56 Oaklea Blvd, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 4W7

The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
56 Oaklea Blvd, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 4W7
Phone: 905-455-1001
Principal: W. Bodsworth
Secretary: A. Mijandrusic
St. Jerome Church 905-455-4260
Pastor: Fr. Jan Kolodynski
Fax: 905-455-3406
Superintendent: L. Papaloni 905-361-0146
A. DaSilva 905-890-0708
February 2013
of winter:
Season to cherish
O God, the source of human dignity,
in your image every person is
and by your Son all people are
Make us honour
the work of your hands,
that we may reverence you,
in those whom the world
considers least,
and serve you
in all whom society neglects.
February is the month of RESPECT in DufferinPeel. Each morning, over the PA, we reflect on a
bible passage that challenges us to treat others
with the same kindness, compassion and
understanding that we would hope for
Living and working in a school
community offers us plenty of opportunities to
test out our ability to put this virtue into action.
As inevitable conflicts and misunderstandings
arise, staff members take advantage of these
‘teachable moments’ to help children acquire
the skills and strategies necessary to work
through their frustrations and differences in
reaching a peaceful solution and restoring
Our teachers, Educational
Resource Workers, lunchroom monitors and
Child and Youth Worker patiently assist
students to communicate using “kind words”
and to imagine how the other person might be
feeling in the situation. Towards this end, staff
members use the five point anger scale and
restorative circles to help students develop a
healthy respect for other people’s thoughts and
feelings. As our students grow in maturity and
wisdom, we remind them that Jesus is their
model of virtuous living.
Together, with
support from our families and the parish, we
take small steps each day towards our goal of
creating a safe, caring, inclusive and healthy
school community.
Wendy Bodsworth
This month we will celebrate the
virtue of respect.
God has given us the virtues of friends and
companions to keep us company and to
help us out along the way.
Every person in our lives carries the Spirit of
God – and so every person is our brother or
sister through Jesus Christ.
As brothers and sister who share one Holy
Spirit, we are all valuable to God. We all
deserve to be shown consideration,
courtesy, sensitivity and thoughtfulness,
which are different ways of saying respect.
Respect should come first and foremost
from ourselves. We have to respect
ourselves and then we will be able to
respect others. We should also be able to
expect to be treated with respect by
everyone we meet – our brothers and
sisters in Jesus.
Through prayer and concentration, we can
get better at respecting ourselves as well as
respecting those around us.
Our Daily Prayer for February
Let us now pray…
For the virtue of respect so that everyone
we meet will feel like we are their
brother and sister in Christ.
Father Jan continues to support the faith
formation of our students, families and
staff. His guidance and leadership in
sacramental preparation, and his presence
at the school are much appreciated.
First Communion Enrolment: February 9th, 10th
at one of the regular masses. The children are
reminded to bring their enrolment name card.
Sacramental Dates
Reconciliation: Saturday March 2 10:00 a.m.
First Communion: Saturday April 27TH 5:00 p.m.
Confirmation: May 21st, 2013.
St. Jerome Parish Youth News
The youth group meets weekly on Tuesday
evening from 7:30-9:00 p.m. Feel free to join in
at the 7:00 p.m. mass before the meeting. Each
week the students explore their faith, play
games and form many friendships.
members Grades 7-12 are always welcome.
Our Catholic School Heritage
Question: Once section 93(1) was enacted,
why did Ontario’s separate school supporters
continue to suffer financial hardship?
The Separate School (Scott) Act of 1863 did not
anticipate the creation and/or growth of
corporations and public utilities in Ontario, or
the creation of public high schools. These two
omissions caused over 100 years of financial
hardship and inequity for separate school
Question: Why did Catholic parents and
students have to pay tuition to attend a
Catholic high school after Grade ten?
In 1871 the Ontario government passed an Act
to Improve the Common Schools and Grammar
Schools of Ontario. This Act abolished common
and grammar schools and created public
schools for Grades 1 to 10 and high schools for
Grades 9 to 13. The highest official with the
Department of Education, Egerton Ryerson,
commented that the 1871 Act did not affect
separate schools. The separate school boards
operating secondary school classes carried on,
receiving funding from grants and taxes.
