton College
in 1972 and her M.A. in Theology with highest honors
in 1974. She completed her Ph.D. at the Catholic
University of America in Washington, D.C. in 1991
with a dissertation on religious literary criticism.
She is a dedicated scholar and gifted teacher and has
written or edited six books and numerous scholarly
articles and book chapters on topics as diverse as
cultural and literary theory, Reformation women,
pedagogy, Renaissance prayer books, and postmodernism. She has co-edited two volumes, Winter
and Autumn, with colleague Gary Schmidt, both
subtitled: “A Spiritual Biography of the Season.”
Winter, published in 2002 by Skylight Paths Press,
was selected as one of the best religious books of 2003
by the Massachusetts Bible Society, and was featured
on National Public Radio: The Connection and Tapestry.
Susan Felch also serves frequently as an invited
lecturer and has presented numerous academic papers
for conferences and symposia in the United States and
abroad. She is an ardent student of sixteenth-century
texts and has conducted extensive research in North
American and English libraries for her publications.
At Calvin she has served capably on numerous
committees including the Hekman Library Committee,
the Core Curriculum Revision Committee, the Honors
Program Committee, and the North Central Association
Accreditation Committee, to name a few. Her service
beyond the college is extensive, and she currently
serves on the boards of the Lilly Fellows Program in
Humanities and the Arts and the Renaissance English
Text Society. She has been an evaluator and adjudicator
for NEH summer stipends, for scholarly manuscripts
at The Catholic University of America Press and
Baylor University Press, and for the Conference on
Christianity and Literature.
Dr. Felch was selected for the Calvin University
Lectureship 2000-2001 – a cooperative program with
the Christian Reformed Church in which a scholar
speaks at major universities in the U.S. and Canada,
and at L’Bri in Switzerland. She was chosen in 2002
to direct an undergraduate honors conference for the
Lilly Fellows Program on “The Vocation of Teaching
in Religiously-Affiliated Liberal Arts Colleges,” and has
won numerous grants including an Alumni Association
Research Grant in 2003 for her work on “Pray as
ye think best”: the development of private English
prayerbooks. She won the 2002 prize for best literature
paper presented at the Sixteenth Century Studies
Conference: “Prayerbooks in their Pockets.” Her first
book on Anne Vaughan Lock, completed with the
assistance of a Calvin Research Fellowship and an NEH
grant, was awarded the Approved Edition Citation from
the Committee on Scholarly Editions of the Modern
Language Association as well as Honorable Mention
for The Josephine Roberts Edition Award, from The
Society for the Study of Early Modern Women.
Susan is married to Rev. Douglas Felch, associate
professor of theology at Reformed Bible College and
enjoys books, the piano, her cat, and her students.
As today marks the end of your journey at Calvin
College and the commencement of new challenges,
our Calvin class of 1954 extends our greetings, our
congratulations, and our best wishes to each of you
in the class of 2004.
What changes we have witnessed in the five
decades since we stood in your places! Some of you
are graduating with majors in fields not yet invented
in 1954. Threats of communism are now replaced
by threats of terrorism. Your chances of a lifelong
marriage have diminished considerably compared with
ours. And the rate of change continues to accelerate.
We can scarcely imagine the world you will inhabit
in the year 2054—if the Lord tarries that long. We are
happy to know that you will be engaging yourselves in
that world with the tools of your faith sharpened by the
discipline of your studies here at Calvin. We delight in
knowing that your professors have worked with you in
the framework of that faith, tested by their involvement
in the world of today.
It has been our privilege to take the gifts we were
given, enriched and nourished by our professors and
friends at Calvin, to be salt and light in the small
corners of the world to which we were called. A cynic,
looking at our world today, may tell us our work has
been fruitless. We can only say that we have, through
grace, sought to be faithful. And, in return, God has
been more than faithful to us. One of the signs of his
faithfulness today is that he is raising up new witnesses
to his truth and grace such as yourselves.
Our experiences have taught us that the world can
inflict more pain than we could have imagined as
young graduates. But we can also say that the amount
of joy in our lives has been immeasurably greater than
we could have guessed. We have seen that evil is
indeed powerful and painful to endure. We have also
seen that, in the end, love triumphs over hate, grace
over guilt, and joy over despair. –“For though the
wrong seem oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.”
After all, this is our Father’s world you will be
engaging. We encourage and applaud you as you
possess your small corner of the world in His name.
Rich Westmaas, for the Class of 1954
The Calvin Alumni Association is proud to present these
alumni with the Distinguished Alumni Award. Persons
honored in such a way have been chosen by an independent
selection committee composed of alumni, faculty, and staff
and are endorsed by the Calvin Alumni Association Board.
Recipients of the Distinguished Alumni Award have
made significant contributions to their fields of endeavor,
are recognized by their associates for outstanding achievements, and manifest a Christian commitment that reflects
honor upon Calvin College.
James R. Gage, M.D. ’60
Dios le pague are words that Dr. James Gage ’60 has
heard often during his frequent visits to Ecuador. Translated “God will pay you,” the phrase is offered by grateful
Ecuadorians to whom Gage has given medical attention.
“The people in Ecuador are very grateful, very
warm, very kind,” said Gage. They are also very needy,
which is why Gage has made 13 trips to the South
American country in the past seven years.
“In Ecuador, there are many communities that are
rural, poor, and largely Quechua that have no access
to orthopaedists,” he said. “I have a good friend there,
a medical missionary named Eckehart Wolff. He keeps
a list of the children I need to see; then when I go
down [there], I try to do as many surgeries as I can.”
The visits have become more frequent for Gage since
2000, when he resigned from his duties as medical director
at Gillette Children’s Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota. Gage
continues as medical director of the hospital’s cerebral
palsy clinic, where the country’s second fully automated
gait analysis laboratory opened in 1987.
An innovative technological advancement in the
treatment of children with cerebral palsy, the country’s
first such gait lab was founded by Gage at Newington
Children’s Hospital in Connecticut in 1981. Prior to that
time, gait laboratories existed, but because they typically
required eight hours or more of manual processing to
enter data into a computer, they were too labor intensive
for routine use in a clinical setting. Gage envisioned
a way of incorporating research already being done on
gait analysis into an automated computerized clinical
laboratory. Although the resources for developing such
a laboratory were limited, Gage was determined.
Then director of the cerebral palsy service at
Newington, Gage was unsatisfied with the results
of surgery performed on patients with cerebral palsy.
“[Prior to gait analysis] I’m convinced we made as many
children worse as we made better,” he said. “I would talk
to parents, and they were unhappy with the outcomes. We
would start out with children who walked badly, and after
surgery, they would walk differently-not necessarily better.”
What was needed was a way to better analyze the way a
child walks so that doctors could more accurately predict the
outcome of certain procedures. “The treatment of cerebral
palsy at that time was an art, not a science. Nothing existed
to do testing,” said Gage, in a 1998 interview with Spark.
Though a chemistry major at Calvin, Gage also had
a strong interest in math and had contemplated getting
an engineering degree. His analytical side knew there
had to be a solution.
First, he approached United Technologies Corporation, a Hartford-based firm specializing in the design of
aircraft and defense systems. Here, engineers were able
to design a computerized system that would provide
useful information about the most important joints
and muscles used for walking.
The engineers were then able to devise a system to
gather data from individual patients. Reflectors attached
to the patient’s critical joints and muscles were videotaped as the patient walked. Data from the cameras
were then automatically downloaded into a computer,
generating frame-by-frame stick figures that showed
where the patient’s gait deviated from a normal gait.
With the technology now available, Gage needed
the necessary—and expensive—digital hardware. After
contacting a friend, he was put in touch with Digital
Equipment Corporation, which agreed to supply the
equipment at cost. Thus, the first automated gait analysis
laboratory opened at Newington Children’s Hospital.
Now, almost 23 years later, there are more than 50 such
labs in the United States and many more worldwide. And
now, as a byproduct, the technology, commonly referred to
as motion analysis, has become popular in the production of
animated movies and computer and video games.
A recently published follow-up on 178 children
who had been analyzed in Gillette’s gait lab and later
were operated on showed very positive outcomes.
“We were very happy with the results,” said Gage.
“You can’t fix an engine if you don’t know how an
engine works. We felt the same way about children
with cerebral palsy. You can’t improve results unless
you assess the outcomes of their treatment.”
Gage has shared his success through the publication of
two books: Gait Analysis in Cerebral Palsy (MacKeith Press,
1991) and The Treatment of Gait Problems in Cerebral Palsy
(MacKeith Press, 2004). He also has written many articles and
has helped train many others in the operation of gait labs.
Gage continues to be involved with the gait lab at
Gillette, the busiest in the country. “I cut down to half time
so that I could spend more time in Ecuador, though,” he
said. “If I quit operating here altogether, I would not be
able to keep my skills up to be effective in Ecuador.”
Both his work in Ecuador and the U.S. reflect his values
based on his faith, said longtime friend and colleague, Dr.
Steven Koop, who is now the medical director at Gillette
Children’s Hospital. “Jim is my idea of a physician,” said
Koop. “He thinks of a particular problem in the context of
a whole person; he thinks of the future. He listens well, and
he recognizes that care is given by a group of people, of
which he is one. He is a truly remarkable man.”
Gage is accompanied on his frequent trips south by
his wife, Mary Tebrake Gage ’60. Mary is a former
teacher, who now tutors English as a Second Language
to students at a missionary school in Ecuador. “We go
down there to get our batteries recharged,” she said.
Jim Gage agreed: “The pleasure in life is giving to
people. I feel like I still have a lot to give, and I still
have a lot of energy with which to do it.”
Lois A. Ackerman Raap, J.D. ’68
Just southwest of San Jose, 50 miles from the honking
taxi cabs and grandiose computer companies of California’s
Silicon Valley, sits the town of Los Gatos. Wend your way
through the neighborhoods and find streets with names
like Cherry Blossom and Roseleaf. The ranch-style homes
with neatly groomed rose bushes and carefully cultivated
lawns go well with the peaceful, garden theme.
Cruise down Lavender Lane and find more of the
same-until you get four houses down the block and
notice a different house-a unique house-with brown
trim. The front lawn is a hodgepodge of potted cacti,
tropical flowers, and overgrown bushes. The porch
includes a ramp leading to the door.
Step inside the world of Lois Ackerman Raap ’68.
Acacia, 15, lounges at the table chomping Doritos.
Nathaniel, 20, wanders around the kitchen waiting to ask
a question. Theo, 15, reclines with one shoe off in a leather
armchair. Through the screen door onto the back patio,
Lois hands out Popsicles to Vicente, 10, and Ruthie, her
one-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter who follows her
around like a puppy. Alyssa, 9, sits on a beanbag chair
nearby, her labored breathing echoing in the background.
The phone is ringing inside. The dogs are fighting outside.
Raap calls it a party.
It’s an understatement to say that Raap wears many
hats. She is a mother, grandmother, caretaker, counselor,
teacher, cook, lawyer, guest lecturer, neighbor, sister, and
wife—moving so fluidly from one role to the next that it
almost goes unnoticed—until you realize just how many
lives she has touched wearing all those hats.
“Not only has Lois provided a loving, Christian
home to numerous foster children, but she also
emulated Christ for her adopted and biological
daughters,” writes Raap’s daughter, Rachel Bouman ’98.
Peter Raap ’68, Lois’s husband and teammate, said
there is no use in counting the number of kids that
have lived under their roof. It’s beyond 40-with nine as
the highest in the house at once. He described his wife
as bright, hyper-organized, and “very high energy.”
“She outruns me,” he said.
Born in Grand Rapids, Raap became familiar with
challenges at a young age. Her father moved the family
across the country-from Michigan, to Iowa, to Minnesota,
to Illinois, to Washington-pastoring Christian Reformed
churches. By her senior year of high school, Raap ended
up in Bellflower, California, where she met Peter.