However, early in the twentieth century the
government passed legislation which forbade a
separate school board from offering education
beyond Grade 10 if its boundaries fell partially
or fully within the boundaries of a high school
district. Thus, all but one separate school board
(in Dublin) lost their ability to receive tax or
government grant financing beyond Grade 10.
Furthermore, if a separate school board chose
to continue operating Grades 9 and 10, it
received only elementary school grants for
Lenten Observances
*Shrove Tuesday - Various celebrations of
Pancake Day will happen throughout the
*Ash Wednesday - This is a day of fast
(equivalent of one full meal, two light meals and
no snacking between meals) and abstinence (no
meat). We will have a liturgy and distribution of
Ashes at school.
*Cookie ‘n’ Milk Option - Students are invited
to purchase the $2 cookie ‘n’ milk package but
to opt to ‘give up’ the cookie to be shared with
a local food bank or homeless mission. Order
forms specifying this option will go home to
begin February 20th.
Meatless Pizza Days - In consultation with
School Council, we have decided to order
cheese pizza (minus the pepperoni) for Pizza
Days on Tuesday throughout Lent. This is a
symbolic gesture to remind students that this is
the season of fasting.
Pretzel Day - Holy Thursday is pretzel day. Only
students who place an order will receive a
pretzel. The $2.00 price will cover the cost of
the pretzel (one dollar for large dough
pretzel/sandwich plate size) and a one dollar
Share Life donation. Order forms will go home
before March Break.
Breakfast Club Open to All
Thanks to sponsorship from
the Boys and Girls Club and
Breakfast Clubs of Canada our
school breakfast club provides
a nutritious breakfast every
morning and a recess snack to carry away. The
Breakfast Club runs Monday to Friday from 8:25
a.m. to 8:40 a.m.
All students are welcome to join. There are no
stipulations, other than a desire to ensure that
your child has a healthy breakfast to start the
day! If you would like your child to participate
in this program, please phone the school office
and we will arrange for a permission form to be
sent home with your child.
Thank you to the many staff and parents who
volunteer to assist with the Breakfast Club. A
special thank you goes out to Mrs. Maria
DeSouza for ordering all of the food supplies
and organizing the scheduling of volunteers.
Kindergarten Registration - a big success!!
Kindergarten registration went well last week.
We already have 25 new registrations. As
families move into the area we will continue to
accept new registrations throughout the
winter and spring months. The following
documents are required:
1. Updated Immunization Records
2. Birth Certificate (Proof of Child’s Age)
3. Child’s Baptismal Certificate –or-4. One Parent’s Baptismal Certificate
5. Proof of Home Address
6. Proof of Canadian Citizenship
PLASP day care and before/after school care are
available on-location at our school.
Special Needs Children
Parents of students with special needs or
learning exceptionalities are asked to make this
fact know at the time of kindergarten
Early notification will ensure
adequate supports and interventions.
“Welcome to Kindergarten” Night
Parents and newly registered kindergarten
students for the 2013-2014 school year are
invited to attend a “Welcome to Kindergarten”
evening on May 15th from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30
p.m. in the school library. At that time, families
will participate in a variety of fun activities and
will receive a gift bag of resources.
Grade 5 EXTENDED FRENCH at St. Monica’s
The Extended French Program starts in Grade 5.
In the program, 50% of the total instruction is in
French. Several Grade 4 parents/guardians,
who wished to enroll their child in a Grade 5
Extended French class for September, 2013
submitted applications to St. Monica School for
the February 6th deadline. Students will be
notified later this spring.
Are You Moving?
We are in the process of organizing classes and
staffing for the 2013-2014 school year. If you
are planning to move anytime between now
and September 2013, please inform the school
at your earliest possible convenience.
Student Agendas
Please check your child’s agenda daily, as this is
a very effective tool for communication and
tracking of work. This helps students to
develop organizational skills, time management
and goal setting.
EQAO Testing—Grades Three and Six
A reminder that this year the EQAO assessment
for Grade 3 and Grade 6 students will run from
May 27th to June 7th. We ask that parents of
students in these grades ensure that their
children are in attendance during these weeks.