“Lois was looking for excitement, and I was looking
for stability,” said Peter, chuckling.
They married, graduated from Calvin in 1968, and
became teachers in California. Lois Raap soon realized her
passion was helping children with disabilities, so she pursued
a degree in special education from San Jose State University.
“Regular kids lack challenge,” said Raap. She views a
special needs child as a puzzle, and her mind immediately
starts working out how she will move the pieces.
Before boredom set in, the Raaps were off on their
next adventure. They spent nine years teaching and
working in Guam, where two biological daughters,
Rachel and Sara, were born. During that time, they
adopted Lani from the Philippines.
Eventally, the Raaps headed back to California.
They signed up in 1987 to be foster parents. Then Acacia
came into their lives. In addition to having fetal alcohol
syndrome, heroin addiction, and attention deficit
disorder, Acacia was diagnosed as being HIV positive.
The Raaps decided this was God’s new challenge.
After Acacia, they took on eight more HIV-affected
children. When friends, neighbors, and church members
reacted with fear, keeping their distance from the Raaps
because of ignorance about AIDS, they were devastated,
but they persevered.
“If I’m doing what’s right, negative opinions don’t
affect me,” Raap said. She clung to the story of Esther
and believed God put her in a place of influence for
“such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).
The “AIDS years” were followed by years of caring
for other “medically fragile” children with spina bifida,
bone marrow transplants, epilepsy, or emotional
problems. Sometimes, mothers would live with the
Raaps to learn how to care for their children.
One child, Alyssa, had been violently shaken by her
father when she was only 12 days old. Her parents were
both charged with child abuse and taken to jail. By the
time Alyssa was placed with the Raaps, she had been
diagnosed as deaf, blind, and brain-atrophied. Raap
worked on two fronts: nursing Alyssa at home and
fighting for the rights of Alyssa’s mother, Staci
Altemeyer, in jail.
Raap convinced the court to allow her to bring Alyssa
to jail for visits. After a long investigation, Staci was
eventually released, and her ex-husband was named the
This was just the beginning of Altemeyer’s journey.
In weekly visits, Raap began to teach Altemeyer how to
be a responsible mother. She became a Christian and a
new member of the Raap family.
“I would hate to imagine what my life would be like
if I had never met Lois,” wrote Altemeyer in nominating
Raap for the award. “She truly was a light in my very
dark life. I am now in a good marriage with one more
child, and our home is full of a love that I felt for the
first time when I went to the Raaps’ home.”
The Raaps mourned at Altemeyer’s side on April 30,
2004, when Alyssa passed away. Lois said she was
eternally grateful knowing Alyssa was made whole again
in heaven. She joins several other children that have
gone on from the Raaps’ home to be with the Lord.
Lois and Peter talk about how their own daughters
have benefited from the foster care experience. They’ve
learned a lot of “life lessons,” including how to deal with
death and sickness.
Today, Rachel is an attorney in Sacramento. Sara is
mother to Ruthie and a real estate agent in Oregon. Lani
is mother to Peter and president of an adoption agency
in Washington. All three went to Calvin.
In 2001, Raap, always the learner, graduated from
law school. She smiles at the memory of taking the bar
exam alongside Rachel and being sworn in together in
Los Gatos. Today, Raap practices family law so she can
better represent the rights of foster children and parents.
That is in addition to caring for her ever-growing family.
The phone rings. This time they’re asking the Raaps
to take two more girls. The family of five grows to seven.
That will probably change tomorrow.
Regional Trustees
Alumni Trustees
Robert B. Koole, M.Ed.
Abbotsford, BC
Connie Northouse Brummel, M.A.
Holland, MI
Martin Mudde, B.S.
Ottawa, ON
Dirk J. Pruis, M.B.A.
Glen Rock, NJ
Henry J. Stronks, Ph.D.
Guelph, ON
Marjorie J. Youngsma, B.S.
Denver, CO
Ronald M. Leistra, M.A.
Tigard, OR
At Large Trustees
John W. DeVries, M.Div.
Sun Valley, CA
Elsa Prince Broekhuizen, B.A.
Holland, MI
Carol Bremer-Bennet, B.A.
Gallup, NM
Stephen C. L. Chong, J.D.
Gotha, FL
Charles J. De Ridder, M.Div.
Sioux Falls, SD
Jack D. Harkema, Ph.D.
Okemos, MI
Craig D. Friesema, M.B.A.
Racine, WI
Bastian A. Knoppers, B.A.
Oak Brook, IL
Gerald L. Hoek, M. Div.
Nolensville, TN
Milton H. Kuyers, M.B.A.
Brookfield, WI
Joseph A. Brinks, D. Min.
Portage, MI
Harry W. Lew, M.Div.
Grand Rapids, MI
Robert L. De Bruin, Ph.D.
Mt. Pleasant, MI
Kenneth E. Olthoff, M.B.A.
Spring Lake, MI
John Joldersma, M.Div.
Allendale, MI
Jacquelyn S. VanderBrug, M.B.A.
Boston, MA
William J. Alphenaar Jr., M.S.
Grand Rapids, MI
David Vander Ploeg, J.D.
St. Joseph, MI
James Haagsma, M.A.
Byron Center, MI
Janice VanDyke-Zeilstra, B.A.
Hinsdale, IL
Arnold D. Morren, M.A.
Grandville, MI
Cindi A. Veenstra, B.A.
Kalamazoo, MI
Douglas H. Bratt, M.Div.
Silver Springs, MD
Noberto E. Wolf, M.Div.
Bellflower, CA
Darlene Meyering, B.A., Assistant to the Board of Trustees
These students have received
commemorative medallions
for their completion of all
requirements in the Calivn
College Honors Program.
Jacquelyn E. Alberta
Honors in English
Timothy Yaw Bediako
Honors in Biology
Adam J. Benthem
Honors in Geology
David D. Beversluis
Honors in Biochemistry
Rachel E. Birr
Honors in Social Work
Michael J. Bloem
Honors in Engineering
Anne M. Buttery
Honors in Nursing
David N. Cieminis
Honors in Political Science
Thomas J. Clark
Honors in Mathematics
Jessica M. De Boer
Honors in Biology
Jenny L. DeFouw
Honors in Art Education
Shannon J. DeYoung
Honors in Psychology
Eliot J. Eshelman
Honors in Computer
Carrie B. Evenhouse
Honors in Biochemistry
Erin A. Fields
Honors in English
Benjamin Fox
Honors in Political Science
Deborah J. Frieswyk
Honors in Biology
Jennifer L. Gort
Honors in Biology
Heather Hanson
Honors in Biochemistry
Bernard J. Haven
Honors in Political Science
Rebecca K. Heilema
Honors in Social Work
Elizabeth A. Holcombe
Honors in IDIS
—Asian Studies
Jordan Hoogendam
Honors in Engineering
Jeff Horon
Honors in Economics
Dorothy L. Huizenga
Honors in Psychology
Tiffany L. Huizenga
Honors in Biology
Brittany S. Hutchison
Honors in English
Elisabeth A. Jensen
Honors in Psychology
Kristine E. Johnson
Honors in English
Amy E. Jonker
Honors in Biology
Rebecca L. Jordan
Honors in Religion
Youngbin Kim
Honors in Psychology
Hendrik James Kuipers
Honors in Political Science
Cindy Lee
Honors in Religion
Emmanuel O. Legbeti
Honors in Engineering
Hannah E. Steensma Leunk
Honors in Nursing
David C. Malda
Honors in Art History
Rachel A. McNamara
Honors in Biochemistry
Martin I. Mellema
Honors in Mathematics
Jonathan J. Meyer
Honors in Classics
Honors in Religion
Silas L. Mulder
Honors in Business
Ayra M. Omnes
Honors in Nursing
Matthew Ooms
Honors in Engineering
Joshua C. Reynolds
Honors in Biology
Casey M. Rice
Honors in Religion
Janelle C. Riemersma
Honors in Engineering
Phillip A. Rietema
Honors in Accounting
Lisa M. Ryckbost
Honors in Communication
Amy J. Ryou
Honors in Business
Mark J. Schemper
Honors in Political Science
Honors in Philosophy
William K. Schlansker
Honors in Engineering
Samuel L. Schoofs
Honors in Engineering
Michael H. Schuitema
Honors in Political Science
Yale Sheen
Honors in Economics
Shannon M. Sisco
Honors in Psychology
Cassandra L. Smies
Honors in Accounting
Daniel A. Smith
Honors in Engineering
Eric W. Smith
Honors in Engineering
Clarissa J. Snapper
Honors in Art History
Nathan E. Sytsma
Honors in English
Ryan G. Tans
Honors in English
Zhen (Jackie) Tao
Honors in Political Science
Andrew D. Vanden Heuvel
Honors in Physics
Rianna L. Vandergaast
Honors in Biochemistry
Julie Vander Wal
Honors in Accounting
CarlaJoy K. Van Dyke
Honors in Classics
Lindsey Van Essendelft
Honors in Elementary
Jeremy T. Vecchi
Honors in Greek
Rebecca A. Vrieland
Honors in Psychology
Heather K. Willett
Honors in Psychology
Amy L. Barto
Jack A Bosscher
Jill E. Collins
Megan K. Doyle
Garry L. Holton
Guangning Jia
Kathryn M. Newenhouse
Elizabeth J. Oosterheert
Rebecca A. Parks
Carol J. Pennings
Angela J. Rogers
Rebecca R. Carpenter
Andrew W. Chase-Ziolek
Seth J. Clayton
Dianna M. Clinch
Jessica A. Coleman
Bradley J. Davis
Constance C. Davis
Jonathan A. Dawe
Joel C. DeMoor
Melanie L. De Nooy
Christina R. DeVos
Richard M. DeVos, III
Peter J. Dewey
Mindy L. DeYoung
Laura A. Dillon
Amy B. Dornbush
Jonathan I. Douma
Joel E. Dozeman
Eric S. Evenhouse
Brian A. Farish
Elisabeth J. Fellowes
Kelly B. Feringa
Erin Fields
Nathan T. Fluit
Benjamin M. Fradette
Cristopher C. Frank
Jeralyn L. Gasper
Lindsay N. Goodyk
Alyce Graham
Alissa M. Green
Aaron M. Griffith
Nathaniel P. Hampton
Kathleen P. Hase
Alison R. Hays
Andrew B. Heffner
Natasha M. Heimnick
Daniel W. Hengeveld
Melissa I. Henry
Nathan M. Hibma
Jonathan A. Hiskes
Andrew T. Hodgson
Laura A. Hoeksema
Laura M. Hoksbergen
Elizabeth A. Holcombe
Jasmine V. Holmberg
Stephanie J. Holwerda
Catherine A. Hoort
Emily R. Huck
Michael D. Hutchins
Brittany S. Hutchison
Abram J. Huyser-Honig
Joseph Y. Hwang
Danielle L. Jackson
Jodilyn Jelsema
Matthew L. Jensen
Cynthia N. Jeske
Erica J. Jeszke
Kristine E. Johnson
Carly A. Jones
Rebecca L. Jordan
James R. King
Dean C. Kladder
Clinton M. Klamer
Bradley R. Knetsch
Kimberly J. Koeman
Jeffry D. Konczal
Brooke N. Konopka
Sara N. Kooima
John K. Koster
Kurtis S. Kreider
Ruth M. Krygsheld
Elizabeth A. Kuiper
Aaron A. Kupchella
Rebecca J. Kurtz
Kathleen J. Landau
Brandon J. Langeland
George A. Lanning
Cindy S. Lee
Ruth H. Longyne
Sarah A. Lowrey
David C. Malda
Timothy P. Malefyt
Elizabeth N. Matter
Suzana F. Mattos
Aileen R. May
Cameron S. McCabe
Erin C. McNeiece
Kate E. Medema
Jonathan J. Meyer
David M. Michalowski
Rebecca J. Monsma
Maria B. Mulder
Marie E. Mulder
Joseph M. Naggie
Audrey J. Nienhuis
Ryan J. Norman
Kristen L. Ollar
Zachary J. Olson
Steven J. Ottolini, II
Jonathan S. Owens
Megan Pei-I Pai
Philip Y. Park
Ashley A. Payne
Derek J. Petersen
Brian L. Posslenzny
Joel M. Reasoner
Casey M. Rice
Samuel J. Rienstra
Melissa L. Riewald
Sarah A. Riewald
Gabriel P. Rossi, III
General Program:
Humanities majors – Art,
Classics, Communication,
English, Foreign Languages, History, Music,
Philosophy, Religion &
Stephanie K. Ainsworth
Jacquelyn E. Alberta
Brett A. Anderson
Hillary A. Bajema
Jillian N. Baker
Arthur J. Bamford
Peter J. Berghoef
David D. Beversluis
Rebecca L. Bishop
Herta A. Boakye-Yiadom
Katharine A. Boelema
Sarah M. Boogerd
Sara E. Boschma
Zachary N. Boswell
Joy’l H. Bouwman
Jonathan R. Brands
Aleesha L. Bratt
Justin M. Bratt
Katheryne L. Breuker
Anne E. Brown
Derek O. Buehrer
Ashleigh E. Burge
David A. Buursma
Craig T. Campbell
Nathan J. Carpenter
Leah C. Rozendaal
Emily E. Rutter
Solomon J. Schneider
Timothy J. Schuringa
Kimberly A. Scott
Jonathan E. Shaw
Matthew R. Sherman
Katherine L. Sikma
Suzanne B. Smalligan
Clarissa J. Snapper
Emily M. Spinniken
Kevin A. Spoelma
Andrew T. Spriensma
Matthew H. Stelter
Kirk R. Stewart
Patricia K. Sully
Steven A. Swets
Lisa J. Swier
Nathan E. Sytsma
Courtney A. Tabor
Ryan G. Tans
Jonathan M. Ten Brink
Elisabeth S. Tenyenhuis
Chad A. Terpstra
Ruth E. Terrell
Tamaryn M. Tobian
Daniel S. Troast
Craig D. VanderGoot
Alison A. VanderWoude
Jessica L. Vande Vusse
CarlaJoy K. Van Dyke
Thea Van Halsema
Stephen J. Van Stempvoort
Jevon N. van Vliet
Jessica L. VanWyk
Jeremy T. Vecchi
Scott R. Veld
Gregory P. Veltman
Zachary M. Vicha
Nathan J. Vreeman
Davis C. Watson, III
Mitchell W. Weerstra
Peter A. Westerhuis
Steven J. Wieringa
Charles R. Wiese
Jacob M. Wilkoff
Jennifer L. Wolthuis
Teresa L. Woolworth
Daniel P. Clousing
Erin F. Connelly
Daniel T. Cumings
Bryan R. Dam
Jessica M. De Boer
Benjamin D. De Jong
Matthew P. De Kraker
Carrie B. Evenhouse
Aaron B. Everman
Gregory D. Ferrell
Tricia M. Figueroa
Arianne M. Folkema
Deborah J. Frieswyk
Andrey A. Furukin
Adam A. Goforth
Jennifer L. Gort
Abbie C. Gosselink
Timothy S. Haig
Darren J. Hamelinck
Heather N. Hanson
Kenneth J. Hilverda
Robert G. Holleman
Rose O. Ibiama
Beverly S. Illian
Amy E. Jonker
Amy L. Kraai
Matthew D. Kuipers
Kristin E. Kuzera
James H. Laing
Jennifer A. Larson
Sze-Yui H. Leung
Aaron D. Massie
Christena L. Mattson
Andrew C. Maxwell
Stephanie J. McElroy
Rachel A. McNamara
Martin I. Mellema
Byronn E. Memmelaar
David S. Meyer
Randolph Moeller II
Chad B. Neher
Nathan A. Nelson
Nicole A. Neuman
Adam C. Ophoff
David R. Pastoor
Sabrina R. Pauley
Michelle A. Pederson
Kimberly J. Peterson
Bennett L. Poosawtsee
Joshua C. Reynolds
Yolanda D. Ritsema
Jennifer M. Roosien
Elvedina Sabanovic
Bradley R. Schrotenboer
Meghan E. Sheehan
Abigail G. Staible
Michelle A. Steenwyk
Cara E. Sukolsky
Adia K. Taylor
Denise M. Thompson
George H. Timmer
Lynette M. VanBrandt
Katie M. VanBronkhorst
Andrew D. Vanden Heuvel
Rianna L. Vandergaast
Kent W. Vande Vrede
Renee A. VanDommelen
Timothy A. Van Haitsma
Chad M. Van Klompenburg
Erica R. Van Reken
Rebecca L. VanWyk
Joel P. Veldhouse
Brad S. Veldkamp
Nicole L. Wakefield
Sarah M. Weeda
Jan A. Westrate
Allison G. Wierenga
Zachary R. Willett
Katelyn N. Woods
Carrie A. Zatarga
Jared A. Zimmerman
General Science:
Science majors – Biology,
Chemistry, Computer
Science, Geography,
Geology, Environmental
Studies, Mathematics,
Philip G. Ammar
Benjamin K. Anderson
Deborah S. Anema
Papa Nii Asare-Okai
Nana Y. Awuah-Nyamekye
Luke D. Baker
Tanganyika Barnes
Timothy Y. Bediako
Adam J. Benthem
Pamela K. Betten
Renee B. Bogertman
Samuel J. Boldenow
Carrie L. Bosma
Michael T. Brown
Brandon P. Burr
So Hang Chan
General Program: Social
Science majors – Business,
Criminal Justice, Economics, Physical Education,
Political Science,
Psychology, Sociology
John T. Adams
Christopher G. Adema
Shawna M. Anderson
Lynn E. Apotheker
Jeffrey P. Arnson
Stephanie P. Artz
Andrew J. Asma
Kirsten N. Axelson
Trisha J. Balkema
Irene G. Bandstra
John M. Bantjes
Cameron W. Baron
Jerren D. Benton
Noah D. Berg
Joshua C. Berghuis
Amanda M. Bergsma
Hanna A. Boakye-Yiadom
Calvin P. Bogertman
Kathryn A. Boorsma
Brittany A. Borgeson
Steven J. Bosscher
Benjamin D. Bouman
Ryan J. Brandsma
Mark A. Brieve
Benjamin J. Brower
Kristen R. Brown
Nicole J. Buurma
Meredith K. Buursma
Amy K. Byerley
Lindsay M. Campbell
Young-Mi Cho
Sung Woo Choe
David N. Cieminis
Nevada Z. Coakley, III
Todd A. Cole
Melissa L. Cook
Alison B. Cory
Tracey L. Crawford
Janette D. Curtis
Travis M. Dahlberg
Tammy L. Darby
Paul J. De Boe
Mr. Sam De Boer
Timothy P. de Boer
Jason E. De Hoog
Jamin E. DeJong
Rebecca R. DeMara
Sarah C. Derrico
Ethan R. Descho
Kyle R. Deur
Brenda K. DeVries
Joy C. DeYong
Erin L. De Young
Shannon J. DeYoung
Stephanie E. DiCicco
Sarah K. Diemer
Tracy L. Diephuis
Maria G. Dodde
Brent A. Douma
Rebecca K. Douma
Jessica L. Dozeman
Jessica L. Draayer
Luke R. Drucker
Steve I. Ericksen
Jacquelyn E. Faber
Benjamin D. Fox
Joseph B. Geurink
Mary C. Girard
Thaddaeus A. Gormas
Benjamin D. Greidanus
Karen M. Greiner
Stephen P. Grey
Paul H. Groenewal
Grant A. Guiley
Kevin D. Haag
David C. Haagsma
Brent D. Hafner
Katrina A. Hardy
Marissa A. Harvey
Bernard J. Haven
Andrew D. Hekman
Joanne R. Henderson
Ian M. Heyboer
Michael T. Hoeker
Kevin F. Hoekzema
Brian M. Hoff
Joshua R. Holwerda
Ariel J. Hommes
Jeffrey R. Horon
Daniel J. Hubers
Dorothy L. Huizenga
Elizabeth S. Humphreys
Jason D. Ingraffia
Kristina L. Irwin
Margaret K. Jahn
Milica Janic
Aaron M. Jansen
Jill L. Jelsma
Elisabeth A. Jensen
Myong H. Ji
Aaron H. Kaemingk
Nathaniel J. Kaleefey
Elizabeth D. Keller
Doh Ah Kim
Leslie H. Kim
Youngbin Kim
Laura B. King
Stephanie L. Kinney
Cheri R. Klamer
Jonathan W. Klunder
Bradley P. Koning
Jodie L. Koops
Eric P. Krauss
Carolyn J. Kuipers
Hendrik J. Kuipers
Vera Kuswanto
Larissa L. Kwantes
Carrie E. La Fleur
Stacey M. Lambert
Michael A. Lanenga
Joel N. Leegwater
Marielys Llerena
Jason R. Lore
Curtis R. Lucas
Erica J. Lutz
Barbara L. Martin
Gina M. McDonell
Michael D. McGilvray
Kent D. McKenzie
Melvin W. McMinn, Jr.