Visit DPCDSB on the web for Board and School
profiles http://www.dpcdsb.org/EQAO
I Matter
Grade 4 students will be learning about Child
Abuse Prevention. The unit called “I Matter?” is
a module of four lessons which will assist
children in understanding child abuse and its
various forms. The material will be taught in an
age-appropriate manner within the context of
the ‘Fully Alive’ Family Life program. Parents of
students in Grade 4 are invited to attend an
information session on the subject of child
abuse at the Catholic Education Centre (40
Matheson Blvd. West) on Wednesday, February
27th, 2013 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in Room 301.
Black History Month
Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools have a long
tradition of celebrating Black History Month
with special events and activities held
throughout the month of February. Please
check out the Board’s web-site for detailed
information at: www.dpcdsb.org.
At Pauline Vanier School many of our classes
will be researching, writing and speaking about
inspirational black musicians, writers, athletes
and politicians who have contributed to a more
inclusive and compassionate world.
February 18th, 2013: Family Day-No School.
March Break Reminder
The March Break this year falls on the week of
March 11th to March 15th. School resumes again
on Monday, March 19th. The last day of classes
before the break is Friday, March 8th, 2013.
Contact Information
It is critical that we have up-to-date
records of your address, phone
numbers, and emergency contacts
in the event that the school must
contact you regarding your child. If there have
been any changes, please contact the school
office immediately.
Attendance Verification
Please notify the school at 905-455-1001,
before 8:30 a.m., if your child is going to be
late or absent. Pauline Vanier’s answering
machine is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a
Late Students
A student who is late must obtain a late slip
from the office. This late slip procedure is an
important link in our safe entry protocol. When
a child is alerted to the office as absent, the
secretary cross-references students who have
entered late before making calls home to
confirm a child reported as absent.
The constant parade of late arrivals between
8:40 and 9:00 a.m. is delaying morning exercises
and interrupting the smooth start of morning
lessons. Children who arrive late are often outof-sorts and have a hard time settling into
routines. Their time to socialize and greet their
peers is lost in their hurried entry into the
classroom. Many start-up instructions have to
be repeated for those students arriving late.
Punctuality is important. Please ensure that
your children arrive at school no later than
8:35 a.m.
/Sign-out Book in Office
All visitors to the school, including parents,
tradespersons, must sign in at the office and
obtain a visitor’s sticker.
Students and staff
feel safer when a visitor’s sticker is visible. It is
also important for the safety of all students in
the school that students who are picked up
early by parents, or arrive later in the day, sign
in and out at the office.
Newsletter Format - What is your preference?
If you would like the newsletter e-mailed
directly to you, and have not already provided
us with your e-mail address, it is not too late to
let us know. Forms have already gone home
asking you to state your preference. Thanks to
the many families who have already returned
these forms and opted for the eco-friendly online version of the newsletter.
Student Illness
Students are expected to be healthy enough to
participate in daily activities,
including physical education and
outdoor recess. Should your child
(ren) not feel well enough to
participate in all facets of the school program,
please keep them at home an extra day or two
after an absence so they can fully recuperate.
Please be aware that there is no facility to care
for sick children at the school.
Next Meeting
School Council will meet again on Monday,
March 5th at 6:30 p.m. Please join us!
Staying in for Recess
Health Officials indicate
that fresh air is good for children, not harmful,
as long as students are dressed appropriately.
We follow guidelines from the Health
Department which helps us make a decision as
to whether it is too cold for students to go
outdoors: A wind chill factor of -22  C is a
modified day; -25  C students stay in all day.
During modified school days students will be
outdoors for both morning and afternoon
recesses (15 minutes) and for a maximum of 20
minutes at lunch recess. Please make sure your
child is dressed appropriately for these
extended periods of outdoor play.
Indoor Footwear
Students must wear shoes in the school
building at all times. Please note that in the
event of an emergency evacuation, students
will not have the opportunity to put on shoes,
boots, clothing articles, etc. Please ensure
that your child has an extra pair of shoes at
school, to keep their feet dry and warm
during wet and/or snowy weather.
Safe Outdoor Winter Play
The safety of all our students is of concern to
us. We remind our students daily about playing
safely. This includes staying off ice patches and
steep snowy slopes. Students should not throw
snowballs or kick snow at other students. The
fundamental rule in the playground is that
students are not to play any games or be
involved in any activities that involve physical
contact. Games such as Tackle Football and
Crack-the-Whip are not allowed. Accidents will
happen but cautious play will reduce the
possibility of injuries.
Keep your hands and feet to yourselves
No verbal insults or put-downs
Use respectful language at all times
Treat all people with courtesy and respect
Play only “no contact” games outside
Stay on school property at all times
Snow, ice, rock, gravel, sand and soil stay
on the ground at all times
Please discuss with your child appropriate ways
to interact with others, which includes keeping
hands and feet to themselves, using kind words
to resolve problems, and treating others as
Jesus has taught us, with kindness, respect and
dignity. Remind young children to walk away
when games get too rough and to report to the
staff member wearing a bright orange vest.
Students have been informed repeatedly that
inappropriate play will result in consequences
such as lost recess time, “think sheets”, a phone
call home, and sometimes suspension from
Recess Foods
Good nutrition is a significant factor in student
health and well-being, and academic success.
Parents/guardians are urged to send lunches
and recess snacks that offer all of the nutrients
necessary for energy and growth. High fat,
high sugar, empty calorie foods should be
avoided, except as an occasional special treat.
Pauline Vanier is an allergen aware school.
Please make a conscientious effort to avoid any
foods containing peanuts and nuts.
discourage home-baked goods and sweets for
special occasions and encourage parents to
consider non-edible treats such as pencils or
Playground Activity Leaders in Schools
Our P.A.L.S. group is comprised of student
leaders who help children to play cooperatively
on the playground. Under the leadership of
Mrs. Rebecca Bagley our trained students assist
our younger children several recesses each
week, promoting fun, safe, cooperative games
during recess. Children are reminded daily
about safety on the playground and the rules of
good sportsmanship.
Family Safety Plan in Hazardous Weather
Note that announcements about school
closures are posted on the Dufferin-Peel
website at http://www.dpcdsb.org and
broadcasted on most local radio stations. In the
event that the weather deteriorates rapidly it is
important that families have a well-established
safety plan in place.
For students who do NOT take the bus, please
discuss the following with your child/ren:
 the best way to walk home;
 with whom the child should walk;
 where he/she should go if no one is home;
 how the child should seek help if visibility is
a problem due to blowing snow
For students who DO take the bus:
Bad weather may cause
delays for student pick-up
at bus stops. Please ensure
that your child has a safe
place to go if the bus is late
or does not arrive. If you notice that a student is
stranded at a bus stop, please attempt to
contact the child’s parent for them. It is not
recommended that parents volunteer to drive
another child to school, without the permission
of that child’s parent.
If you decide to transport your child to school
because buses have been cancelled, please
ensure that you have made arrangements for
their safe return home at the end of the day.
A Note about Late Buses
As the winter weather intensifies, please be
aware that buses are often delayed in reaching
their stops. Follow these precautions if the
weather is extreme:
• Assume buses will be delayed
• Listen to the radio for bus cancellations
Check the website: As soon as the board is
notified of delays by the bus company
details will be posted: http://www.stopr.ca
• If possible, remain with your child at the
bus stop until the bus arrives. We don’t
want to see students stranded in the cold.
Please check your property tax bill to ensure
your support is directed to your local Catholic
school board, in our case, the Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board. You can verify
your support by contacting the board’s
Admissions Department at (905) 890- 0708, ext.
24511 or 24512, or your local municipal office.
Speak Up Winner
Congratulations to Mr. Daniels, Ms. Tac and a
group of students who were successful
recipients of a $2,000 Speak Up Grant to be
used for creating sets, props and costumes for
the upcoming production of Wizard of Oz. More
exciting details about these activities will follow.
Kiss ‘n’ Ride
Parents please do not leave your car
unattended in the Kiss ‘N Ride lane at the main
entrance of the school or in front of the
kindergarten entrance. If you are dropping off a
young child or delivering a lunch to the office,
please make sure your car is parked in a
designated parking spot, or on the street. We
ask parents to use extra caution in the winter
months due to impaired visibility and icy
conditions. Please be advised that there is no
supervision on the playground before 8:25 a.m.