Sarah A. Merdzinski
John C. Meyerer
Lisa C. Money
Timothy P. Monsma
Silas L. Mulder
Bradley M. Nagel
Michael D. Natelborg
MeiLi S. Nielsen
Daniel J. Norman
Jordan R. Northrup
Travis J. Norton
Joel D. Nydam
John H. O’Hair
Mary B. Olthof
Jessica M. Osbun
Leann K. Otulakowski
Daniel M. Palmer
Justin I. Paulissian
Ethan R. Pelham
Ruth N. Peña
Amy J. Phillips
Holly L. Pickard
Carrie-Anne C. Post
Joel M. Post
Mark R. Postma
Saraiah E. Powell
Christopher R. Prins
Melissa A. Radtke
Peter A. Redder
William A. Reiffer, II
Renae J. Reitsma
Daniel J. Rinzema
Thomas R. Roeters
Phillip T. Rozema
Elizabeth A. Rudolph
Amy J. Ryou
Jonathan A. Ryskamp
Adebowale Sadare
Geol A. Scheirman
Mark J. Schemper
Caitlin S. Schiesswohl
Rachel M. Schmidt
Rachelle A. Scholma
Michael H. Schuitema
Jill Schuurman
Joshua N. Senavoe
Yale L. Sheen
Amy M. Sherwood
Shannon M. Sisco
Caleb B. Sjoblom
Emily R. Smith
Summer R. Smith
Michael A. Standfest
Jonathan D. Stehouwer
Amy J. Stephansen
Jason C. Stob
Cherry A. Stoltenberg
Suzanna J. Stoltzfus
Julie A. Storteboom
Amber J. Sturrus
Justin J. Swanson
Patrick R. Sylvester
Lindsey E. Talsma
Zhen Tao
James E. Thrower
Adrienne J. Tolentino
David A. Troupos
Steven G. Tyndall
Anne M. Uitvlugt
Melissa S. VanBaren
David C. Van Breda
Laura K. Vanderhill
Nicholas D. Vander Plas
Christy L. VanderSlik
Elisa R. Vanderveld
Rebecca J. VanderVliet
Jennifer L. Vander Weide
Sarah A. Van Dyke
Anya J. Van Elderen
Jillaine K. Van Essen
John A. VanEyk
Andrea VanGenderen
Jonathan R. Van Hemert
Matthew S. Van Noord
Beth A. VanWoerkom
Mark R. Veldkamp
Rebecca A. Vrieland
Rochelle L. Vroom
Robert S. Vryhof
Reuben P. Vyn
Katherine M. Walter
Ross A. Weener
Keith J. Welch
Valerie L. Werkhoven
Bryce W. Weston
Joshua H. White
Eric J. Wierenga
Mark A. Wildeboer
Elizabeth A. Wilhelm
Heather K. Willett
Hilary E. Wymer
Kyle T. Yonker
Peter B. Zondervan
Matthew D. Zwiep
Kelly M. DeLoof
Jennifer A. DeWit
Bradley J. Doornbos
Megan E. Duiven
Amanda J. Dyk
Rachel A. Dyksterhouse
Bethany R. Elms
Andrea L. Estelle
Sara L. Folkema
Beth E. Francis
Sarah E. Fuller
Rachel A. Gabrielse
Laura J. Gelderloos
Sarah B. Giles
Michelle L. Glaza
Jason S. Gort
Rebecca M. Grasmeyer
Billie J. Hall
Katherine M. Hamstra
Kristin R. Harris
Sarah B. Hastings
Kristen M. Hekstra
Lindsey R. Hoekstra
Chloe A. Hoekzema
Hannah J. Hoogendam
Sarah E. Hughes
Seth P. Johnson
Nancy B. Kamerman
Jason Kastrounis
Mark C. Kemler
Nathan A. Kiser
Courtney R. Korenstra
Sarah T. Larman
Aubrey R. Masariu
Sheri J. Meeuwsen
Theresa M. Mrumlinski
Rebekah R. Muller
Renee K. Nelson
Debra A. Nordin
Geneen A. Ondrus
Alicia K. Ouwinga
Brian A. Paff
Anna M. Rodriguez
Angela D. Rotman
Elise J. Rozema
Melissa S. Ruitenberg
Jennifer K. Schmitkons
Tricia C. Spath
Sarah L. Steenstra
Brittney G. Stevens
Kara J. Stonehouse
Grace E. Suntken
Stephanie L. Tanis
Latricia L. Ten Napel
Natalie R. Tillman
Jessica M. Tyler
Amy M. Vail
Corey J. Vanden Berg
Leah M. Vanderhill
Alexa M. VanDyk
Lindsey R. Van Essendelft
Jolene G. Velthuizen
Candice J. Verlare
Philip M. Visser
Emily K. Vitton
Emily E. Vogel
Emily R. Wiarda
Brooke D. Wierenga
Carla C. Zandstra
Education Program:
Elementary Education
Rebecca J. Baylor
Jenessa L. Bazzett
Taylor A. Bean
Rebekah L. Blair
Shana M. Bolkema
Geoffrey R. Boltach
Heather D. Bosma
Laura J. Bouwma
Jennifer L. Breuker
Kimberly A. Brogren
Michael J. Buteyn
Julie A. Cooney
Susan E. Cooper
Leah S. Cornell
Elise L. Davies
Matthew J. DeBoer
Sarah C. De Haan
Education Program:
Secondary Education
Dana M. Haan
Nicky L. Herrema
Elizabeth A. Hoekstra
Tiffany L. Huizenga
Julie R. In’t Hout
Nicholas J. In’t Hout
Carrie L. Jipping
Sarah L. Johnson
Jennifer K. Jones
Joy E. Jones
Julie Kastrounis
Joel A. Kleinsasser
Ryan G. Kloostra
Andrew J. Koning
Casey W. Koopmans
John R. Kotman
Noah J. Kruis
Rachel M. Kuipers
Anni L. Lyzenga
Douglas C. Maat
Christa R. Martinez
Jason R. McFarland
Julie A. Meyer
Matthew R. Miga
Joshua D. Miller
Shawna M. Munger
Joel R. Noorman
Matthew M. Nummerdor
Jill C. O’Brien
Holly M. Okkema
Jamie L. Olthoff
Ryan L. Otten
Melissa A. Pell
Christina M. Phillips
Carrie L. Pierson
Alyssa D. Pullen-Incorvaia
Susan J. Reedyk
Matthew H. Roosien
Melissa J. Rozeboom
Joshua D. Rozema
Erin K. Sargent
Ryan D. Schoonover
Marie B. Schotanus
Ryan J. Schut
Philip A. Siemer
Elizabeth A. Sietsema
Carolyn J. Stob
Allyson R. Swann
Sara E. TerHaar
Dean D. Thompson, II
Jonathan M. Vande Kopple
Shantel N. Vandergalien
Greg Van Der Heide
Alyssa J. Vander Lugt
Meleah A. Vander Zand
Nathan P. Vanderzee
Shawn R. Vredeveld
Peter W. Vriend
Paul W. Wagner
Zachary L. Wanner
Eric B. Warren
Clinton E. Weening
Rachel J. Weening
Leah S. Wesorick
Bryan T. Wildschut
Education Program:
Special Education
Amy L. Batts
Keri B. Cole
Marci R. Cypher
Amanda R. DeWit
Kate E. Ellens
Kara B. Heslinga
Katherine V. Hurt
H. Andrew Ippel
Kristen M. Kragt
Jenny G. Lammers
Deanna G. Legato
Amanda C. Robison
Katherine L. Steel
Lindsay D. Wells
Melanie A. Zeyl
Mark D. Clover
Jamie L. Dekker
Jason A. Griffen
Michele L. Jongekrijg
Karen J. Miersma
Lindsey J. Miller
Renee K. O’Brien
Dede L. Ravenhorst
Phillip A. Rietema
Cassandra L. Smies
Leah J. Timmer
Amy K. VanderPloeg
Julie M. VanderWal
Joseph L. Veldstra
Paul R. Willard
Kimberly B. Wolthuis
Grace K. Yakubu
Jori R. Brink
Lauren E. Acker
Sara L. Admiraal
John R. Atsma
Timothy C. Avery
Ginni L. Baker
Suzy L. Boe
Flora C. Boschma
David T. Boven
Kevin G. Broene
Joseph D. Brower
Cassie L. Christopher
Thomas J. Clark
Katie E. Corner
Kathryn J. Daining
Jenny L. DeFouw
David J. Dekker
Sarah L. De Young
Laura L. Dracht
Marylou E. Emmelkamp
Samantha L. Borin
Julie A. Heerema
Anne R. Plasman
Lisa M. Ryckbost
Rebecca C. Sletto
Lisa M. Van Grouw
Shing-Kit Cheung
Curtis A. Culbertson
Michael C. deRuiter
Eliot J. Eshelman
Scott A. Hirdes
Zachary A. Jansen
Matthew J. Koop
Jonathan Spalink
Jonathan C. VanHofwegen
David D. Zyga
Sharon A. Abraham
Isaac L. Antoon
Brendon W. Bain
Matthew C. Baker
Mark W. Betten
Michael J. Bloem
Michael R. Boersma
Andrew T. Bolton
Daniel S. Breuker
Brendan J. Brink-Halloran
Ryan J. Bussis
Kyle E. Carrick
Jonathan T. Cory
Kevin R. DeVries
Daniel B. Diephouse
Manuel J. Dreise
Scott C. Dykstra
Matthew R. Edwards
Joel O. Eigege
Randall D. Elenbaas
Matthew J. Fennema
Derek S. Ferwerda
Terrence P. Ganka
Eric L. Garnham
Ryan T. Hanson
Jason P. Hartley
Brandon D. Harwood
Darrell S. Heuker
Jordan P. Hoogendam
Joel F. Hoort
Kyle A. Israels
Jeremy T. Jacobs
Nicholas G. Jasinski
Matthew Kelly
Matthew R. Knoll
Michael W. LaGrand
Timothy J. Lautenbach
Emmanuel O. Legbeti
Margaret L. Leonard
Hoi Lam Lie
Corrin Justin Meyer
Daniel J. Mouw
Keith R. Mulder
Ryan D. Musch
Angela M. Nydam
Jacob O. Obande
Matthew D. Ooms
Brett J. Pazdur
Jonathan R. Reimink
Clinton J. Reitsma
Janelle C. Riemersma
David R. Ringle
Laura K. Rip
Joshua B. Rose
Scott M. Rydbeck
Ernest J. Sarkipato
William K. Schlansker
Samuel L. Schoofs
Kyle M. Shaver
Ryan C. Smalligan
Daniel A. Smith
Eric W. Smith
Paul T. Sokomba
Samuel N. Stearley
Joshua D. Terpstra
Travis N. Terpstra
Kevin J. Van Dyke
Kenneth S. Van Dyken
Daniel J. Venema
Kyle J. Visker
Ryan J. Voogt
Justin C. Wilson
Nathaniel T. Witte
Derek A. Wright
Philip T. Yartey
John J. Zeilstra
Alexander R. Beerhorst
Lee M. Bolt
Nathaniel D. Johnson
Jessie E. Lair
Michelle A. Vondiziano
Jayme R. Eggum
Karen L. Schroeder
Curtis E. Gritters
Renae J. Hoolsema
Lauren G. Kern
Jennifer M. Kett
Jonah Kipkiyeny
Janelle S. Klaassen
Katie A. Klamer
Julie D. Kotman
Sarah E. Kreplick
Hannah E. Leunk
Sarah E. Long
Paula L. Macavage
Jennifer M. Monahan
Megan A. Nyenhuis
Sarah C. Odenbeck
Ayra Omnes
Angela C. Renkema
Nicole L. Robertson
Joni L. Schaap-Dehaan
Katherine J. Schoonover
Andrea J. Schutter
Christina M. Sloat
Christy L. Stewart
Mary J. Van Allen
Cheryl M. Van Andel
Aaron R. Van Dam
Laura S. VandenBerg
Laura A. VanderHaagen
Brenda J. Vander Heide
Elizabeth P. VanderWal
Sarah T. VanKeulen
Jessica VanMarion
Elizabeth L. Van Noord
Leah K. Veldkamp
Amy N. Vroegindewey
Louise E. Waid
Sarah E. Wandland
Amy B. Wassink
Laura J. Wiechertjes
Erin E. Williams
Jessica A. Zwier
Marielle Zylstra
Lindsay A. Cameron
Jonathan P. Duvendeck
Sarah E. Esche
Philip W. Kelder
Annelise Pettinga
Rebecca L. Smit
Rebecca R. Welsh
Cicely D. Wiers
Jill L. Aeschliman
Kathleen R. Baker
Rachel E. Birr
Mary Beth Botts
Spencer D. Buchholz
Hope R. Buquet
Misty R. Callanan
Hanna Chang
Kimberly D. Cooke
Brenda J. Davelaar
Betsy A. DeYoung
Nelly I. Doelman
Jill M. Dykstra
Kimberly A. Elders
Kristin J. Feddema
Rebecca K. Hielema
Katie J. Hommes
Anna K. Hunsberger
Katherine H. Joosse
Kimberly G. Kaufman
Melody A. Kieffer
Angela R. Kolkman
Joseph A. Kuilema
Darryl R. Langendoen
Nicole E. Ormel
Timothy J. Pegman
Aimee B. Rice
Jill C. Rotman
Karyn A. Schreuder
Stephanie M. Slorf
Jennifer R. Sutherland
Katie E. TenHarmsel
Lisa J. Thomson
Caitlin C. Trump
Rebekah A. Vanderzee
Rachel M. Venema
Elizabeth V. Watson
Holly J. Weisz
Jason Lore
John H. O’Hair
Steven J. Ottolini
Craig D. Vandergoot
Ruth E. Arrowsmith
Lisa M. Bos
Christine M. Bunque
Anne M. Buttery
Jennifer E. Conens
Lisa J. Degroot
Allison M. Deur
Chelsea A. DeVos
Alicia F. DeVries
Melissa R. DeWall
Elizabeth A. Derks
Joya G. Gerritsma
Deborah S. Anema
SLIS Merit Scholar (Library & Information Science),
University of Indiana-Bloomington
Michael J. Bloem
Fellowship (Economics), Washington University-St. Louis;
Assistantship (Electrical Engineering), University of Illinois
Sara E. Boschma
Scholarship (Religion), Emory University
Nicole J. Buurma
Assistantship (Physical Therapy), Ohio University
Kimberly D. Cooke
Scholarship (Social Work), University of Denver
Mindy L. DeYoung
Scholarship (Law), Seattle University
Tracy L. Diephuis
Scholarship (Physical Therapy), University of Indianapolis
Benjamin D. Fox
Assistantship (Political Science), University of South Carolina
Abbie C. Gosselink
Fellowship (Plant biology), Michigan State University
Kristin R. Harris
Fellowship (Education), University of Michigan
Rebecca K. Hielema
Scholarship & Assistantship (Social Work), McMaster University
Laura M. Hoksbergen
Fellowship (Library Science), University of Illinois
Emily R. Huck
Fellowship (Theology), Princeton Theological Seminary
Michael D. Hutchins
Fellowship (German), University of Cincinnati
Beverly S. Illian
Fellowship (Biology), Washington University-St. Louis
Kristine E. Johnson
Teaching Assistantships (Rhetoric), Purdue, Arizona State, DePaul Universities
Rebecca L. Jordan
Scholarship (Theology), Union-PSCE, Columbia Theological Seminary,
Calvin Theological Seminary
Youngbin Kim
Scholarship (Psychology), University of Notre Dame
Dean C. Kladder
Grant (Theology), Princeton Theological Seminary
Matthew J. Koop
Assistantship (Computer Science), Ohio State, Indiana, Kentucky
and Michigan State Universities
Rachel A. McNamara
Fellowship, NIH National Institute of Deafness & Other Communication Disorders
Jonathan J. Meyer
Marquand Scholar, Yale Divinity School
Michael T. Minnema
Fellowship (Psychology), University of California-Los Angeles
Nicole A. Neuman
Scholarship and Assistantship (Biomedical Sciences), Tufts University
Mark J. Schemper
Assistantship (Political Science), University of North Carolina,
University of Minnesota
Samuel L. Schoofs
Assistantship (Electrical & Computer Engineering), University of Illinois-Urbana;
Double Degree Award, Georgia Tech Lorraine
Bradley R. Schrotenboer
Assistantship & Fellowship (Geography), University of Michigan;
Assistantship, University of Georgia
Michael H. Schuitema
Scholarship (Law), University of Virginia
Eric W. Smith
Assistantship (Chemical Engineering), University of Notre Dame
Jonathan D. Stehouwer
Assistantship (Psychology), University of Minnesota
Julie A. Storteboom-Griffen
Assistantship (Clinical Neuropsychology), Wayne State University
Zhen Tao
Darrow Scholarship (Law), University of Michigan
Jonathan M. Ten Brink
Para-Voice Award (Music), Bowling Green State University
Sarah A. Van Dyke
Scholarship and Assistantship (Psychology), Wayne State University
Rianna L. Vandergaast
Scholarship, Fellowship (Biochemistry), University of Wisconsin-Madison
Allison A. Vander Woude
Assistantship (French), University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Colorado:
Fellowship, University of Oregon
Timothy A. VanHaitsma
Assistantship (Exercise Physiology), Indiana University
Rachel M. Venema
Scholarship (Social Work), University of Michigan
Sarah M. Weeda
Assistantship (Plant Physiology), Washington State University
Yumiko Watanabe
Assistantship (Mathematics), Universities of Notre Dame, Nebraska,
and Michigan State
Calvin National
Merit Scholars
Samuel J. Boldenow
Lisa M. Bos
Andrew W. Chase-Ziolek
Shannon J. DeYoung
Erin Fields
Jeralyn L. Gasper
Daniel W. Hengeveld
Lindsey R. Hoekstra
Abram J. Huyser-Honig
Rebecca L. Jordan
John K. Koster
Susan J. Reedyk
Casey M. Rice
Janelle C. Riemersma
Timothy J. Schuringa
Cassandra L. Smies
Ryan G. Tans
CarlaJoy K. Van Dyke
Lindsay D. Wells
Board of Trustees
Presidential Scholarship
Sara L. Admiraal
Beverly S. Illian
H. Andrew Ippel
Kenneth S. Van Dyken
Calvin Presidential
Deborah S. Anema
Lynn E. Apotheker
Ruth E. Arrowsmith
John R. Atsma
Timothy C. Avery
Amy L. Batts
David D. Beversluis
Rachel E. Birr
Michael J. Bloem
Justin M. Bratt
Nicole J. Buurma
Amy K. Byerley
Thomas J. Clark
Jennifer E. Conens
Elise L. Davies
Jenny L. DeFouw
Lisa J. Degroot
David J. Dekker
Brenda K. DeVries
Sarah K. Diemer
Tracy L. Diephuis
Luke R. Drucker
Randall D. Elenbaas
Kate E. Ellens
Bethany R. Elms
Eliot J. Eshelman
Adam A. Goforth
Ryan T. Hanson
Bernard J. Haven
Rebecca K. Hielema
Scott A. Hirdes
Laura M. Hoksbergen
Elizabeth A. Holcombe
Hannah J. Hoogendam
Jeffrey R. Horon
Cynthia N. Jeske
Seth P. Johnson
Michele L. Jongekrijg
Amy E. Jonker
Youngbin Kim
Joel A. Kleinsasser
Matthew J. Koop
Casey W. Koopmans
Kristen M. Kragt
Noah J. Kruis
Joseph A. Kuilema
Elizabeth A. Kuiper
Hendrik J. Kuipers
Kristin E. Kuzera
Jessie E. Lair
Kathleen J. Landau
Jennifer A. Larson
Hannah E. Leunk
David C. Malda
Aaron D. Massie
Stephanie J. McElroy
Rachel A. McNamara
Julie A. Meyer
Matthew R. Miga
Silas L. Mulder
Holly M. Okkema
Jamie L. Olthoff
Christina M. Phillips
Carrie L. Pierson
Dede L. Ravenhorst
Phillip A. Rietema
Daniel J. Rinzema
Jennifer K. Schmitkons
Solomon J. Schneider
Katherine J. Schoonover
Bradley R. Schrotenboer
Kyle M. Shaver
Jonathan Spalink
Michelle A. Steenwyk
Nathan E. Sytsma
Katie M. VanBronkhorst
Amy K. Vanderploeg
Jennifer L. Vander Weide
Stephen J. Van Stempvoort
Brad S. Veldkamp
Paul R. Willard
Heather K. Willett
Erin E. Williams
John J. Zeilstra
Merle J. and Arnola J.
Prins Family Presidential
Deborah J. Frieswyk
Roger W. Heyns
Presidential Scholarship
David N. Cieminis
Jonathan J. Meyer
Matthew D. Ooms
Anna M. Rodriguez
Samuel L. Schoofs
Julie A. Storteboom
Marti and Wayne Huizenga
Family Presidential
Elizabeth A. Hoekstra
Carolyn J. Stob
William R. Kenan, Jr.
Presidential Scholarship
Rebecca J. Baylor
Ryan J. Voogt
Rebecca A. Vrieland
James E. Smith
Presidential Scholarship
Benjamin D. Fox
Vermeer Presidential
Sarah L. De Young
Carrie B. Evenhouse
Joshua C. Reynolds
Calvin Mosaic Award
Erin L. De Young
Joy E. Jones
Sarah A. Lowrey
Kristen L. Ollar
Kunnen Family Mosaic
Tanganyika Barnes
Milton and Carol Kuyers
Family Mosaic Award
Nana Y. Awuah-Nyamekye
Cindy S. Lee
Philip Y. Park
Natalie R. Tillman
Board of Trustees Dean’s
Irene G. Bandstra
Rebecca K. Douma
Jennifer M. Kett
Debra A. Nordin
William A. Reiffer, II
Elisabeth S. Tenyenhuis
Calvin Dean’s Scholarship
Noah D. Berg
Carrie L. Bosma
Laura J. Bouwma
Jori R. Brink
Kimberly A. Brogren
Nathan J. Carpenter
Julie A. Cooney
Leah S. Cornell
Tracey L. Crawford
Matthew P. De Kraker
Joel C. DeMoor
Mindy L. DeYoung
Matthew R. Edwards
Sarah E. Fuller
Alyce Graham
Karen M. Greiner
Katherine M. Hamstra
Heather N. Hanson
Joanne R. Henderson
Nicky L. Herrema
Kara B. Heslinga
Laura A. Hoeksema
Dorothy L. Huizenga
Aaron M. Jansen
Jodilyn Jelsema
Carrie L. Jipping
Kristine E. Johnson
Joy E. Jones
Elizabeth D. Keller
Sarah T. Larman
Cindy S. Lee
Christena L. Mattson
Jason R. McFarland
Sarah C. Odenbeck
Brian A. Paff
Melissa A. Pell
Bennett L. Poosawtsee
Laura K. Rip
Melissa J. Rozeboom
Lisa M. Ryckbost
Andrea J. Schutter
Daniel A. Smith
Eric W. Smith
Dean D. Thompson, II
Anne M. Uitvlugt
Lynette M. VanBrandt
Rianna L. Vandergaast
Sarah A. Van Dyke
Jolene G. Velthuizen
Rachel M. Venema
Allison G. Wierenga
Jessica A. Zwier
Jacobsen Family Dean’s
Amanda R. DeWit
August Frankena Memorial
Dean’s Scholarship
Jordan P. Hoogendam
Board of Trustees Faculty
Honors Scholarship
Luke D. Baker
Heather D. Bosma
Clarissa J. Snapper
Rebekah A. Vanderzee
Leah K. Veldkamp
Emily R. Wiarda
Calvin Faculty