Students must NOT be dropped off before then.
If you need to get out of
your car to assist your children— then Kiss
and Ride is not for you. Please use the
parking lots. Please also ensure that your
children only exit the car from the
passenger’s side.
Peel Public Health will be reviewing
immunization records of all students at our
school. Peel Public Health must have proof that
your child has been fully vaccinated
(immunized) according to the Ontario
Immunization Schedule. If you receive a letter
from Peel Health, please ensure that your child
has received the required vaccine(s) then give
the date(s) your child was vaccinated to Peel
Public Health immediately to update your
child’s record. For more information, please
call Peel Public Health at 905-799-7700, or visit
www. ImmunizePeel.ca. Translation services are
Report all immunizations
your child receives to Peel
Public Health:
On-line at
Call Peel Public Health at
Fax at 905-565-0426
goal is to raise $300. The Ambassadors will be
selling candy grams for $1.00 between February
6th and February 13th. The candy grams will be
delivered to students on Valentine's Day. Also,
there will be a raffle on Valentine's Day to win a
jar full of candy or a peanut-free cake. Raffle
tickets will be on sale on February 14th and will
cost $0.25 for one ticket, or 5 tickets for $1.00.
So help us "Send the Love" to Chalice this Valentine's Day, sharing the spirit of Catholic leadership as we enter the Lenten Season.
Wizard of Oz Update
Save the date! On Thursday May 9th, Pauline
Vanier will have the chance to ‘follow the yellow brick road’ to see "The Wizard of Oz". Tickets will be selling for $5.00 an adult and $3.00 a
child. Tickets will go on sale a few weeks before
the show. The students have been rehearsing
weekly, during and after school. and they are all
very enthusiastic about the production! We
look forward to big crowds at the show!
Fitness Fridays
Let's get healthy together! As part of our Catholic Community Care & Culture (CCCC) team,
Pauline Vanier is getting ready to get fit and
healthy. Every Friday at 3:30 until 4:30, Ms. Tac
leads Grade 4 - 8 students in a dance inspired
cardio workout, with some upper and lower
body conditioning. This is a fun and great way
to stay healthy and fit during the dreary winter
months! So come out and join Ms. Tac in a
healthy and exciting workout!
I genuflect before You Honorable Jesus,
Sending the Love
To kick off the Lenten season, the Youth
Faith Ambassadors (YFA) are "Sending the
Love" through the Valentine's Day Candy
Grams Drive. The YFA Team has expressed
an interest in purchasing a cow to support a
family in need. The money raised will be sent to
Chalice, a non-profit Catholic organization. Our
Respecting Your Will, Plan and Judgment! You
overcame temptations, maintaining self-respect
to the end. Jesus, You are my code of conduct;
I strive to comply with Your precepts. Teach me
all I need to know about respect, its mastery
being my long-term objective. May this include
learning to listen, allowing others to share their
opinions. May my respect towards other
humans truly reflect Your love towards all!
February 11th-100th Day Celebration
February 11th-ERW Day
February 12th-Shrove Tuesday
February 13th-Ash Wednesday
February 14th-Valentine’s Day
February 18th-Family Day (NO SCHOOL)
February 22nd-Junior Science Olympics
March 2nd-Sacrament of Reconciliation
March 9th to March 17th inclusive-March Break
March 28th-Holy Thursday
March 29th-Good Friday (NO SCHOOL)
March 29th-Easter Sunday
April 1st-Easter Monday (NO SCHOOL)
April 27th-5:00 p.m. Mass First Communion
May 1st-3rd, Ottawa Trip Grade 8
May 9th-Wizard of Oz
May 21st Sacrament of Confirmation
June 21st-Kindergarten Graduation
June 26th-Grade 8 Graduation
February 11th is ERW Day. Special thanks to Ms. Coates,
Ms. Miller, Ms. Piekarz and Ms. Sementilli for their
dedication and hard work with our special students.
We celebrate the gifts they bring to our school!