Honors Scholarship
Jeffrey P. Arnson
Andrew J. Asma
Taylor A. Bean
Sara E. Boschma
Kristen R. Brown
Anne M. Buttery
Kyle E. Carrick
Todd A. Cole
Jessica M. De Boer
Jamie L. Dekker
Kelly M. DeLoof
Erin L. De Young
Daniel B. Diephouse
Amy B. Dornbush
Amanda J. Dyk
Andrea L. Estelle
Arianne M. Folkema
Sara L. Folkema
Michelle L. Glaza
Jennifer L. Gort
Jason A. Griffen
Darren J. Hamelinck
Stephanie J. Holwerda
Katie J. Hommes
Emily R. Huck
Sarah E. Hughes
Tiffany L. Huizenga
Julie R. In’t Hout
Danielle L. Jackson
Carly A. Jones
Kimberly G. Kaufman
Matthew Kelly
Doh Ah Kim
Janelle S. Klaassen
Clinton M. Klamer
Aaron A. Kupchella
Carrie E. La Fleur
Michael W. LaGrand
Martin I. Mellema
Corrin Justin Meyer
Timothy P. Monsma
Renee K. O’Brien
Kristen L. Ollar
Ayra Omnes
Derek J. Petersen
Kimberly J. Peterson
Anne R. Plasman
Amy J. Ryou
Jonathan A. Ryskamp
Joni L. Schaap-Dehaan
Mark J. Schemper
Caitlin S. Schiesswohl
Rachelle A. Scholma
Michael H. Schuitema
Jill Schuurman
Katherine L. Sikma
Shannon M. Sisco
Suzanne B. Smalligan
Andrew T. Spriensma
Abigail G. Staible
Amy J. Stephansen
Amber J. Sturrus
Patricia K. Sully
Latricia L. Ten Napel
Amy M. Vail
Renee A. VanDommelen
Jillaine K. Van Essen
Lindsey R. Van Essendelft
Timothy A. Van Haitsma
Erica R. Van Reken
Reuben P. Vyn
Amy B. Wassink
Sarah M. Weeda
Brooke D. Wierenga
Johannes and Charlotte
Moss Plekker Memorial
Faculty Honors
Scott C. Dykstra
Board of Trustees Honors
Stephanie P. Artz
Marylou E. Emmelkamp
Mary C. Girard
Erica J. Jeszke
Stephanie M. Slorf
Lisa J. Swier
Elizabeth L. Van Noord
Calvin Honors Scholarship
Jacquelyn E. Alberta
Brett A. Anderson
Pamela K. Betten
Suzy L. Boe
Andrew T. Bolton
Flora C. Boschma
Zachary N. Boswell
Jennifer L. Breuker
Mark A. Brieve
David A. Buursma
Rebecca R. Carpenter
Daniel P. Clousing
Susan E. Cooper
Alison B. Cory
Bryan R. Dam
Benjamin D. De Jong
Betsy A. DeYoung
Megan E. Duiven
Kimberly A. Elders
Aaron B. Everman
Kelly B. Feringa
Gregory D. Ferrell
Eric L. Garnham
Kevin D. Haag
Dana M. Haan
Alison R. Hays
Melissa I. Henry
Chloe A. Hoekzema
Robert G. Holleman
Catherine A. Hoort
Brittany S. Hutchison
Nicholas J. In’t Hout
Jeremy T. Jacobs
Zachary A. Jansen
Elisabeth A. Jensen
Sarah L. Johnson
Nathaniel J. Kaleefey
Dean C. Kladder
Cheri R. Klamer
Ruth M. Krygsheld
Stacey M. Lambert
Ruth H. Longyne
Erica J. Lutz
Aileen R. May
Cameron S. McCabe
Lindsey J. Miller
Daniel J. Mouw
Jill C. O’Brien
Nicole E. Ormel
Philip Y. Park
Joel M. Post
David R. Ringle
William K. Schlansker
Marie B. Schotanus
Summer R. Smith
Samuel N. Stearley
Sarah L. Steenstra
Jonathan D. Stehouwer
Cara E. Sukolsky
Patrick R. Sylvester
Courtney A. Tabor
Lindsey E. Talsma
Katie E. TenHarmsel
Natalie R. Tillman
Laura S. VandenBerg
Laura K. Vanderhill
Alison A. VanderWoude
Jessica L. Vande Vusse
Jessica VanMarion
Philip M. Visser
Michelle A. Vondiziano
Robert S. Vryhof
Keith J. Welch
Valerie L. Werkhoven
Justin C. Wilson
Carla C. Zandstra
Elenbaas Family Honors
Timothy J. Lautenbach
Calvin Multicultural Award
Sharon A. Abraham
Philip G. Ammar
Jessica A. Coleman
Constance C. Davis
Christina R. DeVos
Mindy L. DeYoung
Joseph Y. Hwang
H. Andrew Ippel
Leslie H. Kim
Christa R. Martinez
Rachel A. McNamara
Sarah A. Merdzinski
John H. O’Hair
Ayra Omnes
Alicia K. Ouwinga
Ruth N. Pena
Bennett L. Poosawtsee
Anna M. Rodriguez
Amy J. Ryou
Caitlin S. Schiesswohl
Jonathan Spalink
Cherry A. Stoltenberg
Adia K. Taylor
Sara E. TerHaar
Denise M. Thompson
Adrienne J. Tolentino
Rebecca R. Welsh
Transfer Student Scholarship
Ashleigh E. Burge
Erin F. Connelly
Constance C. Davis
Laura J. Gelderloos
Joya G. Gerritsma
Jonathan A. Hiskes
Anna K. Hunsberger
Michael D. Hutchins
James H. Laing
Andrew C. Maxwell
Kate E. Medema
Nicole A. Neuman
Zachary J. Olson
Melissa A. Radtke
Lisa J. Thomson
Mary J. Van Allen
Cheryl M. Van Andel
Alyssa J. Vander Lugt
Rebecca J. VanderVliet
Julie M. VanderWal
Jeremy T. Vecchi
Joel P. Veldhouse
Joseph L. Veldstra
Paul W. Wagner
Leah S. Wesorick
International Student
Papa Nii Asare-Okai
Timothy Y. Bediako
Christine M. Bunque
So Hang Chan
Joel O. Eigege
Milica Janic
Vera Kuswanto
Emmanuel O. Legbeti
Zhen Tao
Philip T. Yartey
Academic Achievement Award
Jacquelyn E. Alberta
Nana Y. Awuah-Nyamekye
Timothy Y. Bediako
Alexander R. Beerhorst
Pamela K. Betten
Suzy L. Boe
Sara E. Boschma
Heather D. Bosma
Laura J. Bouwma
Jennifer L. Breuker
Jori R. Brink
David A. Buursma
Jonathan T. Cory
Tracey L. Crawford
Benjamin D. De Jong
Kelly M. DeLoof
Joel C. DeMoor
Joy C. DeYong
Betsy A. DeYoung
Daniel B. Diephouse
Amanda J. Dyk
Joel O. Eigege
Kelly B. Feringa
Arianne M. Folkema
Joya G. Gerritsma
Jason A. Griffen
Paul H. Groenewal
Nathan M. Hibma
Jordan P. Hoogendam
Catherine A. Hoort
Elizabeth S. Humphreys
Michael D. Hutchins
Brittany S. Hutchison
Nicholas J. In’t Hout
Jodilyn Jelsema
Kristine E. Johnson
Nathaniel J. Kaleefey
Jennifer M. Kett
Melody A. Kieffer
James R. King
Dean C. Kladder
Aaron A. Kupchella
Vera Kuswanto
Carrie E. La Fleur
Sarah T. Larman
Emmanuel O. Legbeti
Marielys Llerena
Gina M. McDonell
Jason R. McFarland
Kate E. Medema
Nicole A. Neuman
Jill C. O’Brien
Derek J. Petersen
Anne R. Plasman
Melissa L. Riewald
Nicole L. Robertson
Joni L. Schaap-Dehaan
Mark J. Schemper
Caitlin S. Schiesswohl
William K. Schlansker
Michael H. Schuitema
Shannon M. Sisco
Stephanie M. Slorf
Daniel A. Smith
Clarissa J. Snapper
Courtney A. Tabor
Lindsey E. Talsma
Zhen Tao
Katie E. TenHarmsel
Latricia L. Ten Napel
Travis N. Terpstra
Dean D. Thompson, II
George H. Timmer
Amy M. Vail
Lynette M. VanBrandt
Jonathan M. Vande Kopple
Andrew D. Vanden Heuvel
Rianna L. Vandergaast
Laura K. Vanderhill
Elizabeth P. VanderWal
Alison A. VanderWoude
Nathan P. Vanderzee
Rebekah A. Vanderzee
Thea Van Halsema
Rachel M. Venema
Emily K. Vitton
Michelle A. Vondiziano
Robert S. Vryhof
Reuben P. Vyn
Zachary L. Wanner
Amy B. Wassink
Clinton E. Weening
Peter A. Westerhuis
Katelyn N. Woods
Teresa L. Woolworth
Grace K. Yakubu
Carla C. Zandstra
Alumni Association
Interim Scholarship
Andrea J. Schutter
Alumni Association Service
Christine M. Bunque
Kate E. Ellens
Noah J. Kruis
Katherine L. Steel
American Aliance for HPERD
Major of the Year Award
Dana M. Haan
ArvinMeritor Key to
Success Scholarship
Andrew D. Vanden Heuvel
Barbara Gezon Baker
Scholarship for Academic
Excellence in Sociology
and Social Work
Joseph A. Kuilema
Rachel M. Venema
Rebecca A. Vrieland
Clarence and Nelly Battjes
Memorial Scholarship
Andrew J. Asma
Elizabeth D. Keller
Silas L. Mulder
Clarence and Anne Beets
Keri B. Cole
Kyle A. Israels
James F. Bere’ Memorial
Denise M. Thompson
Natalie R. Tillman
Leah Berends Nursing
Aaron R. Van Dam
Beversluis Award in Christian
Philosophy of Education
Stephanie A. Conant
Sarah E. Fuller
Steven G. Hall
Latricia L. Ten Napel
Board of Trustees
Knollcrest Scholarship
Shawna M. Anderson
Kristin J. Feddema
Brandon J. Langeland
Joel M. Reasoner
Daniel S. Troast
Edgar G. Boeve’ Art
David C. Malda
John A. Bolt Memorial
Arianne M. Folkema
George H. Timmer
Henrietta Bontekoe
Nursing Scholarship
Renae J. Hoolsema
Sarah E. Long
Paul H. Boonstra Memorial
Award in Mathematics
Elizabeth A. Hoekstra
Casey W. Koopmans
Robert and Marjorie Boot
Sarah T. VanKeulen
Kate Borgman Nursing
Jonah Kipkiyeny
Laura S. VandenBerg
Lawrence D. Bos, Sr.
Family Scholarship
Sarah K. Diemer
Jeffrey R. Horon
Robert S. Vryhof
James Bosscher
Engineering Scholarship
Matthew D. Ooms
Bouwer Mentoring
Amy J. Stephansen
Bouwsma Memorial
Ashleigh E. Burge
Mark J. Schemper
Sandra Bowden Art
Derek J. Petersen
Connie Bratt Social Work
Rachel E. Birr
Rebecca K. Hielema
Dr. John H. and Gladys A.
Bratt Family Scholarship
Joel C. DeMoor
Wallace and Marianne
Bratt German Interim
Abroad Scholarship
Michael D. Hutchins
Janice Broekhuizen Music
CarlaJoy K. Van Dyke
Henry Bruinsma Family
Holly M. Okkema
Margaret and Douglas Bush
Family Business Scholarship
Dede L. Ravenhorst
Gordon and Rose Buter
Business Administration
Todd A. Cole
Alison B. Cory
Valerie L. Werkhoven
Paul R. Willard
Butterball Farms, Inc.
Sarah T. VanKeulen
CCA Computing Award
Eliot J. Eshelman
Calvin Minority
Christina R. DeVos
Capital Region Community
Foundation Scholarship
Shawna M. Munger
Castle, DeWit, and Timmer
Shantel N. Vandergalien
Llewellyn L. Cayvan String
Instrument Scholarship
Kristine E. Johnson
Nathan E. Sytsma
CarlaJoy K. Van Dyke
Christian Missionary Fd.
Hanna A. Boakye-Yiadom
Herta A. Boakye-Yiadom
Zachary N. Boswell
Michael C. deRuiter
Doh Ah Kim
Youngbin Kim
Vera Kuswanto
Bennett L. Poosawtsee
Brian L. Posslenzny
Jonathan E. Shaw
Daniel A. Smith
Jonathan Spalink
Comerica Bank Minority
Elizabeth S. Humphreys
Julie M. VanderWal
Elsa Cortina Outstanding
Senior Award
Sarah L. DeYoung
Susan J. Reedyk
D & D Building
Katherine L. Sikma
DaimlerChrysler Minority
Leslie H. Kim
John Daling Memorial
Rebecca A. Vrieland
Joseph and Deanne Daverman
Family Scholarship
Jonathan T. Cory
John L. De Beer Memorial
Clinton E. Weening
The History Department
John DeBie Prize
Thea J. Van Halsema
De Groot Family Scholarship
Ayra Omnes
Patricia S. Duthler
Grace K. Yakubu
Robert and Harriet Hasper
Accounting Scholarship
Jason A. Griffen
Ken and Joyce Jipping
Family Scholarship
Rebecca J. Monsma
Bryan Dykstra Nursing
Katie A. Klamer
Hearing Impaired Scholarship
Danielle L. Jackson
Saraiah E. Powell
Cornelius and Marian Joosse
Memorial Scholarship
Chad A. Terpstra
Memorial Prize
David N. Cieminis
Zhen Tao
William B. Eerdmans
Literary Award
Abram J. Huyser-Honig
Timothy J. Schuringa
James R. Hertel Scholarship
Phillip A. Rietema
Wilhemina Kalsbeek
Memorial Scholarship
Guangning Jia
Zhen Tao
Frank and Bernice Deppe
Family Scholarship
Jodie L. Koops
Elmhurst Christian Reformed
Church Scholarship
David T. Boven
Kevin Dale De Rose
Memorial Scholarship
Jamie L. Olthoff
J. Herman and N. Lucile
Fles Scholarship
Amy J. Ryou
Amy K. Vanderploeg
Peter and Margaret (Bell)
De Haan Chemistry
Arianne M. Folkema
De Rose Family Scholarship
for Women in Ministry
Rebecca L. Jordan
DeVries-Post Teacher
Education Scholarship
Anna M. Rodriguez
De Vries-Visser
Lindsey E. Talsma
DeVries Church Music
Kathryn A. Boorsma
Brian L. DeWall Memorial
Emmanuel O. Legbeti
Kathryn De Weerd
Memorial Scholarship
Jessica A. Coleman
Matthew P. De Kraker
Dr. Paul and Mrs. Doris
Dirkse Health Care
Erin F. Connelly
Youngbin Kim
Elizabeth P. VanderWal
Mary Cannon Dively
Hoi Lam Lie
Dow Chemical Company
Foundation Scholarship
David D. Beversluis
Ford Motor Company
Diversity Scholarship
Marielys Llerena
Harold Geerdes Violin
Shannon J. DeYoung
Allene Huizenga Goguen
Music Education Scholarship
Marie B. Schotanus
Beulah B. Goodenough
Memorial Scholarship
Rebecca J. Baylor
Edna Greenway Scholarship
Anna M. Rodriguez
Mae Groeneveld Scholarship
Jennifer L. Breuker
Andrea L. Estelle
Jason S. Gort
Lindsey R. Hoekstra
Courtney R. Korenstra
Carl and Sandra Gronsman
Family Scholarship
Julie R. In’t Hout
Hamstra Foundation
Tanganyika Barnes
Daniel S. Troast
George G. Harper Scholarship
Tanganyika Barnes
Wilma Bylsma Hertel
Memorial Nursing
Katherine J. Schoonover
Dr. Peter D. Hoekstra
Memorial Award
Thea J. VanHalsema
Dr. Roger A. and Bradley J.
Hoekstra Toward Christian
Excellence in Medicine Award
David D. Beversluis
Dr. Roger A. and Bradley
J. Hoekstra Memorial
Lisa M. Ryckbost
Andrea J. Schutter
Harmon D. Hook Memorial
Kristine E. Johnson
Marge Houskamp Organ
Kathryn A. Boorsma
Rachel M. Venema
David and Shirley Hubers
Lisa J. Degroot
Joel A. Kleinsasser
Huddleston Family Exercise
Science Scholarship
Sarah C. Derrico
Daniel J. Norman
Howard Hughes Medical
Institute Scholarship
Aaron D. Massie
Stephanie J. McElroy
Dr. and Mrs. Lee S. Huizenga
Memorial Scholarship
Jennifer A. Larson
Kappa Epsilon Nuring Honor
Society Outstanding Student
Curtis E. Gritters
Martin and Frances Karsten
Biology Scholarship
Timothy Y. Bediako
Carrie L. Bosma
Amy E. Jonker
Sarah M. Weeda
Corrine E. Kass Graduate
Studies Scholarship
Amy L. Barto
Elizabeth J. Oosterheert
Kent Medical Foundation
Deborah J. Frieswyk
Gerald L. Klein Memorial
Suzy L. Boe
Dr. Harry Kok Memorial
Zhen Tao
Thea J. Van Halsema
Bret and Marlene Kort
Award in Medicine
Shannon J. DeYoung
Leonard M. Krull
Marielle Zylstra
John A. Kuiper Family
Kelly M. DeLoof
Kenneth and Lillian Kuiper
Susan J. Reedyk
Florence G. Kuipers
Nana Y. Awuah-Nyamekye
Kuipers Family Scholarship
for the Calvin College Band
Brenda K. DeVries
John and Marge Kuyers
Family Scholarship
Luke R. Drucker
Milton and Carol Kuyers
Family Nursing Scholarship
Curtis E. Gritters
Megan A. Nyenhuis
Sarah T. VanKeulen
Jessica VanMarion
Latin Award for
Outstanding Achievement
CarlaJoy K. Van Dyke
Lighthouse Scholarship
Susan J. Reedyk
J.C. Lobbes Scholarship
Thomas J. Clark
Latricia L. Ten Napel
MCF Staff Scholarship
Danielle L. Jackson
Emmanuel O. Legbeti
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard
Meeuwsen Medical
Jessica M. De Boer
Menninga Warnshuis
Family Scholarship
Leah S. Cornell
Mentoring Scholarship
Irene G. Bandstra
So Hang Chan
Thomas J. Clark
Daniel P. Clousing
Todd A. Cole
Matthew J. DeBoer
Erin L. De Young
Joel O. Eigege
Andrey A. Furukin
Rose O. Ibiama
Youngbin Kim
Sze-Yui H. Leung
Rebecca J. Monsma
Megan A. Nyenhuis
Daniel M. Palmer
Philip Y. Park
Nathan E. Sytsma
Zhen Tao
Cicely D. Wiers
Grace K. Yakubu
Mephibosheth Scholarship
Seth P. Johnson
Mercy General Health
Partners Scholarship
Cheryl M. Van Andel
Arnold and Cynthia
Morren Family Scholarship
Jason S. Gort
Jessica M. Osbun
Anne R. Plasman
Rebecca L. Smit
Blake, Elise, and Macy Morren
Memorial Scholarship
Janelle S. Klaassen
Patti J. Morren Memorial
Amy L. Batts
Amanda R. DeWit
Naomi Scholarship
Melody A. Kieffer
National City Employee
Milica Janic
Ann Janssen Noteboom
Laura M. Hoksbergen
Katherine L. Sikma
Kenneth and Katherine
Olthoff Family Scholarship
Kate E. Ellens
Amanda C. Robison
David M. Ondersma
Family Scholarship
Andrew T. Spriensma
Oratorio Society Applied
Music Scholarship
Jonathan M. Ten Brink
Outstanding Senior Award
in Biochemistry
Rianna L. Vandergaast
Outstanding Senior Award
in Chemistry
Brad S. Veldkamp
Schemper-Kamp Family
Jason R. McFarland
Outstanding Senior Award
in Geography
Bradley R. Schrotenboer
Paul and Thelma Schutt
Family Medical Scholarship
Curtis E. Gritters
Outstanding Senior Award
in Geology
Adam J. Benthem
John Scripps Wind
Ryan J. Voogt
Alan and Jan Pauw Family
Stephen J. Van Stempvoort
Marion and Nella Snapper
Family Scholarship
Alyssa J. Vander Lugt
Cornelius A. and Lettie G.
Plantinga Scholarship
Caitlin S. Schiesswohl
Julie A. Storteboom
Spalink Memorial Missions
Sarah L. De Young
Burke E. Porter Machinery
Company Scholarship
Joanne R. Henderson
John J. Zeilstra
Rainbow Foundation
Luke R. Drucker
Katie J. Hommes
Silas L. Mulder
Rainbow Foundation Wind
Nicky L. Herrema
Robert J. Reimink/Prein
and Newhof Scholarship
Jonathan R. Reimink
Rietberg Family
Daniel J. Rinzema
William Rink Memorial
Prize in Mathematics
Thomas J. Clark
ROTC Department of the
Army Superior Cadet
Craig D. Vandergoot
ROTC Professor of Military
Science Award
Steven J. Ottolini
Angeline Nydam Spoelhof
Memorial Scholarship
Jolene G. Velthuizen
Gordon J. Spykman
Memorial Scholarship
Jonathan J. Meyer
Jeremy T. Vecchi
Standard Federal Bank
Emmanuel O. Legbeti
Steelcase Foundation
Casey W. Koopmans
Jill C. Rotman
Tamaryn M. Tobian
Dr. Barney Steen
Scholarship for Physical
Joel N. Leegwater
Clinton E. Weening
Edward C. and Hazel L.
Stephenson Foundation
Alyssa D. Pullen-Incorvaia
Seymour Swets Voice
Shannon J. DeYoung
The Bernard J. TenBroek
“Excellence in Biology in
Research” Award
Daniel P. Clousing
Abbie C. Gosselink
The Bernard J. TenBroek
“Excellence in Secondary
Education” Award
Melissa G. Wiersum
Brian A. Paff
Susan J. Reedyk
Anna M. Rodriguez
Amanda J. VanDenBosch
Janet D. Van Dyke
Education Scholarship
Elise L. Davies
Amanda J. Dyk
Wallace (Dutch) and Olive
Waalkes Memorial
Rachel E. Birr
Richard R. and Kathleen J.
Tiemersma Scholarship
Joel C. DeMoor
Vander Ark Family
David J. Dekker
Carrie L. Pierson
William and Janice (Roosma)
Van Dyke Scholarship
Aleesha L. Bratt
Theodore C. Wagenaar
Hannah J. Hoogendam
William H. Van Dyke
Memorial Scholarship
Jacquelyn E. Faber
Rev. David Warden PreSeminary Scholarship
Rebecca L. Jordan
John and Lillian Van
Oosten Scholarship
Tiffany L. Huizenga
Katie M. VanBronkhorst
Johan and Wilma Westra
Brenda K. DeVries
Hendrik J. Kuipers
Kenneth J. Van Spronsen
Memorial Scholarship
Jamie L. Dekker
Julie M. VanderWal
Joseph L. Veldstra
Dr. Morris Wilderom
Cara E. Sukolsky
Lester C. Tiscornia
Memorial Scholarship
Janette D. Curtis
Tong Family Scholarship
Vera Kuswanto
Jacob and Jennie Tuinstra
Renee K. O’Brien
United Parcel Service
(UPS) Scholarship
Melissa L. Riewald
Henry Van Andel Memorial
Michelle A. Vondiziano
John and Doris Van Dellen
Music Scholarship
Cameron S. McCabe
Charles J. VanDenBerg
Family Business
Lindsey E. Talsma
Cornelia and Marvin Vanden
Bosch Scholarship
Katie M. VanBronkhorst
Fred and Carol Vanden
Bosch Scholarship
Amy L. Barto
William and Anna Vanden
Bosch Scholarship
Casey M. Rice
Vander Ark Distinguished
Student Teacher Education
H. Andrew Ippel
Casey W. Koopmans
Holly M. Okkema
Vander Haagen Family
Scholarship for 5th Year
Education Students
Hannah J. Hoogendam
Melissa A. Pell
Vander Haagen Family
Scholarship for Church
Alison R. Hays
Nathan E. Sytsma
John S. Vander Heide III
Memorial Scholarship
Bradley R. Knetsch
Courtney A. Tabor
Joseph and Ralph Gelmer
Vander Laan Memorial
Katie A. Klamer
Gina M. McDonell
Matthew D. Ooms
Sammie Vander Laan
Nursing Scholarship
Brenda J. Vander Heide
Herbert and Doris Vander
Mey Scholarship
Young-Mi Cho
Erin L. De Young
Randall K. Vander Weele
Memorial Scholarship
Tracey L. Crawford
Michele L. Jongekrijg
Steve J. and Viola Van Der
Weele Scholarship
Abram J. Huyser-Honig
Nathan E. Sytsma
George J. Van Wesep
Memorial Scholarship
Sarah L. De Young
Casey W. Koopmans
Paul W. Wagner
Bernard Vellenga, Jr.
Jori R. Brink
Grace Dykstra Vellenga
Dean C. Kladder
Kathleen J. Landau
Lois R. (Post) and Nelson
L. Veltman Education
Carolyn J. Stob
Vermeer Charitable
Foundation Scholarship
Carrie B. Evenhouse
Victor VerMeulen Medical
Danielle L. Jackson
Sarah C. Odenbeck
Mary J. Van Allen
Cheryl M. Van Andel
Rebecca L. VanWyk
Erin E. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Enno and
Lucile Wolthuis Chemistry
Rachel A. McNamara
Scholarship for Women in
Cassandra L. Smies
Woodlawn Christian
Reformed Church Minority
Adia K. Taylor
Steven M. Zifferblatt
Memorial Scholarship
Deborah J. Frieswyk
Zondervan Greek Award
Jeremy T. Vecchi
Paul J. and Eleanor I.
Zwier Family Scholarship
Thomas J. Clark
Henry and Mildred Zylstra
Memorial Award
Kristine E. Johnson
Ruth Zylstra Memorial
Andrea J. Schutter
Throughout history, colorful banners have been used to mark important religious and civic events and to
celebrate the vision and spirit of the participants in such events. The departmental banners displayed at this
occasion arise from an awareness of this tradition and are meant to continue it. Besides symbolically
revealing the richness of the various disciplines at Calvin College, the banners graphically represent their
distinctiveness. Although their colors are mostly in keeping with traditional associations—scarlet for
religion and theology, blue for education, orange for engineering—their forms combine the traditional, the
contemporary, and the abstract.
Art Department
An abstract eye and hand symbolize artistic expression through the artist’s sense of sight
and touch. Bright colors against black suggest creative boldness.
Biology Department
Dominating the Biology banner is a symbol representing the structure of the DNA
molecule, deoxyribonucleic acid. The structure of this fundamental material of life, the
chemical basis of heredity, was revealed in 1953 and actually photographed in 1969.
Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
The main symbol used in this banner is the electron distribution for tetrahedral hybrid
orbitals, which represents the chemical activity of the elements and their compounds.
Two segments of a crystal structure are included in the design, which are also the floorplan shape of the science building. The shaft of pale yellow symbolizes the light of
investigation. Yellow is the traditional color associated with science.
Classical Languages Department
Chemistry &
While the lyre and the wolf may be taken individually as symbols of Greece and Rome,
together they portray the unity of the two civilizations and its cultural achievement, the
union of art and nature, and of poetry and myth. Horace has given this continuity and
fusion of the two traditions of Greece and Rome its classical literary expression in his
odes, of which none better, perhaps, than the “Integer vitae” ode conveys the intention
of this banner.
Communication Arts and Sciences Department
Sound waves emanating from a central core symbolize communication through speech
and drama. The reversal of the outward movement suggests feedback in communication.
Silver gray is the color traditionally assigned to speech and drama.
Computer Science Department
Communication Computer
Arts & Sciences Science
The banner of the Computer Science Department features a Turing machine, the
foundational model of digital computation. The zeroes and ones on its tape reflect the
binary logic by which digital computation is implemented. The changing colors and
order of the numbers express the transition as data move from input through processing
to output. The white shaft and its golden sheath symbolize the light and energy of
education and the sciences. The flowing wind symbolizes the transforming work of the
Holy Spirit as it infuses the discipline of computing.
Economics and Business Department
Shapes and lines express the charting and planning of economic budgets. Subtly
appearing among other symbols is a cross expressing the Christ-centered teaching of
economics at Calvin College. Copper is the color associated with economics.
Education Department
& Business
The relationship of teacher and student in the educational process is represented by the
forceful interaction of shapes in this design. The white shaft symbolizes the light of
learning in the Holy Spirit. Blue is traditionally linked with education.
Engineering Department
The Engineering banner illustrates the key activity of engineers, namely, their involvement with the design process, an iterative, decision-making sequence. Steps in the
sequence, represented by circles and rectangles, are connected by arrows to indicate the
movement from the initial problem statement to final solution. Two-way arrows suggest
the possibility of sequence reversal. Orange traditionally designates engineering.
English Department
The two main symbols, the lion and the eagle, represent England and the United States
of America. The lozenge pattern in the background expresses the pageantry of England
during the development of the English language.
French Department
The banner of the Department of French features the Coq Gaulois, long a national
emblem of France, and the Arch of Triumph, a symbol of French patriotism. The cock,
traditionally the Christian symbol for watchfulness, has been adopted as its symbol by a
nation which since its inception has been one of the important cradles of Christian
thought and practice. The colors of the national flag are represented by the Coq Gaulois.
Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies Department
Geography, &
Earthkeeping, the human community’s care for God’s earth, is symbolized in the banner
for the Department of Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies by representations of atmosphere, mountains, cities, water, and the various levels of the earth’s
interior. The white shaft symbolizes the light and energy of learning stimulated by the
Holy Spirit.
Germanic and Asian Languages and Literature Department
The study of the Dutch and German languages is represented by symbols taken from
emblems of the countries associated with these languages. The traditional black eagle
represents Germany, and the orange lion is from the seal of the Netherlands. The white
shaft symbolizes the light of learning.
Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, and Sport Department
& Asian
& Literature
& Sport
Engaged in exercise, sports, and dance, a person in motion is suggested by the movement
of rhythmical shapes and lines. Sage green is the color associated with physical fitness.
History Department
Jagged horizontal bands, representing both the rise and fall of civilizations and the four
kingdoms as described in the Book of Daniel, move across vertical time lines, which
also symbolize the dramatic influence of Christ on history.
The library as a gatherer, receptacle, and distributor of information, ideas, and learning
is represented by the abstract book shape, while the white, flowing shaft itself symbolizes the light and energy of learning in the Holy Spirit of God. The flame is the
traditional symbol of learning and discovery through research.
Mathematics and Statistics Department
Mathematicians have always saved time and effort by substituting symbols for words.
The basic arithmetical steps of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing are
depicted on this banner by some of the earliest ways of writing them down.
& Statistics
The Renaissance calculator Tartaglia used the first letter of the Italian word for plus to
signify adding. Diophantus favored this minus sign in Greek times. Leibniz employed
this multiplication symbol in seventeenth-century Germany. J. E. Gallimard used this
reverse D for division in eighteenth-century France.
Music Department
The design of the Music banner emphasizes the rhythms of musical sounds. Shapes and
lines suggest strings, valves, keys, horn bell, drum, and other musical forms. Radiating
circles suggest sound waves. The colors express the various moods of music.
Nursing Department
The traditional emblem of nursing, Florence Nightingale’s lamp, is featured in the
banner for the Department of Nursing. The flame of the lamp symbolizes the light of
Christian compassion and education. The gold of the lamp is the traditional color for
science. The background apricot color is the academic regalia color for nursing, while
the white shaft represents peace through the Holy Spirit.
Philosophy Department
Light refracted through a transparent prism symbolizes the many-faceted investigations
of fact and of principles of reality and of human nature and conduct.
Physics and Astronomy Department
Physics &
The construction of elements is symbolized in the Physics banner by the simplest atom,
hydrogen, with its single proton and electron. Also included in the design are a tracing
of the paths of particles from an atom and a segment of a crystal structure, which is also
the floor-plan shape of the science building. The yellow shaft symbolizes the light of
Political Science Department
The banner of the Department of Political Science features a representation of the
fasces, a symbol of the authority of the state, and arrows that express the direction
and flow of the analytical and holistic nature of the process of law. The fasces, a
bundle of rods bound about by an ax with projecting blade, was carried before
ancient Roman magistrates as a symbol of authority. The white shaft of seven rods
also symbolizes peace and enlightenment through the Holy Spirit.
Psychology Department
The Greek letter psi, the first letter of the Greek word psyche (the mind), traditionally signifies the discipline of psychology. The color red symbolizes emotion; blue,
rationality; and white, peace through the Holy Spirit.
Religion Department
Three symbols of the Trinity—circle, cross, and dove—express the fullness of God
as He reveals Himself as Creator, Savior, and Counselor. These symbols are
interlocked to depict the oneness of God. The shaft of white is the light of learning
in Christian education guided by the Holy Spirit. Scarlet is traditionally associated
with theology.
Sociology and Social Work Department
Sociology &
Social Work
The central concept of sociology, represented by the inner circle, is a person
interacting with other people to form groups. Total human society, represented by
the broken circle, is composed of many small units forming a larger interrelated
structure. All groups, from the family to society itself, exist within a framework of
social norms. This normative or cultural framework, represented by the unbroken
outer circle, promotes conformity, as suggested by the arrows directed from it
toward the inner circles of society and the smaller group.
Spanish Department
The banner of the Spanish Department features the traditional symbols of the
historical kingdoms of Castilla (castle), León (lion), and Aragón (red and yellow
bars). These Christian kingdoms emerged during the eight-hundred-year-long
reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula from domination by Muslim rulers. The separate
kingdoms were joined through the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella, and
eventually coalesced into the modern nation of Spain.
Robin A. Jensen
Building Arrangements:
Richard Field, Sandy Palmatter
Commencement Reception:
Creative Dining Services
Commencement Committee:
Rick E. DeVries and Darlene Meyering, co-chairs; Donna Anema, Ann Baker,
Sharolyn Christians, Robert Crow, Rick Balfour, Jeff Stob, Mary Jeanne Quist,
Diane Vander Pol, James Van Wingerden
Commencement Participants: Clarence Joldersma, Debra Freeberg, Larry Louters, Karen Saupe, Michael Stob,
James Vanden Bosch, Christina Van Dyke, Dean Ward
FAC Master of Ceremonies:
Tom E. McWhertor, Vice President for Enrollment and External Relations
Adel Abadeer, Martin Bolt, Joy Bonnema, Randy Brouwer, Dale Cooper,
David De Heer, Earl Fife, Tom Hoeksema, Wayne Joosse, Michelle Loyd-Paige,
James MacKenzie, Richard Nyhof, Arden Post, Raymond Slager, Franklin Speyers,
Leroy Stegink, Peter Tigchelaar, Glen VanAndel, Judy VanderWoude, Yvonne VanEe
David Diephouse, Ph.D., Professor of History
Faculty Marshals:
Barbara Carvill, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languages,
Kenneth Piers, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry
Student Marshals:
Timothy Yaw Bediako, David D. Beversluis, Deborah J. Frieswyk, Ayra M. Omnes
Calvin College Publishing Services
Phil de Haan, Director of Media Relations; Michael J. Van Denend, Director of
Alumni and College Relations
Eastern Floral
Ronald O. Pederson
Nancy De Maagd
Technical Assistance:
Audio Visual Department, Conferences and Campus Events Technical Services,
and Calvin Information Technology
Relatives and friends are invited to a reception in honor of the graduates. The reception will be held on the
Commons green after Commencement. In the event of bad weather, the reception will be held in the following
locations for the various departments:
Spoelhof Center:
Art, Education, Political Science, Sociology and Social Work
Fine Arts Center:
Communication Arts and Sciences, English, Music
Hiemenga Hall:
Classical Languages, Dutch, French, German, History,
Japanese, Philosophy, Religion, Spanish
North Hall:
Economics and Business, Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics
Science Building:
Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies; Nursing; Psychology
DeVries Hall:
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Administration
Prince Building:
Engineering; Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, and Sport